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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

"Yup but I wish the guy I took this suit from wasn't so skinny"

Kamina said walking towards the castle gates still pulling at his collar
Zcara quickly caught up with him " Try this " She reached up and undid the top button " The buttons make it tighter so loosening a few will help" She smiled and continued walking. She pulled the hood over her hair but let her face remain visable so she didnt look suspicious.
"Thanks but to bad I can't do anything about this"

Kamina said pointing at his shirt showing that his sculpted physic was clearly visible through his shirt
"Yeah cant do anything about that" she smiked and look ahead watching the guards carefully " If we had the time i coulf have let some of the stiches out making it looser but its too late to do it " She said not really focused on talkung more on keeping suspicion away from herself and kamina.
Kamina and zcara walked up to the closed gates, he looked up at the massive gates then looked at zcara

"This might pose a problem"
Zcara looked around " no guards in this area , we could climb over it or wait for them to open " she said still thinking .

(Off for the night )
Kalista look at Kiro "if she dint wake up we need to run out of the empire for you to frezz her with your magic or ice not ica can turn into water she water make chi burn" she said wo her as they continue walking as she can almost see some close mountains nearby.

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4
Kiro nodded as she prepared a freeze ice gernade and handed it to everyone. " You each get 3 be wise on how you use them. " Kiro said smiling with a kind smile..one she hever has shown before. " You ready princess." Kiro asked politley as she smiled. @Astaroth Suzumiya @ Anyone else in the group
"The entrance way is through lava?" Arca says as they were coming close to some mountains. As she was thinking of a way to get through the lava, one of the group member gave her small object, whatever it was, it was very cold to the touch. "Hm... I think I know how to get through the lava then..." She thought as she had the object in her hand.

Kalista Illea

Kalista stop and jump down her horse "okey this will be out stop for the horses.. lets place them beside the tree for this shall be out escape" she said as she look at the mountain "for now we must start climbing anyone of u is afraid of heights?" she ask them.

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4

Yami Illea

Yami walk to her empire laughing at everyones mizery and the plan on killer her sister is so close at her hands "once she is dead the whole world i shall conquer ahahahahahahhahaha!!!!" she laugh at her day dreaming victory as she feel some other presence that dowsnt belong in her empire. taking a walk as she saw them "what the?" she jump behind them "an to what do u think u foold are doing upon my empire?" she ask as guards surrounded them and she smirk "spys are we?"

@Alaster Von Grim @LostRose

(image of Queen of chaos and war )
Kiro loved heights and didnt mind climbing. she could manage fire in her denomic form...yet deal with ice...Odd. Kiro followed and began to climb the rocks she was happy to climb, After 1y years of waiting.
((10/10 Arca would admire the queen's body, and features))

"I'm not of afraid of heights princess, so i'll be fine in this endeavour" Arca says as she puts the ice object in her pocket. She also move the horses as told to do so. "So, i'm ready to go!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Spies us you couldn't be more wrong"

Kamina said then looked at yami

"We are here to apply for a job"

He said before he crushed the heads of two of the guards

"My strength is unmatched so I want to be your personal body guard, and my illegitimate daughter can be your handmaiden"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista illea

"okey lets go... kira dont melt okey " she said adding it up with a joke as they start climbing. when they reach almost to the top it start to get hot. she face them to check if they are all okey "when we get there lets meet up in the entrance okey?" she ask them as she continu climbing "Arca do u know how to draw a map?" she ask her since she look like she knows how to

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4

Yami Illea

"a prsonal Guard and a handmaiden?" she ask as she started to laugh "what do u think of me some weakling queen who need protection? i am Yami a goddess of Chos and war i can do anything " she said spreading her hands with a laugh "i might just put u two into the cell ... Guards!" she shouted as she place them into the cell along with the new girl she just Kidnap from Kalista Illea.

@Alaster Von Grim @LostRose @Zeldafangirl
As they were climbing the mountain, Arca could feel the sweat dripping from her face. "Gosh... this mountain kinda unbearable... at the moment." She thought as she climbs. "No princess, I sadly don't know how to draw maps... not in my field of work."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"A goddess watches over the world I am a Titan, so want to test your luck"

Kamina said as he took on a fighting stance

"Don't worry I won't aim for that pretty face of yours"
Kalista nodded in understandment "alright then i shall not ask but try to dar on my own or... Kami and glinch do u know how to draw a map?" she ask them as they reach the top and she wipe some of the sweat starting to form from her skin "its so hot now..." she mumble

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4

Yami smirk "oh i like that" she said as she take out her weapon "oh please dont pitty my beautiful face" she told her with a giggle as she ran into him and kick his stomach sending him flying as she teleport behind him and kick his back sending him down to the ground with a crack and not even allowing him to stricke. laughing she land down infront of him "oh u are saying?"

@Alaster Von Grim @LostRose @Zeldafangirl
"I can see even the princess can feel the heat of this mountain's searing lava..." Arca still notice that the princess was still wearing her hood. "Princess, take off your hood. You'll feel much better without it in this environment." She says worry for her safety. After all, her life is rather important then her own. So, she must keep tabs on the princess at all times.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

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