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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Really, you say it like it's a good thing I'm half demon, and don't you dare call me half-ling again, but it's not, I never met another half demon, so I can't really talk to someone about it who knows what it's like" Sakura says and she sighs "I suppose it is nice if I want to end a fight quickly, but I use more magic in my demon form".
"But she did still love you. I'm Jealous. Treasure those memories of her, for I have none." He wrapped his arms around his knees. When he claimed he was jealous, he was not bitter, it made him glad that not all dragons were cruel like Grimora was. For all the horror stories he was raised on hearing, it felt nice to hear about a good dream every so often. Besides, a dragon that sounded like a wind chime brought him much more peace than remembering Grimora's horrible screams of the damned. He swore she had the devil's tounge.

"You eat gems? So lucky! You don't wanna know what I have to do for a recharge." He laid back in the sand and sighed. "Ghosts feed on negative emotions. Depression, sadness, anger, sins, all that sort, just turns out my job is to be depressing and gloom and doom. Which makes them stronger so they give off the astral energy I need and then torment me forever... Until I manage to send them over to the other side. That's actually what I was attempting to do when you found me." Erik smiled, genuinely for once. He was actually happy for once. Speaking to someone living felt nice. Getting everything in the open and hearing nice things about other dragons felt nice.

"Everyone keeps wanting me to learn to use my magic again... Ashura claims I've lost my roar. You've kind of made me realize 'what kind of dragon slayer am I if I can't even roar. ' I-if it's not too much to ask. Um."

He paused thinking of proper wording. "I need to get my roar back. I don't feel comfitorble trying to learn it all at once or even real fast. I just. Would you mind helping me? It'll be baby steps. But, I want to try again."
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Sakura sighs and she rolls her eyes "That idiot thinks it's fun to be in my place" she mumbles and heads back inside "Mira can I get something to drink", he mood was obviously worse then before the talk.
"Oh! I'll be glad to help!" Qritz exclaimed as she gave him a sudden comforting hug. "I promise yo! When we're done you will have the bestest roar there is!" She said. She then sneezed cutely before scooting towards the fire. "You should rest now, we start tomorrow!" She added. She searched her tiny bag for a sleeping mat, placed it on the sand next to the fire and curled up to sleep.
@Goddess Nebula

"N-no, not J-Jan...U...Ary" He sounded a bit more sad saying her name though. she just...left him. The least he expected was maybe a hug or two but nothing seemed to come out of that but more sadness. "Ma tahan näha J-Jan U ary." It was clear he was talking about her though, but Sherria could not tell what he was saying. About only two living things on the Earth knew what he was saying in fact. Aquartos, his dragon, and himself. Maybe their were others but it seemed as if he was alone.
"Are you looking for someone? January? I think she should be at the Lamia scale guild hall by now... I can take you there!" She grabbed his hand and began to pull him toward the guild hall.

Erik stiffens at the hug, not used to physical contact that wasn't malicious. "Oh ok thanks. Bless you!" He smiled as she sneezed. "Sleep does sound like a good idea." He yawned as he fell asleep wrapped in that blanket. In the middle of the night Erik awoke to what looked sounded like a creaking hunk of wood. He sat up and looked out to sea to noticed the ship from earlier had risen and was sailing away from the harbor... Simply oozing with astral energy... Seemed the ship was the ghost. He blinked. It'd be back. Ghosts were creatures of habit, they always revisit the same places or people. He rolled back over and continued to sleep until morning.
"O-oh! Thank you much!" He was happy again, though...he didn't know this girl but she seemed trust-worthy. Though life on the streets got to him. At least he could ask a name. "S-So...Whats your n-name?" it was the least he could do to make him feel safe. Hopefully he wasn't going to be tricked. He didn't want to fight a little girl but when it came down to it, he would have too to survive.

@Goddess Nebula
"I'm Sherria! Lamia scale should be right up ahead!" She smiles cheerfully as she walks a bit faster. "The air seems a bit... dense... Odd, Is a storm coming?" She says, looking toward the sky. She puts a finger in her mouth before pulling it out. "Taste is different too... odd".She mutters before giving a shrug and continues to walk.


January stares at the request board before seeing one in Magnolia.
"I guess I could go to Magnolia on a job... But I would have to get on a train" She cringes at the though before grabbing the request off the board. "Drake? Hey Drake are you around?!"

