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Fantasy The Pack | IC

Location: The Forest
Interactions: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Frowning softly she shook her head towards him. "I'm not feeling bad for that, just that.." She paused not really sure how to finish the sentence. It was for sure that she wasn't feeling bad for running away, but what it was for even she didn't really know. Looking over her shoulder she patted her pockets a few moments before looking up to him in shock. "My phone! I must've left it when-.." Sighing again she slumped her head back down onto her knees in defeat. "When he told me to leave.."
Interactions: Ridge Ridge

“Oh okay.” He waited for her to finish her sentence, then watched her slump down. “Your phone? Oh that’s no problem! Let’s knits go back and get it!” He frowned. “Wait, who told you to leave??” He helped her to her feet, getting the blanket and other stuff and shoving it back in his bag. They began to walk through the snow, Orion admiring her beauty as she spoke. She’s so pretty. He knew he should have been looking in her eyes, but he couldn’t help but glance over her facial features once or twice.​

Location: Hospital || Interaction: Nightblade Nightblade

Considering how remote this location was, the spacious hospital was actual rather bustling, so bustling in fact that Ambrose, a new intern, was called in just to make up for lost time.

Due to the fact that he'd only just moved to this Coloradan town, he was rather unfamiliar with the building and had yet to even receive his own short coat. It was only because he had both prior experience and a confident demeanor that no one stopped him while he did his rounds.

The first patient Ambrose was due to visit was a young, red-haired girl who had yet to shake the effects of the anesthetic. This made his job rather easy, as there was no small talk involved to distract him from monitoring her vitals, checking a few boxes, and walking out of the room. The nurse shadowing him had no complaints, either.

Unfortunately, his next patient--also fresh out of surgery--was not going to be so easy to deal with.

Ambrose walked into the room, eyes still fixated on the clip board held in his hand. He glanced at the person in the bed, looking only long enough to realize they were indeed awake before he once again focused on the clip board.

"Hello... Matthew." It took a moment for Ambrose to find the patient's name one the paper slip provided.

It was at this time that Ambrose had a sudden realization. Almost immediately, his head snapped up to look at Matthew, but this time he stared for an extended period of time. His gaze was one of pain and confusion, and he opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped before any words came out. Simultaneously, his somber expression was replaced with one of indifference.

"How are you feeling?"
Matt groaned as he started coming around in the ward. He was still slightly high as the doctor reviewed the notes. Looking up, Matt saw the warring emotions across the mans face. Feeling confused he spoke up

"Like theres a truck somewhere that had a great time running me over"

He groaned as he attempted to sit up before deciding it was not a good idea. Resting back into the pillows, Matt asked about the people that came in.

"Is my friend ok?, she was hurt as well"

Interactions: Nepenthe Nepenthe - Ambrose


Location :: The Hospital
Feeling :: Relaxed yet Worried
Interactions :: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Jackson smiles weakly, “I’ll try not to brag about my bullet wound skills.” He chuckles, and helps Dia up a little bit, “yeah, we should try to find her room.” He says softly, nerves edging his voice.
He walks out of the room, holding the door open for Dia as she lumps through on crutches, and smirks softly in an attempt to lighten the mood. “A plus side to those crutches, if anyone acts up you can just bash their head open.” He chuckles, they get the reception. “Stormy Eve.” He says softly, the woman researches her in the system and nods, “room 408, she just finished with surgery so she may be a bit groggy.”
Jackson nods and walks down the long halls slowly, his body itches to see Storm, to make sure she was okay and to protect her.


Location :: The Hospital
Feeling :: Groggy
Interactions :: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Storm couldn’t remember much, but she remembered the pain. Her blue eyes flutter open, the white light above her glaring into her eyes, she winces and blinks a few times.
Once her vision focuses, she looks around. She was in the hospital, alone in a room. Where is Jackson? She wonders, panicking a bit for her brother. She slowly tries to sit up, and moans in pain. She sits up slightly, but lays back again. With a sigh she uses the button on her bed remote to bring her head forward to get comfortable.
She groans and sighs, when she hears a knock on her door. It opens slowly, to reveal Jackson and Dia, the woman she saved earlier.
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” Jackson asks, coming beside her bed worriedly, “I feel like I had my stomach ripped open.” Storm says softly, smiling lightly.

