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Fantasy The Pack | IC

Matt let out a laugh hearing your stomach. seeing the diner made him have a similar reaction. He made his way across the street and held the door open for you as we stepped inside. The jukebox playing music from the corner as we took a seat in a booth. Glancing through the menu, Matt was like an excited child. Since going on his travels Matt mostly had taken to hunting as a wolf, so the thought of a warm cooked meal had him giddy. Putting down the menu, Matt struck up a conversation again.
"You planning on sticking around here?, I think this is where I will stop. Traveling is great and all but I just want something permanent now"

Interactions: ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler -Dia
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"Yeah, I do. I just asked Jackson if I could become part of the pack." Dia looked throughout the menu and set it down as a waitress comes over listing Dia and Matt's order which is an assortment of food. "So two sausage meals and a platter of fries and onion rings." She said with a smile all that order just for her although she wouldn'tmind sharing, winking at the pretty waitress which she received a blush from.

"How about you? Gonna be staying here too?" Dia asked as she eyed the oncoming platter of fries and onion rings. Dia's mouth was already watering as the blonde haired waitress placed the food down. "Ya'll hafta wait five more minutes for the meals." She said as she slipped a note with her number to Dia. "Yes. Food." Was all she said before digging in. Offering Matt to some if he'd like.

Interacting with: Matt Nightblade Nightblade

Feeling: Hungry

Location: Tater Tots Diner

Sybella wasn't sure what she was doing. But she had this pull towards the wolf who'd saved her. He didn't have to jump in- he didn't have to help her.

Padding threw the snow with a minor limp in her back leg, she stopped at an old den. She immediately recognized one of the scents but not the other.

maybe this was a bad idea... the gray wolf thought about turning back. But she'd come this far if only to say thank you. Deciding it would be best to wait she lay down near the enterance of the den.IMG_1754.jpg
A small white wolf wandered the area. She'd stop to sniff the air now and then, her ears almost always twitching as she listened to the chaos around her.

She wasn't sure where she was anymore but knew she'd been wandering for a long time. Her stomach growled loudly as she continued trudging threw the snow.

Keep moving! She growled as she dragged one exhugted paw after the other. Now and then she'd hear the howls of other wolves - and she'd bolt trying to find a place to hide.

Completely utterly worn out she collapsed head on her paws. Panting hard as she waited for her fate to be sealed. What was left of her pack would find her and they would kill her.

Get up!!! Her body screamed as she struggled to get to her feet. The trip threw the small river had been hell - her white fur was now caked in mud.

Dragging herself further into the thicket of trees, she sniffed the ground trying to find a place she could rest. IMG_1768.jpg
Glacier sat in the pack house not knowing what was going on in the outside world. He wasn't aware that Pallus and Ember had been attacked by a bear. Or that Matt and Dia were coming to the pack house soon.

Standing he pulled on a black hoodie making he's way out side to get some fresh air.

It was then he saw them - pallus and ember. Rushing over he wasted no time helping them to their feet. One at a time he carried them inside and into the kitchen. "Hang on guys, oh shit. Okay just hang on." He ran to get the first aid kit.

"Uhhh..." he had to force Ember to stay still so he could get a better look at her. "Damn it, she's really hit her head bad." He was pretty fluent in medical training but a concussion wasn't something he had to deal with often.

"Pallus, you two need to rest but I don't think she will with out you." He glanced at Ember who was giggling and saying, "cuuuudddles."
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Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Pallus went silent. He hated being useless in dire situations. With Ember injured and Glacier taking over, he was practically a lump of wood. His head got cloudy, and he wobbled a bit. He was exhausted, and hadn’t eaten anything for the past two days. Everything seemed to push in on him, the walls of the pack house suddenly restricting. “Can you- sorry," Pallus blurted out before bursting outside.

Being outside helped, and he drank in mouthfuls of the crisp air. As he surveyed the landscape, his eyes landed on the pool of Ember’s blood in the snow. He gulped again and went back inside.

/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: N/A
Aida flicked her ears impatiently. Nobody had emerged from the pack house in a while. She had seen a boy come out, stumbling a but, but he had soon rushed back inside. She crept closer to the edge of the forest, peering through bushes to try to get a look inside the cabin. Unfortunately, she got nothing. The female turned tail and retreated back to her pack’s camp.

