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Realistic or Modern The Living Among The Dead

Emilie Mattsson


Emilie found herself awoken by the oppression of glass beneath the tyranny of a boot. Her body instinctively sent her snapping upward, her eyes surveying the room she had decided to nest in the previous night. As her eyes readjusted, she made out the smallest whiff of auburn hair pointed upward. The stairs began to creak softly, serving as the defense mechanism Emm had hoped them to be when deciding to camp there. She nervously adjusted herself and stared at the masculine face that began to appear from the stairwell, soon followed by the barrel of a hunting rifle. Upon their eyes meeting, both of them froze. For a moment, the naive medic believed she may have found an ally. Yet, she soon found this to be false as the man's expression darkened and his pace up the stairs quickened. With a panicked grunt Emilie stumbles toward her pack which was nestled up against the furthest wall to the stairs, directly beneath a shattered window. She began digging through her bag in the musty, morning air. It would have been a beautiful sight under other circumstances - the small town becoming overgrown with wildlife and budding flowers. Birds were chirping gleefully, some of whom's shadows streaked past the sill. Upon her fingers curling around the cold metal that she had hoped never to touch, she yanked her hand back from the bag. Upon spinning around, her reaction was mere milliseconds late. For a moment everything seemed to slow, the explosion from the barrel of the rifle sending the metal projectile that would surely deliver her swift demise racing at her.

Yet, she became oddly satisfied when she felt a sharp pain charge its way up her spine, originating from her mid-thigh. Seizing the brief opportunity, she knelt onto the rotting wooden boards of the home. She raised the pistol just up to the man's shoulder level, letting off a shot. One of her three bullets instantly slammed into the man, sending him reeling back onto the floor. Naturally her desire to help others overcame her. Emilie set her pistol aside, mumbling weakly to the man. "Stay calm.. I'm going to help." For whatever reason, despite being assaulted, she still dragged her supplies to the man. He seemed compelled to simply lie in silence and writhe in agony as the paramedic dug through his wound for the shrapnel that she'd placed inside of him. After yanking the bullet from his shoulder she quickly wrapped a bandage around his shoulder, securing it down with gauze. She worked methodically, before finally nodding and started to help herself. Emm had been luckier than her opponent and the bullet had just grazed across her skin, making the patch easy and swift. With a slight limp she walked to the man's rifle, humming a soft and happy Swedish tune. Her fingers grazed its wooden surface, before emptying the magazine that was secured within it. "Don't do that." She stated simply, tucking the ammunition in her pocket. "Be careful with that, do not re-open. Understand?" She nodded and bowed her head before exiting the building.

Off she went down the long road once more, kicking pebbles down the pavement as she did so. Her backpack clanked softly with the various tools and supplies that were concealed within it, providing a satisfying rhythm for Emm to sing to. Though this serenity was soon interrupted by a sudden, singular gunshot sounding from a row of homes. A truck, seemingly in operating condition was parked near where the gunshot came from. Without hesitation she began to jog toward the homes, carrying the now bloody gauze beneath her arm while clutching her own wound. Despite the terrible pain that each movement of her leg caused, she selflessly moved toward the potentially injured entity.

As she drew closer to the homes, she cleared her throat and shouted over the sounds of nature. "Hey! I'm a medic. Heard gunshots, everyone fine?" Her thick accent clouded some of her words, though for the most part her tone was incredibly warm. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the Undead, causing her to grunt and pace her way forward. She remained seemingly unarmed, the pistol tucked away in her bag. Like a traditional medic she didn't want to be seen as a threat, but rather a bastion. If she were unable to help now, the very least she desired was to be pulled away from the swarm gathering in the area.

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"Are you trying to get us killed?" Kat hissed as she watched the boy tumble down the stairs, creating a horrible racket. As soon as she said the words, a walker began moaning from the kitchen. "Dammit," she muttered, narrowing her eyes at the walker. This one had been burned really badly - its skin hanging off its face in wild patches, and the smell was almost more than she could take. Luckily it's just one of them.. if there were more, we would be screwed. Is this why she hadn't tried to find anyone? It was her life or theirs?

