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Realistic or Modern The Rosethorn Academy [OPEN to ALL!]

Max laughed and he did what Kurt told him to do before looking up at him." So, you excited for the new year?" He sat in his knees and moved some of his hair back away from his face and he thought about his sister,who had the same brown hair as him. Well,Ellie was older by two hours and she acted older but everyone thought that he was older until his sister made a note to everyone that she knew that she was older. Maybe Kurt would be good with Ellie but I don't know for sure and it's not like it's my decision if they date or not,that is up to Ellie because it seems like Kurt is more than willing to go out with her. "I know me and Ellie are and she's excited to see Jessica Rosethorn and all of her friends,I'm just glad to be here again."

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Kurt was behind his table and he said. "Yeah they seem fun. I hope they like loud music. You know I can be loud sometimes." He pointed his speakers. "See? Anyway, Being here can finally let me out of my house you know." He smiled. "So, when's our first rave this year?" He asked.

"Yeah I know,I couldn't sleep some nights cause of you and your loud music." Max thought about their freshman year and he shuddered at the thought of those sleepless nights but now he was used to it and he smirked at the freshmen who would never sleep because of this one person. "I don't really know but we usually have one during the first week right?" He didn't remember the first rave of last year but he remembered going to one and being awkward the rest of the time for some reason.

Max, I guess... (*blushes*) Sorry if I have the same senpai as you, but I'm not really sure. I have mixed feelings. There's another person in mind. I believe he likes someone else, so I just gave up already.

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Danny nods knowingly. "You're lucky" he said sullenly.

"At least you don't have to worry as much about whether he likes people of your gender."

Max is probably a heterosexual, Danny thinks sadly.

(whispers to Danny) I used to like Kurt. I first liked him from when there was a school tour. When I was on the tour, I saw him and he was really good on the DJ stand. I've been trying to see if that guy was still at the school, I found out he's a sophomore. I was trying to find my dorm a few days ago. I heard him talking to Max, I guess. I heard that he wanted to ask Ellie out, so I just gave up. Oh, and his music. Sounded just as great. It was amazing.

@xpstitch @Darkhan @CrystalYoshi
He finished wiring everything and said. "Done! Now it's time to test everything!" He opened his pc and started his dj program. He started to mix a bit and he went behind his speakers to Verify if the sound was okay. He then closed everything and said to Max. "Let's make a welcome party for the newcomers." He smiled at him

Danny, should we get to Gardening Club, I need to go quickly because right after I think I have theatre club :) .
(while walking to the garden, she talks with Danny) Danny, should I ever tell Kurt (*blushes*) or even Max (*turns as red as a tomato*) Ugh. I'm so confused.
"Yes most defiantly. You should defiantly make your feelings known. Keeping them hidden will torture you more than being rejected would. You see... Your culture is very much fake in your dealings with other people. My people have taught me that the truth shall set you free."

(yes the dorms are separate for the two genders)

(okay thanks) My culture told me to tell the truth, but I'm scared to be rejected and I hardly talk to Kurt. I'll sound like a stalker... I'll do it when I have the chance. Would I break the rules to go to the other dorm room?

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"People are going to dislike something about you whether you're doing bad or good, it's up to you to not give a crap about what a bunch of felicias think about you" Danny says. @IntoTheMist

"In fact, I'll demonstrate. If you can't bring yourself to tell your feelings, then I will tell him MINE and you will regret not doing it before I did. If you don't want me to do it before you, you may stop me and tell him before me"

Danny says. He then walks over to Kurt and says the boy's name to get his attention.... @Darkhan
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Danny! (*yells his name*)

(*grabs his arm to a nearby area*)

Why are you doing this exactly?

(*hits him lightly on the arm*)

I'll tell him okay? I'll try to tell him first.

(*walks back to Kurt*)

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(*hopes Kurt answers her first*) Kurt, please I really need to tell you something before other people tell you (*coughs sarcastically towards Danny*) (*sobs a little by the fact that she's about to tell him, but her hands are too numb by shock of this moment to wipe them off of herself*)

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"Calm down girl. I was only going to tell him about ME. Not anything about YOU. Now toughen up and tell him."
(*seeing Kurt's smile, she decides to toughen up and wipes her tears ff of her face. She listens to Danny and says*)

I know that you like Ellie and all, but I really want to tell you. When I heard that you liked Ellie, I was heartbroken even though I barely know you. You know, every since I saw you playing your dj equipment at the school tour, I started liking you. I hardly know you, but you seem so relatable to me. I really like you. Even if you don't like me back, I will still like you. (*blushes*)

@Darkhan @xpstitch (im pretty sure you're still there "Danny")

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