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Realistic or Modern The Lost

Isabel rolled her eyes in response to Maya. "Boys will be boys." She giggled. She watched as cigarettes were being passed around and she sort of sighed. She'd never been a huge fan of smokers, and as a child she would hold her breath whenever she was around them. Isabel sat on the floor and tucked his knees into her chest and rested her head on her knees. Closing her eyes she asked, "So..." she began "What's on the agenda for today?" And then she saw Milo. Oh my god, I love his glasses She smiled and waved to him. "Hey." And then Isabel waited for her answer.

Rick flashed a smile.
"Sure." He replied to Aden, and he was already pulling out his pack. He flipped open the cover and grabbed two cigarettes. He put the pack back in his back pocket, and gave Aden one. Then he reached for his lighter. He flicked it on and pulled it up to his cigarette that was already in his mouth. It was lit now, and Rick handed Aden the lighter. "I didn't know you smoked." he was committing small talk. Standing up, and walking only a little ways away, so that anyone who didn't like the smell couldn't really smell it, Rick grabbed a small rock, and threw it into the forest. He would always do this when camping as a kid, and it was awesome to hear the echo of the rock bouncing off tree and other rocks. Rick grabbed another rock and threw it.
Aden lit the cigarette, hoping he was somehow doing it right. "I, uh.. yea, all the time" he lied. "Big smoker" he said as he inhaled a cigarette and coughed. "Non-menthol?" he asked awkwardly, hoping he didn't look like he was dying. Aden stood around smoking, getting 'better' at it as he went along. 'It had been a while' he thought to himself. 
(sorry for the short posts, on my phone, and not using tapatalk is a bitch)
((I feel yeah. :D ))

Rick grinned. "Nah. Heard it's actually worse for you." Rick didn't keep eye contact because he was gazing into the forest, but he had heard him. And he knew Aden wasn't a huge smoker, but maybe he just hadn't smoked in a while. Either way, it was almost cute to see Aden do that. Er... Rick didn't think Aden was cute... as in Rick had a crush on him... cute as in funny. Don't think about it. Rick shook his head, and his heart gained more speed. Rick sighed, and turned to Aden. "So, what do teenagers do during camping?" he smiled. "Any ideas?" Swimming would be fun. Or maybe food... aw what the heck, I'm up for anything. Rick thought to himself.
Aden laughed when Rick said this. "I think it's pretty obvi- nevermind." he laughed again, this time mixing it with a cough. "I don't know. I thought we were gonna just go in the camp, chill, and kinda just do shit. I didn't plan anything. But, that's good. I'm not the organizer of this." Come to think of it.. Aden hadn't seen or heard of anything from a coordinator. He brushed off the thought.
Seeing that his presence wasn't really acknowledged, aside from Isabel, who he offered a shy smile in response to her greeting, he shifted his giant pack and set it on the ground to give his shoulders a rest. Coughing a little, he took out his inhaler and used it quickly before putting it away in a swift, practiced motion. He then moved to sit on the ground, pushing up his glasses while he idly watched everyone else, just a tad forlorn. Truthfully he didn't even know how he'd gotten invited to this, or why he bothered to come, perhaps he just wanted to do something normal kids did without his mother breathing down his neck about not straining himself. Hell, he'd even had to lie and tell her that four teachers were chaperoning the whole thing just so she'd let him come. Sighing a bit, he plucked absently at the grass around him.

Jasmine, eventually tiring of just standing around, found herself seated next to Ryan on the bench. "Going in deep is a given don't you think? I mean, we don't want to look like a bunch of wimps and idiots by only camping just inside of a national park forest now do we?" she smirked, answering his suggestion. "The only thing I demand is that we find a river to camp next to" she mused, sitting back against the bench. "Like dying my hair pink, it's one of my bizarre life goals to swim in a national park river...naked or in a bikini is still up for debate" she added with a grin.
Rick grinned. "So swimming it is?" He glanced up at Jasmine. Then, his eyes shifted to Milo who was 'sucking' on his inhaler. Rick turned his head in the other direction. Keep it together. he thought to himself. He breathed in deeply, starring at his feet. "Everyone have a swimsuit?" He didn't look at anyone. Fists clenched, Rick lifted his head and turned to Aden. "Um..." He tried to find something to say but he was tongue tied. "Are you up for this? I mean, this" Rick spread out his arms. "was your idea. I don't want to take it over." Rick let his arms drop and for some reason he felt awkward. Wait no, not because of some reason. He knew the reason. Rick gave a crooked smile, trying to cover up his awkwardness. I hope I have my trunks. I don't want to do what Jasmine first suggested. Rick walked over to his backpack, and searched for his trunks. Found them. He sighed a sigh of relief. Good. No more worries... hopefully.