As the male walker approached, she pulled her sword out and with a modest arch, she slid it right into his forehead, the edge of her sword poking through the back of his skull. Instantly the walker went limp, falling toward her, and making her jump back a few steps. "Get - off!" She whispered harshly, lifting a booted foot and kicking it. The walker fell lifelessly against the wall and slid down it.

"We need to find somewhere safe. We just made a lot of noise." She glanced at the boy, breathing heavily, and felt a few drops of perspiration trickle down her forehead.

Louis could honestly say he was a little scared to meet Sam. Christopher was nice, of course, but as a fellow short person he knew how easy it was to get annoyed. It seemed every short person he'd met had a similar attitude to his own. He ate some of his beans in silence until they were close enough for Sam to begin talking. She was pretty, her hair vibrant against the now normal ruggedness of the world. It was amazing. She either had a really damn good haircut right before the whole apocalypse or she was some sort of hairstylist. The thought wasn't really appropriate for the situation, but he was a little excited. He felt disgusting - And if they could camp out here a little bit, he didn't see why sorting his hair out would be an issue.

"Hi." Louis smiled, sort of hesitant. The expression didn't quite reach his eyes, not yet. He didn't doubt he'd get along with Sam, though. "I'm Louis. I hope I'm not intruding or anything, I don't mean anything bad," He said, hands waving through the air a bit as he spoke. "Your hair is nice." He chewed the inside of his cheek. That probably wasn't the best way to introduce himself, but. People liked receiving complements - That shouldn't change just because it's a little more complicated, should it?

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Allison rolled over on her side and faced the blinding sunlight that seeped through the apartment windows. She hadn't slept a wink all night; the nightmares had been way too much to bear in her weak state. She stood up and pulled her long brown hair back and out of her face, securing it with a hair tie. A few feet over from where she stood laid her bestfriend, Ranger, who seemed to be sleeping just fine. She sighed in envy as she walked to her backpack, determined to get an early start on the morning. She pulled out her old college textbook and moved by the window so that she could study a bit. The world may have ended, but that didn't mean her education had to. She sat cross legged on the floor and read through one of the chapters, running her finger across the words as she read them. The morning light was just barely enough to illuminate the pages, but she made do. She was in her own world now with her studies; that was, at least, until Ranger started snoring. She looked up towards her friend and squinted her eyes, throwing her back into the wall angrily. "Ranger, wake up. You're snoring again!" she yelled, tossing her textbook at his side.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Joseph pulled himself off the ground with a loud groan, his knuckles practically screaming in agony. He examined them now, a mix of flesh, blood, and purple is all they were at this point. The world had ended. That was for sure. He rubbed his eyes and adjusted them to the sunlight before continuing. He bent over, feeling the man's body; searching for anything valuable. Of course, there was nothing. The man had been a scavenger, and they never had shit to show for it. That's partially why Joseph killed him. The way he saw it was that people like the man before him were better off dead in times like these. Plus, they had it coming anyways. Joe pulled the straps on his backpack tighter to his body and turned away from the man, walking away. It had been six months since this all started, and each day Joseph could feel himself slipping away more and more. Sometimes the only thing that drove him on was the fact that his kids were still out there somewhere. So he made his way through Tennessee's back roads and towns in hopes that maybe he'll find them out there somehow, and maybe he could protect them. Protect them in ways he never could before.

Christopher smiled at his wife, allowing the kid to introduce himself. He clapped his hands together happily and gestured to the boy, "This is kid here, is proof that there are others. I told you that there were others Sam! I just knew it." . He was hyped about this. His luck had been at an all time high lately and he couldn't foresee how it would run out anytime soon. He had found a home and a friend all in an hours time. This was good, this was very good.

Sam shook her head in disbelief. Louis. His name is Louis. "I'm Sam, as my husband has probably already told you." She looked at the younger man before her and eyed him up and down. He was dirty, but that wasn't anything new. Everyone was dirty now days. She found herself drawn to his untamed hair, and curious as to how it looked before everything went to shit. She would've loved to style back in the old days; before she closed the shop and headed off to where she was now. "No, no. You aren't intruding at all. It's nice to meet you." she said speaking, smiling.

