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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Drake let out a groan as he forced himself up. Looking behind him he saw Lyon run after him, cussing a bit he got up and ran off. He used his chakrams to fire blast at lyon to wear him down. By now Lupus had gone back to the spirit world due to all the damage he took. As Drake ran there was one thing he didn't notice. He had been cut by a rock after he was hit out of the guild and was now bleeding, and because of his birth defect, he wouldn't stop bleeding till he was healed...though seeing as he didn't know he was bleeding would easily prove a problem.

Gajeel eyes widen a bit at the attack getting caught off guard. He was hit dead in the chest and was sent flying. When he finally landed he pushed away form the rubble and growled a bit. "Punk as more fight in him then I thought." He said before cracking his knuckles. "Gehehe Good." With that he ran forward and brought his fist back. "Iron dragon club!" He shouted as his fist turned into a beam and moved straight for Erik's face.
Juvia's fist goes through January as she kicks the water mage in the stomach, knocking her into a building. "Unlike you, my body is always water unless i tell it to be solid" She smirks, extending both hands as water swirls around them. "Wing slash of the Water Dragon!" She says, as two high pressured water streams shoot toward Juvia.


"Ice Make. Canon!" Gray quickly makes something in the air firing a large snowball straight into the Demon. "Ice Make, Super Freeze Arrow!" He quickly makes a large swarm of arrows, rainning down on the demon. "I'm not done yet!"
Lyon prepares his assault, creating more beasts.

"Ice Make : Twin Lions!"

Two ice Lions are born from Lyon's palms, and rush at Drake. The blasts from Drake's chakrams hit Lyon, staggering him, but his creations continue their assault.




Juvia gets hit by the streams of water, and melts into a puddle to recuperate.


"Demon Blast!"

A much larger purple beam blasts from Falzars hand, piercing straight through the Ice Canon blast. A massive explosion is caused by the collision of beam and arrows.

@Goddess Nebula
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(@Midnight Phantom Drake is attack Lyon with his souls, please don't brush these attack off like nothing as he is an A class mage so they would hinder Lyon a bit and would be a pain to block. Though getting a direct his would hurt even more)
January leaps toward Juvia, ready for any attack. "Did.. Did I beat her?" January mutters, letting her guard down a little.


Dammit, No matter what I do this Demon has a counter for it. If I knew his weakness...Gray thinks to himself as he falls to the ground. He lands on his feet. Suddenly a light green haired girl appears through the hole in the guild. "What the hell... Gray??" Evie says, looking toward the Ice Mage. Gray smirks. "Ice Devil Slayer, Instant Freeze!" He screams, glaring straight at Evie. "Wha-?!"

A stream of water slithers from Juvia's position, connecting to January. The water beings to boil, and Juvia returns to her physical form.

"Have fun with the heat~"



The demon lunges forwards between Gray and Evie, and his body begins to freeze quickly from the feet up.

"I'm... Sorry-"

Falzar loses the ability to speak, as his whole head is frozen over.

@Goddess Nebula
"Roar of the fire dragon!" both Lea and Natsu say at the same time and the two attacked his each other, both not really getting anywhere "You're good, I give you that" Natsu says and Lea glares "I will bring back my brother how he was before" she says.
"Shit... I really didn't want to do this" January whispers, leaping backwards a few times she stands near the ocean. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art" she mutters under her breath, the water in the ocean starting to move in weird patterns. "Water Dragon's Tsunami!" She screams, extending her hands toward Juvia. The ocean water floats above January before smashing down onto Juvia in wave Patterns.


"F-Falzar?! What the hell Gray!" She says, looking at him. Her eyes widen when she reads the Dream Aura from Gray. It wasn't the Gray she knew. "Wow! That was easier than I thought! And I thought I would have to freeze hundreds of people before I got a reaction" He laughs, kicking the Frozen Falzar in the stomach, sliding him across the ground. Evie extends her hand as a sword from the Dream world appears in it, she stands ready to fight. "What the hell did you do to Gray" She mutters. "Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself!" Gray says, kicking Evie right in the stomach. "Ice Make Lance!" Lances shoot towards Evie faster than she could block them. She falls to the ground after a few more Ice attacks from Gray. "You Children are truly pathetic. Better clean you out now! Ice Make, Excalibur" A large sword appears in Grays hands.
"Tombstone!" Erik blurted as he saw Gajeel's iron fist headed straight for him! A tombstone came up to shield him but it shattered anyway, just as erik was about to move, Gajeel's attack slammed into his shoulder. Erik yelped and grabbed hold of Gajeel's iron beam with his hand, the light speckling of dark scales beginning to show against the skin around his eyes. "Grave Dragon secret art, crimson roses." astral rose vines began crawling up Gajeels beam, diging thorns in as they went, blooming as they made it to his shoulder. the vines were only made of energy and could simply be pulled off, but it'd take some of Gajeel with it if he did.

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Juvia gets hit by the wave of water and collapses on the ground, falling unconscious.


Falzar struggles against his ice prison, before he sees Gray knock Evie unconscious and summon an ice sword.

*Thump thump*

*Thump thump*

*Thump thump*

The demon raises in the air as his icy prison melts away, his eyes filled with rage.

"You... You hurt her... I'll... I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!"

Falzar blasts trough the sky, punching Gray square in the jaw. He flies under the ice mage as he sails through the air, catching him in a choke hold. The demon slams Gray's face into the ground repeatedly, before headbutting the Demon Slayer into the earth below.