Isabel jolted up. "Naked?" Her face went sour at the idea, but after a second, she giggled. She didn't want to be naked... but the thought made her giggle. "Okay then." She placed her hand on the back of her neck, thinking about swimming in a nasty lake with fish shit in it. But it was be FUN. Don't be a push-over Isabel she tried to convince herself that it was okay, and that she was not going to be a loser and wimp. Then Rick asked if everyone had their swimsuit. "Oh! I'm going to go check." Isabel pushed herself off the ground and jogged to her Jeep. She climbed into the trunk of her truck and rummaged around until she found her bathing suit. It was a white bikini with navy blue strips on it. It had some ruffles and when Isabel was shopping for one, she feel in love with the bikini. "Found it." She whispered to herself. She jumped out of the trunk and jogged back to everyone. "Anyone have a hair tie?" She was specifically looking at the girls in the group.
Aden looked at Rick, confused by his arm gesture. "Uhh.. actually it wasn't. I got a text." he said as he took another hit of his cigarette, Almost becoming a professional, he thought to himself. Aden didn't bring trunks. "Guess who's going in the nude.." and he looked down at the ground. "Either that, or risk drowning in jeans." and Aden laughed.

(Sorry, I'm confused. Is Rick just really.. really awkward, or is he a homosexual?)

Aden took off his shirt, but waited to see what everyone else was doing, before making any final movements to solidify his previous statement.
Laughing, Jasmine stood up and stretched her arms above her head, loosening up stiff muscles before retrieving an orange hair scrunchy from her back pocket and handing it to Isabel. "Well, since Aden here didn't plan this, and no one seems willing to take the lead, I suggest we get off our a**es and just follow the trail for a bit. Then, once we get deep enough, we veer off and find a place that suits our camping needs" she suggested. "Sound good? Any objections?" she asked, looking at the group.

"Um" Milo started, pushing up his glasses, "Basic safety rules state that you should never leave the trail, and that you should only camp in designated camping areas" he quietly informed Jasmine, looking down at his hands.

Jasmine huffed and placed her hands on her hips, "Ah, come on...um" she had to pause to remember his name, "Milo, you gotta live a little, rules are made to be broken you know, and what's the fun in camping in a designated area" she argued.
((Haha, that is a secret of his that you shall find out later one. Rick is a complicated character who hides his feeling through acting cool and calm. :D There's a lot you don't know. Patience.))

Rick slightly blushed. "Hm." Then I wonder who started this. Who's idea was this? He looked around to see what everyone else was doing. Aden was all ready. Okay, then go change. Rick easily pulled his shirt off with one of his arms, and then he kicked off his shoes. While stripping off his socks, and realized that he had to change into his trunks. I'll just go by a tree, because I'm not changing in a small porta-potty. "Be right back." Rick turned around a walked a little a ways, making sure no one would see him change into his bathing suit. He slipped on his trunks, that were black with white lining. He grabbed his pants and walked back. His feet were scrapped only a little, but Rick didn't care. This would be fun. Rick stuffed his clothes in his backpack and stood up again. He walked over to the tree was was standing by before, and leaned up against it, as he waited for other to change. Does everyone know how to swim? And where's the lake? Rick didn't feel like talking at the moment so he just let these questions fly through his head.

Isabel held her bathing suit in her hands, and asked, "Is there like a bathroom?" She hoped there was a big bathroom and not just a porta-potty. She stood up, and did a slow 360, trying to see if she could find a bathroom. She didn't see anything. "Maybe there's one at the river?" She said, looking at Aden and Rick, who were the only one ready. Well, Aden was somewhat ready. She wondered if he was actually going naked, as well as Jasmine. Isabel didn't want to change in the woods because of the bugs and the feeling of being exposed. I mean, what if some pervert was watching her?! Isabel shivered at the thought. But she'd rather change in the woods then go skinny dipping. Isabel took in a deep breathe, as she stood there, hoping that someone knew where the bathroom was. Isabel smiled at what Jasmine said. "Okay, so let's wander? Haha okay." She grabbed the hair tie, and quickly put her hair in a pony tail.
Aden looked around.. "Well.. a mans gotta do.. what a mans gotta do." and in one fowl swoop he was missing his pants. "I think I'll keep the boxers on.." he blushed. It was his first time being in anything less than pants in a group since last time he got drunk. Which was a while ago.

Aden was one of those people, who did something once, and then said he was a huge doer of that thing. If he enjoyed doing that one thing, he would do it as long as he wanted to, but.. if he didn't, he would leach his one time success to doing that one thing. Being 95% naked, was one of those things.
Jasmine ran a hand through her hair, it seemed like everyone was now set on going swimming before finding a campsite, which really didn't bother her, it was getting hot anyway. Walking over to her duffel bag, she rummaged around in it until she found her bikini. The bottom piece was solid red, while the top piece was solid white with a small red star on the center of each cup. "Well, I don't know about a bathroom, but there is plenty of mother nature around to shield us" she mused, walking over to clump of trees and bushes.