@Brianna Ackerman

Red turned to see the new wide eyed strangers. Great, what are we? The party bus? He leaned back into his seat in disbelief and looked straight ahead. He was surprised to see another stranger approaching. Yep, we're definitely the party bus. Red rolled down the window and waved to the person that stood before him. "Jump in the back! Not safe!" he yelled, hoping she would hear him over the walkers and his brother's yells. He could barely make out her words, but he knew for sure that she was asking if everyone was okay. Sure, peachy in fact, but you won't be if you don't get in the damn truck.


Hailey shifted uncomfortably under Nayla's weight, holding up the dog's fat best she could with one arm. There was barely enough room for the humans in the cab, but still, Maizy had let the dog in. She sighed and sat back, combing her fingers through Nayla's fur softly. She could tell the dog was frightened, as she was shaking terribly. "It's gonna be okay.. It's alright." she whispered, attempting to soothe the anxious pup best she could. She wasn't sure why, but the dog had always seemed drawn to her the most, even though Maizy had always shown the most affection. It wasn't that she didn't care for the dog, it was just that she didn't understand it.

Maizy looked back at the monsters that stood outside her window, jumping back as one of them banged on the window beside her. She pulled her knees to her chest as she waited for Nathan to drive away. She didn't care if they left with or without the strangers. She just wanted to go home, or somewhere away from all this. She looked over at Hailey and Nayla, reaching over and rubbing the dog's soft fur as well. Everything seemed to be so chaotic, and Maizy didn't really know her part in it all. She just knew she had to be brave. Always be brave.
The pair nodded. They both quite literally jumped into the back-and one was nine months pregnant. Wow.

Kira pulled her katana from her back, and began killing the Biters that dared to get near them. Logan watched in awe.

At one point, he made her sit down, out of reach of any of the vile creatures. He knocked on the small window in the back of the truck before poking his head in. "I'm sorry to bother you, but do you possibly have any medical help wherever your base of group is? We may have a situation on our hands back here."

He knelt next to his red-haired beauty of a wife, putting. A hand on her swollen abdomen. "If not now, soon. Definitely soon." He called.
Johnny groaned at feeling a text book smash into his side, "I've heard of throwing the book at someone but I didnt think it would actually hurt." He yawned and ran his fingers through his black hair, room a golden yellow from the morning sun. "Didnt sleep that well again did you? Ya look tired, and youre also a little more aggresive than usual..." He yawned once more and got up, he got to sleep all night but during the night he did feel Allison's presence, the kind of presence that says she wasnt doing alright. Johnny looked around the room, "sooo whats on the menu this morning?"


The boy watched as she murdered the walker.

He then replies.

"I saw a few cabins when I came here."

That made him sound like he simply walked the entire forest,without even a scratch.

"There was also a military base,I didn't go in there because,y'know,I'd rather keep my head."

He then started to pick his stuff up from the ground,stuffing it in his backpack

He approached the kitchen area,opening a few cabinets.

He found a box of cereals,they were his favorites,too bad they expired months ago.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

And when he was almost leaving,he remembered something : The skateboard.

He ran past the woman,this time walking up the stairs carefully.

He picked up the skateboard.

"So,where are we going ?"
Louis was mildly pleased by Christopher's happiness as he spoke about him. It was nice, knowing he genuinely wasn't being a nuisance. It was obvious they had plenty of food, but some people didn't like sharing, and some people just didn't like other people. Sam seemed sweet, though, just as welcoming as Christopher. It calmed any leftover anxiety he'd had about all this before.

"Thank you so much," Louis said, soft crinkles beside his eyes resulting from his smile. This was a good day. He had food, he met some nice people, and he wasn't dead. If he could somehow wash himself and his clothes this would be perfect. They were in a rich neighborhood.. Someone had to have a pool, didn't they? Running water had been shut off in the past week but Louis would genuinely bathe in a river provided he had some soap.