Location: Hospital || Interaction: Nightblade Nightblade

Although Ambrose didn't laugh, the nurse watching over him did lightly snicker. Based on the fact that the patient was able to joke, Ambrose felt there was no problem checking off the box stating he was in good mental health.

Upon hearing the man's inquiry, he was unable to answer and remained silent, unsure of what to say; most in this situation would lie, and state something along the lines of 'yes, we are taking care of her now,' but Ambrose said no such thing. His candid and cold nature didn't allow him such kind gestures.

Thankfully, the other nurse spoke up and did it for him. "Yes, Storm is doing just fine," she smiled over his shoulder.

Ambrose stepped closer, somewhat reluctant to close the gap between himself in and the patient; it was rather unusual for the stoic blonde to be this unsettled. He checked the IV, making sure the fluid levels were acceptable, as his mentor watched from afar.
Location: Arch’s den
Feeling: Embarassed
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

She laughed, the sound pure and sweet. “I’m sure he learned his lesson.”
If a wolf could have blushed, she would be a red as a blossoming rose. “I-I did I just.. I mean I- I just-“ She bites down on her tongue, feeling like an idiot. Turning, she licked her leg so she would have an excuse to face away from him.
Surprised, she paused as he accepted he rinto his home. “That’s... very kind of you.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his joke, slowly adjusting to his presence. “You’re hilarious...”
He returned and she stood, trotting toward him. Before she answered, her gaze lingered on his muscular frame, her eyes trailing along the black stripe down his back. She bit back an impressed growl and scraped the den floor. “S-sure. That sounds good.” Why does he look so handsome all of a sudden???
Matt went quiet and watched the blonde work. He could not for the hell of it figure out the look he was getting from him. All Matt knew was that it unsettled him. It started to cause matts stress to start building up, which naturally caused his inner wolf to become agitated despite the weakened state.

It struck Matt like a thunderbolt, the look he was getting was recognition. Having never met the man before it was then the pieces slotted into place.

"You know my father"

He said bluntly looking at the blonde for a reaction, something.....anything to give him an answer.

Interaction: Nepenthe Nepenthe - Ambrose

Location :: Headed towards the hunting
Feeling :: Calm

Interactions :: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare

Arch nods and begins to head for the hunting grounds, he shakes out his pelt again to get rid of the dirt from his den. “I can already smell the deer.” He says softly, inhaling deeply, he licks his muzzle.
A Doe was always his favorite big game, they were sweeter than a buck, and had less tough muscle.
He eventually gets close enough to the smell that he gets into a hunters crouch, peering out through the bushes as the small herd. It was one buck with three doe, he licks his muzzle. “Take your pick, I’ll let you lead this one just so I know you can hunt.” He chuckles, gesturing with his muzzle towards the herd. They were kicking over the snow and trying to eat the grass below, they were smaller than they were in the hotter seasons, but that’s no surprise since all the foliage was dead and frozen.

Location: Hunting grounds
Feeling: Excited and Confident
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

She followed him, shaking the dirt from her own fur before they left.
Settling into a crouch next to him, she eyes the group, narrowing her eyes at one of the does. “That one.” Without hesitation she leaps forward, her strong legs allowing her to close the gap and immediately tackle the doe. Grabbing it by the leg, she drags it a bit away before biting into is neck. The buck reacts slowly, making noises at her and charging her direction. Sliding to the side, she jumps into it and uses her body to knock it over. Snarling, her fur bristles and she looks three times bigger than normal. The other does scatter as she returns and finishes the one she first wounded.​
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Dia rolled her eyes at Jackson's compliment to himself, a small smile made it's way to her lips as he held the door open for her. "I'll definitely be using these when the apocalypse arrives, I don't think zombie meat would taste good." She joked as they walked through the halls. She could feel that Jackson is agitated to see Storm, reminds her of her brother. They got to the reception and found out Storm's room and headed there immediately. Jackson opened the door and revealed an already awakened Storm. "For the record, you did have your stomach ripped, but what's important right now is that you're okay." She said with great relief in her voice as she limped with a bit of difficulty, not used to using crutches. She sat on the couch near the windows and looked over at Storm, "I know I'm just a stranger to you, but you saved me. You and your brother, I owe you my life," Dia's eyes were soft and sincere, "if you'd accept, I'd like to be part of the pack." She looked over to Jackson, hopeful.

