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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

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  • Stay Away from Canon

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Evie makes a small smile when she feels him hug her. She places a hand on his. "Thank you..." She whispers before she fades out of his dream.
It takes Falzar a few seconds to realize his actions, and he promptly flops into a nearby bush, face scarlet.

"Dumbass dumbass dumbass!"
Silithia looked up seeing that the moon was rather dim. odd, the eclipse wasn't going to happen for a few more days. this was relatively normal, although in the days leading up to the eclipse her powers would weaken. she decided to call off the hunt for now, she needed to get hidden before someone who knew her, found her. it didn't matter if her magic was gone, if someone found her and killed her, they'd still get her magic. public transportation such as a train would be dangerous , remaining on the streets was also dangerous. she began trying to think of people she knew in Fiore. There was the fairy tail guild, but she doubted they'd let her stay there due to impending opportunity. or would they? She did do some background assisting when they needed at times. even though she did this for a lot of guilds. She sighed, not much of a choice.

She began walking, watching over her shoulder the entire way, knocking on the guild hall doors. She hoped no one would recognize her, there was only one lunar alter holder and it was her, so therefore publicity was sadly a thing. luckily, magazine photos that were snapped unwillingly often made her look somewhat different. she just needed to speak with the guild master about hiding out for afew days, maybe she could help around to earn her keep, but most of all she had to remain hidden from Jeezebelle.
Sakura runs of towards the biggest room "This one's mine" she says and smiles, she enters and let herself fall on the bed, instantly falling asleep, thanks to Valentine the nightmare's she'd been able to keep away could come back, most were about how her parents were killed, the downside was that she was never able to wake until the nightmare ended.

Lea leaves the house and locks the door, wandering around the town, she stretches and goes to buy some food, since she could cook (even though Natsu will say she can't) she would be making dinner and such.
Silithia jumped upon hearing a slam, only to turn around and see a dog knock a trash can over. She sighed, glancing up that the moon. it wasn't covered yet but did seem dim. so she would still be able to defend herself for a few hours. she was stuck in magnolia until it happened, she paced on fairy tail's porch nervously, she'd met the guild master once before. most guilds did at least talk to Alter holders, even if they couldn't join any guilds. She conjured up a figure out of moonlight. a large wolf of glowing blue energy. she had it keep watch and it was enchanted to bark should anyone come up behind her. it could have been anything she conjured, but to her, a wolf seemed to be the easiest thing to conjure up so whenever she needed to make a figure she often used the wolf's form. she knocked on the door again and waited as the lunar beast kept watch.
Lea heads back to the guild and sees Silithia "You lost?" she asks, she hadn't seen the girl before and she walks over "That's an awesome wolf by the way" she says and smiles, she wasn't one to judge at first glance, but this girl seemed nervous "Why don't you go in?"

The wolf barks as soon as the other girl came into range. Silithia waved her hand and the wolf dispersed. "Not lost, more like need a favor. Your guild master in?" Silithia asked, letting her marking show. All alter holders had specific markings, advertising what element they were and that they were an alter holder, making them easy to spot when using their magic. They weren't really talked about, but older text books did mention the markings. They were like guild marks, but they were bound to no one. The lunar marks were pale blue, almost white and spread around her eyes, cheekbones and down her neck, under her sleeve they also continued down her arms in odd patterns but eventually formed markings that translated to "moon child" in some forgotten language. These marks only showed up at night on silithia, or when using massive amounts of magic. Frankly she didn't care if Lea knew any of that, she just thought it was customary of wizards visiting guilds to show guild marks if they had them, and even I they weren't for guilds, her markings still counted.

"Thanks! um... wanna come with me? Last time I was here a naked man threw a guy with pink hair on me."

@Flame Demon
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"That were Natsu and Gray, they tend to fight, but why do you need to talk to the guild master? If you just need a place to stay you could stay at my house, well new house, just got it today" Lea says and she adds "and there's most likely some commotion going on right now, so it's better not to go in right now", she sighs, she still had to get that Exceed egg she had left at the guild "I'll go inside to check the situation", she goes in and instantly dodges someone, making her way through the crowd she picks up the exceed egg and heads back out "There's a guild fight going on right now..."

Silithia looked over her shoulder before back to Lea. "I might have been followed here. bringing me to your home would be the worst mistake ever if who I think is following me is." She whispered. "I was going to ask the guild master if I could hide out in the basement for the eclipse." Silithia laughed about the fighting bit. "I'm alright with a bit of fighting, ill stay out of it. besides. It would actually be pretty nice to speak with Mr. Makarov. He was friends with my mother and hasn't seen me since I was a little girl." She did slightly remember him, she remember her mother before her had some dealings with him as well. thus why she was here instead of any other guild. if he knew the previous Lunar holder.

@Flame Demon
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"It's fine, besides, no one will get in, also the guild have been destroyed more then enough" Lea says and she she smiles "So come on, besides no one really comes there anyways, which is why it's the perfect spot for a house" she says and starts pulling Silithia along "You'll be save, trust me"

"Oh okay. I.. sure." She looked up to the moon again seeing the shadow beginning to phase over. "We've got to hurry." Soon she was running along with Lea, keeping pace and trying to even outpace her.if she got stuck outside with that shadow coming over, she'd be screwed and Jeezebelle would indefinitely take her head.
Lea pulls the girl along and she takes the secret path, in the small open field she says "Well, Sakura's sleeping, so don't try to wake her up, kay?" she asks and walks to her house, opening the door and the lights turn on dimly, so it't not too bright.

