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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

Ace grabbed another lollipop and threw it in her mouth. She wanted to explore the mansion but now that she thought about it, she breaks a lot of stuff. Last time when she was exploring she broke a vase, a flower pot and a gaming counsel. Ace sighed as she just went to her room. She put on her headphones and grabbed her electric guitar. Turning the amp all the way up she started strumming out to her songs. "I'VE LOST MY GOD DAMN MIND! IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY! MEANT TO BE HERE!" She sang to the song she was playing by Falling In Reverse. Although she wasn't the best singer, she was good enough that she doesn't make people's ears bleed. Well that's what she thought.
Char arrived on foot, bouncing with excitement. He would so many people! As he rounded the corner to the mansion he saw a tiger lady enter the door. Happy to met his first new friend, he shouted "Hi" and rushed ahead, waving his arms.
Aoi bowed towards Denaki even if he has turned his back on her. "Nice to meet you Denaki i'm Aoi Kaze." She said as she stopped bowing and picked her bags up but then hearing another person who she turned to face. She then bowed towards him. "Pleasure to meet you I am Aoi kage and who might you be." Aoi said as she raised her head she was brought up to greet people that way so it was a force of habit plus she liked to greet people with respect.
Xena cringed at the sudden noise and poked her head out of her room, looking around. "What the heck is going on?" Once she heard Ace's music she sighed, rubbing her temple. "Here we go again."
Denaki looked at Char "Well, at least hes a guy...go flirt with him sassy" he says to Ariana and attempted to bow to Aoi but decided it was better not to because of all the stuff he was carrying "Nice to meet you I guess but you do not have to bow" Denaki says bluntly looking back at Ariana "Hey sassy lets get you crap to your room okay...." Denaki says walking up the stairs with ease and throwing her stuff down then looked at Xena "Lots of people are here chick" Denaki meant it too, three new joiners were there, he looked at ariana waiting for her to hurry up the stairs.
"Well let's just say it helps me get what I want. So I do have a reason plus it's fun. And sorry about your past but it has nothing to do with me." She looked to see who the new person was. It was just another girl. Darn she was hoping for boy she boss around. Since this one kept giving her back talk. Denaki started to pick up her things and bring them up stairs . Then he asked what were in the bags. "Oh well my clothes, make up jewlery, shoes and a bunch of other stuff. And stop calling me sassy!" She notice a little guy run in the house aw he's cute like a little pet she thought to herself. she then notice Denaki had her butterfly book in his hands with the rest of the stuff she ran up and grabbed it from his hands. "Sorry this is a personal book I never let anyone touch it." She then followed him up stairs.
Once char heard flirt, he was out of there, heading to the music. He imagined that the person singing it was a giant death robot machine, so he put his hands in a gun shape, and pretend to shoot baddies on his way to the song. Once at the room door, he attempted to kick the door, and entered the room, shouting "Put your hands in the air!"
Aoi rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry but I have been brought up bowing to greet others so I don't think I lose it overnight." Aoi said awkwardly after being told she doesn't have to bow. Aoi then began to walk up the stairs and picked an open room forth door on the left. She opened it and walked in she heard some music playing and she liked it so she placed her stuff on the floor and decided to find out where it was coming from as well as to what the hell the small lion boy from before was doing at the same room. Aoi walked over to the room and just stood over the small Lion boy she was only about a foot and a bit taller than him but she stayed quiet just slightly towering over him.
Xena stared at the chaos that was currently happening downstairs and sighed. More new people. Most of them were girls, except one. What was up with the female overload anyway? Were males like them more accepted? Shouldn't it be the other way?

It didn't matter to get anyway. She never had anyone else. She came here because she wanted to, and when she wanted to, she'd leave.
Ace left her room and saw Xena. Her back was facing Ace as the mischievous Ace ran and jumped on her back. "Hi Xena Nya!~" She said with the lollipop in her mouth. Ace giggled as she jumped off her back and stood in front of Xena. She pulled out a lollipop out of her pocket. "Do you want one~?" Ace wanted to be friendly and make a new friend.
Xena yelped in surprise, staring at Ace. "Don't do that! And no thank you. I don't eat candy." She sighed, scratching her ear absent-mindedly.

