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Realistic or Modern The Living Among The Dead

(You're not, its fine. ^_^ )

Upon arriving in the bathroom, Nicole looked at the hot and ready bath tub that was prepared for her. As soon as Christopher left the room to go check the front gate, the young mother slowly started undressing so that she could finally clean herself off. Its been at least a couple of days since she last did so. Of course, the first thing she did was shampoo her hair. When offered a Haircut, she smiled a little. "I appreciate the offer. For now I'll just be tying my hair into a ponytail." The Warm water was very relaxing to her, but it was of course within reason so her baby wasn't harmed. But most of the aching seemed to be going away. After shampooing her hair, she rinsed it out before slowly scrubbing off her body. "I wore that dress for a couple of days, so I think it would be appropriate to wash it, but do you have any dresses that I could wear? Like, one that's loose?" She asked.

After a good ten minutes or so, Nicole stretched out her arms and lifted herself out of the tub before wrapping a towel around herself and getting out. "And do you have any hair ties I can use?"

@Brianna Ackerman @Lonelytaco
@Hollowed Kadaver @Lonelytaco


Shocker. Mik seemed to be entirely disconnected from reality. Was he really so hung up about losing the one person who loved him in the apocalypse? 'Oh look at me, Mr. Loner, wah wah wah.' At least it was better than Joseph, who was definitely high on more substances at the moment than there were lurkers on the planet. Still, at least Joseph was hopeful. Setting the man down, Blake pondered the rather odd situation. The man, easily as concussed now as he was high, stumbled his way towards the gate, shouting at the top of his lungs. Perhaps he ought to go to sleep. "Nice guy," he commented to MIk sarcastically.
Mik snirked to Joseph's comment on being put down, "oh trust me I wish." The stranger slipped out of his grasp, it wasnt a problem for him. He turned to Blake, "oh yeah, the friendliest dope I ever met." He looked back towards the gate and saw a stranger on the other side holding a gun to them, "scratch that, this asshole here is the friendliest bastard out here." Mik eyeballed the stranger from behind his goggles, his hand firmly grasped on the grip of his nail gun. "Im Mikhail, this guy over here is Blake, as for the stranger, I dont know him."

Ranger looked around, "it would be hard to find something in a war torn city such as this, everythings either destroyed or looted. It would be nice to find something though." He stepped towards the door of a bakery, "maybe they got some beans or rice in here, we can survive off of those for many years." He pushed the door, to find it wouldnt budge.
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Kiara let out another groan, and stiffened up, the baby repeatedly kicking her ribs.

She tried talking to the baby softly, trying to calm it down before it broke a rib. It was possible.

Upon hearing Maizy's question, she smiled slightly. "I'm actually about three weeks overdue. It could actually be any minute." She laughed nervously.

Logan chuckled, rubbing her back and attempting to relieve her aches and pains. Kiara reached up and put a hand over his, reveling in his simple presence.

Hearing the gunshots, Logan recoiled his hands. "
What the hell?" He asked, looking out the window. "Someone else is out there."

Kiara watched silently, using her impeccable observation skills. As she did, she rubbed her stomach gently. She silently wished this baby would come out soon.

It seems like her wish came true for once. A few minutes later, Kiara lurched forward and let out a strangled cry of pain, causing Logan to turn around and run to her side, coming to kneel on the ground beside her.

It was obvious that he had no damn idea what he was going to do, and that he was very unprepared.

N-Nathan" Kira said shakily. "I hope you were serious on that whole being able to help a bit thing. Because you're about to become even more helpful than you've already been."
After dry firing her gun, having shot the last zombie in the chest, Waverly fumbled while reloading, as the clip she was going to load the gun with nearly slipped out of her hand. But she lucked out and she barely caught it, being able to load the gun just in time as the final zombie stumbled closer. She would then pull the trigger, shooting the zombie square in the throat. Getting up, she spun her gun before holstering it and then walking over to her sword. "Phew...That was fun." She smirked, looking at all the dead zombies as she turned and walked away.

