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Realistic or Modern The Living Among The Dead

Nicole hasn't seen her sister since the Apocalypse began. But that was not the young Mother's only worry. The baby's father, her boyfriend, was also missing and she hasn't been able to find or get ahold of him. It also didn't help that she was already seven months pregnant. She chose the best time to start a family...Or her boyfriend did...More unintentionally and she decided to keep the baby and raise her. Over the past week, Nicole had been living off of Clinic Food and was running low on bullets. But she still had a Crowbar, which was easy to swing. Not only it was a deadly weapon, but it was also a useful tool. So if she needed to wedge doors open, she had the option. But she really did not like the idea of getting up close and personal with the undead, so the sooner she found more bullets, the better. Traveling alone has also been really hazardous, so she was really waiting to jump on an opportunity to join up with other survivors. Packing her Messenger Bag, Nicole left through the backdoor of the clinic, her crowbar at the ready in case she needed to swing it, only wanting to use her gun in emergencies.

Hopefully whatever group she ends up joining has a Doctor, especially if she wanted her pregnancy to go more smoothly...Which she wanted. Whatever was best for her baby, Nicole was all for. Looking down at the belly, the young mother sighed before placing her hand on it to feel the consistent kicking that the baby would occasionally do. Closing the door behind her, she started walking more towards the Suburbs, or the less populated areas, thinking it best to be as far away from civilization as possible.


Waverly climbed up a set of rocks before eventually making it into the woods. Now knowing what the mindless undead was like, Waverly wanted to look more towards terrain that was hard for them to navigate through. With the undergrowth that riddled the forest, the youngster figured that it would be easy to escape from the infected since they would have a hard time navigating and few of them would be in this area anyway. Well, much less compared to the road that she was currently travelling on, or a corn field. She never trusted cornfields. However, if she had the option, she's just find a train line and just follow the train tracks...Those tend to be desolate and devoid of life. She had no idea where she was going, but just kept heading in the direction she was going...Which she thought was East...and decided to keep heading that way until she could find something...Whether it was suburban neighborhood or a small town...Something!


By the time Nicole made it to the Suburbs...Which took her a few hours, she was exhausted. Pregnant women shouldn't have to walk this much. Looking around, she went to the closest house and tried the door. It was locked...So using her Crowbar, she wedged in between the door the frame and just broke the lock in the process. While she did make a noise, it didn't echo or anything, so as soon as she got inside, she shut the door immediately. Without a way to lock it, she barred it the best she could, putting a chair under the handle. This house was completely devoid of life, but she couldn't keep her guard down, so the first thing she did was shut all the blinds, check every room, closet, the garage...Nothing was found. Tired she headed upstairs into the Master Bedroom, set down her bag and crowbar by the nightstand.

Before she could get comfortable, Nicole closed the bedroom door and locked it before wedging a nightstand in front of it. Running her fingers down her hair, she slipped into bed and quickly got comfortable. For comfort, she placed one of the spare pillows in between her legs before draping a blanket over her. She then yawned before closing her eyes, looking to take a nice and comfortable nap before moving on.
Casen slowly walked down the narrow alley between a small bookstore and a gas station. He noticed that a crowd of walkers began to collect around a small store across the street from where he was. "Well then... So much for hitting that place." He said to hinself. He pulled out his map and was about to mark the town off completely when a thought came to mind. If all of those walkers were surrounding that store, that meant someone... or something was in there, possibly holed up with supplies. He sighed. "I really dont wanna do this, but thise are supplies I may need." He said to himself. "These people better worship me for saving them." He said.

Casen threw his backpack back on and readied his handgun for fire. As he checked it for readiness he realised he was out of bullets. "Shit... So much for my pl-" Casen felt a hand touch his shoulder, and he turned to see a walker looking him dead in the eyes. Casen let out a shrill scream as he was tackled to the ground by the walker. He put his forearm at the walkers neck, doing his best to keep it away from here. He reached to his backpack and managed to dislodge his multi tool. He fumbled with it as he tried to pull the blade out with one arm and keep the zombie on top of him from taking a chunk out of his face. After a few moments of struggle he heard the click of the blade, and with a turn of his head and a grunt Casen drove the knife into the side of the walkers head multiple times, not stopping until the 6th stab.

