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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

Darian stood up as he started to walk off to the right side of the mansion. It was huge. There was a lot of rooms and a lot of stuff in those rooms. There was an indoor pool and an entertainment center. Darian looked up at Ace and put her down softly. He wrapped his arms around her. "Can you show me where the kitchen is please?"
Ace smiled. "Sure! Follow me!" she headed to the opposite direction and went towards the left side of the mansion. Taking Darian to the kitchen which nobody really uses, she led the way. It wasn't that far actually and it wasn't the hard to find. Well in her opinion. Making it to the kitchen, she opened the door and said, "Ta-Da! The kitchen."
Char was left in a small state of shock after hearing the girl talk about her dad's death in the air force. He had originally planned on going with Panda, but he heard footsteps so he put his love of exploration aside for a bit. Suddenly, he grabbed her leg and half crying, said "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He hopped of, wiped a tear from his eye, and looked up at her.
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Aoi's face dropped from a smile when hearing that her father had died in a war. "I never knew my real parents I was raised as a shrine maiden so really the outside world is fascinating for me I mean I never even knew a war went on recently." Aoi said forcing a smile on her face once again. "So what have you seen of the world then?" Aoi asked as she turned to face the girl who said her father died.
Denaki walked away from the kid and went outside near the pool, he felt really tired...so he dipped his feet into the pool and laid down starring up at the sky, and for a moment he looked peaceful but more than likely that would not really last. Denaki watched the sky for a while just chilling outside...he was awake now and no one was there to bother him. Denaki just wanted his alone time, the girls and kids were tearing him to shreds and in his mind the panda guy acted like a kid and kinda looked like one so he thought he was just a tall kid, he could nit stand other males and was confused on why that one looked so odd, he did not like that kid bur that was just because of his own dislikes nothing really personal. Denaki kept going back to thinking of girls, it never really got far in his mind he just wondered how much longer he could live there before he went nuts...he thought these peop le were crazy, and he might have been right. Denaki just cleared his mind and closed his eyes trying to just relax but he had a feeling someone would come bother him in a seconds notice.
Ariana was getting a little bored so she decided she go done stairs turn on the TV and and maybe work on her nails. She got her stuff and headed out the room and then saw that little kid and two girls talking it had just hit her what that girl Aoi was wearing it was cute. She went up to her and said "Hey isn't that a shrine maiden outfit?"
Darian looked at the huge kitchen and went to the refrigerator and cabinet. Everything that he needed to make a Mint Chocolate Mousse Cake. "Hey Ace. Every tried a Mint Chocolate Mousse Cake?" Darian smiled as he started to take out all the ingredients he needed and started to bake. Everything from scratch is something he likes to do. He would grab the recipe book but Darian makes it all the time so he remembers everything he needs to do.
Aoi heard another voice asking about her outfit. "Yeah it's normally worn by shrine maiden's but its name is a hakama I own one since before I came here I was a shrine maiden." She replied turning to face the voice.
Ace grimaced when she heard the chocolate. "Ew. No. I hate chocolate." She rolled her eyes as she just sat down and watch Panda make the dessert. It sounded appetizing. Well the mint and the mousse part. Just not the chocolate.
"Oh cool it's cute." she said she said with a smile then she headed down stairs to the living room. When she got down there she saw a very cute panda guy. Well she thought to herself maybe he'll be easier then mister bad mood. But it's not like I really need anything right now......... I i'll talk to him later. She then sat on the couch and notice the grouch out side with his feet in the pool. "Well speak of the devil." she said to herself. Then she turned on the TV to music videos sat down and started painting her toe nails.
Darian gasped. Not like chocolate?! That's the craziest thing he had ever heard. He looked back in the cabinet. "Well I think instead of white chocolate I can to Vanilla." Darian pulled out the ingredients and continued creating the chocolate mint dessert enough for everyone but Ace. He made sure hers was Vanilla and chocolate free. As soon as he finished, he grabbed the tea plates and placed small slices on each plate then placing it on a tray. "Ace would you mind helping me hand these out to them?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff6a19fe_SprinkleBakesMintChocolateMousseCake.jpg.20f8af5b00477a56a68645901fdafabb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff6a19fe_SprinkleBakesMintChocolateMousseCake.jpg.20f8af5b00477a56a68645901fdafabb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aoi smiled but didn't say anything as the other girl walked away."That's the first time this has been called cute." she muttered to herself turning to face the girl she was talking too before.