Looking around, Waverly figured that she best seek shelter. So she headed towards the closest building and knocked on the door, except she put in a little more effort into that so that the people, if there were any, inside could hear her and let her in. She had skills to bring to the table and help out and she was well-armed.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Sam shook her head, "No, I don't have any dresses, but I'm sure one of these houses should have some loose fitting ones." she said, slipping a black hair tie off her wrist and handing it to Nichole. She stepped back out into the hallway outside of the bathroom to give Nichole some privacy and pulled on the other ties around her wrist. "I've never been one for dresses really. Not unless I had some kind of meeting to go to or something, which I never did." she said, sitting criss-cross on the hardwood floor. She had always had a more casual style, usually walking around in black jeans and a loose top. She had never been one to play dress up either.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Gracie sunk her claws into the tree's bark carefully, clawing the branch she was on multiple times before settling down. Below her, she watched as the large gate opened and a human figure walked away from it; allowing 3 other humans to make their way inside. She watched each of them carefully, sitting up in order to see them better. It had been a long while since she had made human contact, and didn't plan on ever making it again after her owners abandoned her in the old house, but she saw now what they had to offer. She needed the food that they may hold, and would do anything in order to get it. Her belly shifted a bit underneath her as her kittens moved around inside her. She scaled back down the tree and darted inside of a nearby bush, getting a closer look at the people.

Nathan had begun to doze off watching his sister color when he heard Kiara's worried voice break through his slight trance. He sat up immediately and quickly walked to her side nervously. "What's happening? Has your water broken?" he asked, pulling up a chair for her to sit down on. He laid a hand on her shoulder attempting to comfort her and watched Kiara's movements. "I'm gonna need water and some kind of blanket or towel." he said, looking to Logan, who seemed even more nervous than he was.

@Brianna Ackerman

Red shifted uncomfortably as he heard Kiara begin to freak. "Uh, I'll go help the stranger.." he mumbled, not waiting for a reply before grabbing a knife off the table and heading downstairs. He moved the things that covered the door aside and tore the door open. He held his knife tightly and didn't take time to observe before he pulled the girl inside by her arm, pulling her behind him before taking a stab at a walker that had gotten under the door frame in those few seconds. He pushed it back into the other walkers that were getting closer to him with each second and slammed the door shut, struggling to hold it while he locked it. "Help me move this shelf!" he yelled reaching to his side and pulling it in front of the door best he could, waiting for the stranger's assistance.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Maizy ran up beside her brother, knocking her crayons across the floor as she did so. "I can help!" she yelled, hoping that Logan may take her up on the offer. She had a few bottles of water and her own blanket, but she didn't think her blanket would be good for the baby, as it was very dirty. She also didn't think she had enough water. She didn't care if she had to lose stuff to do it, she just wanted to do something other than color all the time.

@Brianna Ackerman

The walker before her silenced itself quickly after Nayla jumped on top of it, which had bought Hailey enough time to beat it's skull in with the heavy wrench. She pulled Nayla back, not taking time to check the dog's health before running to the front of the store, where walkers gathered around someone attempting to close the small shop door. She swung her wrench violently as she made her way through the crowd, ensuring that none were able to get close to her or the dog. She could see her brother's hair just barely through the crack in the door, and yelled to him. "Red! Let me in!" She pushed herself inside, pulling the dog behind her.

Nayla cowered just outside the door, the dog's body couldn't quite make it through the ajar door as easily as her human's could. She whined, pawing at the wooden door fearfully as she tried to make her way inside. She felt the hands of the monsters grabbing her from behind and struggled to pull away from them as they did so. She tried to back away from the door, however Hailey still had hold of her leash from the inside causing her to be pinned against the door outside with the monsters. She stuck her head through the door and attempted to pull her self inside, howling in agony as she felt something biting into her body in multiple places. In her fear, she was able to push herself inside, pushing the door open a bit more as she did so. She yelped gleefully as she ran to her master's side.
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Mik grimaced and pushed the stranger away, "get the fuck away from me." He turned to the gate keeper in front of him, "thanks, you dont have to worry much, I dont plan on being here too long anyways." Mik walked a ways from Blake and the stranger, "I'm gonna go find my own place and set up." 'Maybe I can find something here to add to my supplies...'
Nicole did frown at the fact there were no dresses. "Oh. I see. Well, I guess I should have stopped at a Maternity Store on the way here. Not sure how often you'll see a pregnant lady during times like these." She chuckled, still wrapped in the towel. "Is there something that I can borrow from you...that I'll fit in though?" Nicole asked as she grabbed a hair tie and tired her silky hair into a ponytail while looking herself in the mirror. "After I find something to wear, I'll probably wash the clothes that I wore when I got here...They kinda stink, so...That might be a good idea."


