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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Falzar bursts through the darkness, having transformed into his Etherious Form once again. He skids to a stop in front of Evie.

"Did you just call me an Idiot, cat?"

@Goddess Nebula @Flame Demon

Sagashi charges into the crowd of Nightmares, blasting off Lightning spells all around. Nightmares burst from the powerful attacks.
The small demon glares "I'm a familiar, not a cat!" she says slashing her small scythe towards Falzar "How rude" she mumbles "Without me w wouldn't have found Evie" she says crossing her arms.

@Midnight Phantom
Evie chuckles. "Well she isn't wrong after all" She looks to Falzar with a cold look "Valentine's spirit isn't in this dream world, but another... she must have multiple worlds open..." She taps her chin thinking. "She wouldn't keep her spirit with me, If you can destroy Valentine's puppet, you all could enter the dream world and confront her actual spirit..." She sighs trying to collect her thoughts "Don't do anything stupid Falzar... okay?"

Valentine blocks Sakura's attacks with her sword before slashing "This fight shall be short, for even if you land a hit on me, It will have no effect!" She summons another sword and begins to Slash even faster.
"I don't need to use her puppet, I will just enter the nightmare directly." Falzar punches himself in the gut and regurgitates the small white imp. It begins to glow and absorb energy, reviving itself.

"GAH HOLY SHI-" Falzar strangles the imp to shut it up.

"Use the power here to connect this Dream World with Valentines, and maybe I won't eat you again."

"Okay Okay! Geez!" A black rift opens behind the imp as the area fades a bit.

"Sorry to use your Power Evie."

@Goddess Nebula
Sakura creates another sword and she says "This fight won't be short" she says blocking each and every blow "Even if you hurt me, I still have my human half, but I don't think I need it" she says and starts attacking this time.

Luna sighs "Since you're a demon I normally would over to help, but you don't deserve it" she says and sits down on Evie's shoulder still with her arms crossed and her scythe on her back.
Evie grab Falza'r collar and holds him away from the Portal. "Yeah about that" She glares at Falzar "The dream world is one thing. That, doesn't lead to Valentine." She points to the portal. "That's a trap Idiot. Valentine is part of me, so her spirit, is in MY dream world,or more specifically, my subconscious. she made this dream world as a fake. That one is a trap" She sighs. "Falzar, you really should think before you slash"

Valentine continues to block and attack. "Your little friends think they are so strong, but they won't defeat me from inside. Their magic is too weak. An even if they do, they'll bring my power source right back too me!" She leaps back from Sakura. "Face it, this world has no hope."
Sakura lands and she sends a cold glare to Valentine "This world has no hope once everyone decides to give up, we're not giving up, never!" she says and attacks again, this time even faster then before.

Lea gets near Valentine and Sakura, she was getting bored fighting nightmares "Roar of the fire dragon!", she aims her attack at Valentine "Yo, miss 'invincible, you wouldn't mind if we tag teamed against you right? You know with you being invincible and all", she was fired up for a good fight.

Luna sighs "That's why he's an idiot, Evie, can't you send him to her, without her being able to steal your power again?" she asks and adds "If not I can make a barrier so she won't detect you, however since it's the most effective with demons or half demons I don't how long it will last".
"Its not that simple. beings it a part of me, any attacks that happen in there could effect my body if I'm not there as well, and I couldn't ask you to do that Luna."

Valentine shrugs "Why not, you both seem to have a big mouth. Come at me!" She says, waiting for their attacks.
"I said I got this!" Falzar glares down at the imp in his hands. "Now I'm gonna be blunt. I lied."

He throws the imp into his mouth and swallows it once more. His eyes begin to glow as he stares at the portal. He reaches his hand into the portal and begins to morph it.

"Using these nightmares, I can follow the energy trace left by Valentine."

The portal stops changing as it connects to Valentine.

"And here is our entrance."