Casen pushed the lifeless walker off of him and stood. He picked up his gan and holstered it, turning to see some of the walkers who had surrounded the store closing in on them. "Shit they must've heard me scream." He thought as he turned to run back through the alley he had come from. As he ran through the narrow alley he noticed a couple walkers had begun to trickle in. With walkers closing in on him from either end of the alley, and realising he couldnt take them on, Casen looked for a way out. He looked at the sides of both buildings and noticed a section of ladder on top of the gas station. "That looks a bit high, but its my only way out." He thought as he began jumping to try and reach it, after a few unsuccesful jumps he realised he needed to lighten the load. Casen tossed his backpack onto the gas station roof and looked to see a zombie within a few feet of him. "Its now or never," he said, jumping and grabbing the lowest part of the ladder. Mustering as much arm strength as he could, Casen pulled himself up to the roof of the gas station, and began panting as he fell to the roof. "That was close," he said peering over the edge and seeing the collection of walkers in the alley.

After a few moments, Casen stood and looked across at the store, their horde reduced to a few walkers. "Now what?" He asked, trying to figure out how he'd get down.

Nathan put a hand on Maizy's back and led her up the stairs, "She's around here somewhere. Where did you see her last?" he asked bending down to her height once they reached the top of the stairs. "She went outside with Nayla." Red answered, putting himself in the conversation. Nathan straightened up immediately at his response. "Red, now's not the time to be playing. What would she be doing outside?" he asked, his voice drowning in worry.

Red shrugged, "I guess she went outside to look for supplies. I don't think I saw her come in.". He responded, backing into the office upstairs, where Logan and Kiara were already waiting. "Maybe we should move that table in front of the door while we still can, and try to get you on the shading." he said, hearing Kiara's complaints. It seemed like he was the only person in the room with answers to the questions being asked. "Hailey and Nayla will be ok, so we should just focus on ourselves right now." He said, pulling his two siblings into the room before shutting and locking the metal door.

@Brianna Ackerman

Maizy moved into the small office space and took a seat on the floor, crossing her legs. She eyed the couple out of the corner of her eye, albeit curious about them. They had never really spoken to her or her sibling much, just eachother. "Your having a baby soon, right?" she asked, making conversation in attempts to block out the sound of walkers making their way in downstairs. She couldn't help but to wonder how they were gonna make it work out. She hadn't seen a doctor yet, and wasn't sure if they were around anymore. Nathan had explained to her that businesses were no longer functioning, but she was almost positive that didn't mean that all the doctors and dentists weren't still around.

@Brianna Ackerman

Hailey was still looking around the back parts of the shop when she heard a loud scream, causing Nayla to let out a series of barks and growls in return. "Shhhhh.." Hailey whispered, kneeling down to run her fingers through the dog's fur gently to soothe her. The dog quieted herself down, but remained hard as a rock, as if she was about to leap out of her skin any second. Having calmed the dog down, she turned around and urged the dog over to the garage, figuring that with all the noise being sent out, it may be best to check out the garage now. She pulled up the garage door and let in a little bit of light before allowing Nayla to slip in behind her. "We'll just stay in here until they pass." Hailey mumbled, pulling down the garage door.

Nayla scurried around in the dark, careful not to run into anything or pull her owner to much. She could hear the moans and groans of the monsters outside, and her fur remained standing up still from the screams she had heard moments ago. She let out a soft whine and laid herself in a ball by the garage door. Her master sat beside her, brushing through her fur.

Joseph began to speak, but realized that his throat was dry and covered in mucus from months of him keeping quite. He let out a series of coughs before he was finally able to speak. "I keep walking. You can go wherever the hell it is you want. You can take your pal here too." he said, his voice cracking with every word. Perhaps that would get his message across, and maybe they'd leave him alone. He looked forward and was able to make out some sort of concrete fencing. "I wanna go to wherever or whatever or however that is." he said slurring on his words and pointing in the direction of the odd structure.

Christopher stood and wiped his dirty hands off on his pants. He gave himself a pat on the back for his days work and picked up the small shovel he had pulled out of the wooden shed next door. He threw his gloves on the ground and carried the shovel back over to the neighbors house. As he made his trek over, he thought about the neighborhood. Who had lived there before? Could people fill these houses once more? He sure hoped so. He sat the shovel in the shed and walked back to the house his wife was at, continuing his thoughts.