When Waverly was yanked inside after repeatedly banging on the door before her savior attacked the walker behind her and then slamming the door. After catching her breath for a few minutes, she went to go ahead and help him move the shelf to block the door in order to keep the flesh eaters from getting inside. After that was over and done with, she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Waverly." She said as she heard voices upstairs. After a few more seconds, she came down with a headache and began suffering a flashback. In the process, blood came out of one of her nostrils and she fell to her knees.
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@Hollowed Kadaver

(Blake Port)

Was this guy for real? He was quite the equivalent of a kindergartener, and certainly the M&M's were hardly helping. But, the man on the other side of the gate seemed rather confused by the entire ordeal, but he had no right to let the group in. "Mik, be more sensible, show that you are not stupid," he whispered, ushering him to put away his gun.
As Nathan pulled up a chair for Kiara, Logan helped his wife over to it, and assisted her in calming her down. He began to talk to her in German, so that only they knew what he was saying.

Upon hearing Nathan's question, Kiara took a deep breath before starting to speak. "Has my water broken? Y-Yeah, it has." She nodded.

Upon the next contraction, she let out a strangled cry, attempting to stay silent so she didn't draw any Biters to them. She gripped Logan's hand, as he told her to take deep breaths-again, in his native language. Struggling to breathe, she slumped down in her chair as the contraction ended.

Logan went off in search of anything he could find that could possibly be of use. He found a few hand towels, normal sized ones, and managed to get some scissors, which he ran to the upstairs bathroom to clean.

Coming back, he put the stuff next to Nathan.
"That's all I could find." He said, taking Kiara's hand again.

He laughed at a thought. Normally, a man would be angry if another was delivering their child, not wanting him to see his wife. But here he was, silently thanking God for having Nathan around. It was ironic.
Joseph stumbled through the gate, mumbling a thank you to the gatekeeper before heading off in search of his new home. There were dozens of homes to choose from, and he could tell that only two were occupied as it was. He walked through the untamed yards and finally reached a white brick house far from the large gate. He turned the knob and pushed himself inside, feeling the hot air inside as he walked in. He slipped of his white sneakers and threw his ragged backpack aside as he searched through his new home. The living room laid right in front of the entrance area, and on either side had white oak doors. He opened one and found a large L shape bedroom with a tiny bathroom inside. He examined it for a moment before moving to the kitchen, which held black counters and a fine wood table. Soon it was revealed to him that his home had 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms; most of it had hardwood floor except the living room. After checking it out completely, he went back to the master bedroom's bathroom and emptied his cargo pant's pockets, throwing each tube of pills into the sink. He pulled open the medicine cabinet and arranged the pill bottles alphabetically before slamming it shut, and heading out the front door. Fourth row, second house to the left. He jogged back through the lawns and stopped once he reached the garage, raising his palm in a wave to the man who had given him the instructions.

"Ah, King of the 7 dwarfs. Nice to see you here." Christopher said with a bit of sarcasm. He bent over and pushed forward a large 24 pack of water and handed the man a large bag full of canned goods and such that he had made up for him previously. He saw the man's eyes widen and chuckled a bit, "Just don't eat it all in one sitting. This should last you for the week, then I'll give you more. Let me know if you need something before then and I can see about getting it for you, alright?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He leaned against the large garage's frame and examined the man's face a little bit. "Say, Joseph was it? If you want, I bet my wife could get rid of that beard you got going on there." he said, attempting to make the man talk. Joseph's head snapped up as if just then realizing that Christopher was talking to him. "Oh, uh no. I'm fine. Thanks." he said, picking up all the supplies. "I'll see you around." Joseph mumbled, making his way out of the garage. Christopher watched, his eyebrow furrowing as he watched the man stumble off. He tapped his foot as he waited for the other two men to come by.

