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Realistic or Modern The Lost

"Pleased to meet you aswell." Serenity laughed and pushed him into the water with Liam afterwards she decided to take off her cover revealing her bikini and dived in splashing them. she then moved over to the both and laughed then went under the water with a smile .
He winked at Serenity, then turned to Liam. "Oh... You want a hug? Here, I'll give you one!" He jumped in and landed on him, his arms outstretched. He wrapped his arms around Liam's neck and pulled him underwater, at which point he let go.
After returning to the surface he swam to Dustin and whispered to him "Go for it buddy" before deciding to pull himself up onto a rock, above the river.
He looked at Liam, then at Serenity. "You mean for her?" He shook his head. "The girl probably hates me at this point..." He pulled himself up to the same rock and sat next to Liam.
He turned to Dustin, who had just sat next to him, giving him a "Really?" look. "She gave you a hug.. i dont think she hates you, why.. are you up here with me, when shes down there.. alone! get down there!" he said in a sort of whisper yell and push Dustin back into the water.
Serenity came back up and took a breath as she seen them whispering she laid back floating on the water looking above into the sky. She looked over at them and closed her eyes. "i wonder if they knew that i can hear them.." She laughed softly whispering to herself.
He got back on the rock and punched Liam in the shoulder, then pushed him in the water as well. "I can tell she's going through some tough times right now... I don't want to upset her more than she already is..."
This guy needs to get a clue, Liam thought to himself while he just floated there under the water. He resurfaced and said "I dont mean go full out! i mean.. just i dont know? like talk to her not me!" He said.
He made a sound, which sounded somewhat like pfft, then dove into the water, resurfacing next to Serenity. "Well, my wonderful friend over there told me to come flirt with you... but why don't we just talk?" He smiled.
"Didnt i just tell you to talk to her! i never said anything about flirting" Liam was a little annoyed that Dustin had just twisted his words but he decided to make nothing of it.
Serenity blushed lightly and smiled. "Flirt hm?" she looked at Liam and then at Dustin. "About earlier I'm Fine really it isn't bad that you did that, i am glad you did." she splashed them and swam around in circles.
H sank under the water slowly, deep enough to where she couldn't see him. Dustin swam under the girl and tugged on her leg lightly, before coming to the surface and laughing. "Almost kicked me down there... And is that a blush?" He raised an eyebrow.
Serenity shook her head diving under the water to hide the blush and then came up when the blush faded. "Not I wasn't blushing besides that i wasn't gonna kick you." She let out a small laugh and closed her eyes
He knew he had seen a blush. "Weren't gonna kick me, eh? That would explain why you thrashed your foot around my face..." He smiled and laughed as well. "Eyes closed... just relaxing?" He asked.
Liam returned to the rock, he watched as Dustin and Serenity talked, Serenity was blushing, he smiled down at them and then looked at Isabel. He started almost staring at her, he hoped no one noticed, but he had a little crush on Isabel. He hoped that his little introduction stunt might make people think otherwise, he usually wasnt like that.
Serenity nodded smiling. "Yeah, just relaxing.." She said slightly before she saw Liam staring at Isabel She then shouted his name and motioned for him to go for it. Turning her attention back to Dustin with a slight blush she was intent to hide.
Liam was snapped out of his sort of trance "hmm... what? go for what? i dont know.. what?" he said quickly trying to make out he didnt know what she talking about.
He smiled. "You're still blushing, Serenity..." He scooted a bit closer and whispered. "Why you blushing...?" He stayed there, his his head right next to hers, awaiting an answer.
Serenity Motioned again and shot a smile trying to get him to try.. she floated on the water while absorbing sunlight and talking to Dustin and Liam hearing his question she shook her head and looked at him straight faced. "I am not!" she couldnt help blushing when she was embarrassed or other things she then glided abit back and avoided him.
He laughed. "It's obvious you were blushing... just tell me why..." He sunk halfway under the water, leaving only his eyes, nose, and ears above the surface.
"No way. That's for me to know." Serenity didn't like showing her feelings and shook her head before ducking underwater to hide her face before anything had been said.
He went underwater fully and came up from under her, bringing her out of the water, sitting on his shoulders. "Tell me..." He smiled up at her, then gave a small laugh.
"I'm not saying." Serenity leaned back getting off of him and into the water as she splashed him lightly before diving under and swimming off and hiding behind the rock silently.
He scowled. "Fine then... be like that." He got back on the dock and dried off, a bit annoyed at the girl. He walked over to Isabel and sat next to her. "People here are a bit ignorant, no?"

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