“Nothing much has happened,” she reported. “I left some scraps of rabbit in their territory, trying to keep ‘em on edge,” she said. She had recently caught a rabbit, smeared it with her scent, and placed it rotting hide in the heart of the forest. It was better to keep the rival pack on edge, and all of the scouts were told to do tiny things in order to freak them out. Aida’s report was accepted by her dark alpha, and she settled down to eat. She would later return to her scouting space.​
Location: Cabin
Feeling: Pain
Interactions: hostage hostage Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Seeing Glacier, Ember Relaxed a bit. She knew his medical skills were good, so she laid back. Her mind was now focused on Pallus and his health. Babbling about him, she kept reaching out and lightly tugging Glacier’s shirt. “P-Pallus is... hurt...” Her emotions all over the place due to her concussion and the pain, she suddenly started crying. “P-Pallus can’t die... please... please...” She whined like a pup, thinking Pallus was in life-threatening danger due to his injury.
Though she wasn’t right in her head, her fear and worry toward Pallus seemed very real. Her light brown eyes were filled with anguish as her confused senses created Pallus’s mortal wound. She refused now to stay still, looking around for Pallus and tugging on Glacier. “Gla... Glacier... P-Pallus? Where!?” She wasn’t even formaing coherent thoughts anymore.
After a while of this, she slowly lost consciousness, finally slumping back into the table.​
Location: Forest
Feeling: Worried
Interactions: Amori Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

After helping Jasmine out and sending her on her way, Orion trudged through the snow, his mood slightly darkened due to the oss of a new friend. He sighed, veering of his usual path in order to keep his mind of the cute human girl.
Walking for a while with his headphones in, Orion almost didn’t hear the labored breathing of the small wolf in the bushes. Like when Jasmine has been screaming earlier, he had to pause in order to realize there was a sound other than his own music. Removing his earbuds, he searched for the noise, jumping back when he saw the wolf. A wolf?! But... it’s sleeping? I haven’t seen this one before... it seems kinda lost. He saw her move. OH OH NO ITS NOT SLEEPING. Taking a knee and putting his hands up, he smiled. “Hey little guy... I’m not gonna hurt you.” Maybe it’s hungry? “Hey buddy, do you want some food?” He really Hope dthos Wolf wasn’t aggressive.
Suddenly, he noticed it’s pure white eyes. “Wait... can you see me?” He waved his hands, surprised when it didn’t respond. “Wow, you’re blind aren’t you? Poor thing...”​
Glacier sat by Pallus and Ember. He kept the medical supplies near by, just in case he needed them. He spent quite a bit of his time reassuring Ember that Pallus was fine and in fact near by.

"Rest now." He whispered as she finally drifted off. "God I hope the others get here soon."
Amori raised her head only to scurry back a bit. She leaned forward ears twitching as they spoke her stomach growling loudly. Leaning forward she sniffed their hand before gently butting it with her head.

The small wolf wasn't sure if she could trust them or not but she was desperate for food and a place to sleep. What on earth are they doing out here? They don't smell like I do... are they human?

The small white wolf wanting to prove she wasn't of harm - and maybe desperate for a friend. Even if they were human - placed her body next to their side almost like a dog.IMG_1768.jpg
Location: Forest
Feeling: relieved
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Surprised that it gently bumped his hand with its head, he bit his lip in worry. After a bit, he began to calm down. When the wolf laid beside him, he smiled gently. “You’re just tired aren’t you? Hm?” He sat down, rubbing her gently. “You’re very beautiful.” Taking off his backpack, he pulled out a pack of processed ham. “I usually make myself a sandwich, and I’m sure it won’t taste as great, but I think you’ll enjoy it anyhow.” He opened the package, laying it before her nose. “It’s right in front of you.” He gently rubbed her, admiring her white coat.​
Location: Cabin
Feeling: Exhausted
Interactions: hostage hostage Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Sleeping, Ember’s mind began to drift. She dreamt, lost in her subconscious.
Standing, Ember was in a field, a long, white dress over her human form. Looking around, she saw Pallus in the distance, sitting alone by a calm pond. Laughing happily, she raced over to him. He stood as she approached, catching her and swinging her around. They shifted into wolves, running alongside one another and enjoying the prescence of one another. Tackling him after running for what felt like hours, they both shifted back. She leaned down, laying her forehead on his. “I love you Pallus...” She leaned down to give him a kiss-
Pain shit through Ember’s body and she awoke, being ripped from her happy fantasy. Looking around, she moaned. “Glacier?... Pallus?...”​
Amori sniffed the package set before her before glancing up at the person. She tilted her head to the side and then nodded towards the food. It might have come across that she was trying to ask if he wanted any.

She didn't want to leave him in the woods without anything to eat. Taking a tiny bite she savored the taste. Pulling back she licked her lips - before resting her head on his lap.

Exhausted she closed her eyes nuzzling into him. Savoring his scent not sure if she'd ever be able to sniff it again.
Glacier gave embers hand a soft squeeze as she mumbled softly. "We're here. We're right here. It's okay." He helped her sit up so that he could help her get some fluids in her. "Careful, you really did a number on your head."
Location: Forest
Feeling: Relaxed
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Watching the wolf with curiosity, he smiled as it leaned toward the package. When it pulled away, however, he was shocked to see it almost asking him if he wanted any. “Wow... you’re a smart one aren’t you? Thanks, but I have some bread I can snack on, don’t worry.” He let her eat it all as he combed her fur with his fingers.
Finished, she placed his head on her lap and he blinked in surprise. “This is incredible...” He mumbled, gently rubbing her more. “You’re so calm and sweet... I should give you a name huh? Maybe you and I will get to become good friends. What should it be, any suggestions?” Happily sitting with the wolf, he began to grow very fond of the creature.​
Location: Cabin
Feeling: Pain
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Mentions: hostage hostage