The girl walks into a small forest and crosses her arms annoyed. "Dammit Lyon. I am absolutely lost. Maybe if I go back to Fairy Tai-" She shakes her head about the idea,not wanting to go back to that chaotic guild. She sighs, turning her heels, trying to walk back into the city at least. "I don't want to take a train, but It may be my only option" She says to herself, walking in the direction she came from.
Sagashi decides to take some advice from and old friend, and walks into the city to try and walk off his hangover. He sometimes forgets that the friend in question laughed whenever the Pirate stumbled around drunkenly.
"That works." Silithia smiled. "I'm silithia. Your name is?"Please don't recognize that name, please don't recognize that name!!!! If silithia could have gone back and given a different name she would, but she decided it was too late now.

---- meanwhile

The bloody b*tch growled from the rooftops. she just couldn't get her alone. All she had to do was wait it out. so long as she didn't lose Silithia, this would be a sinch. She laid down, starting up at the dreaded moon. Sure she held one Alter, but Jeezebelle always wanted more than what she had. If it existed her greed made her long for it. and when she finaly had what she had wanted, she was on to chasing her next intrest. It didn't matter who had to die, as long as Jeezebelle was happy.
"I'm Lea and that small thing flying over is Luna" Lea says and Luna cuts the fire dragon slayer with her small scythe before turning to the girl "I'm a familiar" she explains and thinks for a while "Oh yeah Lea, there's a barrier around the house, no one will get it" she says before flying around the house. Lea sighs "Luna is normally seen with Sakura, who's my friend. Do you want something to eat?", Luna flies back down and sits on Lea's shoulder.
"only if it's no trouble. I'll only be in your hair until after the lunar eclipse is over." Silithia sat down, exhausted. She'd been chasing that target forever and she was beginning to wonder if he existed at all. "Look, it's only polite I tell you what is following me and why. Ever heard of the 13 Alters? It's a magic type, but in order to get it you either inherit it, or you kill someone for it. I hold the lunar alter from birth, But some of us are greedy and want two Alters. My lunar powers go away during a lunar eclipse, leaving me vounerable to the blood alter holder, Jeezebelle. If you've been reading the wanted boards lately, she's getting pretty far up there from killing wizards." Silithia ran her hand through her hair, frankly she had no plan for a confrontation with that monster.

" Reason I was going to go to fairy tail was to keep hidden, then ask for some assistance. Even though were not a guild, the 13 of us try not to kill eachother. but Jeezebelle just dosn't care."
She continues to walk before stopping in front of a house. She walks up and knocks on the door. "This is so embarrassing. I swear Lyon will not here the last of it" She mutters to herself, feeling awkward standing outside someones house when its dark outside. She knocks again before looking around her surroundings.

@Flame Demon
She sighs before turning and walking away. Her only choice was to go back to the Chaotic guild. She walks alone, her guild mark covered by her skirt, so she would look like any other civilian walking through the forest. "It's getting late... Maybe I should find a inn to stay at"
Lea nods "Can't you join a guild then?" she asks and Luna says "You're safe here, but why would anyone want to kill others? I don't get it".
"People with my kind of magic aren't really supposed to join guilds. We're kind of a fuzzy grey area between a guild and just having like types of magic. We don't have a master and no real rules of conduct. That's why Jeezebelles kinda bat-sh*t crazy." She though for a second scratching the back of her neck nervously. "Reason we aren't supposed to join guilds is that we get challenged... All the time. If someone kills me, they get my magic, imagine having constant challengers walk into someone's guild and trying to kill you Infront of your team mate who aren't supposed to really intervine. And God forbid they're successful. Puts too many people through mourning and in danger. Buuuuut, I can still help out with other guilds as if I were in them, which I do quite often. I actually just took a leftover job from Quattro Cerberus, but that guys long gone." She laughed, she wasn't near as mission obsessed as other wizards were, to her, if it got done it was just a simple accomplishment, not a nessecity.
Jeezebelle on the other hand was getting irritated and growing impatient. She decided it was time to get a guild against Silithia. If she could get the guild to turn her over willingly or hunt her down for her, that would make her job a lot easier. Now for a target.

Jeezebelle noticed a young girl walking along, gorgeous with bright blue eyes and scarlet hair. Her beauty filled Jeezebelle with jealousy, perfect reason to use her. She slid a blade across her skin to give herself somthing to work with before flicking it down to the ground. As soon as it hit the ground it jumped up and impailed the pretty girl in the form of sharp red needles. "Dearly me, sorry about that." Jeezebelle leaped down from the rooftops. Finishing her off and dragging her back to the rooftops before any witnesses could have seen her. She then ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and began writing.

Dear Fairy Tail,

You have somthing that I want, sound familiar? The black haired girl that came to you earlier. One of your guild members is boarding her at their house and keeping my 'dear friend' from me, how rude. I demand she be brought to me on the night of the lunar eclipse or I start fairy hunting. One person from your guild will suffer every hour I don't have her, and if I can't find a fairy, I might just drag innocent by-standees into this. Sucks to be them.

Fatefully your'

Jeezebelle the Kin-slayer.

She tucked the note away into the girl's pocket, lept onto the guild hall roof and goosed the body down onto their front porch with a loud thud and quickly lept away.

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