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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

" Hey, Kiki," Sebastian responded, looking at her and Jason as they whispered. He glanced back to see who they were talking about, but only for a moment until he looked back to them and shrugged. The guy was new to him, and he was curious, but it hardly gave him the motivation to join in on their exchange of whispers.
Following the directions he enters the male dorm area "hmmm..." he sighs looking at all the dorms around him. He walks back into the hallway dissapointed as he is too lazy to actually search the dorms and continues to walk towards the cafeteria planning to skip the class and have some coffee and rest for a while.
"No." she whispered, "Is he still looking?" she asked, right as the principle walked up and started talking, "Hello students! today isn't actually a class this is just so we can introduce the teachers and talk about the welcome dance..." the principle went on and on.
Jason groaned. "I called in that I had a fever last time it was welcome dance," He said silently to Kiki and Sebastian. Dancing was never really Jason's thing.
It is in the main body of the school but im sure you will pick up a map or the lay out pretty quickly so don't worry too much about finding your way." Dru smiled hoping to be helpful. @CrimsonChaos
"Got it I'll grab a map later after class and memorize it thanks" Jin said after follow Dru for a bit they arrived at the Drama room. He saw Kiki and the rest of the group over there with some odd guy creepily staring at them, he wanted to ask whats the hell wrong with him but decided not to as class is not the place to pick a fight. He sat down and said "Hey Kiki is your leg alright from earlier? And holy crap our principal loves to her himself speak I hate long winded speeches."

@Aelin @Drumonkey @everyoneelse
Celestine leaned over a bit towards everyone. "Is anyone else getting weird vibes from the new guy over there?" She whispered not wanting to get caught talking. She half listened to the teacher talking about some dance.
Dru sat next to Jin. "Wanna talk about long winded two wind elementals talking with an earth and lightning elemental. I wanted to shoot myself in the head for the entirety of that conversation you see earth elementals move slow naturally they talk like old people wind elementals are everywhere with their thoughts and just go on and on and on while lightning elementals speak much like I do so lots of information quickly and in a short amount of time."
"Really? I happen to enjoy a good dance," Sebastian said with a slight smile," as long as the setting is fitting, that is." He propped his chin into his palm when more people started talking, not minding it in the slightest. In fact, they were more interesting than this speech.
He smiled when the blood faun joined the pair, John was going to feast tonight. Starting with the phoenix, her powers seemed like the best option. His stare landed on the bloid faun now, it seemed he was also part demon, he opened his mouth a little bit and sucked in, a little bit of the blood faun and shadow creature. Just enough to get a glimpse at what they could do. It wouldn't hurt them they would just feel a slight pain
"I'll pass on talking or listening to them well unless I need a nap" Jin said while quietly laughing. He then turned over to Celestine and said "yeah he's easily the creepiest guy I've ever seen. keep your guard up around him nothing good can come from people like that." He whispered to the rest of the group.
"Um... Yep, legs fine." she said trying to ignore the stare she could feel "I'm definitely going to the dance, there so fun! plus theres free food so.." she said with a smile.
Jason looked back again. "Hey, he's still staring at us," he whispered over at the two. "He could just be a minor threat, it isn't like someone would harm us in public," Jason thought to himself. Though if he were a threat he could always grab the cane sword he stashed in his dorm room.
"glad to hear that you're alright, and whats this about a dance?" he asked Kiki and then said "hmm you sure you aren't going there for the free food?" he said with a teasing tone.

There was a slight tinged of pain and Sebastian froze. He looked around discretely, following the hint of dark instincts when his gaze landed on the strange guy again. Unaware as to why, he shifted in his seat to face him and continued to stare dully at him. It was rare that he ever felt these instincts, but the fact that they lead him to the guy was unnerving. He didn't like it.
Jason decided to ignore him for now. "I know I am," he grinned at Jin. Though the whole duration of the dance he would probably be eating instead of doing any dancing.
"I'm getting this weird vibe from him. Like I don't know wh-" Celestine's voice stopped and she slumped over. Her head felt like someone was pounding on her skull with a mallet. She squeezed her eyes shut with pain and began to have a vision.
"Alright new thing to do after this boring speech, I'll head over to my dorm and I'll grab the sword are precautions," Jason thought. He further hid his face under the shadows from the top hat.
Sebastian looked away when he heard someone stop mid-sentence. He leaned to see who it was, only to see someone slumped over. his brows furrowed as he looked to Jason and whispered,"what happened?"
"I tend to start avoiding dances but you know why not go to this one? it should be pretty funny if I do say so myself and like Kiki said free food." Dru chuckled at their enthusiasm and kind of payed attention to the principal.
"Celestine?" he glanced over at her concerned. Jason didn't want to answer Sebastian's question as much as he didn't know what happened.
The vision consisted of the new kid and Kiki after school today. She was walking alone and the new guy went and attacked her. Celestine couldn't quite see what he was doing because of the pain but she was sure that he was pinning her down. Celestine faintly heard someone calling her voice and came back to the present time. Celestine jerked upwards and breathed heavily, the pain fading. She looked around with a wild look in her eyes till she found Kiki. "Don't walk alone after school today and avoid him at any means necessary." She frantically whispered referring to the new guy staring at her.
"What happened? Should we be protecting Kiki or something?" he looked back at the guy. If Celestine's visions made her tell Kiki to avoid him he was a threat.
"I'm not sure but she was walking alone after school and he came out and pinned her down doing something." Celestine said still breathing heavily. I knew something was off about him and that just confirmed it. She thought.
(back uvu )

Axel gets up from the cafeteria and yawn stretching his arms concluding the 10 minute rest. He grabs back his bag and walks out towards the class where everyone are gathered wondering what is going on and if the class had already started.

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