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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Kaminas theme song started to play, he grabbed yamis ankles and pulled them out from under her, he lunged up and grabbed her head and slammed it into the ground making a creator on impact as he pulled his sword out making it grow to normal size

"Don't get cocky just who the hell do you think I am"
Finch Order

Finch nod at Kiro for their goal and at Kalista to hide the horses behind and climb the mountain.Finch climb the mountain as they finally reach the top breathing faster and deeper "Yes...A old bird told me to do some before.I just need some papers and hope it won't burn here!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Others

Artagan Patch



Artagan had been waiting in a tree for hours, he watched as a mass of silhouettes gathered in the square to hear the speech of the Royal Chi, He had been there since before sunrise and had waited till around noon, that was when she showed herself. The guards were well positioned, stopping any who wished to climb up onto the balcony and take her out. however this would not be necessary, he separated from the tree, sitting deep in the overgrown canopy and loaded an arrow made of glass, this was one of his favourites to use for daytime assassinations. The Glass would not be detectable as anyone who could sense it would merely see a slight dispersion rather than a full object, the entire bolt was laced with the poison concoction to kill the target almost instantly. But the best part was that it was glass, and Glass would shatter upon impact with anything, meaning that if the Target were lucky enough to block it, it would shatter and strike them with thousands of tiny poison needles.

Artagan pulled back the bowstring, held is breath and shot, merging back with the tree as soon as the arrow left the string. He watched the silhouettes with his Life Detection and couldn't help but smile as he heard the Royal Chi stop speaking, screams erupted among the crowd, he watched as the Royal Chi's Silhouette faded away almost instantly, she was dead before she hit the ground, and he was no where to be found. Another Perfect assassination, it wouldn't be long till The queen of Chaos heard about this, and Kalista was sure to have hear about it, without a doubt knowing who had done this.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Zcara pulled on kaminas sleeve "Stop ..." she said looking towards the queen "we came here for work not a fight ka.... Father" She quickly spoke and started to fiddle with her hair nervously.
KingsPlague said:

Artagan Patch



Artagan had been waiting in a tree for hours, he watched as a mass of silhouettes gathered in the square to hear the speech of the Royal Chi, He had been there since before sunrise and had waited till around noon, that was when she showed herself. The guards were well positioned, stopping any who wished to climb up onto the balcony and take her out. however this would not be necessary, he separated from the tree, sitting deep in the overgrown canopy and loaded an arrow made of glass, this was one of his favourites to use for daytime assassinations. The Glass would not be detectable as anyone who could sense it would merely see a slight dispersion rather than a full object, the entire bolt was laced with the poison concoction to kill the target almost instantly. But the best part was that it was glass, and Glass would shatter upon impact with anything, meaning that if the Target were lucky enough to block it, it would shatter and strike them with thousands of tiny poison needles.

Artagan pulled back the bowstring, held is breath and shot, merging back with the tree as soon as the arrow left the string. He watched the silhouettes with his Life Detection and couldn't help but smile as he heard the Royal Chi stop speaking, screams erupted among the crowd, he watched as the Royal Chi's Silhouette faded away almost instantly, she was dead before she hit the ground, and he was no where to be found. Another Perfect assassination, it wouldn't be long till The queen of Chaos heard about this, and Kalista was sure to have hear about it, without a doubt knowing who had done this.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(Ey lol royal chi is a servan not something u think who would do that... btw Kalista,arcakami and finch are on their way to kill royal chi in her room)
Kalista look at them then to Finch "dont worry it will never burn as long as it dint touch by the burnig grounds " she said as she look at Arca "i cant do that Arca im sorry... but soon i shall remove my hood"she told her as she hold her hand "kiro if u cant take the fire u can wait out here" she said to her cuz ice magic users can be fastly affected by fire. "Everyone hold hands together then we will jump in my count."

@Aragon @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter

Yami gasp and made a wide grin as he slam her "im a goddess and you are a titan a medium race upon my eyes" she said as she look at him. Standing up and spitting the blood she look at him "i thought u would go and run but i see you potential." She said as she prepare into battle "but i wasnt done yet and this fight is only begining" she then heard the little girl talking "shut up you little pesk!" She boom and grab the girl smashing her body into the ground "stop talking like a weakling or ill make u a toy" she warned her.

