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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Place:Outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Character:Ellie Cara

"Well I guess I might as well get some fresh air"Ellie says with a sigh.

She looks ground and sighs again with boredom.

Man I need to meet people

Lea notices Erza and she takes the small girls protecting her from Erza "This is bad" she mumbles and sighs, only a few people had managed to beat Erza, and she wasn't one of them and she was already tired from her fight

Place:On The Path To Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Soo Ares do you remember where the guild hall is"

"Ummm No....Well that's a problem." 《Sees a Sign that says Fairy Tail Guild Hall This Way and the sign point north》"Well let's see if anyone in Fairy Tail can help."

"Seems like a plan let's go." (Speeds up her pace)

"Yes and Sera SLOW DOWN!, I can't run that fast..." (Keeps up barely)
"Let me go..." Qritz mumbled as she broke away from the girl holding her. "This...this is my fight!" She shouted suddenly invigorated before trying to rush the redhead once more. After a few steps she fell to the floor. Her breathing grew ragged and her eyes were slowly closing. "This...*rasp* is my fight." She said finally before going limp on the floor. Cuddles quickly exited his hiding place and quickly grew enough to pick up the woman who tried to help her move her away. Suddenly her eyes opened and she was engulfed in a crystalline tomb. The tomb then shattered, revealing an older version of Qritz, She looked at Erza for a brief moment with one open dead blue eye before rushing her without warning. "Rampaging Crystal Dragon's Radiant Claw." Large jagged crystalline claws grew over her arms and smashed into Erza with ferocity. "Rampaging Crystal Dragon's Gleaming Horn." Her left claw morphed into a jagged and twisted crystalline blade that sought to slash through Erza's armor.
@Goddess Nebula

"Sky...Drill?" He looked at it with a bit of a smirk. "Draakon jahimees peidetud kunst! Taifuun tüüp,taevane vihm!" Water surrounded the sky drill forming it into a spiraling pattern. Then it was redirected at her with around twice the speed sky drill was coming at him. It was empty in the middle bit one small wrong move could almost tear you apart in the winds.
"Wha- Ahh!" Wendy gets hit by the counter attack, causing her to fly backwards, slamming into the ground. "Ow... I wish I could self heal..." She mutters and she stands up, breathing heavily.

"Vabandust" Even though you don't know the language, it was clear what he was doing. He was saying sorry for what he was about to do. "Meri Torn!" A burst of water, a constant stream of water as she was stuck in a current of water. She could not breathe. He needed to knock her out just a bit but not kill her. It was difficult though to decide when though. He had to, to hopefully bring her back to reality.
Erza growled as she was knocked back, pinned against a nearby wall. she was up against the ropes. She then suddenly slammed her foot into the wall behind her hard enough to knock it out, giving the room to move back and escape a small bit of the damage Qritz was about to dish out. However it was still enough to cause her a but of pain. however soon there were a swarm of about 50 swords headed back through the hole in the wall and straight for qritz as Erza stood back to catch her breath.


Erik had managed to drag Gajeel back to the guild hall by the ankles and knocked on the infirmary door before entering. "Anyone figure out what this mess is yet?" He struggled to lift the huge man onto a near-by bed and once he managed to, he was spent. exhausted from the sheer exertion. Ashura limped along behind him, trying her best to keep up through the pain.
Qritz looked at the onslaught with her one eye and and took a deep breath which let out a sound akin to a very loud wind chime. "Rampaging..." She said as she prepared to release her attack. "Crystal Dragon's Roar!" She released her roar. Tiny shards of crystal flew out and either knocked away or embedded themselves into the swords, growing over them and encasing them in hard crystal. She followed through and picked up Erza. "I'm planting myself a dumbass tree." She said before slamming her headfirst into the ground with enough force to bury half of her body into the floor.
Wendy struggles against the water trying to hold her breath. She was having a hard time trying to summon a wind spell to possibly buy her more time. She suddenly looses the last of her breath, and looses consciousness

The red-headed terror was completely caught off guard and was defeated with a slam to the ground..or into the ground is more like it. She'd taken so much damage in so little time her body forced her to let it rest by blacking out.


