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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
(@National please show some more respect to my mods. They are trying to make sure everyone is following the rules. Please try not to call them butt hurt. And we are all trying to prevent too many OP characters, so please try to be more polite.)
Makarov opens the letter and skims it.

"Hmm. Seems another guild has gotten a dragon slayer!" He laughs loudly looking at the letter. "Now 3 guilds have them! What are the odds!"
(COuld we do a small segment where Solis becomes a member? maybe just a small test please lets say over crowding is happening or just instantly in for me, also are all the dragon slayers at the guild rigt now?)
(you ask if you can join, normally they say yes)

Lea is running ahead of Sakura through the town "Calm down, in case you forgot I nearly used all my magic" Sakura says trying to catch up, they arrive at a small hidden path leading to the forest and Lea starts calming down "Sorry, I'm just happy I don't have to live with Natsu and Happy anymore, they drive me crazy" she says and they soon arrive at a rather big house "Are you here for the house?" an old man says earning a nod and he looks at the two "Aren't you a bit young to be living without supervising?" he asks and Sakura says "We're from Fairy Tail, we can take care of ourselves" "Ah yes alright then" the man says, giving the two a tour through the house.
Solis went up to the guild master, a bit shyly "Uh...could I join the guild? I can help...with gardening and quest and such. Can I?"
Makarov laughs.

"of course you can join! we are always open to new family members!"


The blue haired girl walks though Magnolia, trying to find her way out of the crowded city. "Im gonna kill Lyon for making me come here. That damn letter better have been worth it" She mutters under her breath as she walks. She stops on a bench and takes a seat, putting her hand on her guild mark.
Falzar lays in the Secret Grove. Staring at the sky and listening to the forest animals he chuckles.

"Finally. Some peace for once."

He had no energy to return to the waking world any time soon, so he savored in the peace of his dreams.
After the tour the old man says "Unlike most you don't have to pay rent once you buy the house, most people don't have enough for it, so I'm stuck with it" "Is this enough?" Sakura asks, holding up what she had gathered with Lea "It is, though since you two are so kind, I'll reduce the price for you two" the old man says and Sakura pays him, "Thanks you" the man says and Lea says "It's nothing really, I actually had my eye on this house for a while now", the man leaves and Sakura puts the pouch back before going in "Wonder why no one would buy it, it's big, has furniture and even has a pool on the roof" she says and Lea shrugs "No clue".
"Really? Just things like these seem fun, and well...I live in the forest where there is no one really... It's sorta lonely" He had a clear happy tone in his voice, though something seemed off. Didn't he need a asestment for what rank he was?
"Welcome to the guild! Find Mirajane and She'll get you your guild mark!"

The Master returns to his drinking with a gleeful smile.


Evie shrugs "Nothing. Just was wandering." She gives a slight smile back before walking over. She looks toward the sky and laughs. "One of the most realistic looking skies I've seen in a dream"
"My dreams tend to be pretty lucid. Not a single rock is out of place." Falzar spots a bear attempting to grab at a bird in the distance, so he shoots a small beam at its feet. The bear scurries off into the forest. "Everything is rather accurate."

@Goddess Nebula
SO solis wandered around looking for Mirajane and eventually found her. "Hi uh...I was told to find you for a guild mark? Is that right?'
"I must admit. I'm impressed." She lets out a small laugh before looking at the ground. Her smile fades as she looks at the ground. "I'm sorry" she says almost silently.

"Are you the one wanting to join the guild? Perfect! Just tell me where you want it and what color!"
Silithia growled, she'd been fighting this fool for three hours, he was so intent on killing her for the massive abilities and heavy title, he wouldn't give up all though his body was failing him. She had been forced to kill in defense, there was nothing she could do otherwise. She waited on the thunder wizard to attack again and once he took off to attemot another attack, but she wasn;t having it she snorted absorbing energy, not saying a word until he was too close. her body seemed to be lined with lunar blue markings and the moons energy pulsated within her then through the ground and with a stomp, a solidified moon bean shot from the ground impaling the greedy wizard attacking her. killing him instantaneously.

"Guess you shouldn't target people for their powers..." Silithia sighed. she'd have to leave quickly, none of the guilds here would understand why she was forced to kill him, in fact they might try to kill her for the title of lunar alter. She walked away from the body, looking for the person she was supposed to look for in her job. unlike the fairy tail wizards, Silithia specialized in keeping her fights quiet and very rarely did she break much. however, something felt off. tonight just had jeezbelles name wrtien all over it. that bloody witch was always after holding two alter positions and in a few days, there'd be an eclipse and she'd be vulnerable. might would be wise to settle down somewhere and lay low for a while until she regained her powers.
She crosses her arms still looking down. "Blaming Valentine is like blaming my sub conscious. It's my fault she escaped and my fault she hurt you guys. How can I not take the blame for that." She sighs before turning to walk away. "You should really rest... I'll just return to dream hopping" She says starting to walk away.

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