@Hollowed Kadaver

Hailey pulled Nayla to her and examined the dog's wounded body. Her fur was beginning to take a bright red color as her wounds bled. If the dog didn't get some kind of care soon, it seemed she may bleed out. "Nathan!" she called her brother hoping that he may be able to help the dog somehow. She heard a light thud come down the shop's steps and watched solemnly as her baby sister came down instead, carrying a blanket. "Maizy go up stairs. Get Nathan, Nayla's hurt." she demanded, watching as the child's eyes moved to the dog laid sprawled out in the floor. Maizy shook her head and ran to her spot on the floor, laying her blanket over the dog instead. "Nate is helping Kiara. She's having a baby. Is Nayla gonna be alright?" Maizy asked her, her eyes watering. Hailey didn't take time to answer her questions before tying the blanket around the dog's lower body, using it as some kind of bandage in hopes that it may slow the bleeding.

Red's could feel sweat forming in the palms of his hands from the predicament he had almost got himself in, he looked back at the bleeding dog on the floor then back to the stranger he now knew as Waverly, "I'm Red." he said, catching his breath slowly. He bent down for a moment, and when he looked back up he realized that Waverly had begun to bleed from her nose. "Woah, shit what happened?" he asked, walking up and bending down before placing a hand on her head and holding it back slightly, being careful not to scare her.

@Brianna Ackerman

Nayla laid on the floor whining painfully as the blanket was wrapped around her bleeding body. She attempted to sit up to lick her wounds, but was too weak from all the blood loss to even move. She laid a bundle on the floor, breathing heavily between whines. He laid her head back in defeat and watched as Hailey tended to her wounds carefully.

Gracie moved from the push to under a small wooden deck. Her ears twitched slightly as she heard people talking and walking on the floor above and around her. She slid up through the cracks in the steps and was now sitting on the second step, staring at the cracked door that led to the house. She crept up carefully and sat as she peeked through it, watching two female humans moving around as they spoke. She jumped back frightened when one of them flipped there hair, but soon crawled forward once more to watch them. The small cat's tail swished from side to side slowly as her green eyes peeked through the door.

@Hollowed Kadaver
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Ranger was in the back area searching through the cabinets, "for bean buns, and yes thats a real food. Same goes for the rice." He was in search of these goods for the main reason that they can lost a long time, a little bit can go a long way. A cup of rice when cooked can feed a family of four! He sighed, "lets see if we can find a pantry or something."

Mik ignored Blaked and was already inside the neighborhood, 'hmmm I'll pick one out with a basement and repurpose that as a lab, that would be a good start.' He looked around, searching for houses with little windows on the bottom of the house, that was usually the tale tell sign of a basement. After a while he finally found one, 'well this looks promising.' He pushed the door open and walked right on in. Before him was just a normal house, albeit a tad bit small but it was cozy for him. One bedroom, the kitchen was connected to the living room, which was fine with him, but he came to a door across the master bedroom. "Now whats behind door number one..." Mik gave it a gentle shove to find a room with a baby cradle in the middle, a sign with a poster that said "ITS A BOY!" hung on the wall. A toy box against the wall, and some baby pajams hung in the open closet. Mik slowly walked back, tears were in his eyes, 'what happened to this family....' He shook his head and closed the door, he got down on his knees and began to pray. It had been a while since he last prayed, a while since he last found a reason to, but this, it was too much for him. He prayed in silence, hoping that it would reach the baby should it be alive or dead. He got up a gathered himself, 'this door shall remain shut till its purpose is fulfilled again...'

The stairs were rather old, but Mik knew that he, Blake, and the gate keeper could probably repair em or even reinforce them. In the basement was a washing machine and dryer, some boxes, and large table in the middle, probably for organizing the clothes. 'Hmmm this will make a good work station.' Mik placed his back pack down on the table and took out all his supplies, neatly organizing them and placing his moisture vaporator in the center, "Ill be back to fill you up with more water."

He finished etching his name into the door with a nail from his nail gun, "there, casa de Mikhail Zanovitch. Lets go see what the gatekeeper wants." He walked over to the garage and waited right at the border of the garage door, "alright I'm here, what is it that I can do for you?"

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After regaining consciousness, Waverly saw blood on the ground and realized that it was dripping from her nose, so she wiped it away with her arm before grabbing something out of her pocket to wipe it away as well. "Nice to meet you, Red." She said curtly before looking around. "Yeah, I just had a flashback. Sorry about that." She said before hearing voices from upstairs. "Is there something going on up there that I should know about? Because it sounds like someone needs help." She looked towards the stairs.

