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Realistic or Modern The Lost

He nodded. "Truth or Dare sounds good." He rested his hand on her shoulder. "So... who goes first?" He asked, grinning. He hoped that somebody else would join them, bu he was fine if it was just them. He didn't care either way.
"Did I just hear truth or dare?" Natalie looked round and smirked, "Ah. Good old truth or dare. Mind if I join? It's kinda quiet round here."
He nodded happily and patted the spot next to him. "Of course, Nat!" He turned back to Isabel. "Wait... you don't mind if she joins, right?" He asked, hoping she'd say no.
Isabel smiled as someone joined them. But she realized it was someone who she never met before. "I'm Isabel." She waved, and turned to Dustin. "Nah, the more the merrier!" She giggled, and offered to go first. "Okay then. I need to get to know... Natalie right?" she began. "Okay Nat, truth or dare?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
She smiled at Isabel, "Hey." Sitting down facing them, she crossed her legs and leaned in slightly. "Hm..... Truth. An easy one to start off."

(I'm gonna be off for a bit, just don't want to go too far with the others, I'll reply to the truth question and then you guys can just play truth or dare for a bit :3)
"Okay." Isabel tapped her chin, thinking of a real good question. "Hm..." she thought, wondering what question was be good, but not super personal and that she would be willing to answer. "Got it!" She lifted her finger up, and smiled. "Okay okay" she began, grinning. "What is your dream date/kiss?" She asked, knowing a lot of her girl friends loved to answer this question.
"Oh god.." She grinned as she blushed slightly. Natalie wasn't a girly girl, but she certainly thought about this quite a bit. Her longing to settle down and have a family was a secret one. "Well.. I prefer the kinda dates where..y'know.. we just..sit in.." Feeling rather embarrassed, she played with her feet, "Or if we really had to go somewhere, I'd say the theme park. I've always had this dream.." Nat giggled, it was so stupid, "Where we'd be at the top of a rollercoaster?..And then bam! He'd kiss me.."
serenity waited for Liam to lead the way having nothing that amused her as of recently other than the girl who looked at her and serenity didnt understand why but she looked at the surroundings feeling a light breeze and smiled. "Are we waiting then or going ?" she wasnt all that good with conversation but loved having company to keep her from being alone.
Isabel giggled as she saw Nat blush as she answered the question. "Haha, I've always wanted a kiss in the rain." Isabel smiled, hoping that by telling Nat hers, Nat wouldn't feel as embarrassed. Then Isabel clapped her hands together and waited for Nat to go next, since she was picked.
"Uh, i guess we'll just go on" he replied to Serenity, walking down a narrow bush path. They walked for a little bit in silence until "So, uh who invited you to this trip?" he asked Serenity.
Isabel heard the girl and Liam walk away. She flipped around, and called his name. "Liam!" She yelled, cuffing her mouth with her hands. "Dude, you should come and join us, along with your lady friend!" She waved them over, hoping they would come. Isabel liked Liam and thought he was cool, they'd been friends forever.
Isabel bit her lip and glanced at Dustin. "Wait!" She flailed her arms. "Dustin still hasn't gone yet." She nodded, and felt a little stupid for a second.

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