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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

"I guess the princess must already known my real name... Probably just looking through the new recruits and all." She thought as she stare at the glass portrait with the princess. Standing up, she actually walks near her. "Oh? The king is the one that over see the prophecy? I didn't know that. How... interesting." Arca nods her head. "But still, the truth stands. Without you, we couldn't go on with this revolution. And... thank you for allowing me to be your personal guard." She bows to the princess.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista illea

Kalista at her with a smile "yes thank you for your words Arca" she said as she stop and look at the Glass of the two sisters "you know ill be so glad if we have defeated them ... but... ill never know what will happen next... ive never thought if it... how to start and make everyrhing back to-" she said stop when she saw a massive ball of fires going to in another land a fellow neighbore. She pause and can only watch the scene "glad thing were safe here... the sister cannot destroy the land were they have been born" she said as she sign.if they want to save humanity they must do it fast

She saw the ball of fire falling onto one of the nearby landscape. Arca looked away from the sad sight. "Don't think about the past princess, think about the future." Arca took out the smithing hammer from her sides. She then holds it up into the air. "Like my mother always said, 'The past could never be unwritten, but the future can'" She puts the hammer back onto her side, and puts a hand on the princess shoulder. "So, always think about the future. The revolution will defeat the sisters, and we will save humanity."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista illea

"Thank you but i must have mix up ny words... what i mean was... when the fight ended i dont know what to do next... you know everyone has a new life to begin..." she said as she close her eyes and walk out of the throne room "you know Arca.... to be honest im..." she take a last glance and notice the fireballs have ended "im scared..." she said as she sign


Fran Cait Husky


Fran's rage continued to build when the man dared call him a mere human. She froze time for a split second in the area around her and moved directly in front of him, making it appear like she had teleported, something a human could not do. She could show him a wing, but sadly, that would require her to de-clothe herself. She let out a strangled sigh and sat down next to him in an apologetic manner, knowing she had been rather rude

@Alaster Von Grim
Arca followed the princess out of the throne room, and notices her sounding rather weak... and somewhat scared in her voice. "Princess... that's just something we have to do deal with in the future." She says as adjusts her glasses slightly. "I know finding a new life, or just trying to scavenge what's left of a ruin land. But, you should just face the fear head on." A little small was forming on Arca's face. "And besides... you have some of the revolution members behind your back. We'll protect, or guide you, if you need it"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista Illea

"Yes you are right... sorry if i was thingking of something foolish like this and your right as long as i have u guys we will works this all out " she said as she smile and walk "tell me Arca... what is your dream when the war is Over?" She ask her with a smile.

Astaroth Suzumiya]( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25673-alaster-von-grim/ said:
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL] @Trust Queen of Chaos and war and Angle God arival at 10...9 -pause count- good luck )
(!!! Why would they just randomly appear to attack us! Technically, we aren't even completely into The Revolution yet! *heavy sweating ensues*)
"My dream?" Arca crosses her arms, and thought about it for a short while. "Well... I want to be Craftknight, just like my dad." She uncrosses her arms, and takes out her smithing hammer, with a smile on her face. "Just to let you know, a craftknight is someone that forges their own weapon, and uses it. I won't take any other weapon besides my own, it's the code of the craftknight."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Trust said:
(!!! Why would they just randomly appear to attack us! Technically, we aren't even completely into The Revolution yet! *heavy sweating ensues*)
(*your both are out of the map so i have to use the two of them the make u both ran back in the empire were u both a supose to be staying 8....7...-pause- im gonna continue when alaster arive she better prepare on your feets cuz this might get interesting)

Kalista Illea

"thats such a nice and simple dream" she said with a smile "maybe when everything is over i shall start building the empire back to its rightful reign... that way it was suppose to be... the day when everyone is singing and cheering and kids playing" she said as she smile and hold her hand without even knowing it "the day were everyone love and fun and many more" she said as she lean close to her with a smile.

she then realize what she was doing and back away

"oh im sorry for my manners i got out of my personal space" she said as she cough and blush fixing her hood "y-yes let us now continue walking" she said as she smile remembering the Golden days of the Arias Isla

Arca couldn't help but smile at the princess's act of... friendliness. Though she didn't mind it one bit, she was right after all it was completely going against her manners as a princess. Following shortly behind, Arca looks at the hand that the princess just hold on tight with. "It felt so warm... it also felt the princess's undying dream of being back her kingdom... yes, I could feel it" She brought that hand close to her chest. "The singing and dancing... that all sounds very nice indeed princess." She says as she follows the red hooded mistress around. "Though i've never lived around these parts, i'm sure it was quite majestic."