Erik had come back just in time to see Qritz... or atleast someone who looked like her steaking poor Erza face first into the floorboards. "is that the last one?! please say this is the last one!" Erik groaned.
Qritz slowly turned her head to face Erik. She then gave a creepy smile. "Heh...heh...heh..." She chuckled before she was suddenly was in front of him with her hand positioned for a very powerful backhand. She was suddenly knocked out by Cuddles via a large rock placing itself firmly on the back of her head. As she fell she was once more encased in a crystal tomb that shattered, revealing a younger Qritz. She was then placed gently on the floor by Cuddles who had caught her.

At The Entrance of Fairy Tail Guild Hall》

"Wow this guild hall is amazing and huge actually well let's go inside."

"Sera wait don't...."

"It was too late Sera would open the door and walk inside."
XMega said:

At The Entrance of Fairy Tail Guild Hall》

"Wow this guild hall is amazing and huge actually well let's go inside."

"Sera wait don't...."

"It was too late Sera would open the door and walk inside."
(Warning. Being we are in an arc, people may not be interacting directly. Also the Guild hall is kinda a mess with tables destroyed, holes in the wall, torn up floor boards)
@Goddess Nebula

"Vabandust..." He stared at her, wondering what would happen if he were to wake her up. No one would act like this on their own, especially if they are so young. So he decided to try to bring her back to the light. 'h-hey! Can ya w-wake up?" He said, shouting in her face.

(Magic disappears when he can no longer control the mind. So his magic has lost his grip and they can not be infected again because of resistance to it if that helps)
The small child releases a cough, before slowly opening her eyes. "What... What happened... Where... Where... Am I" she mutters. She coughs again, slowly widening her eyes.
"Bad t-thing...S-sorry for h-hurting you..." Though the girl was oblivious to the situation. It could of seemed like many things. Robbery, being jumped, but the city seemed in Havoc so it seemed as if he was telling the truth. "Darios. M-my name."

@Goddess Nebula
"Qritz?" Erik asked as he realized she was raising her hand to possibly inflict damage on him. he flinched just as cuddled pulled her away and knocked her unconscious. "Whoa. Thanks bud. you okay Qritz?" Erik asked, hoping to get her to wake up.
"Wendy... I... Only remember going away... Then... Nothing" she mutters, exhausted. She closes her eyes, falling unconscious again.


"FOUND SOMETHING!" Levy calls out through all the chaos! She makes her way to the center of the chaos and positions herself onto a table. "Attention everyone! I think I found a lead on what happened!" She exclaims, hoping everyone was listening.
"I have n-no idea who you a-are but ok! Also n-need medical h-help here..." Darios looked at her again. SHe was a dragon slayer so they were sort of like cousins in a way. He needed to stop who was doing this. He didn't want pain, and who ever was doing this was causing it.
"Okay, so it seems the guy the Alliance went to fight had a history is escaping unharmed. And when whoever went to fight them, they returned home Violent in many way, shape, and forms. The magic council during the time came up with a conclusion that it was due to a spell, but we now know it's due to constant exposure to them. If we could track him down, and take him out fast enough, we may be able to prevent this" Levy explains to everyone, reading from a book in her hands. She takes off her glasses and sighs. "Those who were affected by whoever magic will now have a stronger tolerance to it, the problem is he travels quickly, so we have no clue where he could be" she states, reading from the book again. She quickly closes it and leaps off the table, hoping everyone heard her.
"Nngh..." Qritz groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "E-Erik? What...I remember...fighting someone..." She said. "D-Did I win?" She asked "A-And my head kinda hurts..." She added as she weakly held her hand to the back of her head. Cuddles reached into her tiny bag and pulled out a small pearl. He placed it in her mouth before Qritz started to chew and swallow.
"Thank god, what is it! and PLEASE don't say its some crazy demon. I may see the dead, but im the worlds worst exorcist." Erik laughed. he had to put it out there, for some reason when people found out he could see ghosts they assume he's psychic or an exorcist too. not the case. in fact he's the worst possible in both fields. He can see the past, not the future, and only if he had a belonging of the deceased.He gave a sigh of relief at the revelation it was no demon. He then realized Qritz woke up.

"You won alright." Erik laughed.offering her a hand to help her up.

"You guys need help finding him? im not part of this guild, but I'll help none the less."

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