When Sam found her a shirt that she could wear along with a pair of leggings, Nicole was fairly happy. She was even more so when Sam had offered to wash her old clothes. "I'd appreciate that, thanks." The young mother smiled at the other woman before looking at herself in the mirror and then frowning. "So this is what's like to be a beached whale..." she sighed before waddling out of the room. While doing so, she was holding her lower stomach and her back, because they both started aching. Instead of going back outside, she looked back at Sam. "I know this is a little much to ask, but can I borrow your bed for a little bit? My back and my stomach hurt." she commented.

When she looked out the window, she saw a cat staring at her. Whether or not to let the cat in, she was a little skeptical about.

Because it was getting tough for her to stand, she slowly sat down on the bed before sighing and started to hold her swollen belly.

@Hollowed Kadaver @Lonelytaco

(Blake Port)

Entering into the society, Blake did not feel this was such a great idea. You never know what to expect. The fact that there were no zombies, it put him on edge. Obviously, Mik did't care. Biology was his drug, as he never shut up about it. Joseph had more pills in his pocket than a Bayer factory. That made Blake the odd man out. He wanted to live far away from both of them. Those personalities were not for him. Seeing the direction Mik was heading, Blake went to the opposite, and looked for the nearest house. So many ugly new houses. But, some ways down the road, he saw one. Making his way inside, Blake smelled the dust-heavy interior. All that he thought about, however, was sleep. So much traveling over the past week. And so, Blake was led to the bedroom. He reached the bed, and pushed down on the mattress. It was so soft, and the covers were a bit dusty. He didn't care, he was too tired.
As Nathan prepared to deliver their child, Logan took a chair and used it to block the doorway where the table had once been.

He ran over to Kiara, taking her hand in his, kneeling next to the table so he could look her in the eyes. He told her to breathe, which she did raggedly.

Upon hearing Nathan's rather awkward statement of what he needed to do, he nodded. "Just do it. If it'll help,do it."

With that, he went back to talking to Kiara, helping her through her contractions until the time came when she actually had to start pushing.

He put his lips on her shoulder as she clutched his hand for dear life, something that always calmed her down in the past.

They both glanced at Nathan, waiting for him to say something about the progress of the delivery.
Allison sighed at hearing Ranger's ramblings. "Yeah, I'll bet there's a pantry." she replied, stretching out her arms. Looking around the old bakery, she could tell it had been broken into multiple times. There were shards of glass, bloody marks all across the floor, and a bell that she guessed used to hang over the front door of the shop. "I doubt we'll find much here. Scavengers must have hit this place pretty hard." she added, running her fingers through the dust that had began to gather over the top of the display case. She made her way through the back part of the shop and examined the empty shelves. "I'm not seeing much here Ranger."

@Hollowed Kadaver

Nathan had long since removed the woman's lower body clothing. He now instructed her breaths so that she would not suffer from lack of oxygen. As she began to push, he made sure that she was dilated enough so that she may not rip as much. "You're doing fine. You've seem to be dilated enough so that you can deliver. You can start pushing harder now. Remember to breathe, Kiara." he said, nervous to see if everything would go as smoothly. "Once the head is out, everything else should be smooth sailing." he said, speaking aloud, more to himself than to anyone else.

@Brianna Ackerman

Hailey removed the cloth a bit only to see that the bleeding had not stopped yet. She dabbed each would with water from her bottle and covered them back up when she was done. She wasn't sure what else she could do. As she began to cover Nayla's rear back up she noticed that the marks were not just scratches, but bites as well. Her eyes watered and she stepped away, scared to look back at the dying dog. "Maizy you may not wanna be near her right now. She may turn." she said solemnly. She had never seen a dog that had been bitten before, and was unsure if animals changed as well, but she knew it was best that she kept her distance.

Maizy looked down at the dog, who now had a pool of saliva near her mouth from where she had started to breathe out from her mouth 's heavily, causing her to salivate heavily. She petted the dog's head one last time before walking over to where her sister was standing now. "She's gonna be okay." Maziy whispered, trying to calm her own tears. She loved the dog, and really didn't want to see it become a monster. It had been her only real friend that had been spared from the latest disasters, and she couldn't take losing it like this.

