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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lea looks at the girl "No, what do you mean?" she asks and holds back a yawn.

Shadow and Hikari made it to the inn, but it was too crowded "Let's just wander around town then" Hikari says earning a nod, they hear fighting and decide to check it out "That's the girl from before" Shadow says and she adds "We should help her" "Nah" Hikari says and Shadow rolls her eyes before running of and she makes a black cloud around herself before sending the dark shard towards Jeezebelle "Yo" she says and lands on the ground near January.
January stands there, she avoids the blood spikes and gets slashed by Jezzebelles weapon. The blade goes through her body before her body reforms perfectly, no blood and no cuts. "Nice try" January spins on her foot and Kicks Jezzebelle in the back before leaping closer to the ocean, keeping her wits about her. "No physical object can hurt me" She says, standing up and smirks. "Come at me again, I would love to see you try and make a cut" She notices Shadow and Hikari, and smirks. "I got this girls, don't worry about me" She smiles toward the two before returning her gaze toward Jezzebelle.
Drake was sitting in a tree as he watched January fight some random chick making him sigh. "What trouble has she gotten into now? I swear she better not do anything stupid." He muttered as a small gloomy cloud went over his head. "Lyon would personally kill me if she manages to kill herself...maybe I should help out... What do you guys think?" He asked his birds. Penance looked at Drake and nodded while two birds peaked out of his pockets and shook their head wanting him to wait a bit before doing anything. "Wait it is."

@Goddess Nebula @Demonhunter
Solis left the guild hall, just looking around the city now. Maybe he could get some special priviledge for being in a guild. so he merged into one of the tallest trees in the city and got a good look at everything. He noticed a battle. One that could result in death. So he went towards it, so in case of someone about to die, it could be stopped
Jeezebelle growled as her blade went through her, as did her arm... blood mixed with some of the water forming January's body. A smirk spread across her face she had a few tricks up her sleeve, shed have to quit dabbling in the safer forms of magic. She flicked more blood onto the ground. "Summon, Alters. Alter of blood." Where the puddle of crimson pooled a large stone statue that seemed to be like a totem began to rise. it was a snake with glowing red eyes yet the sockets of the statue's eyes were empty. it seemed lifeless expet for in the eyes. With the Alter here, using massive amounts of energy would be easy. for it was the source of her magic. She was pissed, a shadow wizard had intervened and now the opponent she was after was getting cocky.

"Boil in blood, bitch." Jeezebelle growled. With that, the pH in her spilled blood began to rise as the water began absorbing hydrogen and acidizing. She hadn't seen the blood she'd gotten in January's body get expelled, but god forbid it touch her skin or have mixed with the her own water. It was highly corrosive and would cause surrounding water to acidize too making not H2O but the toxic chemical H3O, Hydronium.
A sharp pain goes though January. She grabs her side realizing that some blood was in her system, something completely foreign to her. "Clever bitch. But I'm not out yet" January turns her whole body to water before it collapses on the ground and seeps into the ground, leaving the blood behind. January resurfaces and kicks Jezzebelle in the back, her foot surrounded in super high pressured water. She leaps away to keep a good distance. "Try all you want but you're going to get no where!" January says, now annoyed with Jezzebelle and her antics. She notices the alter and smiles. She holds out both hands as water from the ocean comes up and begins to swirl around her. "Dragon Slayer Art. Water Dragons Tsunami!" A large wave of water appears behind January as she launches it toward the alter that was created, in hopes of getting some damage onto it.
Jeezebelle growled as she kicked. "Chemistry lecture for you... Acid is water soluble... try as much as you like, but that acid is reacticing with your molecules. try as you might, you won't be able to separate the acid from water that easily." Jeezebelle then remembered what would happen if he alter was broken. Boy would that be a mess for the both of them. She let the previously spilled blood jump up to block the attack to the statue, but the water did do some damage. some stone chipped off and a loud snake-like roar echoes.

"Belive me sister, neither of us want to do that." Jeezebelle yelped. The monster breaking an alter would release was a terrible idea and would do way more damage that Jeezebelle ever could. "Now.. lets take things up a notch. Boiling Blood..." The pH rose once more, acidizing more water around it, gaining another hydrogen making H4O even more corrosive than H3O. upon contact with water, H4O begins to boil and can dissolve bones should it need to.
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"What, scared of your pretty statue being broken" January says snark like. She had to figure out a way to deal with the acid. She couldn't worry about that now though, what was more important was dealing with Jezzebelle. "Wing Slash of the Water Dragon!" She extends both hand creating more water blasts, this time making 4 streams instead of 2. 2 went toward Jezzebelle and 2 went toward the Alter. Her goal was to get her as weak as possible or make her stop fighting.
the alter hissed as more damage was done, She growled, she had to end this before she freed that thing. She began to crank up the burn and used most her energy to acidify everything as high as she could. The statue began cracking almost as if it was moving, sinking into the ground on it's own. the roar was deafening and ripped through the air. "Why'd you have to bring them into this!?" Jeezebelle growled as a huge red snake took the statues place. Summoning the totem of the Alter was a high level spell that could be ripped from the holder if the alter was broken. however, by summoning one, all are summoned. all 13 alters began poping up in a circle.