Interacting with: Tasteless Tasteless

Feeling: Relieved

Location: Room 408

Sybella sank down onto the porch glancing down at her body. She weakily staggered into the house stumbling into the kitchen. Glacier glanced up when he heard someone enter before standing quickly.

Helping Sy sit down he looked over her left leg which seemed to have the worst wounds - bite marks. "You need to stop looking for trouble." He hissed.

Sy rolled her eyes as she watched him finish fixing up her leg.

Sighing she stumbled to the window. In the back of her mind was matt and the mystery wolf who'd saved her.


Location :: The Hospital
Feeling :: Relaxed
Interactions :: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Jackson looks towards Storm, who shares a slightly shocked expression, and then back to Dia.
“Well, I would say we need a blood sacrifice but I think enough blood has been spilt today.” He chuckles weakly, he stands over Dia and pats her should gently, “the pack will gladly have you.” he smiles down at her. He looks towards her leg and sits beside her, “you can always come to us, for anything.” He says with a warm smile, which is shared by his sibling. “Always.” Storm echos.


Location :: Hunting grounds
Feeling :: Calm

Interactions :: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare

Arch watches her finish off the doe and nods, “I’m happy to see you can hunt for yourself.” He chuckles, sniffing the carcass. The doe was healthy, and would make a great meal. “Let’s get her back to the den, huh?” He bites onto the doe and begins to drag it towards the den, He was still favoring his front paw but it didn’t hurt as much as earlier.
Once they get to the den he pulls the doe inside and lays beside it, licking his muzzle. “You seem to be in a better mood today.” He comments, licking his paw to help elevate the pain.

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Location: Hospital || Interaction: Nightblade Nightblade

To say the patient's question took him off-guard would be an understatement. It became abruptly apparent to Ambrose that the reason why he felt so conflicted around Matthew was not only because of their uncanny resemblance to him, but also because their wolf had an aura resembling his.

Ambrose stopped handling the IV, frozen still as if time had stopped. His heart pounded so fiercely against his chest it was as if the muscle had grown wings and was trying to take flight. Was this person really his son? After all these years, after all these years...

Ambrose cleared his throat, stepping away from the equipment with his back facing the patient.

"W-what makes you think that," he stumbled over his words for just a moment, but swiftly regained his composure.
The evasiveness was only making Matt angrier. Angry to the point where he wanted to draw blood, but was holding himself back The only thing betraying him was the monitor which was showing the elevated heart rate.

"The look you gave me, somewhere between knowing me and looking like I was a ghost. I sure as hell don't know you and I grew up knowing I looked like him"

Matt sat up, ignoring the stabbing pain as the morphine was wearing off, throwing the covers back, Matt began to approach like a wolf stalking prey.

"Now tell me the truth, do you know my dead beat father"

Interaction: Nepenthe Nepenthe - Ambrose
Location:Arch’s Den
Feeling: Relaxed
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

She looked back at him and smirked at his comment, laughing a bit. “Oh there’s a lot I can do... you have no idea.” She leaned down, helping him drag the doe back to the den.
Licking the blood of her muzzle, she enjoyed the taste of the vermillion liquid, her tastebuds requesting more. She ripped into the doe as he spoke, eating most of its back legs. Blood covered her face as she looked to him, her feasting held off for the moment. Laughing, she went over and sat next to him. “Well I thought about things a bit more and realized I was judging you too harshly. You’re just a wolf who’s doing the best he can and I shouldn’t be angry at you for that.” She licked her chops again.​

Location :: His den
Feeling :: Calm

Interactions :: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare

Arch nods softly, taking a bite from the Doe’s soft underbelly. He licks his muzzle and sighs. “It was much different out there than it is here.” He says, pawing at the deers carcass, it was still warm despite the lack of life.
He twitches his ears, before taking another mouthful of its sweet flesh, swallowing it slowly as if he was thinking while he ate.

