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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lea glares "He had every power of the celestail spirits, this is going to be pretty useless" she mumbles, struggling to stand up again, however she wasn't planning to give up yet.
Argos loses his gravity magic grip and land on his side, quickly getting up. It seems that they had realized his weakness. Teamwork. Most of the time they were landing hits is when he didn't have enough time to respond. Then the Constilation switched to Taurus. A giant axe then was in his hand, as he swinged it where January was.

"I want to do that..." Darios saw the axe though coming towards January and shot water just in front of it to slow it down and use it as a way for her to get back where he is
Lea smirks and she says "Roar of the fire dragon!", it would be harder to dodge or use a counterattack since she was nearby.
Erik was pushed down by the gravity magic. But now that the others had managed to get it to go away, he stood and noticed the other dragon slayer about to roar. It may have been one of the only abilities he'd regained so he may as well roar beside her. What's stronger than one pissed dragon slayer? Two. "Grave Dragon...." He sucked in air as the souls around him fed him their extra energy, Ashura being sure to siphon him whatever she could spare."Roar!" He let loose a decently strong blast of pure astral energy. Wasn't near as strong as Lea's but it was somthing. Hopefully if it hit at the same time it'd amplify the damage.
"I want in on this fun!" January smirks quickly, noticing another dragon slayers roar. "Roar of the Water Dragon!" She roars toward the threat straight ahead, her roar combining with the other 2.
Drake growled a bit as he was almost at Magnolia. He had his toy crow follow January when she had left and it figured out where she was. Thanks to his spirit he was fully healed and was racing toward January, with the chakrams at his feet making him fly through the air. Seeing the sky get dark he had more magic go into them and he raced even faster. It took him a bit and he missed some of the fighting but he soon arrived. When he did he looked at the situation and seeing everyone attacking the same man he decided to do the same as he may be stronger then he appeared. "Open! Gate of the snake charmer! Ophiuchus!!" He shouted as he held out a black key above his head. With that the key glowed and a huge black magic circle appeared above his head. Soon a giant snake/dragon came out of the key and glared at the enemy Drake was. Putting the key away he pointed at the enemy. "Ophiuchus! Attack the same target as the dragon slayers!!" He ordered. At this the spirit opened his mouth and charged a bit before release a powerful roar like attack at the same target as the dragon slayers.

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Peaceswore said:
Drake growled a bit as he was almost at Magnolia. He had his toy crow follow January when she had left and it figured out where she was. Thanks to his spirit he was fully healed and was racing toward January, with the chakrams at his feet making him fly through the air. Seeing the sky get dark he had more magic go into them and he raced even faster. It took him a bit and he missed some of the fighting but he soon arrived. When he did he looked at the situation and seeing everyone attacking the same man he decided to do the same as he may be stronger then he appeared. "Open! Gate of the snake charmer! Ophiuchus!!" He shouted as he held out a black key above his head. With that the key glowed and a huge black magic circle appeared above his head. Soon a giant snake/dragon came out of the key and glared at the enemy Drake was. Putting the key away he pointed at the enemy. "Ophiuchus! Attack the same target as the dragon slayers!!" He ordered. At this the spirit opened his mouth and charged a bit before release a powerful roar like attack at the same target as the dragon slayers.
*pats head* (we understand)
(Being Silversolis never posted. I am now Arogs!)

Arogs gets hit on three sides from different roars. He quickly summons the symbol of Scorpio, creating a large sand storm around him, trying to get away from all the attacks.
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Drake watched this in surprise as he looked at the man. "You have golden keys!?" He shouted in surprise at the man as Ophiuchus moved behind Drake stopping it's attack.
The horde of stone golems shatter from the barrage of roars, scattering about the battle field.

"Gh- my magic was..."

Falzar grunts as his golems were destroyed, and begins to focus.

"Corrupta stagnantibus lapidem resurgent ad vitam hoc ritu infernale. Ego autem hic fame decretusne globo sclopi traiectus terra serviet tibi sub."

The young demon winces in pain as magic drains from his body, and he slumps in the chair unconscious.

The broken rubble of the golems begins to glow with a deep malice, and the parts of each small being combine together. A towering golem forms, with piercing purple eyes.

Terruptor roars in a low pitched shriek, slamming its massive stone hands together towards Argos.
January throws her arms up in defense as the sand storm pushes her backwards. "This dude is a pain" She mutters, trying to get her footing. "Leave the sand storm to me!" Sheria quickly leaps toward the group, black wind swirling around her body. "Howl of the Sky God!" She screams, black wind speeding toward the sand storm, blowing it all away from the group.

Arogs growls at his sand storm being gone. He swipe his hand again, changing the constellation in the sky to Gemini, creating duplicates of himself. Just a little longer, and then they all will be fighting against each other.
Terruptor slams its hands together on one of Argos' clones, shrieking angrily. The beast begins slamming its palms on the ground, attempting to swat the impostors like flies.
When Drake was ignored he let out a sigh and pointed at Arogs. "Attack that man." He ordered. At that his spirit let out a loud roar and charged straight at it. Opening it's mouth wide it planned to swallow both the real thing and the fake whole.
Arogs swipes his hand again, creating more clones before leaping out of the way of the giant snake.

"Claw of the Water Dragon!" January slashes at him quickly, before leaping away. He stumbles backwards from the slash. He swipes his hand, changing the sign of Gemini to Leo. Bright light surrounds him, making it almost impossible to see.
Terruptor continues bashing the ground in fury, punching small craters into the earth. Argos' clones are squashed and poofed away one by one in a tedious process.

With every punch, the stone beast crumbles bit by bit. Falzar was young after all, and this was his first large Life Magic Spell. Its bound to not be very stable.
"How the hell are we gonna beat a guy who can literaly move the damned stars!?" Erik began absorbing more astral energy. Saddly, neglecting his magic for so long and the fact that he just had to face off against Gajeel, buring up a massive portion of his energy, left his abilities much more atraphed and took more work to muster anything that could do any real damage.

"Deaths embrace." A spirit jumped up from the ground and wrapped it's arms around Arogs, it would do no damage but would serve to make movements difficult and slow down the speed at wich he was casting spells. Deaths embrace had two functions, to impede the ability of others to cast spells or to serve as a shield against a greater portion of damage.
January covers her eyes from the bright light. "How the hell do we hit something we cant see?!" She screams in a random direction, not knowing where anyone is. She stands her ground, having her water body activated in case anyone tries to attack her.
Drake covered his eyes and held out his key. "Close gate of the snake charmer!" At that he took out another key. "Open! Gate of the lesser lion! Mini Leo!" With that a lion cub came out of the portal and looked around with a smile. "Mini leo! Attack!" He ordered. The lion cub looked at the glow man unfazed by the brightness. Letting out a small roar it charged the man and with it's teeth glowing bit him in the shin.
Arogs screams in pain, trying to kick the lion away from his shin. He swipes his hand, changing it to Virgo. The ground begins to shake violently, as the bright light vanishes. He hopes the shaking of the ground will remove the lion from his shin.

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