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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

"Oh..." Darian looked around. It was a little crowded in his opinion. "Would you like to go somewhere that isn't crowded? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." He would take her somewhere that isn't crowded but he doesn't know the place that well but he did see a flight of stairs. "We can go upstairs if you want...? It doesn't seem that crowded in my opinion. And I think my room might be on that floor...? I need to unpack." Darian looked down at his suitcase.
Char looked up to the wolf girl, with tears in his eyes and a pouting face. "Are you sure that you will protect me from the scary wolf person? He said he wanted to cook me up and eat me for brunch." Now begging, Char said "Please dont let him eat me for brunch!"
Ace didn't mind going upstair now since she made a new friend. "Common let's go upstairs then!" She smiled as she grabbed Xena's hand and Darian's hand up the stairs and away from the loud noise and the people. She smiled as she crossed her legs and arms and threw away the lollipop stick out in the trashcan and grabs another lollipop.
"I am done, im gonna go hibernate.....or the rest of my life..." Denaki says putting her stuff down and going to the end of the hall and flopping down on his bed, he quit, these people were driving him nuts, he couldn't deal with this right now. Denaki sighed and looked up at the ceiling and just laid there, his room was dark and covered in posters of bands and games, his room seemed dark and creepy though and he liked it that way. Denaki had met so many people today, what happened to antisocial oh yeah, it was thrown out the window and spit on after all of this.
Xena sighed, glancing at Darian. "You better get used to the dragging. She does this all the time. By the way, nice panda hat." She smiled softly.
Darian looked at Ace. She sure does like dragging people around. Darian turned his direction to Xena. "Hopefully I will," Darian smiled. He looked back at Ace as she saw her throwing her lollipop stick into the trash can. She made it in when it was far away. He looked at the trashcan and then back at her. She has another lollipop in her mouth. "No no no no no. One lollipop is enough for you." Darian grabbed the lollipop stick and tried to take it out. "Saw Ahh so I can take it out"
"Pffft. What does that mean? I don't drag people around a lot." Ace denied. "Is this better for you Xena~?" She smiled. Ace looked at Darian. "No! My lollipop! Mineeeeeee" She bit on the stick so he couldn't take it out of her mouth. Ace loves her lollipop. She doesn't want it anywhere else unless it's in her mouth or in her pocket.
After that Denaki left he had had it and went to his room. Ariana was tempted to laugh again she never laughed so much in her life. She let a small laugh come out and she calmed down. Well he's interesting She thught to herself. She looked at the boy and said "the bad wolf is gone" Then she yelled to Denaki's room "thanks for brining up my stuff!" She decided to pick the third room and walked in while dragging her stuff. Man maybe I did bring to much she thought to herself.
Xena laughed softly. "No, you just love jumping on people's backs, you little leapfrog." She watched Darian and Ace fight over the lollipop, shaking her head. "You guys get along great already."
Darian turned his head towards Xena. "Is she ticklish?" He asked with his hand still on the lollipop. Trying to pull out the lollipop he noticed that she held the stick harder. "Common! You need to stop with the lollipops!"
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After quickly saying good-bye to the wolf lady, he decided to find a room for himself, so he began wandering the hallways, singing himself a tune.
"I-I-I'm not ticklish!" Ace panicked. Ace was actually veryyyy ticklish. She just bit the lollipop into pieces and chewed so it wouldn't be a waste. "Ahhhh" She said as she giggled swallowing all the sweetness down her throat. "Now that that's over.." Ace tackled Darian. "Don't ever take my lollipop away from me!" She whined.
Darian looked up at Ace and lifted her up off him. "Nice try but better luck next time. By the way, you're a horrible liar." Darian smirked as he locked Ace in his arms and started to tickle her as a punishment. "No more eating more than one lollipop in a day you hear me?" He said as he kept tickling her.
Xena watched them both, smiling. "I have to agree. You eat way too many of those things. I'm surprised you don't break your teeth on them."
Ace was in his arms as soon as she tackled him. Apparently to him she wasn't that heavy. All of a sudden Darian locked her in his arms and he started to tickle her. "No! No! Stop it!" Ace started to laugh uncontrollable as she was being tickled. "I-I-I don't eat that many lollipops! Th-Th-That was my.." Ace couldn't finish her sentence since she was being tickled. "That was my.. 14th one today.." She continued laughing.
"Fourteenth?!" Darian stopped tickling her and carried her all the way to somewhere he doesn't know. "Follow me Xena~ I'm about to make you guys a proper meal!" He marched down the steps but then stopped. "Actually.. I don't know where the kitchen is. Umm.. Help..." Darian said. "I could get lost in this house since it's so huge so it's best if I don't lead the way..."
Ariana was in her room un packing her things and she heard un control laughter going on in the hall. Man this place sure is going to be......interesting. She sat on her bed and looked out the window.
Aoi finished humming and decided she would try and make some friends. So she exited her room and walked towards where they was a group taking about something but she didn't quite know what. "Hey~ everyone." Aoi said with a bright smile on her face looking at the group.
Ace was trying to escape Darian's arms. "Let me gooo! I'll show you the way to the kitchen if you let me go!" she was wiggling her way out but it was no use. Hearing someone say hello to them, Ace looked up as she was on Darian's shoulder. In her opinion, this wasn't the best way to make a first impression. "H-Hello! Nice to meet you"
Char had originally decided to find his room, but the sounds of people pulled him. Despite brig scared by Denaki, Char was ready to meet the other people. Almost there, he heard someone introduce themselves. He ran the rest of the way, to find a group of people. He, like the girl who just introduced herself, said hi.
"That looks fun." Aoi said looking up at the girl who said hello back who was up on someones shoulder. "Can I have a turn?" Aoi asked before smiling and waving to the other girl that said hey.
"Soooo... What are you guys doing?" As much as Char wanted to meet new people, he would have to leave if they were talking nail polish and stuff.
Dairan held a tight grip around Ace since she was squirming around. "I don't trust you for some reason..." People started to come up to Xena, Ace and himself. "Well hi everyone~ I'm Darian! I just came here today~" He then looked at the boy and the girl. He blinked and turned his head towards Xena and Ace then back to them. Hearing that holding Ace was fun he wanted to be friendly and let girl ride on his shoulder. He glared at Ace and smirked. "If I see you eating another lollipop you're dead," he whispered as he dropped Ace to the ground hoping the fall was safe and chuckled slightly, picking up the girl who asked nicely and placed her on his shoulder.
Xena stared down at Char, surprised. "You're so tiny. I remember when I was that young." She picked him up easily, smiling.

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