Location: Hospital || Interaction: Nightblade Nightblade

The room was filled with the sound of a rapidly beeping heart-rate monitor as the tension in the air became increasingly thick.

"Hey, hey! Hold on sir, you shouldn't be standing up!" The nurse who had been quietly standing in the corner of the room rushed forward with her arms out, just in case the patient should fall over--not that she had any chance of holding him up, considering the disparity between their sizes.

"Now tell me the truth, do you know my dead beat father?" Ambrose had had his back still turned to Matthew, seemingly unfazed by his rising aggression, but this single line put him over the edge. The usually stoic, stone-cold Ambrose actually turned around, a look of tamed animus spread over his face like a thin sheet covering a tiger.

"Do not call him 'dead-beat'," he growled between clenched teeth, standing tall in a display of intrepidity. The wolf within him had its hackles raised, clearly enraged by someone disrespecting one who had once been so close to him.

"Sir, please calm down! And Ambrose, this is not a good time," the nurse glared at him, clearly displeased with his performance.
Location: Arch’s den
Feeling: calm and relaxed
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

She ate some more, cleaning off the leg bone before leaning back and yawning. She looked at him as he chewed, studying his face. The male’s eyes were cold, but in a way that indicated he had experienced a lot of hardship, and survived. Looking over his body once more, she noticed his paw. “Oh your paw! Let me go get something for that.” She jumped up, leaving for a bit.
Walking out into the snow, she sniffed around for a while, thinking of Arch as she did so. He’s not all kind, but not directly hostile. He seems like he’s been through a lot in his life, but he’s not bitter about anything but humans. He’s strong and brave, and not afraid to put other’s in their place. He has a lot of good qualities... She thought mindlessly about the male as she picked a small plant with her teeth, trotting back to the cave. Laying next to him, she chewed the leaves in her teeth.
“Lemme see.” She mumbled through closed teeth.​


Location :: The Hospital
Feeling :: Relaxed
Interactions :: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Nightblade Nightblade

Jackson gets to his feet, “I’m going to try and find the guy from earlier, just to make sure he is okay also.” Storm nods and Jackson walks out slowly, he walks down the hall for a moment before smelling a very familiar scent, it was anger.
Jackson follows the scent and finds it almost smells like Matt, he comes to a door and curses softly.
He knocks lightly before poking his head in. He sees Matt standing up and looking pretty irritated, Jackson steps into the room. “Sorry.” He says to Ambrose and the other nurse, “I think you should sit down, you’re still injuried and we don’t need to risk unnecessary injuries.” Jackson says softly, placing a gentle hand on Matt’s shoulder. “Come on.” Jackson urges with a smile, though he was nervous. He didn’t want Matt to hurt himself worse or get so worked up he shifted in the hospital.
“Remember what I said back at the cabin?” Jackson says with a harder time, meeting Matt’s gaze, it’s not worth it. Jackson thinks to himself. Please do not shift, it’s not worth it.

Sybella sighed as she plopped down next to glacier resting her head on his shoulder. "This has certainly been one crazy and insane day." She whispered.

Glacier gave a tiny nod as he ran a hand threw her hair. "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we have new pack mates."

Matt was snarling, but a smirk came to his face. The guy did now his father and seemed quite put out about the fact that Matt seemed to be insulting him.
"And why would I call him anything else. Its what he was and no amount of time will ever change the fact that he was a total waste of space"

Matt heard Jackson's tone telling him to calm down. Like a bucket of water on a raging fire, Matts anger vanished. Sitting back onto the bed and taking a shuddering breath.
"I need to get out of here"
He said quietly to Jackson, a picture forming in his mind of his father abandoning his pregnant wife to be with the blonde in front of him. Resting his forehead against Jacksons shoulder, he let out a quiet pathetic plea

Interactions: Nepenthe Nepenthe -Ambrose / Tasteless Tasteless - Jackson
Location: Hospital || Interaction: Nightblade Nightblade Tasteless Tasteless

The nurse's words seemed to snap him out of his fury as he was reminded what his position was; the last thing Ambrose needed was to lose this internship and have to move again.

