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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

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  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sagashi jolts awake from the infirmary bed, drooling a bit. He had a massive hangover. The Pirate peers out the window, and his heart drops.


His shouting rings throughout the guild halls, catching several mages' attention.

Sakura, who had found Lea was just about to leave when she heard it "Probably that pirate again" she mumbles and Lea says "Let's go, we don't want the house to be taken when we get there" she says and adds "Besides, how did you know where I was?" "Luna found you" Sakura says as the two girls leave the guild hall.
(Sorry. I've had work these past few days but should be good now.)

Ken rubs his face. The last thing he remembers is getting drunk with Cana. "Why does shouting exist.." He mumbles with his eyes still closed. He stretches, feeling like he's waking up to a lightly different world than he went to sleep to.
Ib sees a black circle expanding over all of Magnolia. It didn't feel right. She ran out so that she could maybe see the source of that wretched magic, but unfortunately, her eyes weren't good enough to see the details. She could just see that it came from the cathedral. Ib hoped that Valentine was okay.

She summoned an Archive and started looking for any possible information that could help.
'what is that circle? It doesn't feel right. It scares me just looking at it." Solis knew things about nature but it wasn't right here. Not right at all
Suzo woke up in his dorm at the Sabertooth guild headquarters, stretching his arms along with letting out a loud obnoxious yawn he got up and got his casual clothes on, he didn't seem like much of a mage and often wore tank tops to show off his various tattoo's including the traditional Sabertooth logo tattoo on his neck he rubbed his head "Wonder what will happen today..Please be something interesting.." he sighed getting out of bed and having break fast he then left his dorm and went to the main area of the building and walking to the bar guy "Oi! Anything available? Seriously I'm bored out of my mind.." he exclaimed being loud enough for anyone else around him to hear.

(Don't really know what to do with my character right now hehe '^-^)
The new "Valentine girl" was rude to Shizz, didn't even respond, and walked out the door. Shizz however, could see where Valentine was going, and that was the cathedral, it was sorta suspicious, you didn't see everyone with a dragging someone else along to a cathedral, so Shizz followed her, and saw a giant magic circle around the cathedral. "Is this a ceremony or something..?"
(Right... sorry, it's late here)

Lea stops Sakura "What's that?" she asks, making the half demon look "I have no clue, but it can't be good" she says and Luna says "Let's check it out", before flying of, making the two girls follow.
( @ChaoticWarrior you have until tomorrow to take part in the arc or you will be removed from the arc and we will continue on. Now would be a good time for groups to meet up or possibly talk, you gys will be working together to fight Valentine)
All feeling of hungover drowsiness faded from the Pirate as he leaped from bed and slid on his coat, collecting his sword hilt.

"That there is some nasty ass Dark Magic and I do NOT want to know what it does." He sprints into the streets, dodging through crowds. Unfortunately, he did not see the Devil and Dragon Slayers in front of him and collided with the pair.

@Flame Demon
Ken walks outside to stare at the anomaly. "Hmm. I'm gonna need a lot more metal to plug that thing up." He mumbles to himself. He sees a few guildmates heading for the black circle and the cathedral; he decides to catch up to them and find out what they know about the situation. "This may be a dumb question but.. What is it?"
All Suzo was told about was the strange appearance of large rings surrounding the cathedral, suggestion him to check it out Suzo responded with a slight wave and confident smile "Alright, I'll see what's going on." he stated before leaving the building he walked out and took glimpse of the rings mumbling to himself "Well color me impressed, Whoever did that must have went through some serious work." he used the span of his hand to cover his eyes from the beaming sun as he looked up to the Rings before deciding to head towards the Cathedral.

(Can I either get a summary of what's actually going on or a suggestion to fit myself into the RP better?)
Lea manages to keep herself standing. Sakura falls on thw ground "Damn, just great" she mumbles and Luna flies back over "You okay?" the small familiar asks earning a nod.
"Gh- Oh, Fairy Tail Mages. Perfect." Sagashi straightens himself and cracks his neck.

"That Magic Circle is bad news. I'm sure we aren't the only people who noticed it, so lets go hunt down our allies."

@Flame Demon

Falzar leads Tzeng and Jay to the front of the Cathedral, and causes part of the stone wall to create Gargoyle Familiars.

"Alright boys, our rides are here."

Sakura and Lea looks at him "We can see that it's bad news" they both say and the same time "How are we going to get up there though?" Lea asks and Sakura thinks for a while "Think you can handle it?" she asks looking at Luna "Lea yes, not the other guy as well" Luna say. Lea looks at Sagashi "Any idea how to get up there?"
Jay climbs atop one of the gargoyles, and gives Tzeng a strange look when the monk begins climbing onto the same one.

"There's an unoccupied one right over there."

"I will ride with you, to ensure you do not fall off."

"Wha... I'm not gonna fall off! I may have terrible vision with Maguilty Sense, but I still have my sense of balance!"

"Nevertheless, I will ride with you."

"Get the hell off!"

Jay shoves Tzeng off of the gargoyle. Tzeng gets up and looks at Jay

"Very well, then. If you fall, we will not be coming back for you."

I'm not gonna fall, dammit!"

Tzeng climbs atop another gargoyle. The two look at Falzar.

@Midnight Phantom

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