"Hey - I'll help you guys set up and stuff, in whatever house you'd like, but afterward would you be alright with me searching around some more? I'll bring anything good I find back, obviously. And maybe I could find a pool. Some soap is bound to be in one of these houses, too. I don't know about you guys but I feel absolutely wretched."

Allison rolled her eyes at Ranger, looking back down at her notebook rather than responding. "I don't know, Ranger. Depends on whatever you have in your backpack.". She scanned over the page, now unable to concentrate with Johnny's eyes bearing down on her. She slammed it shut and laid it beside her on the floor, resting her hands in her lap out of frustration. It was pointless; you couldn't do anything around him. She stood up and pulled her backpack on over her shoulders before reaching down and sliding on her shoes. "I'm leaving. Come on." she said, scooping up her text book as she walked out the door.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Joseph walked the barren streets of Memphis, Tennessee. A place that had once been a major city in west Tennessee now laid souless, something he would've never thought he would see in his life time. Cars were lines up on the road parked with keys still in their engines, but Joseph knew they wouldn't drive. Scavengers always drained the gas out of cars like these before they moved on. Joe leaned over to one of them, groaning as he elbowed out the window, leaving his elbow bruised and in pain. He really didn't care too much about that. Pain is not something that bothered him anymore. He pushed himself through the window, scratching himself up a bit due to the left over glass, but once again, pain didn't bother him too much. He laid in the backseat, staring up at the ceiling of the car that seemed to be covered with flies. He reached over into one of the lower pockets on his backpack and curled his hand around a prescription bottle. The sound of pills shaking against the plastic proved it to be near empty. He pulled it out, popping off the top before shaking two into his hand. He didn't even bother to look at the label before shoving the things down his dry throat. All the pills he had on him caused hallucinations, and that's what he was looking for right now. He discovered upon his first time doing drug use that the drugs made him see his children; all four of them, and even though the words out of their mouths were angry and unforgiving; they were there. He could see them. It almost felt like he could touch them if he reached out and tried hard enough.

Sam nodded her head, "I don't mind. Just bring it back to this garage over here and i'll make sure it's safe for when we need it.". She did a double take and almost laughed at him when he mentioned a pool and soap. "No no no. Those old chemicals will hurt your skin. Maybe even turn your hair green. You don't want that; trust me. It would take forever to fix." that was just a few of the things that went wrong; depending how bad of a condition the pool was. "Here, how about this: You go and search the rest of the houses, I'll have Christopher finish up organizing, and I'll personally boil some water so that you can take a bath at one of the houses. Maybe even some for me and Christopher. Lord knows we have enough." she said with a smile. She wouldn't mind a bath herself. The oil in her hair had caused it to grow long and she had many split ends. If only she could find some scissors.... "Also if you find scissors, please bring them back for me. This hair is getting ridiculous."

Christopher was happy to hear Sam's suggestion. He had grown pretty tired of searching houses and was ready for another job; even if it was small. He adjusted so that his arms were crossed and felt Sam's gun tucked in between his back and backpack. "Oh yeah, Sam. You forgot this." he said, carefully handing it over. He knew he probably should've returned it sooner, but it made him feel safer. He turned to Louis after Sam was done speaking, "Sam was a hairdresser y'know." .

@Brianna Ackerman @planetic

Red sat quiet in the passenger seat. His hands rested in his lap and he starred out the window; not bothering to meet the new people. They would be gone soon, and he knew that. Survivors never lasted very long with them, and in his eyes it was the sooner the better. He had brought attention to the medic out of the kindness of his heart; not because he cared for her because he didn't. He didn't care about anyone anymore. He was just focused on keeping himself alive, and he knew he would be the last man standing.

Maizy had picked up her coloring book once again, and was now scribbling red over a flower's outline. She wasn't sure about the strangers yet, and decided to wait for them to talk to her first. She sucked her left thumb as she colored with her right and made sure her eyes never left the coloring book. She was a shy girl, and didn't care much for conversation outside of her family. She had always been that way. Her mother would urge her to talk to other children, but it always ended with Maizy running back to her mom and burying her face in her side.