@Goddess Nebula @Flame Demon
"I'll do it Evie, you're one of my friends, one of our comrades" Luna says and she smiles slightly "So no worry, I think everyone is still fighting despite the odds being against them, Sakura's almost out of energy left in her demon form, she'll have to force to keep that form or she will lose, I have to try hard as well".

Sakura looks at Lea who nods before smirking "Just to tell you, we're one of the best duo's" she says "Roar of the fire dragon!", aiming her attack at Valentine while Sakura waits for Valentine to move.
Solis eventually could no longer keep up the constant fire of rose thorns. He fell to the ground, grasping his dislocated arm. "Rrrhhh...If only aroma's or medical might could do something right now..." He was in serious pain, and fighting an enemy he doesn't know on an allied side he isn't even a part of. Though he did notice Evie, he tried to get up but stumbled and fell back down. "Well, guess that's it for me... unless." he held a shiny seed, one that radiated magic power. Solis was an expert at making medical seeds. He moved it closer and closer to Evie but slowly. "I can't do anything, but you can...go." Solis had small roots coming from his fingers gong into the ground as magic energy slowly went into him.

@Flame Demon

@Midnight Phantom

@Goddess Nebula
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Valentine stands ready to leap before a sharp pain shoots through her puppets. "My spirit..." She mutters before getting hit by Lea's attack. She crosses her arms trying to block the flames before being knocked backward. "How... HOW!" She screams

"Her puppet is weak, I can feel it... We need to attack her spirit. Now!" Evie holds her hand out, creating magic circles under all of them. "My magic isn't at full strength yet, but this spell should allow you full access to your magic in that dreamscape" She says before the magic circle vanishes. "I'll stay behind you guys for support."


@Flame Demon

@Midnight Phantom

(We are going to begin to wrap the arc to a close, being there are a lot of new members waiting to post)
Falzar's head jolts upwards as magic pours into his body. His black aura begins to turn bright purple.

"Whoa... This Power... I have never felt like this before..." The Demon steps towards the portal.

"Well then, lets go kick this Nightmare into oblivion!"

@Goddess Nebula @Flame Demon
(Alright, Right now solis basically is sliding over to evie a magic seed. It replinshes power so it can help though you can make it take time if you want it as a final blow)

Solis' wounds began to heal, though not normally but with a bark like covering. He stumbled up with a hurt look on his face. "...So how exactly do we defeat her? I mean, does she have a weakness?"
(Evie's in the dream world, so how woukd you do that?)

Sakura is a bit behind Valwntine, "You're getting weaker" she says attacking.

Luna creates a barrier around Evie, she just hoped it lasted long enough "At full strength the barrier can absord most atracks" she explain.

Lea takes the seed before it reaches Valentine, but doesn't bother seeing where is came from "Who's stupid enough to help the enemy".
"Her spirit is pretty weak, but It can't be destroyed unless I do it... Its because she is part of my magic. If someone else does it, it damages myself. But you guys could hold her back, I might be able to end her... If I do this right..." Evie explains to them both. Can i actually do it, or will I let them all down... She puts on a smile before leading them all through the portal.

"Shit shit shit!" Valentine call out, leaping away from attacks before getting hit by another. "Its taking too much energy to holding this puppet here!" She says before the puppet vanishes into smoke, creating a small portal leading to her spirit.

@Flame Demon @SilverSolis @Midnight Phantom
Solis followed quickly behind. Though hurt, he could still use magic. "So uh, I heard if you can attack her. Could tieing her down with vines help?"
A smoke like monster floats in the realm. "I thought you would be coming, and it seems you brought my power along with you!" She tail of the smoke monster shoots toward Evie, in an attempt to grab her.

Evie manages to leap away "Get her to a low level, I should be able to destroy her then!" She calls out to the others.

@Midnight Phantom @Flame Demon @SilverSolis

(We are wrapping it up know. Why not start interactions with others National)

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