Sam heard the front door open and leaned up to see her husband walking through the front door. "Did ya get those veggies planted?" she asked, sitting up to talk. Christopher nodded and sat down beside her, squeezing her calf playfully. "Y'know it's hot as hell out there?". Sam laughed and pulled her legs off of his lap and scooted closer so she could lean against him. "Yeah, that's why I made you do it." she said, laughing softly and leaning forward to grab a magazine off the coffee table.
Mik sighed, "come on man we go wherever we can go to find supplies, that guy over there though? He looks like he has his own mission, why the hell did we pair up with him again?" Mik placed the apparatus back in his pack once more to let it continue its water gathering, it was the cleanest water available at the moment, and probably in proximity for miles as well. He sighed and wiped his brow, 'why do i keep thinking about her...'
Kiara was already up, and moving the table with the assistance of Logan. "There we go" she said, cracking her knuckles before going over to a window. "There's a fire exit. Good. Stairs are good enough."

She went over to a spare chair and sat down, groaning. Logan laughed, walking behind her and beginning to rub her shoulders, commenting on how stiff she was.

Kiara opened her eyes to look at Maizy when she spoke to her, and nodded slowly. "Yes, that is correct." She said. "We are having a baby."

She put her hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently, wincing as the baby kicked her ribs. "God damn it."
Casen desperately looked for a way off of the roof, but there was none. "Just great." He thought. "How am I supposed to get over there now?" He looked to the two buildings on either side of the gas station for a solution.

The building on the rights roof was partially caved in, one step, and he'd be down there with whatever was in there.

The building on the left which helped make up the alley was two stories high, so no use in trying for the roof. He noticed two windows on the side of that building. "Maybe I could try to jump through that window?" Casen thought.

He played the scenario out in his head. He ran and jumped off of the gas stations roof, aimed for the window, but instead of breaking through, he hit it and bounced off, landing in the horde of walkers below. "Maybe not." He said. Casen looked at the shop across the building, there were about 6 walkers trying to get into the shop still. He could jump off of the roof of the gas station, and make a run for the shop, but 6 walkers were more than he'd be willing to take on. "I need to get to that shop... But how." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a second, and then something clicked. The window! If he could just break the windows on the adjacent building, he could draw the walkers from the shop into the alley, then make a run for it. But what would he used to break it with? Casen looked around for something to throw into the window... There was nothing with him on the roof besides his back pack and an his gun.

"No Casen said... I cant." He looked down at it again, then back at the window and sighed. "Well i guess i do need to travel lighter." He said.

Casen turned to face the side of the building. He picked up his gone and took in a deep breath. "Please break... Please break." He wished before hurling his gun at the window. There was a satisfying crash as the gun broke through the window. "Yes!" Casen yelled. He turned to see that the noise got the attention of two out of the four walkers. He ducked down and watched as they made their way to the alley; the rest was up to him.

Casen waited for the zombies to pass, and them dropped down off of the gas station, making a full sprint for the shop.

He unsheathed his maschete, and slashed through the skull of one of the walkers, drawing the attention of the other one. Casen backed up, and lifted his macgete bringing it down on the other but it lodged itself in the shoulder of the zombie. "Shit!" He said letting go of the hilt. The boy pulled out the multi tool and stabbed through the head of the zombie multipul times until it stopped fighting him. Somehow he gained the attention of tge walkers from across the street. "Shit!" He turned and ran up to the shops door and tried to force his way in, but something was keeping it closed. He turned to see the zombies closing in. "HELP!" He yelled as he began banging on the door to the shop. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! PLEASE HELP ME! THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER!" He began trying to ram into the door, but it still wouldnt budge.

The zombies were halfway to him when he decided his only option would be to fight. He grabbed his machete out of the shoulder of the previous zombie and readied it, putting his back to the door of the shop. "PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME! I'LL DIE OUT HERE!" He began kicking back with his foot and hitting the door. He was pretty sure his luck had run out.

@Brianna Ackerman
Logan had heard his shouts, and ran down to the door. Cocking his gun, he turned off the safety and tanked the door open, pulling Casen in the room, and shooting the Biters that got too close for comfort.

He slammed Caseb against the wall. "Are you insane?" The German man snapped. "Never yell when that close to those things. You could have gotten us all killed!"

He barricaded the door once more as he spoke. "And if anything happened to my pregnant wife because of you, you would be dead. Understood? Good."

He looked at him. "Who are you and what do you want? There are several other buildings around. Why did you come to ours?"

