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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

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  • Stay Away from Canon

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Lea nods slightly "Well, wouldn't it be better if you had a leader then?" she asks and adds "That way there won't be any trouble".
Zack woke up in his bed, sweat trickling down his forehead. Another nightmare..., he thought to himself, I wish I could sleep once without them. He sat up, and turned his body to the right. Placing his legs on the floor, he stood up and yawned. "Man, I hope I can get a job today. Rent is coming up."
Mira nods, picking up the stamp and pressing it where Solis Asked. A green mark appears on their skin. "There you go! You are offically part of fairy tail now!"
"Sadly controlling 13 people with exclusive magic is pretty much impossible. that and there's always someone out of the 13 of us that can take down whatever magic I have. The solar holder trumps me, I trump the leviathan, the leviathan is strong to the fire holder, I'd be hard to decide a leader because someone can always over throw you. and the identity of the magic holders is constantly changing due to death matches." She remembered back that they just had a new leviathan last week, He was killed by an ice wizard. "Were mostly organized chaos. even more so than fairy tail. I'm not worried about the solar holder though. Solaris is a kind person, she wouldn't kill anyone unless she had no choice."
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Lea sighs "Well, but why would someone want two types of magic?" she asks and notices Luna had fallen asleep on her shoulder "Well it might be good to get some rest as well..."

Two cloaked figured are wandering through Magnolia, while they knew the area they had been looking for a place to rest, since Shadow decided to stay somewhere warm that night, Hikari was talking non-stop about awesome guilds that they could help out while wandering around that she didn't see a girl wandering around as well "Sis watch-" before Shadow can finish Hikari bumps into the girl and falls on the ground "Sorry, I was too busy talking to see you" the hyperactive twin says and Shadow sees the girl looking lost "Where do you want to go?"

(that better?)
The blue hair girl extends her hand toward the fallen Twin. "I'm looking for an inn. Could you possibly point me in the general direction?" She asks, fixing her skirt, which was still covering her guild mark. "I don't know this area well."
Hikari takes the girls hand and pulls herself up "Yeah, we can do that" she says and smiles slightly, though it was hard to tell due to the hood of the cloak "We were just heading to one" she says and adds "So you can follow us". Shadow only nods and starts walking towards an inn, she looks at her sister "You're paying since it was your idea" she says earning a slight nod "Alright, don't worry, helping those guilds got us enough money", the two had never shown their faces to any guild, but always helped out, they also didn't care if it was a dark guild or not.
Drake sighed as he got off the train and walked into magnolia. "Go make sure she doesn't cause trouble... Go get some sun light... Leave the guild and explore." He muttered to himself as he looked around. "Damn Lyon... She's a dragon slayer why in the hells would she need me as a babysitter?" Scratching his head he walked around ignoring the looks he got as he had a hawk on his shoulder and his gloomy look. 'Let's see this time of night...' "Penance can you find her for me? She could be anywhere and I'm tired." He said as he sat on a bench. The hawk let out something of a sigh before nodding and opening up it's wings. With that it took off his shoulder and flew around magnolia. With its speed and amazing eye sight Penance found January in no time flat and returned to Drake.

Once he got the news Drake got up an walked over in the direction Penance showed him. Turning a corner he came up behind January silently not really meaning to sneak up on her. "Yo." He said calmly as he looked at the girl as well as the other two girls.

@Goddess Nebula
January jumps at the sound of a voice and turns around quickly. "Dammit Drake, you scared me." She says, releasing the fist her hand instinctively went into a fist. She inhales before lifting her head. "Blood..." She says under her breath. She turns toward the twins and says quickly, "Thanks for the help, gotta go" She turns on her feel and bolts in the opposite direction, toward the fairy tail guild hall.
Hikari sighs and Shadow says "Come on", the two nod at Drake before walking on "Tomorrow we're going to camp again, it's nice to sleep under the night sky" the quiet twin says and Hikari says "Alright, you win, though I think we should make a small tree house in case it rains", Shadow shakes her head and they walk on.
Drake looked at her confused and sighed. "Hello to you to... Penance I can ditch her now right? She's okay an-...." He stopped talking when the hawk gave him a dirty glare. "Damn it.... Fine!" Grumbling to himself he turned on his heel and strolled in the direction she ran. Sure she said something about blood and was in a hurry, but Drake was tired so he figure to take his time. After all she is a dragon slayer, what the worst that can happen?
She stand over the body and sighs. "I knew I smelled blood... but who did this..." She says before bending down and sniffing the area around. She gets a strong scent and stands up. "Drake is going to kill me for running off" She mutters before bolting in the direction of the scent, hunting down whoever killed that person.
does no one read notes anymore? Jeezebelle lept from rooftop to rooftop before noticing the other was following based off scent. best way to fix this was to simply change her scent. she noticed she was nearing the harbor and where there was a harbor there were fisherman's boats. fish was a pretty strong smell and would make for a good mask. She lept onto the boat, into the mess of fish they'd caught and was off again onto the rooftops. as long as she stayed by the harbor everything smelled like fish there, so tracking anything that smelt of fish would be next to impossible.