Nayla looked curiously at the strange new humans, lowering he ears as she smelt the air around them. They smelled just about the same as any other human she had ever met, so she relaxed. Laying her head on her master's thigh carefully resting. She was always alert, but these days most of the dog's life consisted of the dirty old truck. She didn't quite like the truck's back and it was uncomfortable; hard to sleep on.
She nodded. "Thank you" she said. "You see, we got into a small bout of trouble back there, and something may or may not have gone wrong." The read-headed woman laughed nervously, leaning against her husband.

The male with her pulled out his gun and shot a Biter that was surprisingly fast, and coming from the side of the truck. He moved Kira closer to the middle of the back, so it would be harder for anything to reach her.

He took her hands in his gently, smiling at her. Smiling back, Kira admired her husband. At that same time, he was using his bit of medical knowledge to determine if they would need a medic, and if so, how soon, by the time between when she gripped his hands.

Reaching up, he tucked a strand of her hair before speaking to the driver. "I never got to thank you for helping us back there. You saved our asses." He said. "My name is Logan. This is Kira."

At the mention of her name, Kira waved slightly.
Ranger slipped his pack onto himself, clipping all the buckles to keep it in place. He followed after Allison walking outside the apartment room, "did you get any sleep at all last night? Or was it just the usual? Youre gonna eventually collapse if you dont start sleeping soon." He really was worried for her, he was always worrying about her, it was just something that was a part of him ever since they became friends. It didnt help that she still lugged around text books, Ranger had told her to leave em behind months ago but she feels the need to continue studying. He disagreed with the whole idea of carrying those things, he had his booksmarts but theydont mean shit if he couldnt use em in the field.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Blake sighed, nodding his head. Like this guy probably had anything worth taking at all. The man expected what to find in the back storeroom, yet his acquaintance was still intent on pointing his weapon. Blake was puzzled by his choice of furearm, even if it was that. What was he: an office cubicle warrior? Even then, the man did not stand much of a chance. Those weapons jammed easily, and they weren't very effective. Nonetheless, perhaps he knew that. "And, lower your gun. Point it at me again, and I take your gun as well as your arm," Blake half-heartedly threatened, more of a semi-serious jest rather than a threat.
Mikhail smirked at the mans comment, "cocky aint we. Fine." He lowered the nail gun but never took his finger off the trigger, with a semi intent on quick firing if the situation called for it. "So, what do we do about the noise in the back?" It felt so odd hearing is own voice actually speak, he nearly forgotten what he sounded like in a conversation. It felt foreign yet so familiar and comfortable at the same time, in reality Mik didnt want to hurt the stranger, he just wanted to know if he could trust him.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Was this guy for serious? 'No, call out to it, maybe tell the sound there is free candy, and perhaps it will all go away,' Blake thought to himself with heavy sarcasm. "Investigate it, duh. Take the right side of the doorframe. I will go first, you cover me," he whispered, starting to move towards the back room.
Mik nodded his head in annoyance, he didnt like being told what to do unless it was someone whom he recognized as being acceptible to command him. Which wasnt alot of people, only maybe two professors he actually allowed to tell him what to do. Walking over to the right side of the door frame he drew up his nail gun and hugged the wall. He looked over to the stranger, "alright, on your signal."

@Hollowed Kadaver

Blake held himself against the back wall, taking a deep breath. For all that he knew, his fate could be behind the door. The oak door appeared to be shut tight. With a slow movement, the male reached for the handle of the door. He yanked it, finding it locked. This was the signal. Blake waved his hand towards himself, beckoning his new friend. Blake approached the door, and examined the handle. With a sudden jolt, Blake lifted his leg, and pushed forward on the door.

This was where the plan went out the window. Something was in the way of the door. With a twang, Blake's foot rebounded back. His knee hurt quite a bit, but he was fine. "Something is in the way," he said.
Miks eyes rolled as the strangers foot bounced off the door, he approached the door and gave it a gentle push. "There might be crates or something blocking the door," he began to slowly push the door, it wouldnt budge. "Heavy crates at that, there might be another way, we could try to delivery entrance. It would be in the back of the store though." Mik turned to face the stranger, 'this guy looks tired.'

