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Realistic or Modern The Rosethorn Academy [OPEN to ALL!]

"That's the point, my dear girl," Braden said when she talked about Game of Thrones "It's complex, like our own world, with intrigue, betrayal and grand battles and the deaths, well, that's called trying to be realistic though I will say it isn't that realistic when you have Ice zombies and dragons going about the world,". He then smiled when shed mentioned Doctor Who "Ya, I like that one, will say. You know, I brought my TV with me and if you want to binge watch Doctor Who with me later you can. I got snacks and drinks of all sorts, heck, I remember when I did that with my cousin once and that was wild,"
Ughh. I'm going to be late for the assembly. (*rolls her eyes and runs quickly*) (checks her phone) I guess not. I have spare time, so should I associate with someone? It wouldn't hurt to try. (*sees a boy*) Hi. I wanted to see if we could be associates? What's your name? (*gives the boy a friendly smile*)

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Andros said:
"That's the point, my dear girl," Braden said when she talked about Game of Thrones "It's complex, like our own world, with intrigue, betrayal and grand battles and the deaths, well, that's called trying to be realistic though I will say it isn't that realistic when you have Ice zombies and dragons going about the world,". He then smiled when shed mentioned Doctor Who "Ya, I like that one, will say. You know, I brought my TV with me and if you want to binge watch Doctor Who with me later you can. I got snacks and drinks of all sorts, heck, I remember when I did that with my cousin once and that was wild,"
"I like a certain element of fiction in my TV shows. That way I don't really have to think. I mean, the whole fighting for power is realistic, but I just can't find myself caring." He mentioned binge watching Doctor Who later and Sammy shrugged. "Depends. Are girls allowed in the boy dorm?"
Zen noticed a girls voice, and he looked at the girl. "Uh... I guess? I'm Zen" Zen says to the girl as he kept on running down the hallway.

"Ya," Braden said "I think so but if not, I can probably sneak you in easily. Besides," he leaned over to the girl's ear and whispered "I was able to sneak in a few champagne bottles as well so if I can do that well, I can probably get you in as well,". When they finally got to the auditorium, Braden then said "Shall we, madam?"
Sammy's smile turned into a scowl. "Really? Alcohol? Damn it, I thought you were a good guy." She stomped through the door angrily. Her dad has a bad problem with alcohol, and Sammy condemns it wholly.
"God damn it," thought Braden "Guess she hates alcohol,". Braden also didn't drink much and only did it when either A He was partying or B It was a special occasion. He then followed her and said apologizingly "OK, sorry, I didn't know that you hated that so much so just calm down, OK?"
Andros said:
"God damn it," thought Braden "Guess she hates alcohol,". Braden also didn't drink much and only did it when either A He was partying or B It was a special occasion. He then followed her and said apologizingly "OK, sorry, I didn't know that you hated that so much so just calm down, OK?"
"How about this, you don't sneak illegal substances onto school grounds?" Sammy hissed. If looks could kill, Braden would be dead two times over.
Don't worry, I'm a Freshman too, but well the headmaster said I could skip a grade and he/she gave me an option. I'm not sure if I should go to Sophmore (*sighs*)

"Oh God, I really pissed her off," thought Braden as she gave him the biggest death stare he had ever seen in his life "OK, sorry OK, look, if it makes you happy, I'll drain the bottles out later so could we go back to talking about Doctor Who?"
Andros said:
"Oh God, I really pissed her off," thought Braden as she gave him the biggest death stare he had ever seen in his life "OK, sorry OK, look, if it makes you happy, I'll drain the bottles out later so could we go back to talking about Doctor Who?"
Samantha laughed bitterly and went to the back corner of the auditorium. "How about I turn you in for having alcohol on school grounds?" Samantha spat.
(*sees and hears Kurt and goes toward him and tells him*) I don't think so. (*stays for a second and turns the other way like she's about to run back to someone*)

"Well you should if headmaster said you could. You must be pretty smart to be able to do that." Zen said as he kept on running.

"Oh," he thought "You didn't want to say that, madam,". He then said to her with a serious voice "Look, if you were to try that, you would be messing with one of the largest families in the world with friends in every major government and I can make your life Hell on Earth. I do not like doing that and I like to leave that as a last ditch option but if you tell on me, I will personally make your life Hell. So, are you going to calm down now and forget this ever happened or am I going to need to take drastic measures?". He was right though, his family ran a major military firm that the U.S and many other countries depened on and his farther was close to the president himself, many of the judges in the Supreme Court, and many senators.
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Samantha's bitter laugh disappeared. Instead, she just set her jaw. There was so much she wanted to say to him. All she said was: "My life is hell." She then sat down and scowled at him. "I don't care how powerful you are. You still broke the law. No one is above the law."
"My dear madam," he said once she said those words "I am the law. My family has passed so many laws by our shear will alone and trust me, if you fuck me, I'll make sure that you will pay," he curled his fist and then sighed and calmly said "Look, you seem like a nice girl, and I like that and well, I'd hate to do something drastic, so, can we just please sit down and forget about this?"
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TheWhiteScarf said:
"Dang you are really smart! Lucky gift." Zen said as he smiled and he kept on running.
No, not smart. I just try really hard to get good grades. Maybe if you try, you could get straight aces like me (*smiles*) Oh, and I don't mean it in a bragging way.


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