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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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January was completely out of it, exhausted from that train ride that she was practically asleep when the doll started messing with her hair.
Seeing this Drake got up and sighed. "You're not suppose to sleep at the guild hall." He said as he nudge her shoulder."Let me take you to your dorm since it's so late and you are exhausted." He offered as his doll flew to his shoulder and sat there.
Ashura paced about, wondering what she could possiblely do to get Erik some degree of help. The young dragon of the grave was in a dangerous state and she didn't want to see him waste away. He needed to find his roar again soon or sells they were done for!

Erik meanwhile kept going about town looking for shops that the ghosts put on the list that didn't even exist. He was headed back to the graveyard when he felt something gash his side as a man passed. he thought nothing of it till moments later he was racked with a sharp pain. He looked down to realize he'd been stabbed. the bandit growled, threatening to stab the boy again if he didn't hand over his valuables. The shadows behind Erik began to creep up on him, caressing the boy like a fire burning wood. The anger only feuling the ghosts, demons and spirits that resided in the near-by graveyard, which then began fueling him. Erik's hand clasped over his side as he lifted his hand, the sheer astral energy following it but, then memories flashed back to him.

'Grave Dragon Roar!!!' The astral energy around Erik suddenly stopped swirling as Grimora let out the same attack, the two clashed and soon the dragon's stream of energy blew back in her face and forced her backwards. "Grave Spike!" With a sharp upwards motion of Erik's hand, a large pointed tombstone shot upwards through Grimora's body causing a pained shriek to erupt from the dying dragon. Before Grimora could free herself Erik let out another vicious roar, wasting his own dragon away into nothing but graveyard dirt and black roses.

Erik stopped everything, reduced to quivering as the bandit laid a left hook into him, then continued to beat him.
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"No, no... I'm fine... Just put the book next to the pink pineapple and we'll call it a day" January mutters sleepily before going completely to sleep on the table.
Drake blinked a bit before sighing. Looking over at his master he scratched his head. "Oi Granny, I'm taking her to her dorm." He said before going over and picking her up. "Just letting you know I'm not kidnapping her." He said now holding her in a comfortable position his birds flew to his pockets and his hawk to his shoulder while his doll landed on Januarys stomach.
After a while of hiding under the covers, Falzar finally leaves the infirmary in search of food. He hadn't eaten since devouring those Nightmare imps.

"I really need food..."
Ashura tried to help Erik up, but he shooed her away. the little ghost then took on a physical form. A glowing white cat, she tried pulling him by his jacket hood, but he no longer wanted to give up.

"Come on Erik. Just roar already! fight back. He's going to kill you if You aren't c-" The bandit had kicked Ashura aside into a wall. the downside to taking a physical form was that it opened the little ghost cat up for attacks. Erik growled in anger, catching the bandit's foot with his hand and throwing him backwards. He didn't want to fight anymore. Erik stared the bandit down in rage, but he wouldn't leave him alone. Ashura shook her head. There was no way Erik would win this if he wasn't willing to use his magic. She looked around and saw a boy and that dragon slayer from earlier exiting a guild hall. An idea struck her.

Ashura zipped to them again. "Hi! me again. Um, we- Eriks in danger!"

Erik was in bad shape, beaten and angry, he hadn't really hurt his opponent near as much as the other way around. He felt the shadows creep up on him again, holding him. Caressing him into death's embrace. the astral energy abundant around him, eating it would give him energy, boost his strength and help save him... but he ignore it. He let the spirits and the demons hold him as the bandit strode forward again. Erik closed his eyes, waiting, listening to the ghost's wispers begging him to fight back.

@Goddess Nebula @Peaceswore
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January lays asleep in Drakes arms. "Don't drop our other Slayer Drake" the master barks as she leaves.

Evie walks toward the guild hall, holding her wallet in her hand.
"I better tell Mirajane I completed that job"
Falzar notices Evie through the open Guild Hall doors, and slides under the table that Sagashi is sitting at.

"What are you doing?"

"Take this money, buy me some food at the counter, and tell no one I am here."

The Demon hands the Sobering Swashbuckler a small sack of Jewels.