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"Why in all honesty would we-"

The weak styrofoam panels suddenly gave way in the middle of the store. Before Blake could even react, a second set of panels fell, and then a third. The stench, followed by the gutteral growls of the creatures, confirmed the fears of the duo. "Shit!" shouted the male, removing his weapon as he eyed the deathtrap. "We need to get out of here!"

@Hollowed Kadaver
Mik groaned, "son of a...all i wanted was a damn bike pump!" He held up his nail gun, the dust in the air didnt bother him one bit for he had his bandanna and goggles on, though visibility was poor. His breathing was slow, eyes darting in all directions, moving from one location to the next, constantly making sure his new "friend" was within view. There were shadows squirming on the ground before them, "come on!" he yelled as he reached forwards to grab his comrade.

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Blake instinctively confused his friend for an assailant. With a driving elbow, the male went for the throat, hoping to keep his "attacker" at bay. The dead were easily noticing the duo, and began to shuffle towards them. Definitely not a good situation to be in. There was no escape,it seemed. They needed to fight their way out, as much as it would cost. What a thought: the only time in this whole day where lurkers showed up!

@Hollowed Kadaver
Mik saw the strangers elbow fly towards him 'had a feeling that would happen, this man is too paranoid.' Mik brought up his only freehand; it was partially successful. He managed to block the attack but his wrist was now injured, his nail gun slipped from his hand hanging from his body from the sling he made from it. "Ow! You idiot its me!" His wrist hurt, it wasnt broken but it felt numb, "You really need to be more observant!" He growled in annoyance at both the strangers actions as well at the fact that the undead were starting to get up. With his non-injured hand he raised the nail gun up, 'great my shooting hand fucking hurts and i have to use my left hand now...'
Well, perhaps he had just saved his life. That nail gun was more trash than the latest U2 album, or so thought Blake. Perhaps it would be best. Embarassed, the male raised his pistol, and fired at the oncoming lurkers. Miss. Hit. Miss. Hit. Miss. Miss. Click. And thus, Blake was out of bullets. The hits did not do much, knocking one lurker down permanently. He had truly failed, and with his friend now injured, they needed to move. Blake, at least, had a bat to fend off the lurkers. Stepping to the side of the door, the male raised his weapon. "Listen asshole, you don't jump on someone during a goddamn apocalypse. You owe me, believe it or not," he said, swinging at an oncomer.

@Hollowed Kadaver
Mik didnt look at the man, he only aimed at the legs of the lurkers and fired, collapsing them right where they stood. "I dont owe you crap, its not my fault you cant be fucking observant and think before acting." Mik was annoyed with the man and started making his way past the lurkers. Driving nails into the heads of the ones he collapsed.
With an additional smash of the bat, Blake finished off the lurkers that Mik has failed to kill. Even his aim was off. One in the head was easier than two in the kneecaps. "F***ing moron," he said with aggression, hitting another walker to the ground. Blake made his way behind Mik, batting at the remaining lurkers with all the strength he could. There were, however, quite a lot.
Mik only rolled his eyes, "you would make a terrible scientist." Mik felt no fear about the current situation, he had been ready to die for a long time, just, his scientific mind was curious about how long he could hold out. Everything now was an experiment, his research proposal? How long can he last before natural, or unnatural selection finally got him. His actions were a mantra right now, shoot them in femur, cause them to collapse, then shoot them in either the cervical vertebrae, or the head. Which ever his left arm would allow. He calmly did it, making sure each shot connected, albeit his annoyance was showing due to him not using his dominant hand, but he knew that would be temporary. Once his hand stopped pulsating he would go back to using it. "A little bit closer to the door..." Mik turned his, observed his surroundings, looked up, only an empty broken ceiling, nothing up there. Turned to the left and right, nothing but aisles and slow walkers, they were too far to be of concern. He looked down and behind him, nothing but a trail of the dead and the stranger playing babe ruth with a zombies head. He faced forward, "were pretty clear."


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