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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It had happened. the eclipse phased over the moon and the moon keeper was sick. It felt like a mix of the worst stomach flu ever and having a head cold and all her abilities were gone. She could hardly stand and was forced to just lie on Lea's couch waiting for it all to end in the morning.

Darios Water Dragon Slayer

Where: The streets of Magnolia

Doing: Trying to Find Money

Darios was on the streets, looking a bit grim looking. Their were 2 thoughts on his mind. I just want to return to my island... and I need money, I need to get it somehow...maybe fighting again? No...I can't that will put me in jail again. Darios, sitting in a corner was hoping someone could take the pain away. He has heard of guilds but to him seemed a bit to riled up at times. Though he had no other choice but to go to a local guild and maybe, just maybe, he could find sanctuary.

Ajihko na wansa" Though, most people did not know what he said, the direct translation was to Finally a tribe.
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Qritz suddenly looked up from the table. "Uhm, sorry I have somewhere to be, can I have that to go please?" She asked the white haired lady. Cuddles slowly shrugged and climbed on top of her head.
Lea enters her house and she sighs "Yo, how are you holding up?" she asks. Sakura heads inside as well, mumbling something about being hungry before heading to the kitchen.
Evie walks into the guild hall, yawning as she does. "That last job took a lot outta me... maybe I should jump into the dream world to regenerate" She mutters as she walks. The guild was quite for Fairy Tail Standards, being a lot of people were out on Jobs. "Hey Evie. How was your last job?" Levy asks the sleepy child with a laught.

"Wing Slash of the Water Dragon!" January calls out, attacking the seamonster. She had all the ships evacuate the area, so no one got caught in the cross fire, and so she didn't reveal her magic to anyone. She didn't like telling people she was a dragon slayer, so she had those who requested her job leave when she fought.

Darios Water Dragon Slayer

Where: Rushing towards a Water Dragon Slayer Call

Doing: Looking for the cry of a Water Dragon Slayer

"Wing Slash of the Water Dragon!" That was all he needed to hear. Someone else, someone who is just like him. A water dragon slayer. "Mõne muu vee lohetapmis?" Still, that foreign language though it was not translatable. Darios was overjoyed at the thought, a relative? Someone that could help him? This person was clearly fighting. Darios ran after the voice, finally confronting the relative, just standing. Awestruck, but not by the monster, by the dragon slayer.

@Goddess Nebula )

(The language is Estonian by the way starting now)
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"Water Dragon Claw" January places a strong kick on the sea monster, blasting it away. She falls from the sky, being she had to get good height to kick it, back into the ocean water. She surfaces and smiles. "Better tell those sailors I'm done" she laughs to herself before swimming in the direction the sailors went. (@SilverSolis )

Evie releases a small yawn
"it was good... Kinda long..." She yawns again, her body slightly fading. "I think My exhaustion is forcing me into the Dream world... Talk Later... Lewie" she yawns before almost vanishing. "Levy. Rest well" "Sorry Levy..." She says as she disappears into the dream realm.
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Darios Water Dragon Slayer

Where: At the Docks

Doing: Watching January

Darios had this big grin on his face. He did find someone related to him. It wasn't everyday that happened. "U-uh Hey! O-Over Here!" Darios said in his islander accent occompanied by his poor Fiore Tongue. Hopefully she would take notice to him or else he would just have to show off to get her attention. SHowing off wasn't really something he enjoyed though, more of a need than a want for Darios.

@Goddess Nebula
January turns around, looking toward the docks. Was someone watching. Oh god Lyon is gonna kill me when word gets out. She panics in her head before slowly going underwater, trying to avoid any interactions. Talk to the sailors. Get my reward. Go home. Should be simple! But of course not!

Darios Water Dragon Slayer

"Ta ei märka ..." He remarked to himself. He had to show here something...maybe a secret art? That would surely get her attention. So he prepared as one of his palms were on the ground. "Draakon Jahimees peidetud kunst, Udu Taevas!" Which translated to Dragon Slayer Secret art, Mist Heaven. Suddenly it became so misty that most could see. Then he shaped the mist into the dragon who trained him, a vague image, but it got the message across.

@Goddess Nebula
January sees the mist dragon and her eyes widen. She turns her body into water before reforming next to the dock. She climbs out of the ocean, before looking at Darios. "A dragon slayer I presume" she says, looking up to him, being she had a very short stature. I know that dragon... but the odds are so slim I doubt it. She crosses her arms, looking at him.

