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Realistic or Modern The Lost

Aden looked at Jake. He knew that motherfucker well enough to know there was no point in try. But he also knew if he didn't at least try people, one in particular, would find him wimpy. "Your own, dick." and he grinned at his own insult. "This is for not helping me out earlier." Aden knew damn well to beat Jake at anything, he'd have to get on lucky ass shot, but he had to try.
"Well I'm not sure that Jasmine could hold me on her shoulders so we're the bases, the most important part. Good luck little brother." He declared.

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"I'm fine with being a base. I bet I'm a better base than you are." he laughed at Jake.

Aden turned and whispered towards Isabel. "Just.. win? I don't know. I'll try not to drop you." he smiled cheesily.
"Ooh, this just got a lot more interesting" Jasmine laughed. "You'd better be prepared Isabel, because I don't like to lose" she warned, a devious smile on her face. "Hey, why don't we make it even more fun with a bet?" she suggested.
Jake turned to Jasmine. "We got this. Just push toward her shoulder area, she'll lose balance, Aden will drop her for sure. And after we win of you'd like we could do victory shots." He said to Jasmine. He was confident he was going to beat his brother.

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Aden turned towards Jasmine, interested. "What bet?" he mused curiously. Money was boring, but he would bet it if the offer arose.
"Oh, for sure, losing isn't even an option" Jasmine smirked, lifting her hand for a high five. "Come on, don't leave me hanging" she laughed, wiggling her fingers. "And as for the bet, I'd say loser has to either swim completely naked, or set up the entire camp by themselves, whichever one the majority is comfortable with" she suggested.
Aden looked at Isabel. The naked part would be fun. "The team? Or just the one who falls?" he questioned Jasmine more.
Aden looked down. He was already in nothing more than boxers. "Hell, I'll do that right now. That's not a bet." Aden laughed. "But fine. Losing teams swims naked, or sets up the camp? Hell, I tell you what. I'll up your bet. Loosing team sets up the camp.. naked." and he smiled.
Her eyes flashing in glee at the upped bet, Jasmine nodded her agreement. "You are so on, just don't try and weasel out when you lose" she teased.
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Isabel blushed. Naked? Oh god... when that happens someone get's laid. Isabel felt a tingle down her spine, and wasn't sure if it was a good tingle or bad. Isabel gulped and nodded. "Okay... naked. Cool. I can do that." Isabel tried to sound cool and confident. Isabel turned to Aden and smiled crookedly. "Okay, ready?" She asked, cracking her knuckles. She wasn't sure if she wanted to win or lose. She wasn't super competitive, but winning was always good. But then the bet was fun. What are you thinking? Being naked? You want that?! Isabel's mind swirled as she glanced at Jasmine, Jack, Rick, and Milo.

Rick laughed. "Yeah, you just walk in. Unless you want to dive in." Rick realized how scarred Milo was. What made him so scarred? Rick wanted to ask, but wasn't sure if it was personal or wasn't sure if by asking, he would freak out and run away. So he kept his mouth closed. Rick laid on his back, and floated. "Okay, so once you get here, I'll show you how to do what I'm doing." Rick smiled. Then he heard the words 'naked' and jumped up, splashing a bit. "What?!" He hollered over to Aden, Isabel, Jasmine, and Jack. "Who's naked?"
"It's just a friendly bet dude, calm down." Said Jake. He didn't know why Rick got so excited about someone being naked.

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Rick clenched his teeth. "I am, okay?" Shut up ass He thought to himself, glaring at Jack. Rick turned around to Milo, but starred at the water. "Whatever." He thought, and then went under the water. He opened his eyes under the water, and saw everything floating around him. He closed his eyes again, and sunk to the bottom. He needed to calm down and clear his mind. Rick needed to breath. He swam up to the top, and sucked in a breathe of air. HE glanced at Jack again, but tried to return his attention to Milo.
Jasmine clapped her hands together in a 'lets do this' manner, and hopped astride Jake's shoulders, gripping the sides of his head firmly with her thighs. She would not be knocked off easily. "Alright, no more dawdling, if you wanna back out you better do it now, because I'm ready to go" she grinned rolling her shoulders.

Milo had finally inched his way into the river until he was waist deep while mumbling something about the force of the river not being strong enough to throw off his equilibrium. Basically giving himself another pep talk. His heart pounded in his ears, feeling like it was trying to escape his chest with every painstakingly slow step he took into deeper water. When he was nearly neck deep, he looked up to ask what was next, only to see Rick disappearing beneath the surface, and he didn't come back up for what seemed like a very long time.