@Astaroth Suzumiya

Kalista Illea

"yes it is... this place has to much memories" she said as they reach the dance ball but some of the chandeliers fall into the ground shattered everywhere, some of the curtains have scratches and the floor have some cracks but she dint bother and only thing that she did was go inside and smile "memories as when u dance with everyone at their own rights, dancing with royals and dancing with the low ranks everything was so equal" she said with a giggle and spin around like dancing.

she stop "when this is over...we will all dance in joy" she said as she look at her "everyone will dance" she said with joy

(wanna hear a spoiler? :3)

"Seeing the princess being this happy... it makes me want to protect her even more, and make that dream come true!" Arca, look at her dance and giggle to her hearts content. She didn't want to interrupt this very happy moment for the princess with words, so... Arca just watches her dance around and explain the glory days of her kingdom.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

((Sure thing~ I would like to hear it))

Kalista Illea

"cmon Arca come join me" she said with a giggle taking her hand as they dance into the hall. but what she dint know was that there was a black bird watching the princess actions in the distance. looking at her joy and actions as it crook and fly away.

"you know what Arca maybe u can teach me how to craft when this is all over promise?" she ask her with a wide smile as they dance around and he was smiling from the first time once again


(in the ending the princess might either live or die its between if u guys wanna save her or end her suffering.)
She was taken aback when the princess grabbed her hand for a dance. But once Arca saw her smile, it warmed her heart to say the very least. As they were dancing in the halls, Arca nods her head and made sure her glasses didn't fall onto the ground as they dance. "Y-Yes! I would love to show you the ways of crafting and making new weapons!" Her eyes lit up as the princess took interest into something that she likes. It was crazy to say the least.

((I see... well, let's see what happens in the future))

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista illea

Kalista smile at her as she giggle "yes indeep it would be lovely i love to learn all the things that you know" she said with a giggle. She felt so connected to her as she feel when Arca is around she feels so protected and safe. Its feels crazy but she likes it "im glad i meet u arca " she said with a giggle.

@Angelostar4 (yeah ahaha xD but ive bet she will live)
"Don't mention it princess, i'm just doing my job as all. Which is protecting you." She smiles a gentle one, as they were dancing in the halls. "Sadly... once the job is over, I would have to leave her services" Arca thought. "Until then, i'll just spend my days risking my life for this red hooded girl..." Arca could feel her legs getting rather tired from the dancing, so she let go of the princess's hand, and took a load off on one of the nearby chairs. "My, my... you dance rather well princess. You took any dancing lessons in the past?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Kalista illea

"Well before my father died..." she stop and small tears fall in her eyes "that hast thing he thought me was dancing so... when i feel sad i dance... it remind me that he is there to try and cheer me up to the best way as he can " she said as she wipe her tears and smile at her "yeah..." he said as she jump "well that was a bit enotional sorry from the tears i shed" she said as she turn back. She miss her father real badly and so does her mother she miss then both.

Kiro looked up at the princess and smiled " Should we look for that...titan? It seems best before he gets away with chi." Kiro stated as she looked away. " it...it was a suggestion probably not the greatest. if you wish, i could go on the search. " She said in a serious tone, kiro was always serious when battle came...but how serious was the question. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Aragon said:
Kiro looked up at the princess and smiled " Should we look for that...titan? It seems best before he gets away with chi." Kiro stated as she looked away. " it...it was a suggestion probably not the greatest. if you wish, i could go on the search. " She said in a serious tone, kiro was always serious when battle came...but how serious was the question. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Were done on that oh are u in the forest?? 10..9...8... the two queen is comming for an attack

Anyways on what happen is that The titan escape and now talking w trust on the ecil demon and the Archer who wanna kill the demon... Kalista and arca is talking in the dance hall... hey wanna talk to a character i can make u talk w Zelda character since she gave meh the power :3 )
"Ah... I see." Arca rubs the back of her head, feeling worsesome about resurfacing some rather bad memories of the princess. "I-I'm sorry for even asking, princess." She leans back onto her chair, and just looks at the castle's wonderful design. "M'lady... do you mind having a seat? I'm pretty sure that standing is rather tiresome for you in your current state." She offers the hooded princess a seat right next to her.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
( yea...kiro is still out of the empire..ish.... i need to use her revolution name xD )

Kirito soon sat down drained from a shit ton of slashing and such. Kiro soon sat down and smiled at the sky, she almost forgot what it was like to smile. She had forgotten what family was like...she had no family...her father killed...her cousin killed...a acadmey that tought her how to fight...old...almost ready to collapse from so much fighting.,,but was it going to take lives as well? Kiro thought to herself. Kiro soon shut her eyes for a breif moment and sighed.. " Damn titan bastard...runnin with a captive like that...i should have kept my own guard up.." Kiro murmerd under her breath. @Astaroth Suzumiya

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