Red shook his head and held out a palm to stop her before going up to check it out. "Someone's giving birth. Trust me, we're better off down here." he responded, scratching his shoulder. He looked back at his two sisters who were now coward together in the far corner of the shop, leaving the dog to lay alone wrapped in Maizy's baby blanket. "She's bitten?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He walked over and poked the dog with the tip of his vans and stepped back quickly when the dog howled out at him. Opps...

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Sam nodded and sat down at the end of the bed. "I don't mind. I doubt Christopher would care either, as he has much bigger things to worry about at the moment." she said, nudging out the window. When she turned she saw the cat's wide eyes beaming back at her. "Odd, didn't think cats were still a thing anymore."she said, pointing to it. She had never been a cat person, and she was pretty positive she was at least partially allergic to them, but seeing a cat in a time like this made her happy.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Gracie's tail swished excitedly as she caught the two women's glare. While she was nervous, she would give anything to be part of a human's family again; the very thing that had been stolen from the cat once the monsters started appearing. She hopped down from her place and retreated back into the shrubbery around the house's porch. She laid her head on her paws and fell asleep in the shade, wincing every now and then as if experiencing a bad dream.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Christopher waved to the approaching man, "Nice to see you here." he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'm Christopher, in case I forgot to tell you earlier. I'm sort of the founder of this place, me and my wife." he added, bending forward to grab the supplies that he had gathered for the man. He moved forward a 24-pack of water, and bag that contained lots of different canned goods. "These are yours. Try not to eat/drink it all at once, as I can only give you so much at a time. You can come back next week for more.." he said, smiling as he gave him all the things. "Oh, hey. I just saw Joseph a moment ago. Quite the character he is." he said, believing the two men to be friends.

@Hollowed Kadaver
Kiara struggled to breathe. Just her luck, her anxiety and stress decided to make her situation even worse as she began to hyperventilate.

Logan went to calm his wife down, making her slow her breathing down, distracting her from the situation for a moment.

He felt sorry for Kiara. She was usually so strong, but when it came to her nerves, or immense stress, she could be reduced to nearly nothing in only a moment. And it seems like she had finally cracked.

However, she managed to comprehend what Nathan was saying, and nodded when he said that she could push when she needed to. As she waited for that time, she closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind of everything except for her baby. Her baby...

On the next contraction, she cried out and pushed, curling in on herself, her chin going to her chest. Tears were openly streaming down her cheeks, and it was clear she was not as ready for this as she had hoped.

She gripped Logan's hand tighter than she already had been. He said nothing, riding the pain out as he stroked her fiery hair gently. He really couldn't complain about her nearly breaking his hand. She had to be going through so much more than him.

As she struggled to deliver their child, she involuntarily arched her back and cried out in pure agony. Logan scrambled to help her, but he didn't know what was happening, or what he could even do.

He looked to Nathan. "What's happening?" He asked, his voice full of panic. He was albeit a bit paranoid and over cautious when it came to his wife and child, but it was for a good cause.
When stopped from going upstairs, Waverly moved Red's arm, adamant on going upstairs. When told that someone was giving birth, she remembered that her younger sister was pregnant. Waverly hoped to find her younger sister before she gives birth, wanting to be there to meet her Niece...Or Nephew, since Nicole never really told her the baby's gender, wanting it to be a surprise. "I've had to help deliver a baby a few times back before the Zombies show up, I'm gonna go ahead and go up to see what I can do to help." She stated before walking upstairs.

What greeted the Ex-Private Security Guard would probably be on her mind until she finds her younger sister. Sanitizing her hands, she walked over to the congregation, where they were helping a young woman give birth. It would seem that she was in the pushing stage of childbirth. "If you guys want, I can deliver the baby...I've done this before...Multiple times." she said, offering a helping hand.

@Brianna Ackerman


When Sam said that she didn't mind, Nicole smiled before making herself comfortable on the bed. She just wanted to relax for an hour or two. Stacking two pillows before laying onto them, the young mother continued to hold her belly. This bed was very comfortable and she was very content with how relaxed she currently felt. She had been traveling for the past week and she was finally glad to have a comfortable place to rest. While caressing her belly, she looked out the window, she noticed the cat staring at her before walked off. "Well, I might adopt the cat. It'd be nice to have some company until my baby is born, or until my Sister show up, whichever one comes first."