Milo frowned a bit and continued to sit on the ground. He would follow the others to the lake or river, or wherever they were going, but he would join them. He'd never learned to swim.
Jake speeds up in his 1967 Chevrolet Impala. "Sorry I'm late, I over slept." As he gets out of his car his fist bumps his brother Aden. "Who are these people, Aden?"
Aden finished the cigarette Rick gave him. "These are some people, I met. Today. I got a text." he fistbumped Jake back. "You got uh.. any bud?" he asked nervously, hoping it wasn't loud enough for the rest to hear. "I don't want them to be stealing our bud"
Aden looked at Jake with those eyes. "Dude.. come on. Just bum me some dude. You know it's been a while." he pleaded with Jake. It had been a while. That last time he smoked weed was a about a month ago.
Isabel nodded. "Maybe keeping your boxers on would be good. We don't want anyone loosing their innocence." She teased. Then she realized that Jasmine just went to change. Okay fine. If everyone else is doing it, then you can do it Isabel took a deep breathe and wandered into the forest. She found a huge tree that was surrounded by bushes, and decided that here was a good place to change quickly. And so she did. Isabel quickly stripped off her clothes and threw them as she reaching for he bathing suit. She slipped it on and made everything was knotted right and looked okay. She then searched for her clothes she threw and snatched them up. She then jogged back to where everyone was, and put her clothes away. "Okay, so I'm ready." She looked over to see that someone else had come. "Hi?" She said almost raising her eyebrows.

Rick gave a crooked smile. "You mean the bud that gets you wasted?" He whispered, wondering who them was. Maybe 'them' was everyone beside the brothers. Rick glanced over to the brother. "I should be asking you who you are." Rick wondered in he was interrupting, but he just wanted a name. Rick then looked around and realized most everyone was in bikinis or trunks... or shorts. "Hey Milo, you going to change yet?" He raised an eyebrow at Milo.
Aden laughed at Isabel's comment. "Well, it's good that I was planning on it anyway." he turned over to Rick. "Perhaps. To anyone wondering, this is my older brother Jake." he started walking down the path, to some lake or another, beckoning for some of the people to follow him.
Jasmine emerged from the bushes a few moments later in the process of tying her long hair in a ponytail. She'd dawned her bikini and was wearing her shorts over it, planning to ditch them once they got to the lake. She followed behind the others after retrieving her bags, not about to leave them unattended, and clasped her hands behind her back. 'Ugh, it really is getting hot' she thought sluggishly, feeling a catlike urge to lie in the sun and nap, 'Maybe I'll work on my tan' she thought with a smile. Vaguely she realized that yet another person had joined there wayward group. "Must av' missed his arrival" she mumbled, turning her gaze to the sky.

Milo actually blushed at Rick's question as he got to his feet to follow Aden, completely uncomfortable with revealing his body in front of people he barely knew. He couldn't even look at the ones who had already changed. "Ah, no, I...I can't swim, so changing when I won't get in the water would be...well, nonsensical at best" he answered, nervously pushing up his glasses.
Rick shrugged. "It was either that or an abbreviation for buddy." Rick glanced at Aden, and then back to his older brother, Jake. "I'm Rick." He paused. "So is everyone ready to go swimming?" He folded his arms.

Isabel rolled her eyes. "Better not be too drunk by the end of tonight." Isabel started to get really hot. "Yeah, I need to jump into some cool water." Isabel heard Milo and smiled. "Well maybe you could work on a tan."
Aden looked at Isabel. "We can't get drunk?" and he frowned sarcastically. "Hell, better lock me up then." Aden laughed.
"Jake" (from State Farm) said Jake. He took his shirt off and threw it over his shoulder. "I'm ready." he said being he already had swim trunks on.
Isabel looked at her feet. "No it's okay, just don't be too drunk that you start doing some crazy shit." She glanced at Aden, and gave a smile. She wasn't sure if she herself would drink, but it would be fun.

Rick clasped his hands. "Finally." He said, walking forward. "Come on guys." He waved the over as he starting walking forward. He could hear a river far off, and hoped they could all find it.
Jasmine walked up and tossed her arm around Milo's shoulders. "Isabel's right Milo, you can totally work on soaking some color into that porcelain skin of yours" she chuckled, ruffling his hair before a cheeky smile crossed her face. "And I'll tell you what, if you help rub suntan oil on me, I'll rub some on you, we can help each other" she smirked.

Milo choked a bit and ducked out from beneath her arm, his face flaming. "I think that would by very inappropriate" he squeaked and sped up.

Making a disappointed noise, Jasmine crossed her arms and pouted.

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