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Fantasy The Pack | IC

Amori gave a tiny nod as she stood back shifting back into her human form. "Yes, I understood." She whispered stifling a tiny laugh.

"But in my defense I thought it was.... cute." She stated staring at the plate of food that must have gotten cold by now. "Thank you." She stated softly. "If you hadn't found me I probably wouldn't have made it another day."
EmberInteractions: hostage hostage
She smiled as he laid down, then blushed when he invited her to join him. Shyly resting beside him, she held back a squeak when his arm wrapped around her torso. She was glad her back was to his chest, because her face was redder than a tomato’s skin. Her eyes closed and she allowed herself a small grin. He’s so strong... Leaning her head back into his chest, she sighed. “Thank you Pallus...” She said quietly, keeping her eyes closed.​
OrionInteractions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Blushing even harder, he laughed and stood up. “Y-you could have given me a little warning.”
He looked to her food, then to her. “It’s... it’s real no trouble. I’m just glad I could help.” He picked up her food. “Why don’t you grab a blanket out of the cabinet... I’ll warm your food back up.” He walked back into the kitchen. I can’t believe this is happening!! Not only she magical or something, but she’s liek an ANGEL!
Amori smiled softly as she watched him move back to the kitchen. His scent filled her nose and inveloped her like an intoxicating blanket. It was a smell she never wanted to forget.

"I'm actually not suppose to tell humans about shifters. But I feel like I can trust you not to tell anyone." She glanced up at him her white eyes fierce but also afraid.

"You won't tell anyone right?" She asked.
Orion Location: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
Looking at her from the kitchen, he shook his head. “No. I won’t tell anyone. I can tell this secret is... powerful. And beside, what kind of friend would I be if I ratted you out?” He came back after he finished, giving her warm food. Sitting on the couch beside her, he laughed. “I’m sorry this is just... so amazing. I think you said your real name earlier but I didn’t catch it... what was it again?”​
Amori smiled resting her head on his shoulder as he came to sit back down beside her. Taking a bite out of one of the nuggets she smiled savoring the taste.

Swallowing she spoke softly her voice like tinkering bells. "Amori. And you are?" She asked.

She suddenly had the urge to tell him everything about her. About how she'd ended up alone in the woods starving.
OrionWhen she put her head on his shoulder, his heart skipped a beat. He felt his face flush and he was glad she couldn’t see his face. His eye sparkled with adoration as he looked at her.
He almost shivered at her beautiful voice, the sound making him fall deeper in love with her. Resisting the urge to tell her any of his embarassing thoughts, he smiled at her name. “Amori... that’s a great name. I’m Orion.”
Without knowing anything else about her, he felt like spending the rest of his time with her. His heart told him he could trust her with any information. She was suddenly more valuable than anything he could own or find, and he wanted to protect her from the cruel world outside his home.
Amori picked up a nugget holding it up to his lips with a smile. He's adorable and I'd bet my soul he's handsome too. But that doesn't matter to me.

"My pack didn't want me... to them a wolf who can't see is worthless. They gave my Mother a choice either kill me or they'd kill her entire family." She paused. "I was just a pup so I don't recall much. But my mother took me, dropped me in mud and she carried me in her mouth for miles. And then... I was alone."

Amori gave a small laugh. "It's not easy hunting on your own." She gave his hand a soft squeeze nuzzling her head into his neck. "But, now I have you. And while you aren't a shifter. I want to stay by your side."IMG_1765.jpg
OrionLocation: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness
He blushed as she attempted to feed him. Unable to escape her, he gave in and ate it, listening to her story. Gosh she’s cute...

Her tale gripped his heart, and he took her hand. “I’m so sorry... that’s awful.” He could relate to her on some level, having been left his father at a young age and kicked out by his mother just two years ago. The loneliness that followed abandonment was next to none.

She squeezed his hand and he melted some more. “You... you really do?” He slid his arm around her, pulling her to his chest. “Then I’ll stay by your side... I’ll protect you if I can, and I’ll always help you.” He wasn’t sure what he was promising, but he was sure that this girl deserved a happy life, and he could give it to her, he would. Sitting with her in his arms, he smiled.
Amori leaned back into his chest munching away happily on the food as she occasionally feed him. "Yes, I want to stay here with you. But I also need to be able to wander the woods now and then."

"My wolf Snow, she doesn't like being cooped up too long it'll drive her crazy." Squeezing his hand she closed her eyes letting out a soft yawn.
He laughed. “Of course! You’re a wild animal at heart, I would never try and keep you keep all the time.”

He blushed, smiling down at her. “We can go back later... after you take a nap. You look exhausted.”
IMG_1771.jpgAmori let out another small yawn before setting the now empty plate aside. Out of habit she curled herself up into a small ball resting her head on his lap. A soft, gentle smile curled at the corners of her lips.