Thankful for Glacier’s help, she gave him a pained smile. “Thanks. And yeah, I can tell by the splitting headache. Where is everyone anyways? Jackson, Storm, and that girl were here too, weren’t they?” She looked around for Pallus, not seeing him.​
Amori wasn't sure if she should tell him her name or let him give one to her. Staring up at him she lay her head back on his lap nudging her head into his stomach. The tiny white wolf exhausted from walking closed her eyes.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been alseep. She shifted her weight glancing back up at him. She licked his fingers giving a wolfish smile.
Glacier moved to the side to reveal Pallus lying on the bed across from them. He moved over so that Ember could reach out and hold Pallus's hand if she liked. "I'll be right back. Stay in bed and rest." He went down stairs to check and see if the others were home.

Heading back upstairs be filled the two in on what had taken place.

Little did he know the tradgty that waited the pack.
wool 2.png
Location: Library || Interaction: n/a || Mentions: Nightblade Nightblade

After what had happened in the hospital, Ambrose was more than willing to leave when one of the nurses notified that he was done for the day. The blonde needed time to himself, time to process what had occurred and, most importantly, come to terms that the only man he'd ever loved had, in fact, had a son.

Ambrose sat within the vacant library, leaning back into his seat with a miscellaneous book in his hand. Although he'd read the first page countless times, the words simply weren't being soaked in. After all, his mind was wandering elsewhere, choosing to hover in the thin plane that separated reality and his hopes and dreams. Truth be told, Ambrose wasn't hurt that Nicholas had managed to find someone other than him: he deserved a partner that wouldn't abandon; he deserved a partner that would stay by his side; he deserved a partner that wouldn't make empty promises.

Truth be told, he was happy, so happy that, if the possibility arose, he would congratulate the family in person--but what was this tight feeling in his chest? What was this choking sensation that left him breathless, unable to detach from the very emotions he despised?

Then, like a butterfly gliding upon a winter breeze, the face of Matthew suddenly appeared in his mind. Instantaneously, the pain in his chest lessened, and a sorrowful smile even managed to creep up on his face. His resemblance to his father was truly uncanny, so uncanny that the cold-faced Ambrose began to feel that, should they ever cross paths again, he might even make an effort to be kind.
Location: Forest
Feeling: Happy
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

The wolf fell asleep in his lap and he laughed gently. “You just sleep... I’ll figure out your name later.” He gently pulled her out of the cold snow, wrapping her up in a blanket and laying her against his side. He slipped in his headphones, listening to his music while she slept.
When the wolf awoke, he looked down with a smile. “Did you sleep well? I hope so... I think for now, I’ll just call you Snow. How does that sound? Wanna take a walk with me? Or would you rather relax? For a walk, lick my hand, for some sleep, just nudge my hand.” He gently rubbed his hand against her face so she knew where it was.​
Sy growing tired off waiting for someone inside the den to notice her, stood padding further into the forest. Worn out she stumbled along slowly unaware of the danger that was lurking further in the darkness of the trees.

In the next moment she was slammed onto her side ivory teeth tearing into her neck. Her amber eyes caught sight of a large black wolf muzzle burried deep in her throat.

The smaller gray wolf managed to sink her teeth into the black wolf's neck clamping down. Her eyes blurred as she felt herself growing weaker and weaker. At the same time she felt them growing weak too.

That night - two wolves lay motionless in the snow.IMG_1763.jpg
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Amori licked his fingers as she slowly got to her feet shaking off the blanket that had been wrapped around her. She wagged her tail happily when he said that he'd call her snow for now.

Sniffing the air she listened to the sounds around her. Once she felt it was safe she nudged his hand. Maybe a collar or harness of some kind would make it easier for them to walk around.
Location: Forest
Feeling: Happy
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

He smiled as she began to wag her tail. When she licked his hand, he put the blanket back in his bag and stood up. “Hm... you’ll need something so I can help you around... Huh? Let me see what I have in my bag.” He knelt, pulling some random stuff out of his bag. “I have some rope and I have a really long scarf. Which one would you prefer?” He held them both out to her, enjoying her company.​
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Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
As he entered again, he could see Glacier next to Ember. He approached slowly, averting his eyes from Ember’s form. “How is she?” he asked quietly. He would never forgive himself if his pack
mate had died under his protection.

Pallus sat next to Ember, lightly running his fingers down her arm. He certainly did feel something for her, but he couldn’t act on his feelings. He was scared of commitment. Something could always go wrong, and being out of control of things always made him panic. The boy signed and blinked slowly. He had absolutely no idea what he was going to say to Jackson.
Location: Cabin
Interactions: hostage hostage

“Wow...” Her eyes widened as she heard all that happened. “I hope everyone is okay...” When she saw Pallus, she smiled a little. “Hey... how are you?” Her eyes looked over him in worry, not realizing her care for him was obvious.​

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