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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sakura however has already sensed Falzar and gets up to close the door, she sits back down and sighs, she was in charge of the girls that needed to be healed and she would wait until they were awake to make sure they were going to be alright, since it was busy they needed a few extra hands.

@Goddess Nebula
Mr. Cuddles suddenly woke up and quickly bounced on Qritz's head. She took him off her head. "What is it Cuddles? You see somethin-AH!" She exclaimed as she was suddenly pushed away by a tentacled, narrowly avoiding a sword that was aimed for her. "W-w-why would you do that?!" She asked the redhead as Cuddles landed gently next to her.
"I guess we do" Wendy says, standing up, adjusting her pony tail. "You really are strong! I'm impressed! Bottoms up!" The child says playfully before stands there, eating the strong winds. She wipes her mouth, a somewhat wicked smile on her face. "Secret Dragon slayer Art" She says, extending her hands out. "Shattering Light: Sky Drill!" A large beam of light speeds toward the Water Dragon Slayer.
(Fine, but she will hear of what happened)

Lea gets up and she walks over to Natsu, pulling him up and putting her over her shoulder, she makes it to the guild hall tripping a few times, but she gets there "Erza a little help please" she says nearly falling down again seeing she was low on energy.

Sakura decides to check on others and she glares at Falzar "She will know what happened, if you don't tell her yourself then I'll tell her" she warns him before walking on.
Falzar leaves his hiding place and closes the door to the Infirmary, sitting in the chair next to Evie's bed.

"Evie... I'm so sorry..."

The demon hunches over, watching over the dream mage.

"I will wait right here until you wake up..."
Erza turned immediately and went in for yet another attack, a forward slash of her sword, aimed tward the crystal dragonslayer's chest. "I owe you no explaination!" was all Erza said as she attacked the other woman.
Evie opens her eyes, to her surprise, floating in the dream world. "When did I enter the dream world... no... My body isn't in here.. just my mind... but how did I end up here?" She asks herself in the silence of the dream world. "Dream Eject!" She calls aloud. Nothing happened. "How exhausted am I? This is a first"
Falzar continues to watch over Evie, his face plagued with worry.

"Please wake up..."

He reaches out and grabs Evie's hand, holding it for comfort.
"YOU KINDA DO!" Qritz shouted back at her. "Crystal Dragon's Radiant Claw!" She said as she brought up a covered arm to block it. Sh then rushed her other arm at her. "Crystal Dragon's Gleaming Horn!" She shouted as a blade like covering made of crystal engulfed her arm and rammed against the redhead's armor. Cuddles merely sat to the side and raised a flag with a small version of Qritz's face.

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"Eject! Eject! EJECT! Why am I not ejecting!" Evie screams in rage, not able to eject. "This is super annoying" "You're telling me" Evie turns around to see Gray, Juvia close behind. "Does anyone know where we are" Juvia asks politely, grabbing hold of Grays Arm. "The dream world... What are you two doing here?" Evie asks. They both shrug, not knowing. "All I remember is going on the Alliance mission, next thing I know I'm here" "Same for Juvia" Evie sighs, knowing something was obviously wrong. It had something to do with the Alliance mission though.
Sakura takes care of Gray and she stops for a moment, if only Falzar didn't lose control then the ice mage wouldn't be like that, she didn't understand the guild anyway, but could never quit, she had nowhere to go and Lea always talked her out of it "Might as well, this guild is full of idiots anyway" she mumbles, wondering who actually cared enough about her to try to stop her. "Please wake up Gray" she mumbles and sits next to his bed after she finished, she rests her head on her arms and starts crying, she wouldn't lose someone else she cared about to a demon.
"GAHHHH! WHERE AM I! WHY AM I WEARING WHITE?! WHY IS GRAY AND JUVIA HERE?!" Natsu calls out running around in the dream world. "And then there were 4" Evie mutters as Natsu stops running around uncontrollably. "I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING! JUST THE ALLIANCE MISSION AND NOW IM HERE!!" Natsu cries out before stopping and sitting down. "You Done?" "Yes" Evie sighs. So three of them had no clue what happened. Could anyone remember what happened on that Alliance mission??
Sakura slowly falls asleep getting stuck in a nightmare where the entire guild with everyone in it burns down. Lea puts Natsu in a bed "I hope he wakes up soon" she mumbles before seeing her friend and she sighs, knowing what had bothered the half demon. She walks over to Mira and asks "Mira, do you think Sakura will quit the guild?" she asks, worried, she had managed to talk her friend out of it a few times "And how many people do you think care about her?".
Evie sighs. She knew there was no way she could get information from them. "Dreams Separate" Evie waves her hand, Sending Juvia, Gray, and Natsu to their own separate dreams. She couldn't remember anything, except one thing. Gray Freezing Falzar. "Why am I seeing that... there was obviously something after that..."