After a nice long nap, Nicole finally woke up. When she looked out the window, it looked as if daylight was about to cease, which did in fact leave her worried. Traveling in the dark during times like these was very dangerous, mainly because those 'things' have more places to hide. So when she got out of bed, the first thing she did was grab her bag and her weapon before walking downstairs, where she took the chair wedged under the front door handle and opened it gently so that she wouldn't have to make too much noise. There was some infected roaming around, but they were pretty scattered out and were unaware of her presence, which she wanted to maintain. She then gently closed the door before heading onto the street and started walking more, but where was she going to go?

After wandering a few blocks for about another 30-45 minutes, Nicole saw what she thought was a fortified home. It seemed safe and she was sure that she could stay there for a little while, since she can't or didn't really want to do any long distance traveling. But anything would do for a safe haven, she figured, so she walked towards the gated home and tried the gate. To her dismay it was locked. "Hello? Anyone there?" she called out, hoping someone would respond.

Nathan stood behind Kiara and Logan to see what all the ruckus was. "Everyone get back up stairs, now. You too ponyboy." he said, looking dead into the eyes of the boy who had just attracted even more walkers to their shelter. They would be breaking down the door any minute now thanks to him. Red came up behind him and threw his arms out, "What the fuck were you thinking man?" he asked, giving the boy a shove towards the door. Outside, the two brothers could hear the walkers pounding on the door. Their only option was to head upstairs and wait it out. @Hollowed Kadaver

The house that Sam and Christopher stayed at was only two houses over from the gates, so they were able to hear the yelling stranger outside. Sam stood abruptly and looked to her husband, "I'm gonna go check it out.". Before she could get to her gun on the counter, Christopher stopped her. "No you aren't. I'll go, you stay here. Watch through the window." he said in a stern tone, grabbing the gun off the counter before she could. He walked out the door before she could protest and jogged over to the gate, where a young woman was standing. He took in her presence quickly, observing her dirty face and tangled hair; it made it clear that she was a scavenger just like them. Better safe than sorry. Christopher pointed the gun at her, "Empty your pockets, then we can discuss getting you inside.".

@Shimakage Thunder
Although Nicole was a bit overjoyed to see another human being, it quickly turned to horror when a gun was pointed at her. Quietly she took off her Messenger bag, as her dress did not have pockets. Because she could be killed at any minute, Nicole started shaking a bit. "Please, don't hurt me...I'm pregnant." She cried, staring at the gun fearfully as she was shaking and on the verge of tears.

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Logan shoved the boy upstairs, soon following after, only stopping to reinforce the door more.

When he reached the upstairs room, he went over and knelt next to Kiara. "Ugh. I feel like total shit, to be blunt" she said to her husband.

This earned her a laugh and a quick kiss. "So I've heard" Logan said. "You are about three weeks overdue. I'd take that as a good sign, actually."

He took her hands in his, spinning the chair to face him. Scooping her up, he sat down, holding her in his lap, her leaning against his chest.

"How long to you think we will be here before we get back to any base you may have? Just in case we need medical help beyond what I know."

He looked down at Kiara, who was already asleep in his arms. He looked at her swollen stomach, and could see the child moving and kicking inside her.

"Hey, calm down in there" he said, rubbing her stomach. "Don't wake up your mutter. She works hard to keep you healthy, okay?" He loved using his native language as much as he could when talking to his unborn child.

He momentarily forgot everyone else was around. He often did that, losing himself in talking to the baby when Kiara was sleeping.

Mutter- German for 'mother'
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@Hollowed Kadaver


Where was he going? He didn't know that he was going to a place where colors swirled together. Blake of course realized that his new friend was a druggie, addicted on more substances than a pharmacy. But it was the only chance that either Blake or Mik had in surviving. Even though we stand alone, we stand together. Of course, the strung out male seemed to be more concerned with getting his hourly dose than surviving. He didn't even know where he was going? But, Blake, being the inquisitive individual he was, was inclined to ask. "Where are all the lurkers?" he asked, looking around the devoid city.
Casen felt like shit. First he lured the walkers to these people, then he was threatened with a shotgun, and now... a baby. "Listen." He said. "I'm really sorry. I didnt mean to lure them to you folks, I was in a bit of a bind and I thought you could help... I see now that you folks are in a bit of a bind yourselves." He backed himself up against the wall. "Listen... If we stay still and quiet, maybe they'll go away. The sooner that happens, the sooner we can all get out of here." He said. "In the meantime..." He opened his bag, and pulled out a bag of colorful cereal, handing it to the little girl. He then pulled out everysingle food item and his two bottles off water, and placed them on a small table. "I hope this can make up for the trouble I caused."

