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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"Oh... I'm a demon... at least I used to be. This is my human default form and I can't seem to change back." She said with a shrug. "I'm guessing everyone here is special on their own way?"
James shrugged at the mention of her being a demon and said,"Yeah, being able to change into a beast can be fun sometimes. I can scare the living crap out of someone, or just flat out stab them with my horns." He then chuckled as he took a piece of jerky and tore into it with his new fangs.
Eden took a new small piece of jerky and began to nibble on it. "Oh...that sounds nice." She said quietly as she looked around. "Maybe we should set up a camp to help keep us alive...like fire and stuff." She said, a small light appearing in her eyes at the thought.
James shrugged as he continued to look through the supplies and found something at the very bottom. A flashlight, a book of matches, and set of spare batteries. He then said,"Well I found our fire starter."
Eitan approached the box as it was opened and without saying nothing he took two pieces of jerky and a small bottle of water ,-just in case, he thought to himself ,his vision was still blurry as a second effect of the drugs that affected his power .
James turned his attention to Eitan as he saw him take some jerky and water. He got up and walked over to him with his newly formed paws and said,"Hey, you haven't spoken since the helicopter, are you alright?"
Saki slowly woke up, wondering where she was. Peeking out from under her fingers, Saki saw the others and assumed they were like her. She realised the reason she was still tied up was because nobody had known she was there. Saki unfurled, "Um, guys? Could you untie me? Please?" She called out, wondering if they were good people.
Niko looked at everyone as they crowded around the box but shrugged and started to walk towards the forest. "I wonder how I know how to survive.." She muttered, picking some weeds that helped with cuts and stopped bloodless and a few sugarcane to chew on. She walked back to everyone with the planets in hand and a sugar cane in her mouth
James heard the sound of a young girl crying and quickly ran over to her and quickly stuck the key in and fiddled around with the lock for a moment and looked down at her with his new snout and said,"Hey, are you alright."
"Y-yeah." Saki spluttered, "I'm fine. My invisibility must have meant you could'nt see me for a while." She replied nervously. "I'm Saki.." His appearance made him look slightly ominous, Saki didn't know what was happening or how to react to the small clearing which people were wandering around in yet.
James looked at the girl and realized how young she was. His eyes widened as he quickly asked,"How old are you?" These humans were bastards for sending them to this island, but a little girl too!?
I really don't want to interrupt but I really want to join. Please I already made my character I just need approval can u please check it isune? Please?(':3)
Saki looked surprised at the question, "I'm 13. Are you guys all adults then?" Saki replied, she could see he was surprised and a little angry.
Kat gets up finally, trying to control her claws as she pleases. Fur starts growing around her ears and tail rapidly as she starts to feel her cat senses coming back. She turns to the girl who just realized that she is somewhere else. "You missed a lot...we were just captured by the military and dumped on some strange island. I mean, it looks normal to me...but I don't think this is a normal island. We are not normal, so why would we be put somewhere normal?" Kat shakes her head at the ridiculousness of it all and stares off at the ocean, wondering if any of the others know how to fly out of this place.

Kat turns to the other girl who spoke and said quietly, "I am not an adult yet...I am 17 years old..."
Eden made her way to the thirteen year old and kneeled next to her. "Are you okay?" She asked her as she offered her a bottled water. "Im not an adult, either. Im seventeen. My name's Eden, by the way." @CaraTheMeow
James sat by the girl and said,"My name is James, I'm seventeen too." He then rubbed his head a little to feel short nubs on his head that were his horns finally coming in. He then looked over at the girl and said,"Sorry if my appearance is scaring you a little, I just have to wait it out for a bit."
@Aeron @Isune

"Oh, thanks. I'm Saki." She said as she greatfully took the bottled water from Eden, "Do you know how we all got here?" She asked, feeling slightly better.
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Zoeya looks... Really rather calm given the circumstances, she looks towards the the inside of the island. "As I said.. If they wanted us dead...truly dead...they'd done it by now, perhaps they expect us to kill each other...or be killed by the elements, like what happened in those novels" she walked forward a few steps then turned to face the group "or maybe they don't care ether way....I wouldn't put it past the savages"
James nodded and said,"They drugged us and sent us off in a chopper...We had no way to fight back, those drugs blocked out our powers. They're slowly coming back now." He then examined the young girl and said,"Do you need help standing up, are you okay?"
@Aeron @Isune

Saki waited a moment before replying; she didn't know if she could stand but looked brave and tried to stand. She got up and stood for all of 3 seconds before falling back and giving up. "Yeah.. I guess so." Saki replied, feeling slightly embarrassed for needing help.
James chuckled for a moment when he saw the young girl topple over. He picked her up like he would a younger sister and joked,"Do you want a piggyback ride now?"

Eden chuckled as she say James pick her up. "I can feel my form trying to reach through..." she said as they walked. "What can you do, if I can ask?" @CaraTheMeow
@Aeron @Isune @AliceLiddell17

Saki laughed and smiled nervously before looking around, "I can go invisible," She said, "I lost control of my power as we came in and nobody could see me." Saki noticed someone who resembled a cat and realised she had totally ignored her, feeling slightly ashamed.

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