@Goddess Nebula
Sakura watches and freezes Falzar half "Do you want to kill him or something, now I get what you mean, you're all possessive over Evie" she says and sighs "Anyway, devil slayer magic is specially against demons, if you weren't angry you'd never have broken free, but don't worry, I'll take her somewhere save", she picks Evie up and jumps over, she had been helping the wounded to the guild hall and so they were save, she really hated demons, Falzar being no exception, and especially not after seeing the demon get like that because Evie got hurt.
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January breaths heavy, noticing Juvia was unconcious. "Well... I hope that fixed whatever was wrong" She mutters to herself,still extremely hot. She completely forgot about the boiling water. shit...


Gray tried to shield himself when the demon came charging, but it didn't work. He dropped the sword he summoned and was sent flying.
Is this really a demon's Rage?! He thought to himself as he was slammed into the ground. "Y-you... win" He manages to mutter before falling unconscious from all the attacks. What... what happened... I'm so exhausted... Gray thinks to himself while he is unconscious.
Falzar regains hold of his thoughts, seeing Gray beaten into the ground.

"Oh god..."

The demon begins to walk away from the ice mage, disgusted with himself. He returns to his child-like form and flees the city, sitting in the cave where Evie found him.

"I'm a monster. I... Oh god... I lost control. I never should have been unfrozen. All I do is hurt people..."

Falzar cradles his knees in the back of the cave, not wanting anything to do with the outside world.
"Vesi draakon küünised!" He yelled out with his hands having sharp water points on them. With the water around him it gave him much range with it as well. Even though it was a palm attack, it seemed as if it fired off of his hands at Wendy. @Goddess Nebula
Wendy quickly manipulates some wind, lifting her body out of the attack. "Not Bad. I must admit! But Can you keep up!" The small child laughs before divebombing him with wing around her foot. "Sky Dragon Claw!" She calls, closing in on him.

Lea somehow managed to dodge everything and she grabs Natsu's arm before using fire to get in the air "Sorry about this" she mumbles and trows her brother down, she was almost out of magic since she and her brother had been fighting for a while now. She lands on the ground and falls against a building "Damn" she mumbles and sees some of the fire Natsu left, she didn't really remember if she could eat the flames, but she was too tired anyway.
Falzar's peace was quite short lived, as Sagashi stumbled into the cave.

"Fal? I saw you coming in here!"

"Go away..."

The pirate looked around and saw the child huddled in the cave, and walked over to him, before plopping down.

"Whats got you so glum kiddo?"

"Don't you see all the chaos in the city?"

"I know, its crazy. I would think you would be in the middle of it, kicking peoples asses."

"I was. I fought Gray and..."

"What happened?"

"Evie showed up. She got hurt. It's all my fault. I lost control and nearly beat Gray to death. I'm horrible."

Sagashi chuckles and throws an arm around the small demon.

"Kid, thats what happens. When someone you love gets hurt, you do whatever you can to protect them. I'm sure no one blames you."

"Sakura does."

"That half demon? Pfft, who gives a damn about her? She isn't important to you. She has no involvement in your fight. She shouldn't be saying anything."


"You what?"

"I need to go back to the guild."

"There ya go. Don't worry about that icy dude, I'll get him back to the guild."

"Thanks, Sagashi."

Falzar picks himself up and begins running back to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.
"O-oh, so the sky? Air Draakon? Udu maastik!" He shouted. Suddenly the entire terrain in magnolia became filled with mist making so people can't see something only about 20 meters away. Darios would have the edge though, being that he can feel where the water is in the place and sense her location. The amount of water that was around him decreased significantly,but was enough. "Vesi Draakon müha!" He yelled again as water spouted out of his mouth making contact with Wendy

@Goddess Nebula
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"Ahh!" Wendy gets knocked backwards, before collecting her footing. "Mist? Don't Worry... I got this!" She quickly extended her hands, as wind spirals form. the mist starts to fade from the wind. "You are strong. But you wont beat me!!" She says as most of the mist has vanished. "Sky Dragon... Roar!" She screams to Darios, strong winds come out of her mouth as she roars toward him.
Sakura is taking care of Evie in the infirmary and she sighs, glad she wasn't a full demon, she'd now seen what happened, but to think Falzar nearly killed Gray was a horrifying thought "He calls me lucky, yeah right" she mumbles, she could see Falzar loves Evie, but had never thought he'd become like that. "I should probably tell Evie if she wakes up" she mumbles and adds "After that I have to see how Gray is doing", she always admired the ice mage.
Qritz knocked on Fairy Tail's door before opening it. "Uhm...Hello?" She said as she opened the door and entered. Mr Cuddles slept soundly on her head as she walked. "I'm looking for...what in the name of-what is going on here?!" She exclaimed as she suddenly viewed what was currently happening.

(Anyone want to control Erza?)
""Vesi Draakon müha!" He yelled again as the water collided with the sky dragon roar. The water and air spiraled together creating almost a Typhoon in the air above them. "S-so we both have the a-advantage" The sky had heavy rain with heavy wind conditions. The rain roared down, time for the real match to begin
Falzar makes his way back into the guild hall, and walks to the infirmary. He notices Sakura inside, and realizes that he cannot go in now. The demon hides behind the bar counter, waiting for Sakura to leave.

Meanwhile, Sagashi stumbles into the hall, Gray slung over his shoulder.

"Shit's crazy out there."

The pirate says to no-one in particular, and carries the battered Gray into the infirmary.

"Room for one more?"

@Flame Demon

The redheaded she-beast wasted no time in taking the newcomer head on. 'Requip!" Her armor suddenly changed from her standard armor to heaven's wheel armor. She had her sword blade down and was aiming to strike in an upwards swing twards Quritz's midsection.

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