@Brianna Ackerman
Mik continued walking past the new stranger, not wanting to do anything with him. "I dont know, and I dont care, as long as I dont see them then they wont be a bother." His comment was in reference to Blakes question, 'Ever since I met him I've been doing alot more killing, probably a bad luck thing or something.' Mike never wanted to admit it, but he hated having to fight the undead. To him it was considered wasted energy, energy he couldve used for something else, if he could avoid the fighting he took every oppurtunity to do so.
Christopher's eyes grew wide upon seeing the baby bump and he put his gun down. He ran towards the gate quickly pressed the button that would open it. It was battery run, and he wondered just how much longer that battery would last before it died out. "I didn't mean to frighten you, but I was worried that you could be a threat to me and my wife. We're the only ones here." he said, adjusting the rifle's strap so that it laid against his back. "Maybe I can help set you up in one of these houses in return for scaring you, I promise I meant no harm.", he turned around to look at the rows of houses that laid beyond the gate and backed up, allowing her to step forward into the safe space. "We have plenty of food too.."

@Brianna Ackerman

(Contains very crude imagery.)

Red stood beside the window, looking out on all the walkers below. There had to be a few dozen; if not more. They would be there a while, but that was just stating the obvious. He turned his back on the window and sat on the floor instead, groaning as he did so. "What are you two gonna do with a baby anyways? Not like we have strollers or infant silencers. It's kinda stupid to be having one at a time like this, you know? Maybe we should just off it when it comes out." he made a motion like a knife slitting his throat and made a cutting noise with his mouth. "It would be easier that way, and less of a burden." he said in a matter-of-fact tone. He seriously believed all that too, as Red would never preach what he didn't practice. Hell, he would even preform the procedure for them if they asked him to.

@Brianna Ackerman

Joseph rolled his eyes, seeing that everyone was ignoring him. Fucktards. He may be strung out, but he could clearly see the structure, and now it was moving? He watched as the figure stepped inside and he saw as the gate? closed behind the person. A heavy laughter formed from the very pits of his stomach and he pointed again, "We've found it! We fucking found it!" he yelled, as if he knew what it was himself. "We have to go quickly now. Verry quickly." he mumbled, racing forward. His mind could just barely make out his thoughts, and he read them now. My kids.. My kids have to be there.. These were his final thoughts as he tripped over the dead body of a walker and was knocked out cold.

@Hollowed Kadaver
When the gun was no longer being pointed at her, Nicole stopped panicking and picked up her bag. When the gate opened, she quietly walked in before it was shut behind her. Seeing that all the houses were vacant...Well, all but one since there was a Couple living here. When offered one of the vacant homes, she started looking at one. "Well, if you have a...Four Bedroom. That'd be nice." She replied when she was offered a new home. A woman came out and greeted her as well. Presumingly the man's wife. If there were going to be more people here...They would want to fortify it just a bit more. But Nicole herself can only do so much with the growing baby inside her and she only had another seven to ten more weeks until it was time for her to deliver...Unless the pregnancy goes past the estimated due date and the baby becomes overdue. Within the next ten weeks, Nicole could only hope that a Doctor would arrive at this Compound soon, not knowing if the other two could help her deliver her baby.

Still holding her swollen stomach, Nicole introduced herself to the other woman, Sam. "I'm Nicole, but you can just call me Nikki." She said calmly. When offered a Bath and the chance to clean herself up, Nicole took her up on the offer. "A Warm Bath would be nice. I'd like that. This past week has been a little rough. I took a nap at another house on the way here, though I do wish this baby could be a little easier on me." She sighed.

Logan nodded. "Okay. I'm glad we have someone with a bit more experience than me in that area of expertise. As you can probably tell, I know very little about pregnancy and childbirth."

They listened to Red. Oh no. That did it. Kiara stood up swiftly, a fire in her eyes. She was pissed. Off. "Did you really just say what I think you just said? Really? Did you seriously just suggest that I kill my newborn child after it's born? Right after it begins life?" She growled at Red.