"I'm confus-"

"Just go."
Drake watched as a white cat came up to him as he held the passed out Dragon slayer. Listening to it he let out a sigh and walked by it as if to ignore the creature. However he was heading for the bandits. Soon his eyes flashed green before his doll got off of January's stomach. As did a few dolls leave his pockets. Not giving the bandits much chance they shot a barrage of green blast at them with such force that they were knocked out in seconds. "Noisy." He grumbled as he shifted January into one arm to carry her.

Walking up to the boy and with no warning he grabbed him by the back of his shirt and started to drag him along as he headed for January's dorm.
Evie walks into the hall, going straight toward the bar, not really looking at most of the people in the guild. "Is master Makarov back?" "Got back a little before you. He is in his office" "Thank Mira!" Evie says before walking toward the Masters office in the back.

"What are you doing" Lisanna asks Falzar, who was clearly under a table. Elfman was standing behind her.

"There goes your plan."

"Shut your mouth Sagashi."

Falzar peers around, seeing that Evie has left, he pops out from under the table, and replies to Lisanna.

"I'm kind of avoiding Evie, and Mirajane wont explain anything to me."

@Goddess Nebula
Erik's eyes shot open as he realized He was being dragged! for the second time today... he squirmed, flailing to no avail. "H-hey! where we going?! ASHURA!" ashura sighed in relief, floating along behind Drake. "Thankyou so much mister!!!" The little ghost cat did a little fist pump in joy.

"Why can't you just stay out of the way Ashura..." Erik groaned

"What kind of cat would I be if I let you die? Ashura meowed.

"I couldn't have just gotten a normal cat like every other..."

"Ghost kitteh to the rescue!"
"I thought you and Evie were friends... why are you avoiding her? Did you guys get into a fight?" Lisanna asks, staring at Falzar

"A real man would have confronted her about it!" Elfman calls out proudly, crossing his arms looking down at him.
Drake sighed and kept dragging the kid behind him. "Quiet before you wake her up." He said as he nodded his head in January's direction. It didn't take him long to get to her dorm. Sighing he looked at the boy. "Wait here, you look like crap and I'll help you. However if you run off I'm not going to go looking for you." He said bluntly. Not giving the boy a chance to speak he walked on and headed inside January's dorm closing the door behind him.
"Elf-nee-chan. Let me handle this." Lisanna asks her older brother kindly before he sighs and walks away. "What do you mean by mixed emotions? And Mirajane won't explain?"

"How may I he-" The lady at the dorm starts before noticing January "oh my goodness is she injured what happened! Does she need ,medical attention" the woman goes off.
"aye, aye captain." The ghost cat whispered. the second Drake quite dragging him Erik tried to get up and run off, but the little exeeds turned to mist form and held him there on the ground forcefully. Erik just sat there pouting.

"Couldn't get a live, normal cat... had to pick up road kill."

"Hey! I never saw that magic mobile coming!" Ashura groaned, remembering the day she became a ghost. she chased a ball of yarn right out into the street. "Buuuuut, I would never have met you if I hadn't. You were the only one who could see me!"
Drake sighed as he looked down at January. "She may need a bit of medical attention... Really if she just drinks some water her wounds will heal. Could you take her to her dorm room? I don't know which one it is , I just know this is the building she lives in." He said to the lady.
Sagashi picks himself up and flees from the conversation, giving Lisanna and Falzar some privacy.

"Whenever Evie is around, I feel really warm. Kind of like my stomach has caught on fire. I feel like I'm gonna vomit, but I also feel happy. Mirajane says that it means I like her, but wasn't clear on what the means. Yeah I like her, we are friends, friends like each other. I think."

@Goddess Nebula
"Of course of course!" The lady moves to the other side of the counter and takes January from him, "thank you for bringing her home" the lady gives a slight bow before walking toward January's dorm.
Lisanna's eyes light up after hearing his explanation. "I think what Mira-nee meant was you love her! Like have a crush on her!" She explains happily before clapping her hands together. "Thats adorable! I use to have a crush on Natsu when I was younger than you, and I felt the same way!" Lisanna laughs, remembering playing as Natsu's wife."have you told her yet?"

"What is it? Something seems off with you Evie" Makarov asks, looking at papers from the magic councle as Evie walks in. "Master... I have to ask you something..." Evie starts. The two of them talk for awhile in Makarovs office.
Drake nodded and with that turned around and headed back outside. When he did he saw the kid was still there making him sigh. "I thought you would run off right away. Oh well." He said as he walked by him and down the road. Stopping he looked at the kid. "Well? Come on."

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