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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Not like I had a choice..." Erik groaned as Ashura finally let him go. "Come on!!!" Ashura pulled Erik by his sleeve, releasing her Astral energy to turn invisible.

"Sorry about that. Thanks for helping me back there. I know Ashura can get on peoples nerves, I- owch!"

Ashura swatted him over the back of the hair for calling her annoying.

"He lost his roar." Ashura blurted out, gaining just enough energy to become more of a mist.

"Did not!!" Erik retorted.

"He can't roar anymore and I'm looking for someone to reteach him!" Ashura sat on Drake's shoulder.

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"Why not? You seem very brave for your age, I don't see you getting flustered often."? Lisanna asks, brushing some hair out of her face. "If you are scared of rejection, dont be. Im gonna quote Elf-nii-chan and say 'confront her about it" Lisanna smiles at him, in a big sister away.

"That seems a bit dangerous. Are you sure you want that."

"It would be nice never having to fear a nightmare like Valentine coming back in. The only way I know to block nightmares are talking to Dreamscape Master."

"Aren't you a master now?"

"Dream ruler isnt instant mastery"

"I won't stop you from doing what you must, if you think it's best."

Evie hugs the master before giving a nod and leaving the office.
"Well... Combat is one thing... I'm a demon after all..."

Falzar gulps and lowers his head.

"But I'm not really good with talking to people..."
"Communication is something that you will have to improve on, but I'm always here to help you! Just ask me!" Lisanna ruffles his hair, noticing Evie coming out of the masters office. "Now or never" She laughs, giving him ampush toward her.
Falzar skids in front of Evie, completely lost for words.


He mentally kicks himself for blanking.

"I'll just..."

The Demon walks out of Evie's way, kicking himself harder.
Evie watches Falzar freak out before walking over to the Jib board, grabbing a job, and quickly leaves the guild.

Lisanna face palms, walking over to Falzar. "What was that?! Falzar, I know your scared, but by how quickly Evie came and left the guild, It may be hard to tell her if she isnt here long"
Drake looked at the kid and the ghost before letting out a sigh. "Another dragon slayer? I can't really help with the roar thing since I'm just a normal mage... But when it comes to fighting that's another matter altogether." He said as he stretched a bit. "Though it's late right now.... What's your name?"
"Erik..." He shrugged. Tired of fighting everyone and finally giving in and deciding to be social for once.

"Eh, he can fight hand to hand. He just won't use his powers be-"

"Begone! " Erik quickly interrupted, his eyes gone wide. That information did NOT need to be spilled. The little cat spirit immediately had to disperse. It would take some time for her to fight her way back. Erik spent the next few moments in silence. "Sorry... Ashura likes to ramble a lot."

Ashura then popped back up into the human world again. "oh but he'll use THAT magic! Ugh, rude!" Ashura grumped.

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"A-ah? Hello? M-my name is Qritz Diasphere..." She nervously introduced herself as she stepped into the guild. "T-this is Cuddles..." She added as she held up her pet squid. "I-Im a Crystal Dragon Slayer..."
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January wakes up in her dorm, confused. "How... did I get to my dorm room" She says, sitting up. A sharp pain goes through her stomach, reminding her of her fight earlier. "Ow... Gotta be more careful" she mutters, climbing off her bed.
Sagashi wanders back over to Falzar, food in one hand, and slings the demon over his shoulder.

"What the hell!?"

"We need to talk."

The Pirate carries Falzar onto the roof, where they sit and eat a bit.

"Why did we need to come up here?"

"Fal, I'm gonna be blunt. You can't talk to women to save your life."

"What does that have to do with you?"

"I wan't to give you some advice."

Falzar nods and Sagashi continues.

"First off, you need to be yourself. You have to advertise the product faithfully."

"Second off, you need to take initiative. Strike up conversation, don't just sit around idly."

"And lastly, you need to be willing."


"You need to give your everything. To do anything for the person you love."


Sagashi stand with a chuckle, belching from the meal.

"I'm gonna go find a job, see ya around hothead."

The pirate leaps from the roof, landing in the courtyard. He wanders inside, finds a bounty hunting mission, and sets out.

Falzar decides to stay on the roof a while longer.
Evie walks out of the guild hall, another request in her hand. She hasn't said much to anyone in the guild for awhile, and has been doing countless jobs on end.

January walks along the end of the boardwalk, making her way to her requested ship. Even though she suffered from motion sickness, ocean travel never bugged her, probably because it was her natural element. "This better be worth it. I can't afford to show off my magic any more than I have... It better not be a hoax. Besides I'm suppose to keep it hidden till the Grand Magic Games" she mutters to herself as she walks.
Falzar continues to sit on the roof of the guild, about an hour after Sagashi left. The breeze felt... Nice. He watches Evie walking down below, but doesn't move.

"Not yet..."
"Umm..." Qritz mumbled as she looked at the white haired lady. She needn't say anything else as her stomach suddenly grumbled. "Ah n-nothing, I-I just wanted to visit Fairy Tail..." She managed to say as she blushed.
Demonhunter said:
"Erik..." He shrugged. Tired of fighting everyone and finally giving in and deciding to be social for once.
"Eh, he can fight hand to hand. He just won't use his powers be-"

"Begone! " Erik quickly interrupted, his eyes gone wide. That information did NOT need to be spilled. The little cat spirit immediately had to disperse. It would take some time for her to fight her way back. Erik spent the next few moments in silence. "Sorry... Ashura likes to ramble a lot."

Ashura then popped back up into the human world again. "oh but he'll use THAT magic! Ugh, rude!" Ashura grumped.

Drake smirked as he listened. "So you are afraid to use your magic? Why is that? Dragon slayers are powerful and use it properly nothing could stand in your way." He said with a small chuckle
"That's what I keep telling him!!!!" Ashura piped up.

Erik simply shook his head. "It's not like that, I just. You wouldn't understand it."

"Aaaaaand this is why the demons are all over you!!! Accsedents happen Erik! Grimora deser-"

"I said begone, spirit. Back to the grave with you!" Erik growled as a wormhole seemed to open and suck the little exceed in with a bit more power to it this time.

"I'm not a dragon slayer. Or at least I don't consider myself one."
"Dreamscape, summon!" Two magic circles appears on both sides of Evie, creating two dream monsters to attack the monster. Her job request was to tame a beast that was the guardian of the village, that suddenly turned hostile. The two monsters distract the beast as Evie's eyes narrow. "Dreamscape, Dream Blast!" A magic circles at the end of her hands, sending a blast toward the Monster, knocking it to the ground. She speeds over, placing a hand on the beast. "Sleep" The monster falls asleep as Evie steps away from it. She sighs, slowly returning to the Village.
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Demonhunter said:
"That's what I keep telling him!!!!" Ashura piped up.
Erik simply shook his head. "It's not like that, I just. You wouldn't understand it."

"Aaaaaand this is why the demons are all over you!!! Accsedents happen Erik! Grimora deser-"

"I said begone, spirit. Back to the grave with you!" Erik growled as a wormhole seemed to open and suck the little exceed in with a bit more power to it this time.

"I'm not a dragon slayer. Or at least I don't consider myself one."
Drake sighed as he placed his hands on his head. "I don't think it matters if you consider yourself to be one or not. You are what you are. If you are being attacked and don't use your power to fight back...then you may as well roll over and die."

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