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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Luna tries to lose the shadow Evie, but she can't "Focus on the task" she mumbles and flies on.

Sakura sighs "Well you should know we do everything for our comrade, that includes beating you" she says attacking Valentine again.
Solis then looks towards at valentine. "I wouldn't want to fight...but you are harming people. I can't allow that." a large amount of magic energy began swirling around him in a controlled fasion. "Armor of the woods!" A large bulky armor appeared on him, then a sword. It was all made of wood but it was stronger than most. Solis charged at valentine ready to take any hits needed too.
Valentine swings her hammer toward Solis, creating an energy wave. She quickly turns to deal with Sakura and Falzar before dodging the lightning. "She really has you all tricked with that story she made up. Dreamscape magic, what a stupid name for a lie" she floats away from them all. "I mean I knew she didn't like the Idea of the magic she was born with, but creating a false name and purpose for it, that's just pathetic if I say"

@SilverSolis @Midnight Phantom @Flame Demon
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"Heh. You think we care what its called?" Falzar laughs and walks forwards towards Valentine. "The importance of Magic is the use, not the name. If you used your Nightmare Magic to help people, you would be a good person. If Evie used her Magic to hurt people, even if the magic had the purest name possible, it would make her a bad person."

"All that matters to us is that a stone cold bitch is standing between Fairy Tail and its guild member." Sagashi walks alongside the boy and points his weapon upwards.

"AND WE ARE GOING TO TAKE YOU DOWN!" The Pirate and Demon are prepared to fight for who they care about.
Solis was sent to the ground, clearly with broken bones, but they began to heal a bit. "A bit of a hard weapon...a, maybe speed approach then?" His armor came off clearly showing a now dislocated shoulder. He darted with all of his speed shooting thorns from his hands, poisoning what ever it touched. "Maybe this is better"
Sakura looks at the two while killing some monsters "She's our friend and if she would lie to us she has a good reason", she wasn't going to take any more talk "But less talking, more fighting".
"Blinded by a guild mark. Foolish" She spins her hammer before swinging it toward them, but nothing happens. "What the hell... that's new..." Valentine swings her hammer again, this time summoning nightmares. "I didn't do that, but whatever" Valentine looks around, trying to determine what happened.

The shadow Evie stops chasing Luna and suddenly vanishes. Real Evie falls out of the cloud of darkness, holding her arm "I... actually broke away... h-how..." She attempts to stand before falling to her knees. "too much magic power drained... but she can't drain more...but... what broke me away."

Valentine feels her energy lessen. "Damnit. The nightmares keep loosing... and now she..." She turns toward those in front of her and creates a magic cirlce at the end of her hammer before releasing a large blast toward them.

@Flame Demon @Midnight Phantom @SilverSolis
The Demon and Pirate nod to each other and get in position.

"UNISON RAID : BOLT FROM THE ABYSS!" Falzar creates A large black Magic Circle, and Sagashi creates his own golden circle that overlaps it. Dark electricity charges in a spiral, before a Pitch Black Lightning Bolt shoots out of the circle and causes a sonic boom, shattering shingles on the Guild Roof. The Bolt stabs into the silver blast, and begins to pierce through.

@Goddess Nebula
Luna finds Evie and flies over hugging the girl "I finally found you" she says and smiles "Took me a while though".

Sakura smirks "You're losing power" she says and gets in front of the two males to prevent any monster from coming "Ice-make: Hammer!", a giant hammer appears blasting the nightmares away.

Lea sighs, the nightmares were reducing in numbers "I hope they succeeded in whatever they're doing".
Evie laughs, hugging Luna back. "Good to see you too Luna... How did you get into the dream realm... and... how is everyone holding up."

Valentine growls, dodging the Hammer. "I have to resort back, can't stay cocky until I get her back as my power source." Valentine's hammer glows before vanishing into thin air. "That should do" She gets hit by the unison raid, creating a large cloud of smoke. Valentine stands up after the smoke clears, showing no pain what so ever. "I thought I explained... I'm invincible here!" She creates large magic circle under the 3 of them. "Nightmare Blast!" The magic circle glows, ready to release a large blast.

Evie feels a change in the energy in the dream world. "Valentine returned her Spirit to the dream world." She says to Luna. "Luna, go back to the awake world, and tell them I'm fine, and that their attacks won't hurt Valentine because her spirit is in the dream world!"

@Midnight Phantom @Flame Demon
Valentine gives a twisted smirk to the small child. "A game I love games!" She stops the magic circle from glowing, but keeps it written below them. "Speak, but I better like this game" She crosses her arms and give a childish pout.

@Midnight Phantom
"Well not good, Valentine's too strong, Sakura and that pirate guy and Falzar are fighting her, but they're losing, she's too strong, you have to do something!" Luna says and she looks down "They won't last forever".