The lunar wolf, the solar deer, the dark cat, the light stag, the ice bear, the fire dragon, the water nymph, the life tree, the earth dog, the electric tiger, the air's ram, the clockwork owl and the intergalactic gryphon.


"Shit. someone's using my totem. " Silithia groaned. she was pulled from her physical body and a light blue trail traced back to her Alter as the wolf stepped off the stone table. All the totems came to life and took their places by their alters. Jeezebelle being pulled into the snake.

"What the hell, I was in the middle of a nice nap." The owl growled.

"This had better be good Jeezebelle. like, world in danger good." The dragon groaned.

"It was an accsedent. she broke my totem!" Jeezebelle sighed, turning her head back to January. "None the less. killing you infront of the other Alter holders is no big de-"

Silithia barked, growling loudly. "NO! No more killing out of you. If were going to fight, were going to fight fair. your not dragging anyone else into this. Wait until after the eclipse. We'll fight to the death."

Suddenly there was a horrified shriek from the water nymph. "WHY AM I A LADY?!" The totem for the water alter was a water nymph, which were known for resembling very beautiful women of the water.

"Calm down, It's just a mask." Piped the stag. It's antlers swaying.

"BUT IM A MAN! A BIG BURLY PIRATE TO BE EXACT THIS IS NOT OKAY!AND WHY AM I NAKED!!!" the nymph thus proceeded to be comforted by the stag and the tree, while the cat laughed at it, Jeezebelle even offered a snicker from behind her snake's mask. The wolf (silithia) simply sighed, this was why the idea of having a leader was impossible. These unintended gatherings were always chaos, even more so that fairy tail's guild hall. at least the fairy tail wizards like each other, everyone here was always after someone else. The dog and the tiger made eye contact as if to say 'this is stupid' while chaos erupted amongst the other totems, the owl looked up to see a group of non-alter wizards that seemed to have something to do with the sudden meeting.

"OOOOOH I get it! We've been over this snake. When someone challenged you, you inform them that hitting the alter is off limits!" The owl growled in anger.

"I told her not to hit it! she did it anyway think it was some weak point or something!" The snake hissed.
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(*Cough All Dragons don't exist in the show, and maybe dont release all 13, we dont need a huge conflict. Maybe 1 or 2*)
(Not a real dragon. Just a totem. Kind of like the magic councils projections. They just all get prep resented as the being that best represents the element to protect each other'so identity. Think of them all as a mask. They can't fight like this, it's just magic projections they're all pulled into, and they do go away so no conflict. They're just very upset because they got pulled out of their personal lives with no warning xD think of the alters as telephones with no user ID. And your forced to pick up the phone wether you want to or not. )
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Hikari and Shadow watches whatever happens "This certainly is interesting" Shadow says sitting down next to her sister while taking of her hood and she pulls Hikari's hood down as well "If that crazy girl starts fighting again we're helping" Shadow says and Hikari mumbled "You just want an excuse to fight right now", the twins keep watching, while also keeping their guard up.
Drake remained in his spot as he calmly watched what was going on. He decided not to help out as so far January seemed fine. However when the Alter was broke he got curious. With that he climbed the tree to get a better view of what was going on. From what he gathered things wouldn't get to out of hand. But someone may get hurt pretty badly soon.
Sagashi continued his drunken waltz through the city, knocking over pots and running into people, blissfully unaware of anything happening.

Falzar on the other hands had moved on to a more aggressive tactic of waking himself up.

"Maybe if I *THUNK* just keep *THUNK* slamming my *THUNK* head into *THUNK* this tree *THUNK* I can *THUNK* Wake up!"
Shadow sighs "Can we take a nap after that?" she asks earning a soft laugh from ger twin "Yeah sure, we do need to get some food though, otherwise we won't survive much longer" Hikari says before watching what's happening again "This is something you wouldn't see on any of our homes" she says and Shadow looks at the sky and says "Wonder if we can ever go back though".

