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Fantasy The Pack | IC

/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
“I’m fine,” he replied shortly. Adrenaline had disguised the pain of his ribs, and he gave Ember a long look. “And how are you? You almost died on me,” he said shortly. “Do you want to go to your room for some... privacy?”
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Location: Cabin
Interactions: hostage hostage

She didn’t buy his response, but smiled gently at his question. “You’re very considerate... I’m fine for now.” She blinked. “Oh... yes... my room would be nice...”​
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Pallus helped Ember up, then shrugged and scooped her into his arms. Her body against his was comforting, and he climbed the stairs. About to go to her room, he changed his mind. He veered off and entered his own. He was often a private person, as many would notice, and his room was his place. Sharing his spot with Ember seemed right.

Pallus sat her down on his bed, then pulled up a chair. “ I’m so sorry,” he said quietly. His voice shook a bit as he apologized. “You could’ve died and it’s my fault,” he continued.​
Interaction: hostage hostage
Her throbbing head suddenly felt less painful as she leaned it against Pallus’s strong chest, her face lightly flushing. Happy simply to hear his heartbeat, she didn’t notice they had gone into his room until he sat her down on his bed. She opened her eyes tiredly and turned bright red. Before she could protest, however, he spoke, his voice trembling. Laying a hand over her heart, she shook her head. “No... Pallus it wasn’t... your fault...” She stood with shaky legs, accidentally falling into him. She blushed, then looked into his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault... I should have been more careful...” His... his eyes are like... gemstones...
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Pallus grabbed her arms. He listened to her, shaking his head a bit. “Ember, you should get some rest,” he said. He motioned to his bed. “You can stay here if you want. Do you need me to bring you anything? And... could you help me with this?” He lifted his shirt, just showing her the massive bruise covering the bottom left half of his torso. A shallow cut ran along it, dark red blood crusted around it. He silently cursed himself for not getting it attended to, but waved it off. Ember had needed more help.
Amori or Snow as she was being called now stood next to the man. She sniffed what he held in his hands feeling the difference in fabric.

She nudged the softer one figuring it would feel nicer than the rough one. Standing still she let the man wrap it around her shifting it so it was more like a harness.

She let him lead sniffing the air now and then. If they got too close to something she didn't like she'd move them to a different direction. Licking his hand for the first time she felt calm and welcomed.
Interactions: hostage hostage
She sat back on the bed, rubbing her head. As he raised his shirt, she gasped. “Pallus! Go get me our box of medical supplies and a bag of ice.” Why didn’t he say anything earlier? Was he waiting for me to get help first? She looked down, blushing.​
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Orion fitted the scarf around her when she approved of it, then helped adjust it so she felt comfortable. Following her around, he couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by the incredibly intelligent wolf. It’s almost like she’s human... They walked through the forest for a while before he stopped, leaning down and petting her. “Hey snow, mind if we take a break? I’m a little hungry.”​
Glacier paced the pack house counting down the hours that Sy didn't come home. Growing worried he ran outside shifting into a large Mexican wolf. Following the scent of Sy he came to a screeting stop.

There in a pool of blood lay his adoptive sister. Gently grabbing her by the tuff he dragged her back to the pack house. He sat by her letting out a mournful howl.
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
Pallus nodded, then left the room. He went to the kitchen, glancing around for the pack. He found it where Ember had been, and scooped it up. He filled a glass with ice, then ported his load back to his room. By then, his head was spinning from the effort. He collapsed on the bed, dropping the items next to him. The glass of ice took a tumble, spilling its contents over the sheets.​
Amori came to a stop sitting down next to him in the snow. She curls her body around him resting her head on his lap. Closing her eyes she listened to his heart beating in time with hers.

Although they had just meet she felt a tug to him that she hadn't ever felt. And she wanted to be by his side. but could he actually love a shifter? Would he be able to keep her secret? IMG_1768.jpg
Interactions: hostage hostage
Mentions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Waiting nervously, Ember wasn’t surprised when Pallus collapsed. Grabbing the bag and scooping the ice back into it with her hand, she sighed. “Lay back.” She lifted his shirt, going into medic mode. Taking some disinfectant wipes, she gently wiped his cut clean, making sure there was no dirt in it. After that, She bandaged it a bit. She then took the ice, gently tapping his head. “Can you lay your head in my lap?”
She looks up at the howl. That’s Glacier... but we can’t help... She bit her lip.​
Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Pulling out the blanket from earlier, he laid down beside her and rubbed her.
She’s so sweet and pretty... I wish she were human. “You know Snow... you’re so nice. That’s rare in humans, let alone wolves. I’m glad to have met you.”​
IMG_1768.jpgResting her head on his lap she licked his fingers giving into the sleep. The white wolf wondered if this would become her life now? Being a pet fona human? Having no pack of her own she didn't know if telling a human she was a shifter was breaking any rules.