Sakura lightly punches Falzar "We're a guild, we have to fight together" she hisses and looks at the circle before looking at Valentine "Wonder how well you can stand on something slippery" she says putting her hand on the floor "Ice-make: floor!", the surface they're standing on turn completely to ice.
"Your Nightmare clone of me was Boring! I kicked his ass and devoured the wimp!" Falzar laughs at his remark. "I wan't you to open up your Nightmare realm and bring out the big guns. Your Biggest, Baddest, Strongest Nightmare you can even get. And we will kick its ass into oblivion."

@Goddess Nebula
Valentine takes a step toward Falzar before slipping on the ice floor and falling too her bum. "Ow... " She stands up and brushes the ice off her butt. "A big, bad nightmare? Well, opening the nightmare realm for that stupid request is pointless. I would rather have you fight against something that would be hurtful to kill off." She smiles, Creating a magic circle in front of her. A creature looking Identical to Evie, except with a shadow Ora rises from the circle. "I would love too see you kill your friend, if you do that, I know you'll be willing to fight my biggest monster"

Evie sighs, looking down thinking. "I got it! Luna, I have an Idea on how to beat Valentine! It's risky, but just might work..."

@Flame Demon @Midnight Phantom
"Gh- We can't hurt Evie..." Sagashi stumbles back, as Falzar shoves him aside.

"Fine then." Falzar strides forwards and his eyes begin to glow, and his vision shifts. The Nightmare Evie transforms into a small white imp. Its true form.

"I know what you really look like, thanks to eating another nightmare." The Demon lifts his hand towards 'Evie' and creates myriad of Black runes to surround her.

"Fenrir." A Powerful blast engulfs the Nightmare as he utters the phrase.

@Goddess Nebula
Luna looks at Evie "Tell me, I can tell our friends, or I could lend you my power, it's not much, but enough to fight" she says and sighs "I just hope they're doing fine, the nightmare monsters are destroying town".

Sakura punches Sagashi "That's obviously not the real Evie, Luna might have found her already, we just have to beat Valentine" she says and adds "And if you can't do it, go fight nightmares down on the ground".
"Fine..." Sagashi walks to the side of the roof, before Falzar grabs his shoulder.

"Not yet..." The smoke clears and a small imp lies in the impact zone of the spell, unmoving. "See? Its not Evie."

The Demon walks over to the imp, and repeats history. He swallows the imp whole and leers at Valentine.

"How about that?"

@Goddess Nebula
"Creepy, can demons actually do that?" Sakura asks looking at Falzar, she glances at Valentine and says "And you really should learn, we never give up and if magic attacks won't effect you, we just have to use hand to hand combat", she smirks and asks "Or can't you handle that?"
"Valentine sent her spirit, her true form, back into the dream world. The only way they can get into the dream world is via sleep. If they all go to sleep, I can pull them into the dream world that Valentine is hiding her spirit, but the risk is their bodies will be uncontrollable, and Her Puppet could attack their physical bodies." She explains to Luna for her to pass on to the Rest.

Valentine laughs. "Smart children. You can see though my imps costumes. I keep telling them to get better." She snaps, summoning another mass of Nightmares. "How about we play my game, its called Don't kill the real Evie" In the mass of demons, some that look Identical to Evie rise up, "Trick is, these aren't imps. But have another magic all together" She looks Sakura, "I though, would love to fight this girl with the big mouth! Nightmares, Attack!" She lands on the roof, and summons a sword.
Sakura follows making a sword out of ice "Sword fight is fine too" he says and narrows her eyes "And don't get me wrong when I say this, but Luna probably found Evie, now all we need it a plan to kill you" she says.

Luna looks at Evie "Can't you do it? If I give you my power for enough time before it goes back to me you have a small part demon power, it's too risky to let them sleep now".
"Sagashi, the gate is open. Throw me."


"I said throw me dammit!" The Pirate lifts Falzar into the air and hurls him towards the portal.

Falzar tackles a few nightmares into the Nightmare Realm as the portal closes.

"Heheh... Hey Valentine! You have a guest!"

@Goddess Nebula
Evie shakes her head. "She has better offensive magic than I do, even If I tried to confront Valentine. She will only capture me aga-" She stops when the magic changes again. She recognizes the magic and stands up "Falzar!" She screams into the darkness.

Valentine spins her sword. "I'm not worried, and your friend, Falzar was his name? Blind fool jumping into my portal. but anyways, its time to play" She speeds forward, slashing at Sakura.
Sakura dodges just as quickly and blocks the sword with her own sword "It won't be easy to get rid of me" she says and her eyes slightly seem to glow as she slashes at Valentine at the same speeds she got attacked at.

Luna flies next to Evie "Come on" she says and starts flying ahead "What's that idiot doing here anyway, if he's here then who's fighting Valentine?" she asks and her eyes widen "Sakura with her big mouth, not that I blame her".

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