Ranger sighed, "youre probably right, Its just that finding those things wouldve made life totally easier for us y'know?" He closed the cabinets and got up heading to the front of the shop, "I guess we should head somewhere else then, maybe we'll have better luck somewhere else."

Mik scoffed, "nothing more than a drug addict in my eyes, that fool Blake thought it wouldve been a good idea to add him in. I even have my doubts about Blake himself, before I started travelling with him I barely fought the undead, sometimes I'd go days without seeing any. Yet with him, I've killed more in a week than I have in the past few months. Trouble either has a way of finding him, or he causes it." Mik grabbed the water and the bag, "I appreciate your genorsity, dont worry I'll pay you back for this. I'm a scientist, I'm sure there's something I can do to help out." With That he turned around and began walking away, but he stopped in his tracks, "watch out for that Joseph guy, and keep an eye on Blake as well, they may have been travelling with me, but I was never one for trusting those that give me problems, especially when I dont consider them friends." And with that he walked off back to his house, back to his basement, back to his lab.
Nathan bit his lip unknowingly. He had no clue what to do next, as Kiara seemed to be struggling quite a bit. He knew how to do a straight birth with no problems, but in this case he was clueless. His eyes shot up at the woman as she walked in and he stepped aside to give her room, "Be my guest, please." he said, stuttering on his words a bit. He stepped away from the table altogether and wiped sweat beads from his face. He had been seriously worried that he would screw the birth up somehow, but now there were no worries of that, as it was in the new girls hands. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." he trudged down the stairs and was surprised to see Hailey sitting on the floor, and a bleeding Nayla feet away from her.

@Brianna Ackerman @Amaterasu Kawashima

"What happened?" Nathan asked her, sprinting forward to the dog's side. "She got hurt coming inside. I don't know what to do Nathan, please help her." Hailey begged, coming to his side. She felt terrible about what had happened to her, as it was partially her fault that the dog had gotten hurt in the first place. Nathan removed the bandages off the dog's belly and touched the wounds with his fingers gently. "Go get your sewing kit and some water." he demanded, his face quickly turning grim. Hailey did as she was told and grabbed the things, handing them over to Nathan so that he could get to work.

Nayla moved her head as she felt something cool run down the side of her body and into her wounds; it was relieving to see that it was one of her master's pouring water on them. She laid her head back and closed her eyes, allowing the water to cool her even the slightest bit. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain as something pierced her skin, causing her to howl out. She growled and cried out as the thing continued to go in and out of her skin, leading some sort of thread. What was her master doing? Why was he hurting her? The dog threw her head against the ground in defeat and continued to whine as the needle went through her.

Maizy covered her ears upon hearing the dog's loud cries. It was very clear that Nayla didn't like the procedure that Nathan was performing. Outside, the thumps on the door grew louder every moment and Maizy was left unsure of what to do. She stood up and walked away from the main store area and into the smaller storage room, where she climbed up on a counter and waited out all the screams and thuds against the door.

Red watched Waverly walk upstairs and shook his head in distaste. He would never deliver a child even if his life depended on it. Not long after she walked up did Nathan walk down, and began giving the dog weak stitches. He winced at the sound of the dog's howls and covered his ears. "Shut her up! There's walkers outside!" he screamed over the dog. He didn't feel like getting eaten alive today; especially not for a dog.

Sam nodded and made a considerate face, "I could see you with a cat. Plus, it wouldn't hurt. There's bound to be cat food around here somewhere, not like anyone here's gonna eat it." she said with a shurg. "Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and let you get some rest. I'll probably be passed out on the couch if you need me.", with that she walked out, leaving the door cracked just a bit in case Nicole needed her. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle she had left out on the counter earlier and drank a bit before screwing the cap on and carrying it to the living room with her. She climbed onto the couch and laid the bottle on the floor beside her as she laid down, closing her eyes to rest a little before Christopher got back in.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