Darios knew all he had to say was one thing, and one thing only. The dragons name. He has her attention. This is the time to reveal his identity. Well sort of, reveal his fathers identity which in turn will reveal his. "Aquartos." The name of the king of water dragons. His father, and most likely...her father as well. He stood their awaiting her responce, knowing it will be a good one indeed.
January holds her breath at the name. H-how... she turns away from Darios and looks toward the sea. "Thats quite an introduction." She says quietly. How could he tell I was a dragon slayer. Let alone taught by Aquartos. My scent? She thinks to herself. "January" she whispers, turning her head toward him.
"W-Well...you didn't p-pay attention to m-me..." Darios though was overjoyed. His assumption was not only correct...but he has family, alive and well. he was thinking of giving her a big hug but... might be a bit much right now. All he could do is stand their, as the mist settles and be joyous as can be. "J-Jan...U ary?" Darios said, sounding out the word.
Erik groaned before looking past the guy who'd helped him. there was a girl sitting there, beckoning him. she was soaking wet and pale. He looked around to see if anyone else saw it, but it seemed to just be him. "um.I've. um.. WAIT!" Erik suddenly took off, even though he was bleeding, beaten and in pain.

"ERIK! WAIT!" Ashura called as she fought back to the human dimension."Um... You come too! I've gotta bad feeling about her!"

But by the time Ashura turned away Erik was missing. "Oh crap! I've lost my dragon!!" The little ghost cat began to panic.

--- Meanwhile.

"H-hey wait up!!" Erik stumbled along following the moving spirit. she was going way too fast, but he needed to keep up. "wait, please I can help you! Just tell me what you need! I'll find it!" He called as she led him into the ocean, he didn't care that he was still living and couldn't follow her too much further safely but he did.

after about ten feet of swimming, the spirit sank into the deep. Erik tried to five too, before realizing there was a drop off and it'd be impossible to make it all the way down there. however, he swore he saw something. he tried again, making it slightly further. he managed to see what looked like a tattered sail and the girl standing in a submerged crows nest, beckoning him further. He swallowed the burn in his chest and kept going, only to find a shipwreck. the ship had run a ground on the sudden change in depth. it mean't to pull into the harbor and throw an anchor for the night, but could not get close enough, scraped the hull on the rocky shore and sank, mere feet from the edge.He couldn't take it anymore, Erik had to surface, gasping in air and treading water only to be greeted by the spirit again.

"Im sorry. I can't help you right now." Erik panted. he wasn't the best swimmer nor was he prepared for a sudden scuba-diving trip. "Any ideas?"

The spirit, visibly enraged, grabbed the hem of Erik's shirt and tugged him under, showing enough rage to be seen to the human naked eye. she used a massive amount of strength to push him under, trying to drag him into the water grave with her. Erik put up as much of a fight as he could, but soon his back hit the wooden deck of the ship and he was held there by the spirit. The spirit couldn't understand why he couldn't help her, she had forgotten how much air meant to a mortal, even if they did have the ability to see the dead.
January nods. "I'm assuming your native tongue is different" she smiles. I must admit... Family? January looks toward the Ocean, remembering the sailors who she did the job for. "I have to finish something... See you around... Maybe" she says before diving into the Ocean.

'O-oh..." He was in a bit of disappointment. Though he had found a relative, they left. So he was just to stand their, wondering what he should do. He didn't have that much else to do so he would sit down, waiting... for god knows how long. Please, come back... was his only thought. Abandonment...he already has dealt with it before, what would happen if it happened again/ What would happen if he never saw her again? Would he be in solitary for life?
Erik, looked to the upwards surface of the water. the morning sun sparkled through as he was held to the dark depths of the ghost ship's, he looked to the side to the ship's elegant walls to see an old cannon. one of the old cannons you'd see on a pirates ship. the ship should have been demolished by now. under the pressure, over the years. it was a wooden ship, so why wasn't it rotting into oblivion? perhaps it truly was a ghost ship. He glanced back to the girl who held him down, pain in his expression as he let the amount of spent air he had in his lungs go and ride to the surface in a tell tale bubble, signaling that someone was dying there.

he began to fade before the spirit realized, she was killing her savior. she quickly let him go but had run out of enough energy to push him to shore. she had to let him float and pray he lived to come back and try to help her.
(ten feet from the shore. floating. he was held under by a ghost until he drowned. but hes not dead. aaaaand hes beaten up bad from getting mugged earlier. today has sucked for him.)
《Ellie would walk into the Lamia Scale guild house》

Hmm so this is the place...Ellie says blankly.

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