"You can s-sense air?" He began to wonder. She surely didn't seem like a dragon slayer, but a tad bit more than one. Though Darios seemed a bit happy by the sound of a storm coming, something seemed off about it. It wasn't likely that a storm to come today, or maybe his mist just did something to the eco system. If he needed to, he could stop the storm or make the storm happen suddenly. Sometimes if it was cold enough, he could make it snow though...not likely today.
Drake was at the bar finishing up a meal he had ordered, hearing his name he looked over his shoulder to see who called him. With a small sigh he ate the rest of his food before standing up and walking over to the water dragon slayer. "What is it month?" He asked as he looked at her, his hands stuffed into his pocket.
January glares at him. "There is a job in Magnolia. Wanna come with?" She says giving him a smile. She hands him the request, before adjusting her skirt.

"Well of course I can sense the air! I am a Sky god slayer after all!" Sherria says very casually, spinning on her heels to look at Darios, walking backwards. "But this air is really weird... has a dark aura to it... like dark magic" She mutters, backing into the doors of Lamia Scale. "oh... here we are!"
Drake took the flyer and read through it. ".... Sure." He said with a shrug. "Seems rewarding enough. I'll accompany you on this." He said with a smirk as he needed to do a job as he had to skip out on the last one because something important arose.
"Sweet! Maybe when we come back from the Job Lyon Wi-" She gets cut off as the Guild's back entrance opens, with Lyon walking in. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear" She says as Lyon walks straight to the Bar.
The Fairy Tail doors fly open as Team Natsu plus Juvia and Gajeel walk into the guild hall. They all are silent and calm. Natsu doesn't even seem energetic as normal. "Welcome back everyone. How was the Job" Mira asks the group as they sit at a table. "Fine" Natsu replies coldly. Mira gives him a some what confused look before turning and walking away from the group. A weird aura emanating from them. "Master. The Alliance Team is back" She reports, keeping on eye on the group. They all remain silent, sitting there.

(Second Arc Starting Post Ahoy!)

@Metaphysics @Peaceswore
Drake looked at Lyon with a raised brow. 'Something is off.' He thought as he watched the others enter as well. None of them seemed to be happy or cherry. Curious he looked at Lyon and the rest of the alliance team. "Hey, how did things go?" He asked the group as he looked at them with his usual calm expression.
Erik suddenly awoke with a creeping sensation of dark energy. sure less than wonderful energy was his forte but this seemed down right sinister. Nothing a mere spirit or even a relatively strong demon could put off even if they where standing right on top of him. "Oritz. wake up. You feel that?" Erik tried to nudge her awake but he then began feeling extreamly uncomfortable.

"Ashura. Whats going on?"

The little cat returned at being called but stared in confusion. "I donno, but its givin' me the willies. Erik make it stop! please!" Ashura tried to hide her face in his shirt.

"Okay, okay you can go back if you don't feel safe." Erik smiled as the ghost promply vanished back to the spirit relm to hide from this aura of malice.
Lyon sits at the bar. Not saying anything. Sherria walks in through the main enterence. "Lyon! Your Back!" She says happily, walking over to the Ice mage. "Not now child" he barks, causing Sherria to stop in her tracks. "Jeez Lyon. I know your cold, but that was just plain harsh" January says blantly, crossing her arms. "Shut it Dragon Trash" He barks again. "What is wrong with you boy?! Your normally so nice to the young ladies" Ooba says walking over to the group. "You annoy me hag" He extends his hand, placing Ice around the guild master. Lyon looks toward Drake. "Have anything to say?" He says. January and Sherria stand in shock at whats happening.

"God...slayer?" Darios was a bit dumb founded but looked at the guild hall. They sure looked like they were filled with all kinds of joy to them. Though Darios was a bit skeptical about them. All they really do is fight others, he enjoyed doing so, but he enjoyed other things too like craftmenship. Though he looked at the doors they were big, it didn't really mean much to him. So he walked in though, looking for January like Sherria said so.

@Goddess Nebula
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Drake blinked at what happened before reacting quickly. Pulling out a key he held it in the air. "Open gate of the wolf! Lupus!" He shouted as a magic circle appeared in the air. Moments later the wolf appeared and barked happily as it looked around. "Lupus thaw out granny! Lyon! What the hell!!" He shouted as he approached the ice mage.
"The air..." Sherria whispers. "January. We need to go to Magnolia. I think there is something wrong with the Alliance members" "What do you mean something wrong?" "No time to explain. The air has a dark aura, and being Lyon has it, the other alliance members might as well. We have to go now!" Sherria begins running toward the Door before Lyon extends his hand toward Sherria freezing her feet to the ground. "January! Other Dragon Dude! Get out of here! Go to Magnolia!" She says quickly as the Ice slowly encases her. "Pesky Brat. You are just as annoying as the old Hag" Lyon smirks, turning toward Drake. "I'm obviously dealing with the annoying members. The Dragon's next, then you. But, if you behave, you won't meet my ice make" He smirks, placing his fists together, ready to make something.

@SilverSolis @Peaceswore

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