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Fantasy The Pack | IC

Location: Edge of the forest
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

He gently led her away, walking for a while before he noticed she was shivering. “What’s the matter? Do you not like it?” He knelt down, holding her face with his han. “Hey you don’t have to come... I just figured you’d be safer until we find a nice den for you to stay in.”​
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Pallus sat up, keeping the ice still on his torso. When Ember came back, he looked up. Her eyes were wet. “Em-” was all he managed before she burst into tears. “Hey, hey, hey,” he said. She choked out her words, and Pallus’ heart tightened. A member of the pack was gone. He wrapped Ember in his arms, resting his chin on her head. He pressed his lips to her forehead, shushing her quietly. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, sending a mental apology to Glacier as well.
Amori backed away slowly she couldn't tell where they where but it didn't sound like the forest. She sniffed the air only to wrinkle her nose and let out what sounded like a sneeze.

The young wolf was nervous as she glanced up at her new friend. Glancing back at the forest she nudged her head into his hand taking a shaky step forward - towards wherever he was leading her.
Glacier felt a part of him die as he continued staring at her body. It gave him a little comfort to know that she did fight back. Shifting back to his human form he grabbed a shovel.

Heading over to the base of a large tree he stared to dig. Lying her body down softly he whiped at his eyes angerly. "Rest in peace sis." He whispered as he covered her.

Heading back inside the pack house he found Pallus and Ember. "I've burried her." He stated bluntly. "I want to put flowers over her. But... I don't have the right taste. Ember you know her favorites."
Interactions: hostage hostage
Feeling overwhelmed with sadness and pain, she only found comfort in Pallus’s touch. She buried her face into the should of his unijured side, feeling responsible for not knowing so many of her pack members had been hurt. She couldn’t stop crying for hours, not leaving Pallus’s side once.
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
He waited carefully for her response, surprised when he chose to go with him. He laughed happily, rubbing her. “You are a true friend aren’t you? Don’t worry, we’ll be back tomorrow morning and we can find you a nice den to stay in.” He gently led her out of the forest to a small road, where he parked his car. “Now this will be a little disorienting, but I rode up here in my car. I don’t want you to get hurt, so can I pick you up and put you in the front seat?”​
Matt followed Dia out and got into the back of the taxi. His scars were throbbing dully, but thankfully it was just uncomfortable rather than painful. Looking at the small pharmacy bag, he opened the small container and took out 2 of the pills a took them, with the feeling of the wounds going pretty quickly.

Relaxing into the seat, he had a slightly dopey grin on his face before he spoke up with a clear look that said he was dopey.
"Hey do you know how great she is I swear she makes my day so much better by being herself"
Matt grinned to the taxi driver rather stupidly, looking proud of himself.

Interactions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum - Dia
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Dia giggled hard during the ride, she didn't think a dopey Matt would be such a sweet talker. A snicker could also be heard from the driver, "Okay. Those meds they gave you certainly packs a punch." She stated between giggles. "I'm gonna have you sleep it off once we get to the cabin." The ride was quite eventful, Matt still being his silly self because of the medicine.

The car stopped just a few steps away from the cabin, Dia got out of the car, crutches digging down the snow. She patted Matt on his shoulder and said, "Alright big guy, let's go. We're here now." She gave money to the driver and he proceeded to go back to the town. Taking a few steps, she shouted, albeit it wasn't really that loud, for Glacier in a sweet musical tone, "Glacieeeer!" She trudged nearer and nearer to the cabin when she smell blood, immediately stopping her tracks.

Her ears could pick up crying, Dia's face darkened, "What happened? Is it them again?" Her thoughts immediately floated to the unknown attackers who hurt Storm. She hurried inside and found two other pack members, the woman was crying and the man was doing his best in comforting her. She only stood in wonder, not knowing what to do. Her eyes found Glacier with a crestfallen face. She walked up to him and touched his cheek. "Why do you look so sad?"

Interacting with: Nightblade Nightblade Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare hostage hostage

Feeling: Giggly > Horrified

Location: Cabin

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She glanced up at him wondering if he'd be able to pick her up - but then recalled she hadn't had a decent meal since well since her pack had tossed her out. Well not a decent meal for a wolf any ways.

At the moment she probably weighed in at around 30 - 50 Ibs. One a good day she'd weigh in on 50 - 85 Ibs. She let him lift her before lying down on the front seat.

What are these people going to think when he shows up with a wolf?! Shoot first ask questions later.
Glacier glanced up to see Dia and the boy Sy had saved. While he was thankful they were safe he wasn't thrilled to be around others. With a straight face he stared into Dia's eyes. If he didn't just come out and say it - he'd break down for sure.

"Sybella... Sy is dead."
Interactions: hostage hostage
Mentions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Ember looked up as the woman from before entered, only to leave again. I... I should comfort Glacier... but I... She sniffed, hugging Pallus. The world was spinning out of control around her, and Ember was stuck in the middle. Her head ached, her heart cracked, her body screamed, and her mind mourned. “This is too.... t-too much...” Overwhelmed, she began to hyperventilate.​
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Her permission granted, he lifted her up carefully. “Wow you’re much lighter than I expected... that’s not good.” He sat her in the passenger seat, rubbing her head. “Be prepared then Snow, because you are getting a full course meal when we get to my house!” He closed the door carefully and got in the driver’s seat, throwing his bag in the back and starting the car. They drove down the ride together and he smiled. “want to listen to music?”​
Glacier stared blankly around the house. "C...c...could you help me? I... I... want to plant flowers over her. But i don't know which ones she likes. I think it was peonies..." his voice cracked as he glanced up at them.
Amori rested her head on her paws before scooting closer to him. She rested her head on his lap closing her eyes as the road rocked her to sleep.

