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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

Denaki sighed then she tried to hug him...he liked hugs but not from a drunk chick.she was out of it so whatever she did or said was not true and was her just being drunk.. "we will get you to your bed....now stop touching me. .." Denaki growled as she kept trying to wrap around him...why was he stuck doing this. Denaki looked up the long flight of stairs and sighed oh boy this would be fun, he let her wrap her arms around him as he tried to make his way up the stairs
They finally got up stairs and up to her room. "My room haha you know I love my rrrrrrrrroom. You wanna know why?" She put her hands over mouth. Waited and jumped backwards with her arms spread out and yelled "Butterflies!" She opened her bedroom door while trying to keep her balance. She walked in and said "seeeeeee I love.......um........I forgot." Her room had tons of butterfly art hanging on her walls.
Denaki looked all around what the beck was this stuff, he saw her weird book again and walked over to it, she seemed really drunk "what's this?" Denaki says using her drunkenness to his advantage, he felt like he was in a little kids room andhe could not helo but llaugh at all the butterflies, it felt like some kind of joke but it was not.
Denaki began to look through it quietly watching her to make sure she would not do anything stupid, he had no clue what would lie past the first page.
On the first page was a drawing you could tell it was drawn by little girl. It was pic of a small girl and and a tall girl and it said me and my mom. A few pages over was a drawn pic of a grave. And on the page it said "my mom died today. I feel so alone my father won't look or speak to me it's like I'm not even there." He skims threw and stops on another one. It's a pic of a man standing in a door way of a room. With a girl curled up in her bed crying. And it says "almost every night I've got no run no where to hide. Last page just some writing"I finally got away heading to new home away from here.
Denaki put it down, disturbing...very disturbing he looked around it a while not much he knew about her and this helped but he probably would not tell her he looked at it, he felt bad but at the same time he knew the feeling but he never hada mom he knew about, he did not know if she had died before when he was born or left...he did not think much ofpast and would not start now
It was the next morning and Ariana had just woke up. "Ugh my head." She was in bed with head ache. "Oh man." She looked around. "Looks like I got home some how." She tried sitting up but her head started spinning. She laid back down. " oh man I did it again didn't i. Crap how am I going to get down stairs I need some water or something."
Skyler sighed and waited for a while before glaring out of the window and snapping pictures with her camera and setting the film cases down on a book before one hit the floor she saw birds and took a picture before sighing and shaking her head.
She laid there for a min trying to think of what to do. 'Guess I'll have to get up myself.' She slowly tried to get up again. She stood up then thought for a min. She looked around trying to figure out how she got home. She walked out of her room and into the hall. 'My head man this sucks.' She sat in front of her door in the hall getting dizzy. "Great I'll never get down there." Then she wondered. 'Maybe.' She looked at Denaki's room. "Better not he's prob mad at me." She sat there waiting for the dizziness to pass.
Denaki was all fresh and clean having taken a shower not to long ago to get the drunk smell of him. Denaki walked around his room then left walking down the hall and seeing a hungover Ariana " look who it is... " he sighed deciding to try to stay calm that morning, plus he read that diary and was disturbed a bit by it so he sat down next to her and watched her, she looked pretty hungover " Think twice before doing that again... " Denaki says
"Yah yah I know. But hey I came home right. See everything went fine I just got to drunk.....again. Ok maybe it's not fine. But I'm guessing you helped me out. So I guess I oh you a thanks right." She smiled at him then tried to stand up.
"Yeah and you tried to hug me and kiss me, you were falling all over me and you told me some really odd things.." Denaki says, he actually did not mind it because of the hugs but she was drunk which he did not like " what if you never came home...your friends dragged your stuoid but down here...you should thank them.." Denaki says getting up and waiting for her to wipe out from being to hungover, it was her own fault
"I did haha oh jeez.....wait what strange things?" She was standing now. "Crap I'm going to lay down I'll never get down stairs."
Denaki decided to tell her " you told me what was in that book you always were hiding....plus I can help you get down the stairs but you have to touch me and I know how bad that must be." Denaki says stretching hoping she would not freak out because she did tell him about the book even if he asked..
".............what!?......I...I mean I prob just saying things yah my friends tell me I'm always saying crazy things there aren't true haha. So whatever I said prob wasn't true besides look at me my life couldn't have be that bad right." She had started crying with out realizing it. "Excuse me." She went into her room and shut the door. "I can't believe I did that I never did that before talking about my book. " She sat on her bed. With her hands on her face. She breathed in and stop crying.

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