But for now she'd wait to see what would happen between them. Nudging into his chest she made a noise that sounded a bit like purring.
Location: Forest
Pulling her into his lap, he leaned down and kissed her head. “You’re the sweetest... You know... you’re probably the first person I’ve talked to in a while... well not including Jasmine. But she said she had to head home to California or something.” He sighed. “See, I’m a happy person, and I’m friendly but... I can’t manage to hold onto friends for long. They never end badly they just, fade... I hope this friendship lasts for a long time. How about you? Would you hearing this ugly voice for a while?” He laughed a little, then gasped. “Oh I almost forgot! You and I have a little in common! One of my eyes is blind too! I have a long scar across it, but it’s not terrible. Your eyes are beautiful though... no scars, nothing. They’re like pearls.” He paused, realizing she was asleep. Blushing bright red, he laughed. “Sleep well...”​
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
He shifted uncomfortably as Ember cleaned his wound. The disinfectant stung, and he groaned, biting his lips to silence himself. It didn’t take long for Ember to finish, and he obeyed her request. He lifted his head to rest it on her legs, then closed his eyes. “What happened to Glacier?” he asked, hearing the mourning howl.​
Matt ordered a burger with sides of fries and onion rings with a large coke. He grinned when the food arrived and began to dig in, taking a big bite from the burger. Nodding in response to the question, Matt swallowed before answering.
"Yeah ive been traveling for a while now and this is the first place I feel I can settle in"
Matt explained, keeping it vague so that humans would not understand that his wolf felt comfortable here too. Eating a few fries, he drank half of his coke before slowing down.
"Sorry its been a long time since i have had good food"

Interactions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum - Dia
Amori purred softly as she slept pushing her way onto his lap a bit further doing her best to keep him warm in the snow. He's voice was soothing and comforting.

The white wolf woke grudgly blinking her eyes- she slowly focused on the man before her noticing he did in fact have one white eye. Leaning up she licked his cheek near his eye.
Interactions: hostage hostage Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Ember shook her head at his question. “I don’t know... I’ll go check it out. Keep that ice on your side and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Slowly making her way downstairs, she opened the door. “Glacier What’s-“ She stopped, her eyes widening. “N-no... n-no! NO!” She screamed, immediately bursting into tears. Closing the door, she went upstairs and grabbed Pallus’s hand. She shook as she held it, whimpering. “Its... it’s Sy... she’s... she’s...” She sobbed, kneeling by the bed.​
Location: Forest
Interaction: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

He rubbed her, smiling as she licked him. “Oh did I wake you up? I’m sorry sweetie.” He kissed her head again, right before she licked his face. He laughed. “I don’t know if that was a guess, but that’s the eye. It’s a long story but, it’s been blind since I was young. It’s not terrible, but it does scare some people. It won’t scare you though, huh?” He laughed gently, placing his forehead against her’s. “You’re not scared of me.”​
Sybella lay a bloody heap in the snow as Glacier nuzzled his adopted sisters neck letting out another mournful howl. He glanced up seeing embers tear streaked face only to see her vanish back into the house again.

"I will give the proper burial sis." He whispered.
IMG_1768.jpgAmori gave a wolffish smile as she stared up at him. She gently butted his hand with her head as she stood up slowly. Glancing around them she wondered when he'd be going home - when she'd be alone again.

What's he doing out here in the first place? She wondered. She waited for him to grab the make shift harness before waiting unsure where to go next.
Interaction: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
He sighed, standing up. “I guess we should keep moving. I... I know you belong out here... but... but would you wanna come home with me one night? I promise to bring you back next morning... I’m just... in kinda lonely.” He said honestly, thinking she wouldn’t completely understand the feeling.​
IMG_1768.jpgHer ears perked up licking his fingers as she nudged he's hand savoring the feeling of his fingers on her fur. The small white wolf let him lead her along since she was unsure where they were headed.

Her heart pounded as she realized this might be a horrible mistake. Oh god I hope he's not taking us into a town. Her inner wolf thought as she shivered.
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"Tell me about it! I'm surprised I got through on week without food." She said before taking a mouthful of rice and sausage, eating happily. Keeping up with Matt's eating even for her slender fframe.She ate the fries and onion ring while they're still fresh before finishing of her sausages and rice.

She finished eating in a matter of minutes and took a swig of her water. "Ah." Now feeling more giddy with more energy than before. "That was good food." She stated with a huge grin. She waited for Matt to finish, paying the bills by the counter and getting a discount for being injured. Once done, she motioned for Matt to the door and found a cab that could take them to the cabin. "Hi!" She said to the driver, taking the note Jackson left with Matt. "Take us here please!"

Interacting with: Nightblade Nightblade

Feeling: Satisfied

Location: Outside of the Diner


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