"We've got a bunch of new people. This place is gonna get noisy..."
"Sorry to say Sassy but you wont get crap from me, I am not going to help you if you act that way, I like the misfits...the ones you probably make fun of and hate on, I like them the most, just who I am...." Denaki sighs remembering his old Gf he loved her still so it was hard to let go she had some problems but he loved her never the less. Denaki looked around "Where do you want to sleep, my rooms way at the end, so don't pick that one, either of the ones on the end because there are 2, I just don't want to wake up and see you...." Denaki says looking down the hall to his room, it was very dark down the hall
Darian walked through the front door with his suitcase in his hand and his lucky panda hat on his head. It was chaotic in the room Darian stood in. A lot of commotion which Darian honestly liked. Darian smiled and flipped the hair out of his eyes to examine the place better. He let go of his suitcase and took off his hat and held it close to his chest. The place looked a lot bigger than outside. Not only that the place was beautiful. Darian isn't really surprised since outside was beautiful too. Darian's eyes sparkled as he looked up at the ceiling down to the floor then to the expensive sofas. "Imagine the kitchen..." He thought to himself. There was a big grin on his face. He felt like coming here was the best choice he ever made.
After being so clearly blanked Aoi just went back to her room seeing Denaki along the way be keeping quiet she was slightly upset about being blanked but it wasn't the first time she has been blanked so she wasn't all that bothered she just sat on her bed and began to whistle a tune she learned when she was younger.
Ace frowned. "You don't eat Candy? Why not..?" She looked downstairs. It was bigger than it was when Ace first came here. To Ace that meant a good thing. More friends in her opinion but to Xena, she thinks she doesn't like it when there's a lot of people. Ace didn't want to assume so she just shrugged and dragged Xena down to the crowed downstairs, putting the lollipop back into her pocket.
"Maybe I want that room down the hall." she said with a sly smile she saw the look on his face and she bursted out laughing. "Sorry I'm just joking but the look on your face totally worth it. But don't worry i'm not rooming wit you so you can be happy now. I'm not good with people anyway." She said with a sad smile. Then she realized what she was just said. She tossed her hair and said "just pick one I don't care."
Xena sighed, letting Ace drag her down the stairs. She was the only one she was even remotely used to by this point, reminding her a bit of an old friend. It was annoying at times, but at others it was comforting.
Char was not discouraged by the failed attack attempt. He wandered the halls, continuing his game. He heard talk around the hallway corner so, he turned the corner and sprinted, firing his fake hand gun, and ultimately jumping on this guy's (Denakis) back. Laughing, Cha said "I got you!"
Denaki did have a look of total fear for a moment but it subsided "Please tell me your kidding, a girl who flirts with every guy is not good with people....sounds like a joke...." He says looking around at the rooms at one point some people would have to live together, hopefully Denaki could be alone for a while....he hated his own kind, males that is and was afraid of love...what kind of roommate could they even put him with..."Your choice Sassy, not mine....sorry but I can't choose your room..." he says seriously looking at all the rooms, then looking at the floor thinking of the theme song to jeopardy well he waited for her to choose. Denaki was then jumped on, he shook his body and attempted to grab the kid "Quit touching me you little punk!" he growled
Ace giggled. "Common~ Don't avoid people! Make new friends." Ace looked around and found a new comer with a suitcase and a panda hat on his chest. Ace grabbed his hand and pulled him to us. "Hi stranger~ Welcome to the family. I'm Ace and this is Xena~ I hope you'll enjoy staying here with us." Ace smiled brightly as she turned her head to Xena, moving the lollipop that was on her left cheek to the right side of her cheek.
Just as she was getting ready to pick her room that little boy jumped on Deanki's back and yelled "I got you!" Seeing Denaki trying to get him off was really funny she tried to hold it in but finally busted out laughing again but louder this time. "Man your funny you know that haha."
Darian was being dragged by a random girl to another random girl. He didn't know why but he dealed with it. He grabbed onto his suitcase before he was being dragged to the other girl. Hearing the girl's voice who's name was Ace he waved hello and with his voice, smooth as butter he replied, "Hi Ace~ Hello Xena~ Nice to meet you." He smiled but in his head he thought it sounded so corny. "I'm Darian." He felt sick in his stomach because it just sounded so weird. He built a bridge and walked over it though.
Xena's ears twitched at being near the panda boy, sighing. "Hi Darian. Nice to meet you too.." She muttered, still not comfortable about being around all of these people. "It's too crowded.."
Scared of Denakis comment, Char jumped off and hid behind the girl next to him, scared out of his mind. He closed his eyes, hoping the now scary Denaki wouldn't come after him.
She noticed that Denaki had scared him. "Ugh look at what you did you scared him." She went up to him and said "Hey cutie don't worry i'm not going to let the mean wolf hurt." She patted him on the head. "Man you are just the cutest thing!"

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