@Alaster Von Grim @LostRose
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With the princess holding her, Arca was well and ready to go in. "I wonder why she can't remove her hood?" Arca thought curiously, as she took a glance at her. "I mean... she looks alright to me I guess. I don't know, maybe it's for protection. Yeah, that's it!" After all that meaningless thought Arca nods her head. "Ready!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Finch Order

Finch also nod at Kalista holding the hand of the person closer to him ready to jump.For now on it's seems to be safe so Finch didn't have to summons any dagger to defend himself.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Others
As Arca jumped with the group, she could feel the rushing heat catching on to her body. Though, she didn't seem to mind it one bit. She took a glace at the princess, and notices that she was off on her own little world. "Princess!" She yelled as they were falling. "What are you thinking about!?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kiro nodded " I can help fight. You will need a

l the backup you can get. " Kiro stated tKing out her swords. " Lets do this," Kiro stated as she made everyone a water. Kiros ice melted in the intensive heat but she could fight 1x1 with the body guards. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista snap and open her eyes as she was off in her thought "oh sorry... i just miss the old days" she said as she look at the lava and hear what flinch said and smkle "dont worry flinch ive been here when i was younger and trust me all u see have some mix of illusion" she said as they got inside the lava thoe they could all feel its cold and they fell from a hot waterfall like some hotsprings "alright were in."

@NickTonCutter @Angelostar4
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Kalista snap and open her eyes as she was off in her thought "oh sorry... i just miss the old days" she said as she look at the lava and hear what flinch said and smkle "dont worry flinch ive been here when i was younger and trust me all u see have some mix of illusion" she said as they got inside the lava thoe they could all feel its cold and they fell from a hot waterfall like some hotsprings "alright were in."

Kiro nodded as she Grabbed her swords, she could feel here theme song...but this may require a transformation...dammit. Kiro nodded at the princess " I can take on the guards, with backup. " Kiro stated as she enhanced her power on her sword. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Finch Order

Finch look around his eyes wide open "What kind of magic is that !" he say totally surprise about the temperature as he clean his clothes,looking if they were enemies around.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Others
"I know right... surprise its called Illusia" she told him as she get out of the water and look at the Queen of hells empire "alright so we enter the back door... do u think it would be a good idea if we split up." She said as she look at them.

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4
Finch Order

Finch nod as a Dagger appear in his hand with the help of his magic,sneaking up in the backdoor.When he was hiding he was waiting for more orders keeping his breath slow looking at the group.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Others
Kalista walk to some doors as she inspected the place he then forgot something but they were only a lil bit serated it can catch up " she said as she sign well never mind i shall do this anyways. she cast a Telekenesis to everyone 'hello everyone do u hear for now we can speak on our minds using my power. ' she said as she walk and hide from the guards.

@Aragon @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter
Finch Order

Finch say trough telekinesis "Alright..." A guard rush at him,before the guard could say anything Finch dodge the slash coming at him and strike back at his neck with his dagger.He hide the body behind a bush as he keep walking sneakily "Do you have any idea where the Queen is in that place?" Finch say trough telekinesis

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kiro nodded as she spoke through telekinesis, " Lets all split up, one group can take the guards the others can take on the queen, If you choose mt queen. Its just my assumption or best idea of making a move." Kiro stated before she was cut off by a guard. Kiro soon grabbed her sword, Holding it against the guards neck. " Move, and i slit your throat." she said coldly as she grabbed her dagger and soon froze half the guards body and freezing his mouth shut. " fire dose affect me but not till we get deeper into the castle. I can take on the guards the rest of you can fight the queen, If i go any further...I will be nothing but water...my magic wont be as effective. " Kiro said through her telekinesis. @Astaroth Suzumiya @ anyone else too damn lazy to type all names xD
Aragon said:
Kiro nodded as she spoke through telekinesis, " Lets all split up, one group can take the guards the others can take on the queen, If you choose mt queen. Its just my assumption or best idea of making a move." Kiro stated before she was cut off by a guard. Kiro soon grabbed her sword, Holding it against the guards neck. " Move, and i slit your throat." she said coldly as she grabbed her dagger and soon froze half the guards body and freezing his mouth shut. " fire dose affect me but not till we get deeper into the castle. I can take on the guards the rest of you can fight the queen, If i go any further...I will be nothing but water...my magic wont be as effective. " Kiro said through her telekinesis. @Astaroth Suzumiya @ anyone else too damn lazy to type all names xD
(Not the Queen hee servan if we go straight to the Queen we will be attack by the tree royals and it will turn to game over so we must assassinate the 3 royals first xD )
Kalista shook her head "no guys we are not going straight to the queen we must assassinate the royals first or else we will be writing out Death name" she told them as shs look around the area and silently kill a Guard "any signt of Royal chi yet?"

@Aragon @NickTonCutter @Angelostar4

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