For a horrible moment, he thought that Rick might have been sucked under by some giant, man eating river fish, or worse, that getting him this far into the water had been a joke after all, and Rick had just swam off, leaving him abandoned and looking stupid. Terror floating across his face, Milo started splashing about in a small panic, trying to turn himself around and wade back to shore. Suddenly Rick resurfaced right in front of him, and without thinking, Milo latched onto his back, clinging like a scared monkey. "Don't do that! How the hell are you supposed to teach me anything if you disappear like that!" he yelled before he could stop himself.

(So sorry I haven't posted, only had the time to come on make sure I didn't fall behind.)
Rick jumped up. He searched the water, thinking someone was dying. He spotted Milo. Oh yeah. Opps. Rick swam to Milo and sighed. "Sorry, I forgot." Rick shook his head, as if he could shake thoughts out of his head. He bit his lip and returned his focus to Milo. "Swimming? Right." Rick cracked his knuckles. He loved the sound of it. "Okay, um. Can you float?" He glanced at Milo, who was blushing from adrenaline, he guessed. Of course he can't swim. He can barely walk in the water. He thought, and gulped. "You need to lay on your back." He said, before he let Milo answer the question. "Relax." Rick said, showing his hands. He was ready just in case Milo sucked at relaxing and he freaked out and went under water. Rick would catch him.

Isabel grinned. "If I backed out now that would mean that I would be willing to be naked." She flashed a smile, as she pulled herself onto Aden's shoulders, which were broad and easy to sit on. Dang. Isabel thought, blushing as she sat on his shoulders. Isabel wasn't super strong or super balanced, but she hoped she could win. Isabel stretched her arms quickly and grinned at Jasmine. "I think it might be becoming cold." She began, "so you'll probably be shivering while you make the camp naked." She giggled, saying that Jasmine would loose. A thought came to her mind. What if we both loose? I mean, if I fall, I'm dragging Jasmine and Jack down with me. She nodded slightly to herself, ready for the 'fight.'
(Sorry I haven't replied. I'm going through a quarter-life crisis, along side melodramatic depression)

Aden helped Isabel up on his shoulders, gripping her on the knees. 'Is this where my hands go? Should I be holding onto her shins.. or her thighs.. or is this good?' he was confused by his own sentence, and decided to let it go. Wading forward closer to Jake and Jasmine, and grinned. If he lost, he got to setup camp naked with Isabel. Score. He if won.. he and Isabel would have time alone. It was a win win situation, either way.

Aden tightened his grip on her knees as they got closer, and nodded, saying he was ready.
Isabel felt Aden's hands on her legs. She felt a sensation go up her spine, and wasn't sure if it was good or not. She was semi-confused about Aden. She wasn't sure if he was cute... or weird. Isabel slightly shrugged, thinking only time would tell if this theory was true or not. Isabel lips her lips, and swung her arm towards Jasmine, not hitting her, but more like pushing her. Isabel wasn't going to beat the shit out of Jasmine, no, she would just knock her over along with Jack."Ha!" She grinned.
Feeling the 3rd law of motion, Aden backed up a bit, uneasily. He wasn't prepared for the pushback, but would try to be in the future. "Sorry." he whispered to Isabel, hoping it wouldn't cause her to loose her balance. Walking forward again, Aden let his hands slide up a bit, hoping to get more grip, now holding just above Isabel's kneecaps.
Isabel flailed her arms as she tried to get balance back as Aden had backed up. "Whoa!" She yelped, and grabbed Aden's head. Her heart was pumping a bit and she blushed as she felt Aden's hands on her thighs now. She blinked, looking at Aden's hair and then let her hands go of Aden's head. "Sorry." She repeated as he said it to her. She licked her lips and looked up at Jasmine and Jack. She smiled slightly, but didn't know what to say. What are they going to do? She wondered, not sure if she should keep pushing Jasmine or wait for her to do something. It would fair... but this game wasn't all about being fair.
Aden slid his hands up a bit more. 'I'm seriously having trouble getting grip. Oh.. wait.. my hands are wet from swimming. Shit. So are her legs probably.' he thought to himself. Now that he had that piece of advice, he thought he hand an advantage. He leaned forward, just a bit, that way is she was pushed hard enough, Isabel wouldn't just slide right off. She'd have a few extra inches, Aden's back, to catch back on.
Isabel blushed madly. What's with this guy... urg. I hate this feeling. She thought to herself, biting her lip as he leaned forward and her belly pressed against his head. Is he doing this on purpose or something? She felt a sensation go up her back as his hands crawled up her thigh. "Um..." She mumbled, hoping he didn't think she was rejecting him. Wait... did that mean that she didn't want to be rejected. Isabel! Stop thinking about it and focus! She yelled at herself, but she starred at the top of Aden's head. His hair was wet, and water droplets were on his neck. Isabel gripped Aden with her legs so she wouldn't fall easily, but not so she was suffocating him. She wanted to say something... anything... but she didn't know what.

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