January walks into the fairy tail guild hall, Dragging Juvia. "Jeez Chic you could bare to loose some weight" She mutters before dropping her on the ground. She leaves without saying anything, looking for Darios

@SilverSolis )
Sagashi realizes that in the midst of this shitstorm, no, there would be no bars open. So he picks up Juvia and brings her to the Infirmary.

"This place sure is filling up quickly."

"Thank you captain obvious."

"Please, I'm not a captain yet. Just a swashbuckler."

"Please go away."

"Yes sir."

The pirate shuffles out of the room, sad about the lack of alcohol available.
Drake continued to run at full speed still unaware of the blood that was leaving his body in a continues flow. Hearing the pounding of the tigers behind him he growled a bit and ran faster. Suddenly he stopped and faced them. "Open! Gate of the shield! Sanctum!" With that a steel block came out of the magic circle and floated there. "Stop the one on the left." With that the block floated at alarming speed right in front of the tiger. It then copied itself till there was a eight foot wall right in front of the tiger making it crash into it. "My souls! Soul cannon!" He shouted as four souls came together and charged up a blast for a few seconds. By the time the souls shot the tiger it was about to pounce on him, but due to the closeness and power the ice creature was destroyed. Two other of his chakras went to either side of Lyon. "Soul Blaster!" The two chakrams immediately started to fire at Lyon trying to beat him.

"What the! What are you doing punk!" Gajeel shouted finding himself unable to move his arm. Using his other arm it turned into a long metal sword and he brought it down. "Die brat!!" He shouted as he brought the blade down on Erik's head.

@Demonhunter @Midnight Phantom
Erik saw the sword coming. he had to make this count. he was running low on energy and with Ashura down for the count and no ghosts around, he couldn't replenish it. "Grave Dragon, ROAR." This roar ripped louder and harder than either of the previous two combined. Loud enough it shook the guild hall and hopefully was enough to fend off Gajeel's attack, because it was all Erik had left to defend himself with. He'd either take Gajeel down with him, or die trying,


Erza brought the sword up to defend against the crystal dragon's attack on her armor, she raised a fist to attempt to land a surprise punch to the face. "Why did you come here you fool?!" Erza growled before pushing back against the crystal dragonslayer and moving to slam a knee into Qritz's side. Quitz was far too close for it to be stratigiz, erza was way too strong at a close range, however moving away would prove slightly more affective.
Panting heavily Drake as he stumbled and fell himself just now noticing his wound. "Crap..." He muttered as he held out his hand the key that was around his neck now in it. "Open...gate of the dove. Columbia." He muttered. After saying this the spirit came out and looked around. "...Help." He whispered as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Of course the dove immediately came to Drake's aid and started to heal him before he bleed to death.

Gajeel let out a yell of pain as he was blasted off. The power of the attack not to mention how close he was, was too much for the slayer. And he crashed into a few buildings. When he finally stopped tumbling around he lay on the ground unconscious .
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It was finally over. The dragon slayer of the grave felt horrible, drained of him magic power and beaten until bruised. "Erik?" a weak voice called as ashura managed to get up and manifest. she wasn't strong enough to appear to non-gifted. "You alright?" Erik asked the injured little ghost, too weak to stand for them moment. after a while he managed to get up, limping. he went to go find Gajeel and drag him back to the infirmary.

"Think I finaly got my roar back?" Erik asked, panting as he began to dragon Gajeel back by the ankles then wondered were the infirmary was in this place."
Qritz went flying towards a table. "O-ow...that kinda...hurt..." She muttered as she held the impacted area and she looked up. "Hey, you're pretty strong huh..." She told the redhead as she her vision swam. Cuddles, having apparently seen this before started to hide behind a chair. Her eyes glowed prismatically as she looked at her opponent.

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