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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Falzar walks past Erza and Wendy, peering into the Infirmary.

"Oh. Its you." Falzar sighs and sits next to Evie's bed. How could she accidentally mess with his dreams twice?

Sagashi stands up and stretches, before returning into the Guild Hall.
"I recovered a while ago mate. Was just watching the sky." Sagashi sits at the bar once more and gets slid a small glass of booze. He keeps his distance from Cana.
Evie appears in Falzar's dream. "Why hello there child, having a good dream" she smirks flicking her hair back. A somewhat dark aura comes off Evie before it vanishes. "This same old place, you need more variety in your dreams, i mean seriously"
"Tch. Knew you would show up." Falzar stands up and walks towards 'Evie'. "I don't know what you are, but you are not normal. You have an aura of malice and chaos, unlike the girl that is in the infirmary right now. You may as well drop the act."
"People give off different Aura's in the dream world. I guess you can say I am a little chaotic, but I wouldn't say im EVIL, even though it is one letter off, which I kinda find hilarious." She stops rambling and turns to him. "I have no idea what your talking about with an 'act'" she makes the air quotes around act. She gives the same innocent smile as Evie.
"Riiight." Falzar stops in front of 'Evie'. "You really think a Demon can't sense you?"

He circles around the girl, doing a closer inspection.

"I know you are not Dream Girl. But you are a Dream Girl."
"You don't know everything. I am Evie, and have always been Evie, the "dream girl" you know is only the physical representation of me. Why do you think her physical form vanishes when she goes into a dream. I am the Evie you know. Im just, a different part of her" she turns around and summoms a magic circle in front of her hand. She quickly changed the dream into a empty space of just white before vanishing for Falzar's dream.
Falzar jolts awake in his chair, and looks around. The Mage that had been present earlier had left the room. He begins shaking Evie's shoulder.

"Hey. Dream Girl. Wake Up."
Evie feels the shaking and slowly begins to move, but doesn't actually wake up.

"Come on child! Put a little more FORCE into it will you!" The dark spirit mutters under her breath. She needed a sudden movement to get what she wants to achieve. "Come on..."

When a sudden jolt Happens, Evie is quickly ripped out of the dream world and wakes up quickly. As she wakes up a small rift appears, creating a black cloud of smoke. A large flash visible for Everyone (Who is taking part in the arc) comes from the infirmary. Evie holds her head before noticing the dark cloud and looks at Falzar almost panicked.

The smoke fades in the bright flash and a girl with vibrant pink hair appears, having almost identical facial features to Evie. "Well, well, wellwellwell! It is great to be here on this fine day, wouldn't you all agree!" She speaks with a perky tone to her voice as she spins on her foot before walking toward Falzar. An innocent smile across her face.
The girl smiles. "I am no demon. I am Valentine. It is a pleasure to meet you" She pats Falzar's head, almost instantly putting him to sleep. She turns to Evie and smiles. "Did you miss me? Because I missed you, and boy oh boy do we have a lot of catching up to do. Come along now!" She Grab's Evie's hand and pulls her out of the infirmary, pulling her through the guild hall, stopping at certain people and giving innocent Smiles.
Falzar falls backwards with a thud, falling into his nightmares.

Shackles of light hold the boy against a cavern wall as the cave is filled with chanting.

"Please! I didn't mean to!"

"It is to late for forgiveness. You will not escape a guilty verdict."

Ice begins to spread across the cavern floor, growing up Falzar's Legs.
Valentine stops draggin Evie and looks toward Sagashi. She shakes her head. "Whats with people and getting intoxicated. If they are THAT desperate to pass out, all they need is a good sleeping spell" She laughs, looking toward the Pirate. She walks over and smiles, putting on her innocent act. "Hello there Mister, I'm kinda lost and was wondering if you could help me"
"Yer lost? I'm not *Hic* the best tour guide. Mirajane! Help out these young ladies!" Sagashi grins like a fool and slumps forwards in his seat.

"How may I help?"
Valentine looks to mirajane with a small smirk. "Um.. where do you think would be the highest point in the city, I want to get a nice view of it" She says sweetly, tapping Sagashi on the back, putting him to sleep.

Evie stands behind Valentine, held in a death grip by her wrist. What are you planning to do Valentine. You got out, shouldn't that be enough...
"The highest place I can think of is the Cathedral... Just be careful, alright?" Mirajane collects the knocked over glass of booze and shifts Sagashi, who she presumes to be unconscious via Alcohol, into a more comfortable position.
"Thank you Miss!" Valentine Gives a slight hug to MiraJane before rushing out of the guild, dragging Evie Along. Once outside, the collects the energy she has gained form the people she has put to sleep. "Shame you aren't strong enough to do that Evie. Heck, your not even strong enough to talk outside of a dream. Still. Very. Weak" Valentine smirks, dragging Evie along before running into someone else (Open to Anyone taking part in the Arc)
Ib was looking at the quest board when she suddenly got bumped into by a girl she hadn't seen before.

-Excuse me... For standing in your way, Ib said, always being the one to apolagise. I'm Ib. Who are you?

She assumed that this new face was going to join the guild, seeing how she was dragging Evie around. They were probably friends. Although, Ib had to admit to herself, something seemed off about this girl.

@Goddess Nebula
Shizz had returned from a small vacation, this time, he came sensing a new dark power, but his luck was slightly unforgiving. He was tired, and his crash magic could only sense a fraction of their power, this person was either evil, or used a darker magic. So he rushed into the room, "Is there someone new who wants to join?"
Valentine smiles innocently toward Ib. "My name is Valentine! It's very nice to meet you!" She looks toward Evie with a more sinister smile before turning back to Ib "do you know how to get to the cathedral from here??"


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