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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"Then why quit the guild?" Sakura asks looking at him before looking at the sky, there were clouds, as usual, she didn't visit her hometown that much because of the demon that's still after her.
"True, but I didn't say you had to leave the guild. I was weak... once, but everything that happened in my life made me stronger, true the pain of the losing my parents is still there, but if I look at the bright side, I'm still alive" Sakura says and she sighs "I had a goal in mind when I still lived here, to surpass my father, now that I'm as strong as he is I've given myself the goal to protect my friends, comrades and allies, which so far, is working pretty good for me".
January somehow feel asleep. The train came to a stop as she woke up. "That god that nightmare is over" She stands up. She smiles at the dove before leaving the train. smiling. "Oh Margaret, I missed you and its sea coast!" She holds her hands out, smelling the salty air. She smiles and begins walking toward the guild hall.
Drake sighed and stood up looking at Columbia he smiled. "Thanks for the helo, sorry for calling you out twice in one day." He said calmly. Columbia smiled before giving him a nod as she returned to the spirit world. With that Drake got off the train and smirked. "You make it sound like we got off a ride from hell."
Qritz groggily woke up as the train she was on came to stop. She blinked a couple times before stretching her little arms out and yawning. "Cuddles?" She called out. Under her seat her per magical squid crawled out and climbed her. "Should we get going then?" She asked her pet. She received blubbering and Cuddles pointing a tentacle forward. "I guess that's your way of saying forward." She giggled before stepping of the train.
Silithia groaned when she woke the next morning, it was the day of the eclipse and boy was she feeling it. she felt sick to her stomach, nauseous even. She was paler than usual and her hair had turned white with the sudden loss of power. her markings were gone, marks that appeared to be scars left in their wake. She shivered and felt freezing even though she was sweating like crazy. Her joints ached like and made her not want to get up, but she had to. Gods how she hated eclipses but she knew as the day went on the sicker she'd get so she may as well get all the stuff she wanted to do today done. She planned on going down to the Fairy Tail guild hall and talking with Master Makarov for a bit just as she'd done with Bob from Blue Pegasus. All these people she hadn't seen since she was a little girl, even though the drastic change in appearance would make her look very, very different.

She forced herself to her feet and shakily made her way through Magnolia's streets, making it to the guild hall. She struggled to gain the strength to even push the door open. "Master Makarov?" She asked, treading lightly so she wouldn't run into any imminent chaos. Sure se looked totally different now, but her markings, even in their reduced state, would definitely be distinctive enough for him to recognize... even though it was 15 years ago when they met.
"It was a ride from Hell. Remind me never to go to Magnolia again" She jokes, casually strolling down the streets to get to The Lamia Scale guild hall. Once inside she walks over to the guild master

"Master Ooba, I delivered that letter Lyon wanted. Do you know where he is?"

"That boy as well as Cheria and Jura were called away on an alliance mission apparently"

"And I wasn't invited! Boo!!"

Drake sighed as he entered the guild. "I'm never invited on anything fun." He mumbled as he headed for the bar where he took his usual seat. When he did his parrots flew out of his pocket and landed on the table while his hawk got off his shoulder landing on the bar. "...... I'm tired but I don't feel like trudging home." He grumbled as he lay his head on the bar.
Silithia sat at the bar, waiting on the elderly guild master to notice her. He hadn't changed much in 15 years, he was just an older little old man. It took him a bit of staring to recognize those markings. The two chatted for a while, she bought him lunch and he scolded her for being out and about in such a vounerable state. They visited for about two hours before silithia began feeling too sick to stay out much longer.