Sakura is wandering around in the dream world "This place is huge, well anything better then that nightmare" she mumbles and sits down, wanting to wake up soon "Anyone here?" she yells she didn't see,or hear anyone.
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January holds her stomach in pain. She could easily deal with the fire Dragon, but the other 1 was going to nee some aid. She thought about the acid in her system, then looked to Jezzebelle and smirked. "Roar of the water Dragon!" A large stream of water erupts toward the Fire Dragon. She releases the roar and turns to Jezzebelle and bolts toward her, slashes her with super high pressured water in quick motions.
Shadow stops January "Stop it, she can't fight you and as much as I'd like to see her dead too you should fight fair" she says and looks at the girl "Also, you need to get your wound treated". Hikari blinks, she hadn't been playing attention, so of course she didn't notice her sister leave the roof they were on.
jeezebelle flinched, fearful. she could acullay fight back in this form, sort of. it would be quite difficult to fight as a snake. The most effective way to use her alter was to puppeteer her alter rather than to be stuck in it. Silithia stepped in the way as well, just in case shadow couldn't stop the dragon slayer, she'd take the hit instead.

"As much as I hate to agree with him, I can't let you kill Jeezebelle. I highly doubt you'd want to either. If you kill her, you will gain her powers, but because dragon slayer magic is not an alter type magic, you will loose your dragon slayer magic. Jeezebelle, we fight to the death in three days after the eclipse. In those three days, you will harm no one." Silithia growled, the wolf's tail raised and the hair on the back of her neck rose in a threatening manner tward the snake.

"Fine! if you're going to force me to fight fair. I'll just kick your ass fair and square." Jeezebelle growled.

"Meeting adjourned?" The dragon groaned.

"please let the meeting be adjourned! I had dinner cooking and it's probably burning by now!" The dog barked.

"I'm tired of being a lady... and naked too!!! my beards gone! my beautiful beard!!!" The nymph cried.

"Meeting adjourned." All said in unison as the statues crumbled and each of the alters disappeared and their souls were sent back to their bodies.


Back at Lea's house, silithia sprang awake again. "Sorry... jeezebelle broke a damned alter. again."
January glares at Jeezebelle. She holds her stomach as she collapses to her Knees in pain. "That chick will pay..." She says, standing up, still holding her stomach. "I... Better return to Lamia Scale" she says quietly before turning away.

Evie wanders the dream world aimlessly before meeting Sakura.
Solis now sprints over to the stranger to him. Once he eventually makes it he ask, "Hey, are you ok? Are you hurt? I can help if you don't mind." He said to January. Solis always tended to play more of the hero role, though never really being one.
Drake jumped down from his spot and moved up to her. "Hold on January. Let me heal you." He said in a calm tone paying little mind to anyone else. Taking out a silver key that was around his neck he stuck it in the air and turned it. "Open gate of the Dove. Columbia." He said calmly. With that there was a small ding dong sound and a beautiful oversized bird flew out of the portal. "Drake child what have you done this time?" The motherly sounded spirit said as she flew over to January. "I didn't do anything. Which may have been the problem. There is poison in her system can you get it out?" he asked. the spirit nodded and rested a wing on the girls stomach. "Hold still child and I will be able to heal you shortly." She said in a quiet tone.

@Goddess Nebula
"A little" Sakua says and she sighs "I had this horrible nightmare and wouldn't wake up, when it ended I was here" she explains and looks at Evie "How do you get out of here?"

Lea smiles "No worries, but you still look like you should rest up, you can stay with us for a while, kay?" she asks and adds "No one will hurt you here, Luna can keep you company if you want to".

Shadow jumps back to the roof and puts the hood of her cloak back over her head "Let's go find something to eat and a place to sleep" she says and Hikari sighs putting the hood back up as well "Yeah, we need it, after all, tomorrow will be a busy day".
Jeezebelle's body began to move as she came to. "It's an acid not poison. just let her drink a base. milk or something. but don't drink water, whatever you do. infact, the fact your body is made of water could make it worse. the ions disperse." Jeezebelle suggested. She'd agreed to not harm anyone else in the time between now and the death match. "now it's going to screw with her for afew days and you'll feel like crap, but you'll live." Jeezebelle de-acidified her own blood so that her kidneys wouldn't give out.
Evie chuckles alittle before lifting her hands toward Sakura, creating a magic circle under her. "This spell should wake you right up. Dreamscape, ejections" she says calmly as the magic circle activates

January sighs, feeling a little better. She looks at Jeezebelle and scowls.
"This isn't over" she mutters under her breath before standing up and looking at the two who came to her aid. "I'll be fine. We should probably head back to Lamia" She turns on her heels and begin walking away, having no clue where the train station is.

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