"Yeah, rest would be good. Not gonna be a fun day tomarrow." Silithia groaned.
Lea nods "I'll show you a room" she says and pulls Silithia along, "no one can enter this house while Luna's barrier still in place, so don't worry, kay?" she asks and open a door "You can use this room".
"Really? Wow! that was...suprisingly easy...though I guess it's fine." He had a joyful look in his eye. He looked around in the guild to interact with someone or if someone could interact with him.

(Canon if you please. Also my text is green now because I am a member. K?"
January feels the scent fade into the fish's smell. "If there is fish. There is water" she smirks, clenching her fist. She looks around quickly, noticing no one of interest. She turns around, slowly walking away from the Harbor.
Jeezebelle smirked as the girl turned around, ambushes were her forte. She bit down on her own wrist drawing blood as she neared, she flicked some onto the ground before manipulating it to jump out at the dragon slayer. A fight with Jeezebelle could get ugly fast, any amount of bleeding from either person would sway the odds in her favor, the first hit was a great advantage for Jeezebelle.

"I was going to wait an hour before I killed the first fairy, but I guess you'll have to do." Jeezebelle growled. "Unless you'd like to take me to see that girl who was on your porch earlier. One of your friends took her in I assume. Care to rat her out or am I going to have to make a mess of you too?" She smirked, scarlet hair falling over her shoulders as matching red eyes pieced the soul.
January smirks before her body turns to water. The Real January appears behind Jezzebelle. "Sorry, but no fairies here, only a mermaid" She smirks, her skirt floats up a little reveling her Lamia Scale guild mark. "Wing Slash of the Water Dragon!" Two strong streams of water break away from January's fists and speed toward Jezzebelle at top speed. January stands confident as she directs the stream of water. "You killed an innocent person, I won't allow that to stand. I don't know who you are talking about, but if what I hear about Fairy Tail is true, your goals wont be accomplished easily".
Jeezebelle lept, dodging one stream all together, the other grazed her shoulder, causing blood to drip down her arm. This, she flicked to the ground. "Oh which one deary? I'm afraid I've lost count of how many 'innocent' people I've killed. How do you even know there innocent? Everyone sins sweetheart." She grinned, raising a hand as the blood she'd previously bled, lept up again, however now there was more area she could cover. 10 Blood spikes were streaming at January from three directions, some even mixed with the water from earlier and was now subject to Jeezebelles bloody reign.

"They don't call me the kin-slayer for no reason. My sister was one greedy b**ch, she had to be punished for her greed." Jeezebelle laughed, proud of her 'accomplishment'. Alter magic required very few words, but some of the more powerful attacks would, Jeezebelle was simply playing with the girl for a moment. Using lesser spells and trying to wear down her energy.

"Difficulty with killing guildies? I've been slaughtering them for years! No one has stopped me yet." Jeezebelle laughed. Truthfully, she had killed tons of guild members from almost every town she ever visited. Is someone seemed to just disappear, it was most likely her.
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Solis looked around the guild hall, trying to find a familiar face. He searched thourgh the valley of faces but still could not find someone. He seemed a bit lonely, wanting someone else to cheer him up. But who?

(PLEASE SOMEONE ROLEPLAY AS WENDY. BOTH DEAL WITH MEDICAL STUFF AND ARE BOTH SHEEPISH. I realized caps was on but i am not going back to retype that)
January's Eyes narrow as she manages to redirect the blood to completely avoid her. "Blood is made of water dear" She says before water rises from the ocean and speeds toward Jezzebelle in slices. She barely had to put any effect into her magic, she would only be serious once she ate some water. She notices the blood coming from Jezzebelle and decides its time to deal with the source. She moves her hand sharply, drawing the water out of the blood. "Everyone has a reason for what they did to sin. And if you kill people because of their sins you should have been long dead."

(Solis, you can control Wendy yourself)
Jeezebelle growled, if she wanted to win this, she had to get reckless. Both of them could fight over essentially the same element forever and get no where, this would take initiative. The two were very close together, so a random attack wouldn't be so hard, she bit down on her own wrist again since drawing the water from the other wound made it close, this time she set a spell on herself so that the water wouldn't separate so easily this time, of corse this would dehydrate her for a while, but so long as this fight didn't last for more than an hour she'd be ok. However this did severely effect it's flow, it was thicker and not as willing to work for her. She flicked it down and created a few more blood spikes to dash toward January but she ran along side it if the spike didn't get her, what she has concealed in her hand would. Jeezebelle always had a plan B for situations like this, on the inside of her right hand was a weapon specifically made for concealment and sneak attacks. A long thin blade laced the inside of every finger, one swipe across exposed skin would cut deep and leave a horrific scar. The blood spike went left and Jeezebelle went right, meaning it was time for January to pick her poison. Back up and hit the spike to dodge Jeezebelle's swipe or take a risk by letting Jeezebelle into close combat.


Silithia sighed. "Does somthing feel strang to you?" She asked Lea.

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