She took a step towards Red. "
Let's get something straight. Right now. I am not killing my child. It has a chance at life, and nobody is going to take that away from him. Not under my watch." She took her knife and pointed it at him.

"A warning. I studied combat and weaponry since I was six years old. You even think about killing my baby, it'll be you first."

With that, she put the knife away. Turning on her heel, she went into a side room, locking the door.

Logan looked at Red. "
Sie sind ein Esel. You know that right? And an idiot. A lesson to you, never. Ever. Suggest to a pregnant woman that she kill her child. No matter the circumstances. Especially to my wife, about my child. Do you understand me perfectly clear?"

With that last note, he turned and walked to the side room, knocking on the door gently. A few angry statements in French came from behind it, and Logan spoke gently in German, telling her that it was him. A sigh came from Kiara and the door unlocked, letting him in. He went over to her and sat next to her, taking her in his arms.

you are an ass}
Sam nodded, "I think the house two houses down from ours is a four. I'll start boiling some water and pouring it for you. Christopher, how about you take her back to the food garage and help her grab a few things to take back to her new place." she said, looking over to her husband. He nodded and she walked off towards the house that she decided would be a good place for the woman to set up in, stopping at the supply garage to grab the water that she needed and a few things to boil it. She started the water in a bucket over fire and sat on the steps as she waited for it to warm up. As each pail boiled, she carried it inside to pour it into the tub. Thankfully, this house had no stairs other than the ones outside that Nikki would have to walk up. She knew from her previous life how much of a bother they were for her pregnant customers. After what seemed like 1000 buckets of water, the tub was finally filled up enough for the woman to bathe in. Sam sat out some shampoo and towels beside the tub for the woman and walked out of the house, waiting on Christopher to arrive.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Christopher looked over to Nikki and smiled, "Looks like your stuck with me for a bit. To the supply garage!" he said, walking down the thin road. After a few minutes, he reached the garage and opened it, leading her inside. "There's bags in the corner there, just take as much as you think you need. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll carry it for you, seeing your current.. predicament." he said, sitting down on the floor and rolling a small soccer ball back and forth. He hoped he didn't come off too forward, but he didn't want the food to run out too quick, and he had only just started to plant the garden. "I think it would be good on our supply if everyone who lived here, started their own garden. I get it may be hard for you to tend to it because of the baby, but if it's possible, that would be great. Me or Sam can help you get started if you don't mind."

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Nathan's smile quickly turned to a frown at hearing the words that came out of his brother's mouth. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked, standing up and pushing his brother into the wall. The couple had already began to flip out on him, but Nathan still felt the need to chew him out as well. "You don't just say that to people, Red. What they do with their child is their choice, and we're gonna support them in such matters because it's our responsibility too. We're a group now. Get with it."

Red cocked his head and laughed a bit. "What the hell did he just say What language was that?" he asked, practically falling over in laughter until Nathan came up and shoved him. He pushed him back away from him, "Don't touch me." he yelled, clenching his fist at his side. "I stand firmly by what I just said, and if you want that baby to be your problem, then let it be. It's not mine. I was just suggesting an alternative to having to carry around some helpless thing that cries every.fucking.second."
Kiara came out a few minutes later, Logan by her side. She looked visibly calmer, but it was obvious she was still incredibly pissed off.

"It was German" she said, a bite in the way she spoke. "And he said 'you are an asshole.' I can't say I disagree. And like Nathan said, what we do with our child is our problem. Besides, not every child cries constantly."

She sat back in her chair, sighing. She was silent for a new minutes, about twenty. Then, Kiara put a hand on her swollen abdomen, closing her eyes. She let out a small groan and bit her lip.

Hearing this, Logan rushed to her side, being the protective husband he was. He asked her if she was okay, to which she nodded and blew him off.

