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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(Ugh go to school and over 100 messages with OOC in Ic, one liners , and other wrong stuff...what has this world come to ;-;. Also my pick is Ashley cause I love white hair :3)

Ashley had awaken before really anyone else as she was use to doing so, she snuggling up to Wolfy, her pet wolf pup. The snow-white mountain girl got up and got ready to go before grabbing her stuff, and the still sleeping Wolfy, and heading outside to the cafeteria; where in turn, she got herself breakfast, containing of cereal and toast with jelly on it. Once she finished her breakfast she walked around a bit as Wolfy continued to hang from her arms in a daze fashion, not awake nor asleep.

Ashley found the bench underneath a nice tree from yesterday and sat their, placing Wolfy carefully and softly onto the bench as not to fully awaken him, and sat down beside him before pulling out her sketch book and flipping to the almost complete sketch of Naomi petting Wolfy she started yesterday. She pulled out her materials and began to give the sketch depth, or life if you will.

"Well elementals are forces of nature that are gathered around a consciousness so they live almost indefinitely and have tons of power but they are like infants so they almost never use their power fully or correctly." Dru chuckles at his comment. "As for classes well I am sure they will announce when and where we need to go to."
Kiki got up from her spot and walked inside to the classroom. Everyone was meeting in the drama room -which was about the size of the gym- so they could be welcomed back and everything could be explained. Kiki took a seat in a empty row near the back and waited for everyone else. She heard the bell blare and an announcement go off "Everyone to the drama room."
[QUOTE="Wild Born](What is wrong with my goddam notifications?!)

wild please notice me ;w; ))
Jason checked his watch. "Well, class is starting. I'll see you there," and at that he walked out of the cafeteria. "Drama room..." He looked at a map of the school. It was the second left door. He began walking over there until he reached the drama room. He sat down next to Kiki since she seemed to be the only one there at the time.
Celestine heard the bell and sighed. "Well, no breakfast for me." She said a little upset, I mean who would pass up food? "Well I guess that means that we need to go to the drama room." She said and headed off that way.
"Well there's the announcement shall we get going Dru? After saying that Jin realized he had no idea where the drama room even is so he turned to Dru and asked him "Honestly I have no idea where the drama room even is just got here yesterday, any idea where we need to go?"

"Hey," Kiki said, then threw her leg over the chair in front of her, she watched as students started to sprinkle in one at a time, "this is gonna be so boring," she said.
( everyone to drama room xD ) hearing the bell he grabs his bags and flys into the room and perchs on a log in the cieling
As Axel walked further into the hallway he notices the boy floating down the stairs. He walks towards him , placing his right hand behind his head he asks to the boy " Nice to meet u, i am Axel, may i know where the dorms are located i need to unpack my stuffs and get ready for the class, sorry to bother you i am new here"


(anyone facing this problem of no notifications while doing something and when u open a page a horrible ammount of notifications flood the screen)
John walked into the drama room and caught a sweet scent, there was a very strong power in here, he took another wiff, there was a close to pure phoenix in here, and a shadow creature. Wouldn't those powers be fun to steal, he thought. He sat down in the back row and kept his eyes glued on the phoenix and the shadow creature.
"Yeah no problem follow me." Dru smiled and sprinted through the halls and up a flight of stairs Rattles still a wolf stayed near Jin encouraging him to keep up with Dru's pace after about a minute or two they arrived at the Theatre room. "I hope we get to hang out more I really want to see more of your lightning and you could be a good sparring partner." @CrimsonChaos
Sebastian nodded and also left to the drama room. He took a seat close to

Jason and Kiki, tapping his fingers against his knees in curiosity. Though he was calm, this attribute only added to the hint of grogginess that clung to his mind from sleep.

(anyone facing this problem of no notifications while doing something and when u open a page a horrible ammount of notifications flood the screen)
stopping i turn and look at them with dragon like eyes " sure go down this hall, turn to the left keep going until you see the two buildings, it is the one on the right." i say then continue noming on my poptart
Ashley got up a while later, putting her supplies away and carefully putting in the almost finished drawing of Naomi and Wolfy carefully away before picking up Wolfy, who now was up an d active as normal, and heading to the drama room. She sat down in a place with no people, as she would be too nervous to interact with that many people, and took out her sketch book and finishing up on the picture.
"Likewise sparring with someone with similar abilities always helps people grow faster" Jin agreed and then said "So what part of the school is the drama room in?"

Having heard the bell, Amberlynn made a small sound of disappointment and followed Celestine along to the drama room. She was also not willing to skip class just for food so she ended up enduring her hunger, fortunately for her it was not too terrible. Having arrived to the drama room, she sat on a random seat and took out a book, upon reading it she got really indulged in it.

(GTG now. Bye2)
"Hey Sebastian," she said. she felt some ones eyes on her and she didn't like it. She turned around and noticed someone staring at her, she whipped her head back towards the front and quietly whispered, "That guy is kind of creeping me out."
looking around he looks at everyone, he noticed the small sound of stomach growling and started growing restless. he couldn't eat infront of hungry people.... he looks around for the one who is hungry trying to locate the exact person. once they are located he throws a poptart exactly right so it lands infront of them. @Altheaire
(Bye bye)

Unfortunately no amount of food would make Celestine skip class so she would just have to preserver through the hunger. She found the drama room and saw quite a few people there. Finding a spot she sat sown and waved to Kiki. "Hello."

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