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Ace's eyes sparkled. They looked delicious. She wanted to take a bite but, she thought it would be better to hand these out first instead of just nomming by herself. She grabbed a tray and headed out to the living room. "Anyone want a snack~?"
Char decided he didn't want to talk with the girl whose father died anymore, so he said a quick goodbye, then left. As he headed downstairs, he heard his stomach growl. Suddenly realizing his hunger, he headed for the living room. Once he entered, he smelled the delicious scent of treats and Ace ask if anyone wanted a snack. He immediately ran to her, saying "Me! Me! Me!"
Ariana looked up from her toes and looked up and saw Ace with some kind of snack and Char running to get some. "What is it?"
Darian chuckled as he heard Char wanting some. He was still in the kitchen. He was preparing Sweet Honey Milk Tea for the drink. He thought it would be better to have a drink with the treat instead of having it by itself. Hearing someone asking what it was and watching Ace having trouble with the name he yelled from the kitchen with his voice smoother than butter, "It's White-Chocolate Mint Mousse Cake"
Ace handed a plate to Char. "Here you go~" She said with a smile. She thought it was adorable how Char wanted some automatically as she came into the room. Turning her head towards someone she never met before asking her what it was, "It's umm.. It.sss" She had problems as Panda just yelled it out for her. "Yea That."
"Oh boy! Ive never had real live moose before! I bet they taste like chicken." Char began stuffing his face with the cake, using his grimy hands to cram it in his mouth. After a bit, he stopped munching, saying "Where is the moose?"
Putting 2 tablespoon in the tea pot, he stirred and closed it. Bringing teacups and the tea pot with a cup of sugar cubes, he placed it on the coffee table. "It's not moose as in the animal. It's mousse as in creamy and thick pudding I guess?" Darian laughed as he poured himself a cup of tea, plopping three sugar cubes in his tea. Stirring it and sipping it, he took a plate from Ace and took a bite.
"Cake um thanks but I don't really eat sweets." She said then went back to what she was doing. But I would like a drink she thought to herself. She then saw the panda guy bring something out "Hey what is that tea?"
Char, clearly disappointed, finished his piece glumly. Then he heard someone mention tea. "No tea! No Tea! No tea!" he then tried to swipe Panda boys tea, too no avail. "At least tell me its not Gonoshu Tea." He began swiping again to no avail. He obviously wanted the tea to be gone.
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Darian chewed and swallowed before replying to the girl. He doesn't like to talk with his mouth full. "Oh. It's Sweet Honey Milk tea. You can taste some of mine before drinking one yourself. You said you don't really like sweets and this tea is somewhat sweet. Well in my opinion it is." Before he handed the tea to the girl, Char took his tea. "I-It's not Gonoshu Tea" He said surprised.
"Well I eat it sometimes but not very much." She looked at the tea. "Tea huh?" She really didn't want any tea she just wanted like a glass water she was kind thirsty. But she really didn't want to get up ugh why can't they have servants guess that's what boys are for she thought to herself. She looked at the panda guys and said with a sweet smile "Hey could you get me a glass of water instead i'm kind of thirsty."
Char looked at the tea, then back at Panda boy, then at the tea again. "Alright... I guess you can have it. But only because your rank almost captain." Char handed him his tea back. "Im going to go look for some meat in the kitchen. And if there isnt any moose in there." Char shook his fist to show that he would punish Panda boy, if there was a lack of moose. Then he headed inside, and searching.
Darian just smiled at Char. "Sorry Captain," Darian said as he stood up and followed him to the kitchen so he could get a glass of water for the young lady. Grabbing a glass and pouring some purified water into it, he went back to the living room and handed it to her. "Here you go~ I didn't put any ice in it, I wasn't so sure if you wanted any"

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