"Just a cramp. So I hope" She said quietly. "But I think we may need that medical knowledge soon." She laughed nervously.
@Hollowed Kadaver


WasMik ever in a good mood? All he ever seemed to be was pissed off, perhaps a bit whiny at times. It takes one to know one, it seems. However, Joseph's intentions were now quite suddenly revealed as they now entered an aprtment building, reflected by his hideous laughter. Almost as hideous as Mik's personality. Why were they even together? "Hope," he uttered under his breath, citing Joseph's reasons for the venture. But, the drama turned to comedy for a brief moment, as quite suddenly he tripped and fell over a walker. He hit his head, thank goodness. At least he broke his fall with his face! He was now out cold. Great, now he HAD to talk to Mik. "Well, mr. Stick-in-the-ass," he said abruptly, "he's out cold."
Mik turned around and sighed, "alright lets get him, Ill take his right side you get his left, come on." Mikhail bent down and wrapped the unconscious strangers arm around him, holding him up. "Wow hes surprisingly light, probably suffering from malnourishment." Mik held up the stranger as Blake assisted, 'we make an odd team.' He looked around for a second, "hey lets head for that neighborhood over there, be a perfect spot for making a camp."
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@Hollowed Kadaver

Not a bad place at all! It definitely seemed that they could survive from the NOTHING because there were no zombies! But, it seemed fine. No escape plan either, but it seemed fine. Lifting the drugged loser, Blake made his way towards the gate. He noticed how light he was as well, and immediately became annoyed wth Mik's comments. We get it: you are a physicist. "Can we just take a moment to realize that there are no zombies? This is the apocalypse after all. How can you not care?"
Of course, Nicole was still cradling her belly, feeling protective of her baby. It wasn't that she distrusted the couple she had allied herself with, but more or so out of motherly instincts and because of the world that she now lived in. Within the safety of the compound, Nicole figured that she could survive here almost indefinitely. But of course, they needed more people since only three people, with one of them who is pregnant, they can only do so much. For a man who pointed a gun at a pregnant lady, the man was indeed a bit cheerful. However, she didn't blame him, since in situations like these, trusting others was really a risk.

When they had arrived at the Garage, Nicole looked around at all the supplies. When it came to the gardening, Nicole didn't seem to mind. In fact, she enjoyed gardening, but she couldn't do it for hours at a time because of pregnancy cramps and it'd be too stressful for her back. "Um, sure, I wouldn't mind starting my own garden. I hate to be picky, but before I plant anything, I have to make sure its safe for me to eat so nothing happens to my baby." She looked down at her ever-growing belly and frowned a bit. "But I do appreciate the help if that's okay. As long as its safe for me to eat, I guess you can plant it." She said, looking around. "Well before we do anything though, I should wash up, so I can feel more...Refreshed." She added, feeling grimy and unclean...and hygiene was just too important for her.

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Ranger nodded his head, "hmm I suppose youre right, I hope that if there are people, that theyre friendly. Wouldnt want to fight anyone." He went back to his chores, finilizing all the water containment that he and Allison created, "alright, water is secure, this should last us a long time."

Mik rolled his eyes, "yes there are no zombies, it aint a big deal, sometimes ill go weeks without seeing one." Mik continued to haul the unconscious addict to the neighborhood, 'almost there, maybe I'll drop this guy off and go on my own again, i really do miss the quiet.'
The small cat bolted out from underneath the car she had been sleeping in all morning, her rather large belly dragging on the ground beneath her. She slammed her paw down unto the boiling pavement, and when she lifted it, was rather pleased to see she had caught a tiny black spider. She licked the little treat of off her paw thankfully before scaling up a nearby tree, where she could see over most of the neighborhood. Inside one of the large houses, there would be a wooden door with a large hole in it, that was once Gracie's jail. Before the humans turned mostly bad, her family saw to it that before they left the house the cat was locked up; she had a history of scratching up furniture. When they didn't return, the house cat was forced to claw through the fine wood in order to survive. The cat was terrified of the new breed of human that roamed the streets outside, and became savagely thankful that her masters weren't ones to give her a collar with a bell on it. The cat had survived on scraps since then, and was surprisingly healthy, aside from her pregnancy.

Nathan let his brother go and walked across the room to cool off. He took a seat beside his youngest sister and watched as she scribbled in between the black lines of her coloring book. "We'll have to get you another one of those soon, huh?" he asked, reaching around her and stealing a bit of the cereal. Maziy nodded and continued on with her coloring. She was doing surprisingly well with it, considering that it was made for adults. The lines were much smaller, and the crayons she had were much to large to be using on it. He leaned against the wall as he continued to watch her, resting his body a little bit. He worried about all of his siblings, especially Hailey, who had gone off with the dog in search of supplies. He had no truck to keep them safe in, and now he was worried for the couple and their baby. How would they survive?

