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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"I'll grab some weapons I have stashed in my dorm, Kiki's going to be fine. He can't be that evil," He later gave a reassuring smile. "Anyways, when do you guys think this speech is going to end?" Jason asked everyone.
"Why?" she asked Celestine then turned to Jin "I can take care of myself you know." she said.
Celestine heard Kiki's protests and Jason's reassuring smile but she can't help but feel uneasy about the coming evening. "Still please be careful."
Drats, the one girl who could see the future just spoiled his plan, he opened his mouth again and sucked stealing a part of the future seeing girl, causing a dull pain in her neck.
"I'm well aware of that Kiki its kinda hard to forget this morning y'know? But still I'd never forgive myself if something did actually happen to you and I could have been there to prevent it or at the very least help. I'm going to walk back with you whether you like it or not. Jin replied with a serious expression.

Celestine felt a dull pain in the back of her neck and rubbed it. She didn't think anything weird of it but usually the pain should have dispersed by now. "Just promise me that you'll be on the lookout."
Axel overheard the group speaking suspicious stuffs and walks towards them."Yo whats up? Somethings the matter?" he speaks sneaking from behind whistling a soothing music and trying to hide the fact he heard anything.

@Wings @Pyosimros @Aelin
Rattles landed on her shoulder and turned into a hawk then rumbled meaningfully. "Yeah what he said, or rather Rattles and I are in."
Jason looked over at another guy who just walked over. He was probably new. "It's nothing," he said simply. The less people who know the better.
"Okay, I promise." she said then noticed red on the back of Celestine's neck "Hey are you okay?" she asked suddenly worried.
He looked towards him with a much suspicious looks but refrained himself from any further interfearence into their matter "oh ok then....i guess i will be on my way now" he turns back and walks away still suspicious about whats going on.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I normally get pain with visions so it's no big deal? Why?" She asked. The pain on her neck wasn't getting any better so maybe it wasn't part of her vision pain. Okay this is weird. She thought frowning.
He felt a vision from the girls power coming on, the phoenix was about to go get some ice for the girl. He smiled then quickly slipped out of his seat and walked out, hiding around the corner of the next hallway.
Kiki looked at Celestine "I don't think your pain is supposed to last that long, here I'll go get you some ice." she said then stood up "Don't let anyone take my seat," she said. Then turned and walked out into the hallway,
"Kiki wait I'm coming with you, there's something not right with him conveniently leaving moments before you get up to get ice for her. You can call me paranoid if you want but I'm not letting you go alone he's clearly up to something, and I refuse to let him have his way. Jin said as he got up to go with her.

Jason sighed as Kiki left. "Okay since you had a vision of that guy, we don't know how strong he is so we all should be like bodyguards for the evening when the guy was supposed to suck her blood or something like a vampire," he explained to everyone on his row.
"Fine but you better catch up with me cause I'm not stopping." she was already rounding the corner of the hallway.
"Just let her take Rattles, he should be able to protect her and warn us if anything goes wrong."
He struck her as she turned the corner, absorbing the exsquisite, devine power of hers and sending the girl crashing into the floor.
"Everyone please be-" Celestine heard a thump outside the classroom. "Okay, did anyone else hear that because I sure did."
"Shit Kiki! God damn I knew that bastard was up to something. Jin cursed as he saw her fall to the floor. I don't know what type of power he has but there's no way he can handle all of us at the same time and he will pay for this Jin vowed. He picked up Kiki and brought her to the Infirmary before texting dru and jayson to tell the rest of the class that he needs to pay and to keep their guards up.

@Aelin @Drumonkey @Pyosimros

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