"And why would I call him anything else. Its what he was and no amount of time will ever change the fact that he was a total waste of space." Contrary to Ambrose's previous reaction, these biting words did not make him angry; instead, they brought upon him an incomparable sadness that crushed his heart and made his eyes sting with tears that would not fall. However, his face did not show it.

"Don't talk about things you do not understand," he said firmly, backing away from Matthew with an aching look in his eyes. This person looked so much like him, but that personality was a far cry from what his had been. Nicholas had been kind, docile--he never once raised his voice. It was a mystery as to how he could have produced offspring so high on testosterone.

"I'll go retrieve another nurse," he paid no heed to the stranger who barged into the room; he didn't need to, considering they seemed to have managed to put Matthew on a leash. With that, Ambrose swiftly proceeded to exit the room without another word.
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Diantha smiled from ear to ear. She felt like someone who just had her crush say yes, she looked at the siblings and remembered that she felt a bit of an infatuation with both of them which gave way to a slight blush to come across her face especially when Stormed finished the sentence with an "Always." Dia got up and walked toward the door, "You know, I'll let the two of you talk by yourselves for a bit. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and uhhh... powder my nose?" She said nervously, one she didn't think she's that close with the siblings to say that she was gonna pee and two, she really did need to pee. When she got in the comfort room she heaved a big sigh and cursed herself, Stupid heart and it's complicated feelings! Then she remembered Glacier and the sweetness he showed earlier, at this point she screamed internally with her eyes closed and still blushing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why don't the Earth just swallow me whole. She slapped herself hard to get herself together but she only got a stinging pain on her cheek.

Once she's finished, she got out of the room and noticed that Jackson was gone. "Your brother went to see our other injured friend?" She asked Storm before sitting on the couch once again. If Storm ever noticed the red mark on her cheek, she'd just tell her that it was nothing. "It sucks doesn't it? Almost dying?" She let out a small smile, "what I said when you first met me. I really thought you were her, you have that same sensitive look in your eyes but you don't look like her. There is a great margin in the difference of your faces." Dia was still nervous, as evident with her current babbling. "My brother was supposed to be our new pack leader. He's really brave and very much like a leader but he didn't have charm. Not one bit." Dia's eyes were gleaming, she loved her brother a lot, she idolizes the road he walked to. "I really miss them." She crinkled her nose, a habit whenever she feels a bit sentimental.

Interacting with: Tasteless Tasteless Storm and Jackson

Mention: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness Glacier

Feeling: Happy

Location: Room 408

/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Pallus nodded and trotted across the terrain, pushing through the snow. The sun bounced off of the pure white substance, making it hard to see. He veered off and entered the forest. He knew of some deer trails deep in. As they were walking, he heard Ember say something. As caught up as he was in finding a set of prints and a scent, he didn’t catch what she had said. “What did you say?” the wolf asked, flicking his ears alertly.

Suddenly, Ember let lut a yelp of excitement. “Deer tracks!” he said. He whipped his tail behind him, motioning for Ember to be silent as he sniffed the air, raising his large head into the wind. The scent of a female mule deer was unmistakable. He finally broke through a wall of twisted branches, then stopped in his tracks. The scent of the mule deer was thick in the air, crowding around the abandoned carcass in front of him. Two more scents roamed around the clearing. Taking a deep breath, he quickly identified the scent of a coyote, and then that of a bear.

“Get back, Em-” was all he managed before a towering creature rose out of the trees and swatted Pallus across the clearing. He smashed into a tree and hit the ground with a thump. He scrambled to his feet to see the bear leering down at him. Pallus feinted left, the bear taking the bait, then sprinted around its right side. He skidded into Ember, barking for her to run. He needed to get the bear out of the forest so he could drive it out of the pack’s territory.

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