Maizy leaned into her brother's side, resting her head on his chest as she continued to color. She wished she had a book to read, that was she would have something to do other than color all the time. Maybe she could ask Nathan to keep an eye out next time they stopped. Her hand ached now, so she laid her crayon down and gave it a rest. Across the room, she watched Kiara and Logan. It would be nice to have a baby to play with, or anyone really. No one ever seemed to have time for her, as they were much to busy scavenging, but a baby might have time. "How much longer?" she asked Kiara, referring to the baby's due date.

@Brianna Ackerman

Red rolled his eyes when Nathan walked away and turned back to the walkers below. They seemed to have cleared out over the past few minutes they had been up there. "Nathan, Logan. The walkers are clearing out now. We may be able to leave in a few." he said, grateful for any chance not to be stuck in the small room with them anymore. He reached over and grabbed his water off the table beside him and sipped it carefully, putting it in his backpack when he was done.

@Brianna Ackerman

Hailey listened closely to the pounds on the garage door, and counted the seconds in between them. They had apparently cleared out for the most part, but she could still hear one's moaning outside. As soon as it left, she could too. She stood up and picked up her shirt, throwing it over her shoulder as she started to look around the garage again. There was a small window in the side of it that gave her the light she needed, but she knew that her and Nayla would not be able to fit through it, so she kept looking. There was a rusty grey tool box in the corner that seemed like it had been looked through before she got there, but it was worth a look. For the most part, it contained nails and screws, but it did have a thin wrench inside. That was all she needed for a weapon. She walked back to the door and lifted it slightly, she was now able to see the shoes of the walker. "Nayla." she called, warning the dog to get up. She lifted it a little more and the walker started to crawl inside. It's face came first. It had large bags under it's eyes, and part of the skin on it's cheek had worn away into bone. Hailey turned the wrenchin her hands and began to stab it into the skull as if it were a knife. The skull must have been fresher than she thought though, because she was struggling to get through it.

Nayla growled and barked at the walker as it made it's way inside the garage. It made no move to stop, and the dog became even more fired up. Nayla jumped forward and bit into the walker's wipped clothing, her mouth leaked blood as she reached the flesh. The monster swung it's arm back and hit Nayla directly in her snout, scratching it as it did so. The dog whimpered softly before attacking again, now on top of the walker's torso.

Allison nodded, "I know it will.". She started to walk away, leading Ranger between the large building's of Memphis Tennessee. "We should check out a few of these shops. Bet we'll find something." she said, turning to look at Ranger. It was clear that the city had been bombed, as there were quite a few holes in the buildings around them. Wonder if the whole city is like this.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Joseph shivered as he woke up, feeling quite a bit confused as to where he was located. He looked up at the two men and frowned, these fuckers again. He reached his hand up to his hair line, where blood had crusted up around his wound. "You guys can put me down now." he slurred, attempting to touch his feet to the ground as he struggled to get loose from their grip. As he turned his head he noticed that they had reached the gate. "Yeah! Hell yeah!" he screamed, finally managing to get out of their arms. He rattled the gate with his hands and called out for anyone to hear him, "Hey! Hey! I'm here! Whose there?".

@JokerValentine @Hollowed Kadaver

"Oh yeah, okay sure." he said standing up. He could understand her need for a bath, and got what she meant by only planting things that she could eat. "I'll make sure to find the proper plants. I'm sure Sam already has the bath ready for you." he added, leading her back outside the garage. They had reached the porch that Sam was sitting at when he heard someone's yells. His face turned grim and he pulled his rifle back to his side. "Nichole, how about you get started in there. I'll check out whoever it is at the gate." he said, throwing his thumb in the direction of the sound. Before she could protest, he jogged towards the gate, where he saw three people standing. "State your reasons for being here, and stop yelling. I want to know who each of you are before you can come inside." Christopher said sternly, pointing his gun at each one of them. Eventful day...

@Amaterasu Kawashima @JokerValentine @Hollowed Kadaver

Sam's eyes widened when she heard the male's voice echo throughout the neighborhood. "I'll stay here with you. I'll be right outside if you need me. I set out shampoo and stuff for you to use. Also, if you'd like a haircut or anything like that, I was a hairdresser in my past life and could totally do that for you." she said, flicking her long red hair off her shoulder. The voice at the gate was worrying her, but she wanted Nichole not to worry for the sake of her child, so she couldn't worry either.

@Amaterasu Kawashima ( I feel like I'm pushing your character along quite a bit, let me know if that's the case?)

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