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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

James shook his head and said,"No, there's a few others. Maybe seven?" He then grunted a little in pain all of a sudden as he suddenly became his full beast form. He was now completely covered in fur with his massive horns and claws. His fangs were now full and sharp with new ears and a long tail (longer than the usual wolf's). He shook his fur out as he smiled and said,"It's good to be me again."
Carl hopped off of tha branch and began to run to the beach quickly, once he reached the beach he turned and sprited along it as fast as he could, leaving a large cloud of sand. he had some steam he had to let off.
@Gilgog @Isune @CelestialBunny

"What are you-" Saki broke off as she heard someone calling for help. "Did you hear that?" She asked, "It sounds like someone got lost or something!" Saki runs off, in spite of her leg, looking for the person.

((I'm not going to be able to post till tomorrow))
Jennifer determined to find her way back to the beach kept walking(more like hopping on one foot) until she made it."yay"she said relieved. "Is anyone on the beach right now?" She said hoping to get some help carrying all the fruits she collected.
Carl zoomed past jennifer before he tired out and skidded to a halt before falling on the ground panting heavily.
Zoeya after some keen mental notes, and noticing the others mostly finished with introduction and continued with actual survival. She silently walked into the more...forested area beyond the beach. This isn't the very first time needing to survive.... But never somewhere like this. She walked.... Trying to focus all the while... She feels like things are starting to come back... But its a longer process then most, she gathers some herbs... Ones she thinks at least can be of use to everyone...be it medicinal... Or otherwise. Along with a few berries she returned to the beach and set them in a separate pile, she then sat in front of the pile and kept her hands together.... Focus and meditation could potentially speed up the time she would normally get her powers returned to her.
Carl sat up, feeling a little better and watched the main group from afar, many people were coming and going, it looked very unorganised, he got the feeling that they wouldn't survive very well.
Eden brushed her hands, her shyness finally gone as she got used to the crowd running a mock the jungle. She grinned as her small hut finally stood sturdy, her fire pit ready for fire. "Good thing I took those lessons..." share laughed as she began to look to the trees and bushes for fruit.
"Ugh!" When someone zoomed by her she dropped fruit she had gathered. "Boys" she grumbled as she picked up the coconuts,mangoes,bannanas, raspberries,blackberries etc. luckily she had the time to make a twig and leaf basket so only a few fruits fell out. She went looking for The girl Eden "maybe she would like some fruit" Jennifer thought as she continued to search for the strange girl.
Eden was in the middle of picking raspberries as she looked up, a girl holding a newly made basket filled with fruit. "Hi..." she said, standing as she put them in a giant leaf, setting it next to her hut as she gave the girl her full attention.
Carl trotted at a casual 50m/s over to the hut and abruptly stopped next to Eden and Jennifer. he still looked a little shocked, but he had calmed down. "sorry about that." he said to Jennifer, "i'm Carl." he offered a hand to shake, hoping to redeem himself.
-The boy, wants to shake my hand?- Jennifer thought -why not?- then her flashback showed her what happened to her when she trusted a boy. Jennifer decided against it, her eyes turned golden in a flash as she nodded no to the boy but still handed him some of the fruits like she had done with the girl, Eden.
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Eden smiled in thanks and took some fruit. She then noticed her discomfort of the boy and beckoned to her. "Can you help me with this?" She said to her, smiling to the boy to show no hard feelings.
Carl tilted his head when Jennifer didn't shake his hand. he gratefully yet awkardly took the fruits and began to eat them, thanking Jennifer. He then looked at both of them, not bothering to ask for Jennifer's name because she seemed to subtly dislike him. "we need order, everyone keeps coming and going. we probably won't survive long. do you guys have any way. of assembling everyone?" Carl asked, his gaze switching between the two girls infront of him.
"where is he?" Carl asked, he sat down next to Eden and watched her create the fire. "and, what's your name?"
Jennifer felt awkward being the youngest between the boy and girl." Do you need help Eden?" She asked
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Ib blinked her eyes a few times, finally coming to. She hadn't the slightest idea of where she was, all she could remember was she had lost her temper, then it all went black. It seemed to be she was on some sort of beach. Slowly but carefully, she sat up. Oh how her head throbbed. But she wasn't about to sit here and be defenseless. Was there anyone else here? She huffed with annoyance, and a small amount of smoke escaped her nostrils. A trait of her dragon side if you will. After another moment of gathering herself, she rose to her feet.
As Jennifer left Eden's shelter she noticed an older girl on the beach who appeared to be confused. She went to go greet her.
CelestialBunny said:
As Jennifer left Eden's shelter she noticed an older girl on the beach who appeared to be confused. She went to go greet her.
Ib saw a woman coming to approach her, and it made her feel a little better that she wasn't alone. "Uhm. Hello." She greeted Jennifer shakily. "Do you know what's going on? I'm confused."
Meanwhile, Kat follows everyone as they talk and meet each other. She felt a little like she was being too aloof and rude, so she did not want to embarrass herself. But she observes as she walks along. She watches James and Saki get along, feeling a slight pain in her heart, wishing she could have a brother...or sister...someone who could survive this with her.

Kat! My little kitty! What are you doing coloring all over yourself? A memory of her father passes by.

Dad! That cat over there doesn't have a family! Can we keep her? Pleeeaaase? She remembers asking.

Honey, she probably does have a family... Kat remembers how she adored that cat. And most of all, she can actually communicate with cats mentally and sometimes turns into one of them. She remembers crying at the thought of leaving her there. But of course she ended up having the cat.

But that was all before...this.

Suddenly, Kat hears a low growl near her, and sees a black panther slowly moving in on her. Kat rolls her eyes and hisses at it back, ready to fight.

The panther keeps moving in, its eyes filled with caution...but not anger.

A little calmer, Kat sighs and mumbles, "I am sorry," tears welling up in her eyes. She crawls over to the panther and hugs it, feeling that the panther was the only one she could understand. The panther sighs with her in understanding.

The panther lays down, resting its head on her lap and purring. Kat notices a new boy and two other girls making a fire and her curiosity grows...

Should I go talk to them? She thinks.

(I won't be able to reply until MAYBE tonight or tomorrow...thank you everyone! ( ^_^ ))
Gilgog said:
"where is he?" Carl asked, he sat down next to Eden and watched her create the fire. "and, what's your name?"
"I'm not sure... She said, standing and grabbing a bucket next to her. "My name's Eden." She said, extending her hand. "What's yours?"
MistyWinds said:
Ib saw a woman coming to approach her, and it made her feel a little better that she wasn't alone. "Uhm. Hello." She greeted Jennifer shakily. "Do you know what's going on? I'm confused."
"Hi I'm Jennifer, something about the government dropping all of us off her in this mysterious island. Your really pretty. What's your name?" Jennifer looked at the girl hoping to have answered her question and not confused her more. Then she offered her some of her fruit as she had done with the others.
CelestialBunny said:
"Hi I'm Jennifer, something about the government dropping all of us off her in this mysterious island. Your really pretty. What's your name?" Jennifer looked at the girl hoping to have answered her question and not confused her more. Then she offered her some of her fruit as she had done with the others.
It was all quite a lot for Ib to process, but she didn't question it. She should of known after her escapade with those people that the government was involved. "Thank you." She replied to her comment about her being pretty. She didn't feel it, but she appreciated the comment nether the less. She carefully took the fruit, holding it in her hands, but not really wanting to eat it. "So what can you do?" She asked plainly, knowing that everyone here must be of supernatural origin.

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