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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Kalista look at him and sge nodded and walk to the table and taking ascroll "alright were suppose to be 50 yet some will never arrive it said here " she spoke as she tap the scroll "alright... in order to defeat the two Queen we shall defeat their royal servant and they are Six ... 3 from heaven and 3 from hell and we must be careful that there are spys among us" she said coughing a lil and taking a drink of water sge continued "when we have defeated all of them we shall now defeat the two sisters but one.. one will sacrifice and uts up to the team if tgey want it to live or die and end its misery"

Moving her gaze to the titan sge nodded "alright..." she spoke with a nodd and a laugh "that is... if they dont die" she said as sge walk back and sat in her throne

Chi nodded and smile "thank you" she said hugging him close again slowly drifting off to sleep

@NickTonCutter @Trust @KingsPlague @Alaster Von Grim
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]"You need to rest now Chi"
Kamina said as he looked down at her then back to kalista

"If that's the case I'll make those twin queens my servants as well"

" Your one to make anyone your servents." Kiro stated. " We need to figure out how to deal with the 2 sisters..do we not?" Kiro stated again as she looked at kalista. " Whare are the wounds located?" Kiro asked with curosity and concern.
Kalusta look at her "its in her chest" she said looking the them and wonder what to happen next

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Finch Order

Finch was sure that this plan won't be easy,plus the fact the Kalista point out : The spy.He turn back at Kalista "You must be courageous to fight trough the hardest way,right?" he turn back crossing his arms "I just wanna ask something about you.Would you die to reach your goal?" that was a creepy answer,but Finch need to know her answer to be finally sure about her goal.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kamina brought Chi to a vacant room and laid her down to rest before he returned to the others

"I'll make them my servants and take their empire as my own"
Kiro nodded as she Removed the arrow and soon quickly cleaned up the wound, applyed a bandadge ( those wrappy ish one somthin....) And soon used a majority of her ice magic and soon began to heal up chi to the best of her abylity. ( IGNORE DISSSSS POST..)
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Kalista glare at the titan and shook her head "no u cand do that ... Uncles will and testament have said that if the Sisters die nor become slaves i will be the one to hold the empires that be ill be the next Qyeen but sure to make everything right

@Alaster Von Grim
Aragon said:
Kiro nodded as she Removed the arrow and soon quickly cleaned up the wound, applyed a bandadge ( those wrappy ish one somthin....) And soon used a majority of her ice magic and soon began to heal up chi to the best of her abylity.
(Sge was already been healed by @Trust character)
Finch Order

That was a satisfying answer for Finch as he turn back at Kalista "A lot of people who try to save the world had to bear all the evil by them self,hate by people.Like i said before,just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.I'm not saying you're wrong either,and i totally respect you're goal.You can totally count on me for this mission." Finch walk finally able to take a sit after this.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Astaroth Suzumiya]Kalista glare at the titan and shook her head "no u cand do that ... Uncles will and testament have said that if the Sisters die nor become slaves i will be the one to hold the empires that be ill be the next Qyeen but sure to make everything right [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25673-alaster-von-grim/ said:
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL]
"Then you'll be my Queen cause that empire will be mine"

Kamina said as he walked over to kalista and smirked at her

"And don't worry I'll watch over the empire after you pass Titans live for millennia"
Zcara gazed at the stars and swung her leg off the branch humming to herself to help her sleep. "I swear mother I will take revenge for your death and bring that woman to her knees" she said sitting up "maybe I'll get deadbeat dad while I'm at it"
" Dont forget demons...live a while too. " Kiro said softly as she left the room, she didnt want to do anymore interaction. Kiro soon headed outside and fell asleep outside under the tree. The sun shining and beating down on her dark black hair. Kiro wasnt in her human form. but kiro needed some sleep its been 7 days od a week. Kiro needed some rest.
"These are the members of the revolution? Their just... so, so... what's the word." Arca crosses her arms, and thinks about it rather hard. "Unexpectedly... different. Their also very rude to the princess at that. Just, just... is this the revolution I was hoping for?" Arca just looks at the red hooded princess for a little bit. "Princess, I think i'll be taking another walk. I need to... think about my current thoughts a little more." She adjusts her glasses and takes her leave.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Just like the two sisters i am also live for infinite counts" she said as she cross her arms look at him " also to make it clear to you that i am queen of no one so might rest your dreams to yourself" she said as she put tge scroll back in its rightful order as she face the man "thank you for respecting my dessicion" he said with a smile "how about you any reason of joining in the revolution? I know therea propecy but i wanna know it about you"

@Aragon @Trust
"You are a bore"

Kamina said before he took his leave heading towards the capital leaving Chi to recover

"Maybe those queens will be more fun"
Walking down the halls of the castle once again, Arca encounters the researcher that have watched her trained. "Ah, good day to you Arca. Or... should I say good night to you." The researcher wasn't a very tall man. He wears a light blue cape, is currently carrying a clipboard. "That dastardly attack interrupt my research... hell above. Arca, how goes you in the revolution?" He asks with a smile, going through his blue hair.

"The revolution is... not what I quite expected to say the very least." She says while crossing her arms. "So far, their just a group of vagabonds that don't know proper etiquette. I'm also willing to bet that they have no idea how to cooperate as a team neither." Arca grown tired of standing still, and began to walk some more in the halls. With the researcher following behind her. "I mean... at least there is one person in the revolution that means my expectation, and he's a new recruit just like me."
"Hey don't jump to conclusions sweetheart, maybe you should come with it would be.....something to do"

Kamina said as he stopped and looked back at kiro

Zcara jumped down from the tree and stretched her arms before walking around the castle more trying to find a place to sleep for the night. She hummed a lullaby she heard when she was younger but not from her parents , she had picked it up from someone close to her family but she cant remember who. But the humming helped her relax or sleep if its been a hard day.
" then i wouldnt get to cocky...pipsqueak." Kiro said bodly as she left and headed to the brook and sat down cleaning her face and soon turning back to her human form. " Damn demon energy is tiring." Kiro said as she soon fell asleep by the brook. @Alaster Von Grim

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