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Realistic or Modern The Lost

Aden heard her say something as his hands moved up. "S-sorry.. I didn't mean it like that. I just needed better grip" he blushed. Aden did think Isabel was cute, but he didn't need her thinking he was trying to do something. He genuinely needed grip. Feeling her legs tighten around him, Aden looked up, just momentarily, before looking back at Jake. If anything, he had to beat him for his own personal pride.

He stood there waiting for Jasmine or Jake to respond.
((Lol we're just randomly being awkward and waiting for the others to log in. Haha))

Isabel pressed her lips together and just shook her head barely, as if to get the awkward thoughts out of her head. She was in the middle of a game, and if she was planning on winning, she would have to focus. So focus she will. Isabel looked at Jasmine, and realized that she was still recovering from being pushed or something, so Isabel decided that she could make another move. She swung her leg forward, for she was kind of tall and long legs were a benefit to her. She pushed Jack, instead of Jasmine, hoping that would trow them off. Plus, she didn't want to swing her leg that high up to hit Jasmine because Jack was tall. "You good down there?" She whispered to Aden.
Aden looked up. "Hell yea.. I'm fine. I'm watching two pretty girls basically fight, and I'm holding one of them. I couldn't be better." he said as the recoil of the push made him take a half step back. Within a second, he was back to where he needed to be, learning very quickly how hard Isabel pushed.

((I just messaged Blake and told him to reply. He should soon))
(Sorry guys my phone logged out of rpnation and I didn't think about checking) Jake grabbed Jasmine's thighs for a better grip. He was not going to lose. He walked close to Aden so that Jasmine could push Isabel. "Find her weakness and exploit it." He whispered to her

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Isabel giggled. "You're such a guy." She whispered back, keeping her eyes on her opponents. She smiled, and overheard Jack. My weakness? Oh jeez. This is getting intense. She thought to herself, and braced herself for what Jack or Jasmine would do.

((It's Ok))
Aden smiled. "I'd hope I was a guy. Last time I checked I was.." and he looked like he was contemplating something. "Unless I don't understand biology at ALL." and Aden laughed. "Shit sorry.. don't mean to make you laugh"
Isabel laughed. Hard. Oh man, what happened to focusing? She smiled though. "Nah, I love the feeling of laughing. It's good." Isabel realized that she laughed a lot. Over just the past week, she would laugh all the time at home because her family was best at humor. At school... probably more than that. Isabel smiled, but bit her lip.
Serenity had been in the camping site for a while already after driving to the site while holding onto her Backpack, she was trying to watch curiously watching from behind a nearby tree. "Not only am I stuck here but, There are strangers here mean while i cant find my friends, And i wasnt prepared to go." she mumbled lowly, let out a sigh, stepping out placing her hands in her hood and glaring in an semi-opposite direction abit boldly yet uneasy. "Am i late? i got invited by a few friends and i cant seem to find them." She smiled lightly and dropped her pack down onto the ground.
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Aden didn't know what to do. It didn't seem like Jasmine or Jake were doing anything, and he was starting to get tired. No matter how strong you are, holding a person on your shoulders after a while standing up get's tiring.

He looked over at Jake and Jamine. He knew he could get one.. fowl.. hit in and have it be done with, but that'd be stupid and cheap. Looking around, he thought he heard someone talk, but he wasn't sure.
"Hello?" Serenity spoke abit lighter and waved now that she was seeing this person look around, she stepped closer carefully. "I'm Serenity.who are you? " She didn't recognize him because of the lighting in the area and held a hand out as a greeting and smiled softly. She did not really know who these people were but wished she had found the friend who invited her although she hadn't seen him in years something was telling her that her friend was here.... but where?
((just finished reading all 11 pages of the rp))

Liam awoke suddenly and sat bolt upright. he looked at his alarm clock "SHIT" he whispered to himself loudly, he was almost an hour late for the camping trip. He dived out of bed and raced arond his room throwing any clothes he could find in his battered and old bag. He rushed to his desk and opened the first draw, there he pulled out his hunting knife and his phone and threw them both hurriedly into his bag. Within 2 minutes he was out the door. The window was down in his old mustang car so he literally dived through the window.

Shortly, he reached the camp site, he jumped out of his car and looked around, catching a glimpse of himself in the his car's side mirror "Oh my- my hair is awful" He thought to himself, afterall he had only woken up 20 minutes ago, he combed his hair with his hand and then looked around, there were other car's that he recognised, but no sight of his friends, or anyone for that matter. He grabbed his bag and oput it on his back. He could hear faint laughter and splashing so he took off towards it.

After running through the forest for a little bit he came into view of a lake, their he could see some familiar and unfamiliar faces. "IM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE" He sort of yelled/cooed as he walked to the edge of the river.
The beeping of her alarm clock wasn't enough to wake Natalie, it faded into her dream. That was until her mother woke her up, shaking her as she groaned. "What the hell mom, what's wrong?!"

