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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

James smiled as Saki got onto his back and joked,"Be careful, I might buck." He then quickly began to run on all fours into the forest, trying to find something to make a splint with. He looked at Saki and said,"Hey, if you can find something that can make a splint, let me know."

Carl looked around fearfully, he didn't want to be here, who were these people. he hadn't said anything yet, they all looked much older than him he stood up and just looked at the others blankly, he wanted to run away, really badly.
As Eitan didnt move he stayed with the little girl , the poor girl couldnt stand up , without saying nothing he offered his hand to help her stand up . It was the least he could to help her.

Saki looked around as James ran; she was looking for some bamboo. "Hey look!" She said, "The bamboo sticks over there would work, and you could tie it with the leaves." Saki wondered about how the girl was doing; she hoped she was ok.

Jennifer started to feel like a burden. "I mean we're on a mystery island in the middle of nowhere and instead of finding shelter and food. They are trying to help me" She thought. Suddenly a different boy came over. Jennifer knew that was the only way for her to get up so she accepted, trying to avoid talking to him as her eyes slowly turned golden
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James reared back like a horse for a joke and looked at the bamboo sticks. He then bit down on the bamboo sticks and said with a muffle voice,"Okay, now we just need some leaves big enough to tie 'em together." He then slowly began to walk.
Carl slowly followed james, keeping his distance and wondering why he was carrying a girl and eating bamboo. he just wanted to go home, but all of the stupid people were jealous, it wasn't fair at all.
James sniffed the air for a moment and turned around to see someone in the distance. He quickly dropped the bamboo sticks and shouted in his new voice,"Hey! What are doing there?"
Saki laughed and started to look around for some good leaves, through she couldn't see any leaves big or strong enough for the splint. Saki suddenly thought she saw some leaves that were perfect for it and looked behind her; only to find it was not leaves but something moving behind them! As she looked, James noticed as well and stopped in his tracks, looking at the new arrival.
Luckily the boy didn't say anything else after helping her. Limping she made her way over to the Forest in search for food. -Might as well gather food instead of sitting around-Jennifer thought as she found some mangos
Carl tensed up and just watched with terror in his eyes, he began to back away still facing james. carl then turned on his heels and tried to run to the beach as fast as he could but his power failed and he was sent crashing on the jungle floor.
Eden wordlessly began to pile wood and giant leaves in a small clear in close to the beach. "Everyone may be busy with introductions, but I want to survive the night..." she muttered, bits of darkness sputtering from her hands when she tried to use it. She frowned yet continued to build her shelter and fire circle.
James raised a eyebrow as he slowly began to walk towards Carl, trying his best not to show any signs of aggression. He then realized that he looked like a wolfman with horns which made him silently sigh. He then continued to walk with his hairy hands and two paws for his hind legs with his massive horns and snout. He then quickly said,"We don't want to hurt you."
"Why do I have to be so short!"Jennifer yelled at the tree for not being tall enough to reach the mangos. The pm she remembered, "Duh!, I have telekines-Oh! Are thoses coconuts?!"
Carl was sprawled on the ground looking up at james, he didn't talk for a while until he eventually said, "where are we?" he also nodded to saki, he was used to hitting things at speed.
James stood up on his two paws as he slowly walked over to Carl and said,"We have no idea, we were dumped off on this island by the military. They said that we aren't they're problem anymore." He then sighed as he held out a hairy hand to help Carl get up and asked,"So who are you?"
carl hesitantly took his hand and was help up. "c..c.c.carl" he stuttered, he was looking about himself franticly. he looked stressed out.
After helping the little girl , Eitan started to be more serious about one of the thoughts that passed through his mind moments ago , it was about surviving in the island , at first he needed to use his power because he wasnt going to do nothing important as a normal human so he leaved the party for a while trying to search something to learn , as that thought passed throught his mind a monkey started to climb a largue tree , how the monkey climbed now was impressed into his mind so now he tried to climb the tree . He did even better than the monkey and he found a hand of bananas . After that he returned to the group eating his bananas
During her difficult gathering food for everyone she ended up collecting a lot of fruits. She decided it was about time she head back to the beach. She looked behind her but didn't remember that tree. Jennifer didn't want to panic just yet but after some time it was for sure. She was lost on a mysterious island with a hurt leg. She resorted to crying once more.
James helped Carl up and said,"Ah Carl is it? Nice to meet ya, my name is James. And I'm not a werewolf, I can just take on a beast form." He then sat down himself and said,"We don't really know what to do now, we just have to survive now."
"Carl, it's, like, safe here." Saki said to Carl, trying to calm him down. "I was way more scared than you were when I woke up, and now I'm so calm I could balance a watermelon on my head."
"is it just us?" carl asked nervously, he was shaking a little. he found a nearby tree and quickly climbed onto a low branch and sat on it looking around.
"Help! Anyone? I got lost!" Jennifer soon gave up on asking for help and returned to walking in any direction while crying." At least I still have the food for everyone if I get found" Jennifer said hoping for the best.

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