And for the first time since her mother had left her on her own - she slept peacefully. She didn't have to wake every few hours to make sure she was still safe. Nuzzling her head into his stomach she inhaled his scent.
Orion Taking in a deep breath through his nose, Orion couldn't help but catch her earthy, sweet smell. She's a keeper... I barely know her but I know this, whatever we have, is going to last a while... maybe itll become something even better. Tired from walking all morning, he wrapped his arms around her and took a nap as well, dreaming of the both of them together.
Amori shifted stretching gently as she blinked her eyes. They didn't want to squint or automatically shut so the wolf assumed it was either dark or cloudy.

Sitting up she stretched out her spine before glancing around. Standing slowly she put her hands out wanting to get a feel for where things where.

She stumbled a few times or ran into something softly, "owie." She'd muse. Finally growing tired she sat back down running a hand threw the still sleeping Orion's hair singing softly to herself.

"Close your eyes, and hear this lullaby. When you hear this song, know I hold you safe in my arms. Close your eyes, there's nothing to fear. For I am right here. Close your eyes and here my lullaby. Here this song and know that in your heart."
Matt remained quiet for the whole drive home focusing on his thoughts. Arriving at the house, Matt killed the engine and got out of the car. Making his way inside, he let Glacier and Dia trail in behind as he grabbed a hoodie and threw himself onto the sofa to turn on the television. His body language screaming that he wanted to be left alone. He flicked aimlessly through the channels,not settling on anything that could catch his interest.

Interactions: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness - Glacier/ Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum - Dia
Glacier watched as Matt flopped onto the sofa flipping on the tv. The man's body language would easily tell someone he wanted to be alone. Sighing he rubbed his temples before heading back outside only to stop short- there in the snow lay the body of the wolf that had killed Sy.

Glancing around he pulled the body back into the forest - knowing someone moved it to the pack. Someone was clearly trying to make them frazzled but he wouldn't let them. Now, he knew this wolf's scent and by heaven or hell he'd find them - and kill them.
OrionYawning, Orion leaned his forehead against her’s. “Amori?” He blinked, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. “Mm... come on. My bed is comfier.” He picked her up, carrying her like a bride. He took her into his room, laying her down on the bed and yawning a second time. “We’ll go back to the forest tomorrow morning...” rubbing his eyes, he walked out, coming back with a bean bag. He laid it beside the bed, settling down and falling asleep again.
Amori giggled as he picked her up gently setting her on the bed before leaving. Pouting she sat staring at the doorway. Hearing him re enter she raised an eyebrow.

When she didn't feel the bed shift with weight she scooted out of the bed. Shifting into her wolf form, she curled up next to where he was sleeping on the bean bag chair.
OrionSmiling, he shook his head. “Fine... Fine you stubborn wolf.” He picked her up, putting her on the bed. He slid under the covers next to her, pulling her close. “Just sleep silly...” He kissed her head.
Amori gave a wolf smile curling up into his side. Her white fur was almost like a blanket keeping whatever part of him that touched her warm.

Licking his hand she closed her eyes. Would he prefer if I was in my human form? She wondered as she felt sleep starting to take over once again.
Orion“You’re so fluffy and warm...” He mumbled, burying his face in her fur. “Beautiful both ways... incredible...” He whispered, falling asleep.
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The three got back to the cabin. Matt immediately wnet straight to the sofa as Dia and Glacier trailed behind. She didn't even notice the unknown dead wolf lying on the snow. Glacier's anger was oozing, he placed the body elsewhere in the forest and came back. She walked up to him and laid her head on his shoulder. "I know you're angry. It's okay to be angry but please promise me," her voice quivered as the thought of Glacier, her first friend in the pack, bloodied suddenly haunted her thoughts. "Too much has happened already, Don't hunt them down. At least not now, and not alone." She said with determination, knowing full well that her staying with the pack will be eventful.

She gave him a light peck in the cheek before leaving him alone. Sometimes people need time to be alone. She limped over to the same room they placed her to, laying on the bed. Trying to sleep even though she knows that she'd hardly get any.

Interacting with: Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness Nightblade Nightblade

Feeling: Tired || Sad

Location: Cabin

Glacier stared at the forest line knowing somewhere out there - was another like them. And for one reason or another they wanted to watch their pack fall apart.

Glacier sighed heading back inside. He prayed Jackson and storm would get back soon. Glacier followed Dia to the room she had been staying in shifting awkwardly.

"I know now isn't a good time for this. But someone out there wants to watch us fall a part. And they will do anything to achieve this. Just... be careful."
/coded by allure/

Mentions/Interacting: Cosmic_Flare Cosmic_Flare
He almost immediately fell asleep, the tendrils of darkness claiming him. Pallus slept soundly, his mind void of any thoughts or dreams. Finally, his body naturally woke up. He blearily rolled over, then jumped when he hit another body next to him. He peered over to see Ember. “Oh,” he muttered to himself. He wrapped his arm tighter around the girl, then nuzzled his face into the back of her neck. He stayed there for at least an hour.​

The young white wolf slept curled up in a ball next to Orion. On occasion she'd lay her upper body over Orion letting out a tiny purring noise as she slept.

She woke with the first rays of the sun like she'd always done. Letting out a tiny yawn she hoped off the bed, shifting into her human form.

Running a hand threw her hair she crawled back into bed, resting her head on his chest. She listened to his heart beat in time with hers - like it was her other half.

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