Her stomach growled as they rode and she peaked open an eye. Sitting up she stared out the window her tail wagging around like an excited puppy.

She carefully licked his hand letting out what sounded like a purr.
Matt came in with the drugs wearing off. Letting Dia go inside first, he could smell something was off as soon as he entered the cabin. He remained quiet as Dia asked about everyone and it was when the news broke about Sybella. Matt then recognized her muted scent and the death that came with it. It reminded him of the wolf that had helped him reach the cabin in the first place. Letting the pack grieve, Matt decided to busy himself making a cup of tea. His eyes welled up at the thought of the young she-wolf not being there. It was because of her he found a pack, a family, a home.

Interactions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum - Dia/ Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness - Sybella
Glacier whiped at his eyes as he tried to stay strong. "I... I... I'm going to go into town and buy some flowers for Sy. Uh, do any of you want to come with?" He didn't want to admit it, but he could really use the company.

"Matt, Dia?" He asked softly.

Nightblade Nightblade
Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Laughing, he smiled and turned up the radio. All the way back to the town he sang to her, enjoying the wolf’s company more than any human’s company. Finally reaching his small home at the very edge of the town, he pulled in the front yard, not having a concrete driveway. He looked around, then smiled. “We’re here!!” He got out, helping her down and leading her inside quickly.
Taking her to the couch, he smiled. “Now you just relax Snow. I’ll make us some dinner.” He kissed her head and went into the kitchen. The house only had three rooms, his bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room. The kitchen and living room were open to one another, a simple “counter only separating them halfway. “If you need anything just bark!” He put on some music for her, then Got to work.”​
Amori lay down on the sofa staring at the kitchen wher she could sense the man cooking. She sniffed the air trying to figure out what he was making.

But the young woman was starving so she assumed she'd love what ever he ended up making. Her white cheeks were tinted pink as she thought about how he'd kissed her forehead multiple times. Was it possible he liked her?
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Thinking whilst he cooked, he couldn’t help but wonder about his new wolf friend. No mater how hard he tried, his mind wandered back to her. Blushing, he laughed at himself. Falling in love with a sweet little wolf...
He cooked for quite a while before he finally came back in the living room. “Alright I’m done! Here you have a seasoned steak, some grilled chicken, and variously shaped chicken nuggets.” Having dug through his fridge like a raccoon, he managed to find lots of different meats. Of course, he had been saving it, but the wolf looked so thin, he though it worth giving up. For himself he had made a small portion of the left over chicken and a salad. “Hopefully you like it! Dig in!”​
Saying nothing Matt looked up when his name was mentioned. Seeing the other wolf barely holding it together, he just wordlessly nodded and joined Glacier heading out the door. Saying nothing, knowing he would want to speak in his own time Matt just took Glaciers hand and gave it a squeeze. Reaching the car, Matt took the keys knowing Glacier would be too upset to drive. Getting in and buckling up, Matt spoke quietly.
"Are you Ready?"

Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness - Sybella/Glacier
Amori stared up at him then down at the the big plate of meat in front of her. She knew if she shifted into her human form he wouldn't waste so much food on her. The young woman dabated shifting.

She wanted him to get his fill of food and not starve himself for her. But she couldn't imagen what a shock it would be for him if she turned into a human.

Staring down at the plate she pushed it towards him.
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Dia's mouth was dry. She didn't know Sybella but she knew that she was an important person to everyone in the cabin. It was overflowing with sadness, she was a good person as she was the one who helped Matt. This made her tear, she hugged Glacier tightly with one arm, letting her other crutch fall to the floor. At the corner of her eye she watched Matt make tea. "I'm so sorry, Glacier."

Dia could see that Glacier was on the verge of breaking down. She still kept hugging him until he asked if she and Matt wanted to join him in getting flowers. "Of course, Glace. Anything you need." She picked up on of her crutches and held his hand as she led him to the car, sitting at the back.

Interacting with: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness Nightblade Nightblade

Feeling: Sad

Location: Cabin

Location: His house (the town)
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

He ate happily, then looked up as she nudged her plate. “Oh don’t worry! I have plenty of food! You just looked a little skinny, so I made some extra food for you. It’s your’s, so please eat as much as you’d like!” He continued to munch.​
Glacier gave a soft smile as Matt squeezed his hand. He's mind as stained with the images of Sybella lying in a pool of crimson.

"Yeah... yeah." He choked out staring out the window. He gave matt's hand a soft squeeze before he started to drive. "I'm really glad your here." He whispered.
Matt drove the car with one hand, the other holding onto Glacier refusing to let go feeling the other wolf squeezing like his life depended on it. Focusing on the road, Matts eyes met Dia's through the rear view mirror and he looked worried. Things like this would affect the pack and in an odd twist it would be the two of them who would have to step up and help. In an action prompted by his wolf, Matt planted a soft kiss to Glaciers head.
"Your not alone. I promise"

Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness - Sybella/Glacier / Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum - Dia

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