"I'll try to visit more often! I just came back from blue Pegasus so I'm probably headed to lamia scale next. Send me a message if any houses in magnolia come up for sale." She waved as she left. She then picked up some groceries from the market deciding to repay Lea for letting her stay at her place through the whole ordeal. She got back to Leas and laid down on the couch for a bit, regathering what little strength she had. She forced herself back Up and began cooking.
Sakura keeps an eyes on the man who left the train with her "Don't even get close to the graves!" she hisses and the man says "I won't, no need to sound like that" "I don't trust you, that's all" Sakura says and she stands up before leaving her spot and she starts wandering around.
?: well well joey we meet again joey: w... who are you dark wizard leader: remember me? joey: y.. you dark wizard leader: yes and now i have a lightning ,age with us now DIE joey: GAH!!!- i was getting shocked by the mage's lightning magic then i fainted dark wizard leader: he's dead finally
Lea had gone on a job and she walks in, holding her side "Damn those guys" she says and looks around, seeing the nore Sakura left "Must have forgotten to read it" she mumbles and picks it up "She just can't sit still..." she mumbles and walks to the shelf to grab the first aid kit, she never used magic to heal an injury, only if it needed to be healed fast.

Sakura looks at the man who's still following her around, it was kinda creepy, but she decides not to say anything about it since that could leave to trouble.
Silithia turned as Lea entered, but was surprised to see her injured. "Oh no. Are you okay?" She asked shakily. Her throat was sore from lack of moon energy that the eclipse was depriving her of. "I fixed dinner already so you wouldn't have to." Silithia looked a ton different from when she last saw Lea. Her hair was white, her skin was paler, even the irises of her eyes were silvery white and she looked dull and devoid of energy.
Evie walks out of the guild hall. "Where the heck did Falzar go... Haven't seen him since we talked in the dream world..." She mumbles to herself, still trying to adjust to being able to talk outside of the dream world. Having dream ruler unlocked gave a massive change to her life that she wasn't expecting. "Where did he say he fell asleep..."

@Midnight Phantom
"Are you looking for Falzar? He is still asleep in the infirmary. I'm afraid he hasn't woken up since Sagashi brought him in." Mirajane points Evie back into the guild hall, to the Infirmary, sighing.

"I hope he doesn't plan on sleeping forever."

@Goddess Nebula
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"What if I run into another?" Erik paced back and forth in the abandoned church, his ghosts trying to. Cheer him up.

"They won't know what happened." A distorted female voice echoed.

"It's bound to come up. Everyone else's dragons loved them... Treated them as if they where their own children... I was nothing more than a slave." Erik ran his hands through his hair.

"Over rated!"

"Over blown!" The voices retorted.

"If they can get to know the you that we know they'll love you." One ghost became an apparition and ran a hand across his cheek the way a mother would consoling her child.

"They'll see how special you can be. Loving dragons are over rated by a mile!!! If you want a parent figure that bad then WE'RE your parents. You've been able to see us since you were a little boy. Surely we fill the role." The ghosts suggested.

"Then what about Grimora?" Erik sighed.

"Nothing more than a teacher of your art form." The woman smiled before disappearing. "Here. This will give you somthing to do to get out of this run down church. Groceries."

Erik examined the list."but you don't eat. I barely eat. Why do we need groceries."

"Just do it." They whispered before gathering as much energy as they could and literally pushed him out the door. Erik pouted before deciding maybe doing somthing other than staring at four aging walls would be a good idea. He walked through the graveyard that was his front yard and off into town, which brought him by the train station... At which he smelt another dragon slayer. (January) 'Uh-oh..' He picked up the pace, hoping it wouldn't smell him too!!!

@Goddess Nebula
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"What?! That's odd... Maybe I can help... Thanks Mira" Evie says before going back into the guild hall and straight into the infirmary. She looks around before walking over to Falzar. "Thats odd. This isn't normal dream energy" she mutters. She holds out her hands, trying to get a sence of the energy. "What is this energy... I need a deeper look." She takes a step away and extend both hands out to both sides. "Dreamscape Enter!" A magic circle actives underneath her as her body vanishes from the infirmary and into Falzar's dream world.

@Midnight Phantom

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