"Hmph, I guess you don't want to go to your campin-"

"Sh*t!!!" She leaped out of bed, pulling on her zipper over her old clothes and grabbed her rucksack, "Thanks mom!" She kissed her cheek and ran downstairs. "Arrrrgh!"

Speeding along the road, she ran her fingers through her hair, "Damn it, I bet I'll be the last one there.. and they'll all be havin' fun and sh*t..and I'll just be there..awkwardly..just standin' like a f***ing melon!"

As she halted to a stop, she was right. They were gone. Quickly getting out of the car, she pulled her rucksack over her shoulder, sorted her shirt and dusted off her jeans. "Hello?!!!!" She shouted, looking round. Maybe they've gone in?...Or maybe they called it quits? She thought.
(Oh. My. God. Life troubled going on and I couldn't get on to post actively... I'm sorry... )

Ding, Ding, Ding

That's the sound of the alarm clock on a phone going off

"Shut the fuck up!"

That's the sound of a boy, waking up to that same alarm clock.

Dustin rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud. "Dammit!" He stood up and shook off his sleepiness. Dustin picked up his phone and smashed his finger into the off button as hard as he could. He stumbled over to his bathroom and took a very, very, long shower. "I'm guessing the camp is today... lucky me..." He finished up and dried off, before brushing his teeth. Dustin walked downstairs to find his breakfast sitting on the table, and a note. The note read,

Honey, this is your mother and father

We just wanted to wish you good luck at camp!

Your bag is packed, and breakfast is on the table!

And son, meet a nice girl to bring home, ok

Don't forget to put on sunscreen!

Have fun!

Mom and Dad

He facepalmed at the Bring home a girl comment. He knew for a fact that his Dad wrote it. They did things like this ALL the time... left little notes to him like he was five. He hated it... but didn't have the heart to tell his parents. So, he just let them do it. Dustin ate his breakfast, then got his bag and waited at the bus stop for the camp bus to arrive.
Shrugging at the lack of a response, she ventured into the woods. She could hear some sort of noise, but then again, she did have one earphone shoved in her ear, blasting 'Freak' by Radiohead. "Hello?!" She called out again before sighing. Are they even here? She wondered, still walking further.
As soon as the bus came, he was on it. He wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. Dustin walked to the back of the bus and found a nice seat. "I wonder if I'll know anybody there...? No, probably not..." He thumped his foot in a steady rhythm on the floor of the bus. The bus finally arrived after an hour or so, and he trotted into the woods, going by sheer gut instinct to find his camp... and the fact there were footprints. (SilverCaress, these are your footprints) He followed the prints until he ran into a girl. "Oh, uh, hi... didn't mean to run into you like that, I'm just looking for my camp."
Feeling the push at her back, she swung round, slapping him across the face. Suddenly realising she had just slapped someone innocent across the face, she gasped. "Holy crap man!! I'm so sorry!" She was not usually so jumpy, this took her by surprise. "R..Really..man..I am..I am so freaking sorry.."
He flinched, but didn't cover his face. "Holy shit!" He stumbled back a little bit. "What was that for...?" He was smiling at this point. "All I did was walk into you..." He gave a small chuckle to himself. "That did hurt though... you completely bitch slapped me..."
"I..I..You gave me a fright!!" She went red, embarrassed. "Again..I..I'm sorry.." She had to admit to herself though, that did kinda feel good, she hadn't hit someone in a long time and she spent most of her days penting up aggression. Natalie did feel sorry though, he was just hit with years worth of aggression.
He laughed. "I'm a tough guy... You can slap me again if you need to!" He put up a goofy smile. "No... I'm serious... I get slapped all the time and I'm used to it... My best friend is a girl, and her favorite thing to do happens to be to slap people..."
"Hm, no thanks.. I think I'll pass." She glanced at his belongings, "You're here for camping too? I take it you weren't just following me into the woods. Or at least, I'd hope not."
His eyes closed. "Yes, girl. Because I follow a bunch of random people into the woods, just to let the slap me." He shook his head. "People nowadays..."
She frowned, "Hmph, I was joking, no need to be rude about it. And don't call me 'girl', I have a name."

She knew she'd snapped slightly, but she couldn't help it, that was just Natalie. "Well smarta**, lets get going." She turned sharply and began walking quickly. Seeing a river ahead, her eyes lit up, maybe she could go for a swim.
"Ok girl." He shook his head at her. She was stupid... Very stupid... But he liked her. She was cool. A bit of a smartass, but he was too. "If you wouldn't like me to call you girl, I might need to know your name."
"Why should I give you my name? If you keep referring to me as just my gender then we keep things simple, no?" She glanced back at him, smirking, "After all, that is the only difference." She stopped at the Lake, "My name is Natalie, but call me Nat. Call me Natalie and you won't walk again."

Looking around, she noticed another boy. Her eyes widened, Good..so people are actually here.
"Well... Hi Natalie..." He enjoyed messing with this girl for some reason... She could actually take a joke, unlike most people. He just hoped he wouldn't get slapped again.

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