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Fantasy The Order of Seven - OOC

Okay I edited my post SilverFlight SilverFlight

Again, my apologies.
It was an honest mistake no worries. Reading that again it sounded waaay harsher than it did in my head ^^' I won't eat you I promise.

The reasoning is I find it much easier to make sure everyrone gets a piece of the action if I control the antagonist in the scene. There will definitely be times where we are swamped with little enemies, those times I will tell you all you can go nuts, but you'll definitely know before the fight starts.
Thanks for editing dude, appreciate it XD.
And if only I was smart enough to have Luna go into the mission fully outfitted!
Iona too, but tbh, it was supposed to be just a crime scene investigation. It will also be doubly hard for the ladies to come equipped in this era, a problem I intended. Helps build character etc. Maybe Iona and Luna can sit and complain together about it one time XD
Maybe when they're having tea in the living room. I understand keeping it realistic, but fighting monsters in a big fluffy dress is not exactly ideal. If anything, its probably gonna eventually get them killed. I mean...Joan of Arc defied everything and wore armor, didn't care much for it. Surely outsiders are going to be thrilled seeing Iona and Luna will eventually say screw it and start wearing armor and keeping their weapons with them on the daily.
Maybe when they're having tea in the living room. I understand keeping it realistic, but fighting monsters in a big fluffy dress is not exactly ideal. If anything, its probably gonna eventually get them killed. I mean...Joan of Arc defied everything and wore armor, didn't care much for it. Surely outsiders are going to be thrilled seeing Iona and Luna will eventually say screw it and start wearing armor and keeping their weapons with them on the daily.
Technically they only 'need' to keep up appearances in large cities, I set the first chapter in London on purpose actually to give players a feel for the code and the rules the order adheres to, after this the next two chapters I have planned (and these are by no means set in stone, I will be taking input from everyone if they want to change it up) will operate more outside the public eye, so they will be able to walk around in full armour and all their gear.
( The Gunrunner The Gunrunner that means more dangerous toys for Prenkus :3).
Technically they only 'need' to keep up appearances in large cities, I set the first chapter in London on purpose actually to give players a feel for the code and the rules the order adheres to, after this the next two chapters I have planned (and these are by no means set in stone, I will be taking input from everyone if they want to change it up) will operate more outside the public eye, so they will be able to walk around in full armour and all their gear.
( The Gunrunner The Gunrunner that means more dangerous toys for Prenkus :3).
Ahhhh, makes sense. On another note, Luna is well on her way to breaking rule three 0.0"

Moving on
New tainted in the lore. I've added faeries. I've had a question or two about them from potential new players.
Are they evil?
Some are. Most are neutral, but that won't stop them from exploiting opportunities when they present themselves. The ones that interact with humans most often I see as the tricksters. The more dangerous faeries don't engage with humans much unless they have a specific agenda.
I've started a general opening for my post; however, given the current goings-ons in the story, I think it might be best to introduce Norelle after the plan/trap has been executed. (Or, at least, moves further along.) I'll be keeping up with the posts and placing an eye out for a good moment.~
I've started a general opening for my post; however, given the current goings-ons in the story, I think it might be best to introduce Norelle after the plan/trap has been executed. (Or, at least, moves further along.) I'll be keeping up with the posts and placing an eye out for a good moment.~
You can come in whenever you feel is best. ^^
I just went through and read all of your guy's characters. They were all pretty great. Hat's off to y'all.

Now on another topic, who all is currently working on a post?

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