Christopher listened to Mik's rants about the other two men and nodded when appropriate, not really listening. All he wanted was to be home with his wife relaxing, not to be talking to some stranger about other strangers. Once Mik left, he decided to bring the other man's rations to him later. He shut the garage and walked towards his newly found home. Once he got to the steps he noticed a small figure curled up in a ball. He knelt down and moved closer, seeing now that it was a large cat. He scooped it up carefully, earning a series of yowls as he did so. He shushed it and carried it inside, setting it on the ground as he moved over to the pantry, where he dug out some potted meat and set it out for the cat to eat.
When the young man had stepped aside, Waverly knelled down on her knees before the woman who was giving birth. "Okay sweetheart, you're doing great so far from what I can tell." She said as she prepared to help deliver the baby as she said she would have. "Now just breathe and relax. If you panic too much, its not good for the baby, so bare with me." In her head, all she was thinking was 'What the hell am I doing? I may have done this before...But that doesn't mean I enjoyed it,' she thought. Waverly then placed her hands on both of the woman's knees and did her best to keep her calm. "Alright, when I tell you to push, you push, okay?" She made eye contact with the woman, but still kept her eyes peeled so she would know when the baby was crowning. "One, two, three...Push." She said calmly. This process would be repeated a few different times, at least until the baby starts crowning. She would then turn to the man who was comforting the soon-to-be-mother, before returning her focus to the mother herself.

@Brianna Ackerman @Lonelytaco

While resting, Nicole smiled when Sam said that she could see her with the cat. Having a Companion would be nice. From what she could tell when she saw the cat, it seemed like she was pregnant, just like Nicole. Only difference was Nicole wasn't carrying multiples. 'God forbid...' she thought. When Sam left the room, Nicole got comfortable and draped a blanket over her legs and turning to her side where she could stare out the window. Gently caressing her belly, she sighed before looking down. "Alright, Mommy wants to sleep, so be gentle, hm?" she mused before taking a deep breath and then closing her eyes. This bed was very comfortable, so she fell asleep faster then she had over the week. It wasn't long until she was in deep sleep either.

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Mik placed all of his items in the basement with the rest of his supplies, he sighed. 'I suppose now would be a good time to reinforce that door...' He was of course talking about the basement door, the basement was now his living quarters. He went up the steps and used the key he found to lock the door behind him. Mik left the house and immediately went next door, entering the house he began to look around. 'I bet that coffee table would add some weight to the door, I can even use the legs as bolts if need be.' He picked up the table and kicked the legs off of it, lifting it back to his house.
Kiara opened her eyes a bit, to meet those of a woman she had never seen before. From what she heard, it seemed that she was going to help her deliver, instead of Nathan. Nit that she cared. She just needed this kid out of her soon.

When instructed, Kiara gripped Logan's hand tightly, squeezing it on the contractions. She leaned forward and pushed, willing her baby to come out soon.

Logan put a hand on his wife's knee, pulling it back a bit. He remembered that his mother told him it would be beneficial if there was no object nearby to do it.

Logan began talking to his wife softly, encouraging her. His calm nature only disappeared when Kiara gave a strangled, choked cry of agony as she pushed. He looked at Waverly. "What's happening?" He asked, panicking.

@Amaterasu Kawashima
When the woman's husband panicked, Waverly was still super calm about the matter. When the woman pushed, that was where Waverly got a little more focused on delivering the baby. "Its time for her to deliver the baby." She explained to him calmly. "Ma'am, you're doing great, just breathe. And when I tell you to push, you push as hard as you can. Just breathe and then push when I tell you to. One...Two...Three...Push." She continued to help the mother deliver the baby. "So when you feel a burning pain, let me know. That way, I can help guide your baby into the world." Waverly added before turning to the husband. "I know this is a bad time, but is it a boy or a girl?" She wanted to lighten the mood...Just a bit.

@Brianna Ackerman
"We don't know the gender" Kiara panted after another push. "We wanted it to be a surprise of sorts."

She collapsed back against Logan. "And please, none of this ma'am stuff. You're making me feel old. The name's Kiara."

Just at that moment, Kiara experienced another contraction, letting out a cry. Curling forward on herself, she pushed as hard as she could, screaming when a splitting pain came over her.

"I feel like I'm being split into two pieces! It burns!" She howled, tears streaming down her face.

@Amaterasu Kawashima

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