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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Kat gets up, weak and a little stiff from being restrained for so long. She tries to get her claws to come out...and this time, she feels a little sharpness moving in her finger. She hops off the helicopter, wishing she could kill them all...especially after what they have done to her parents.
A soldier stared at Kat for a moment, but merely shrugged as he motioned for the rest of them to get into the helicopter. After the cleared out the rest of the "others" the helicopter started back up again and began to fly off into the distance, leaving all those in the helicopter deserted.
Eitan sat down , waiting , all what happened was so fast and so confusing . Inmersed in his thoughts he just started to look into a random direction without moving anything and just thinking.
James could only keep his head down. He couldn't get himself free, he couldn't become a beast. All was lost, they were dumped away from their families as if they didn't matter anymore. All because the humans were too greedy with the others.

(@CelestialBunny you must make a character first in the character signups!)
Kat feels tears welling up in her eyes, but does not dare let them fall. She feels excruciating itching in her ripped ears and tail bone, her claws retracting an coming out uncontrollably.
James remained silent for a moment before he suddenly began to growl. He then suddenly bit down into his restraints. He hadn't become a full beast, but he clearly had gotten the anger and the fangs as he tore bits and pieces off of his restraints and stood up.
"So..I don't know about you guys but I don't know what is in this island. And I have a feeling these drugs have...side effects...kinda like what those bastards said...we should probably get shelter before it gets dark." Kat replies, her eyeball twitching.
James calmed down from his rage for a moment after he heard Kat talking. He walked over to her and said,"It just blocks our powers, look at me! I only have my fangs and the anger that comes along with the beast form." He then looked at her restraints and said,"Do you want me to help get you out?"
After a long time , Eitan returned to himself , he listened what one of the boys said and he nodded him . He too felt strange about his power , before it was a relief to know that he could remember such an important thing.
James nodded as he walked around for a moment and found the key that the soldier had thrown away earlier. He took the key and walked over to Kat and fiddled with the lock for a moment before he got the restraints off of Kat and quickly did the same to Eitan and the rest of the line. He then sighed as he looked at everyone and said,"Is anyone hurt? Seriously?"
Zoeya remained silent until her bounds were lifted " I'm not too badly battered... I do have a headache... But that's normal "...she moved her body... Stretching getting rid of the soreness that came along with the restraints
"Well that's well and good." Said James as he heard someone say that they were okay. He then noticed that his arms were getting a bit furrier and he seemed to be getting taller. He then tried to make light of his situation and joked,"Well it looks like there's a full moon tonight."
"Hmmmmm...if that's true... Then I wonder" she said to herself.... Then she closed her eyes and put her hands together... After a minute or so she opens her eyes and looks visibly disappointed "nope....not even close for my powers, but at least yours are coming back... And it's a sign of things to come... I hope"
James nodded at her statement and said in a suddenly deeper voice,"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get your powers back eventually." His eyes then widened as he quickly said,"Well at least there's that." He then sighed as he sat down at muttered,"What now?"
Eden blinked, rolling her shoulders as she realized she was free. She glanced around at all those around her. "Um...I..." she whispered as she slowly began to back up a bit, feeling nervous among a crowd.
James turned towards Eden with a questioning look on his face as he asked,"Hey, what's wrong." He then stood up and began to walk towards her.
Eden froze as she saw him coming towards her and shook her head wildly. "No, I-Im fine...I just...How did I get here? Who are you?" She said hurriedly.
"My name is James, the only reason why I look like this is because I'm slowly turning into my beast form...really slowly. I have absolutely no idea where we are." Said James as he stopped advancing and waited for her to reply.
Eden slowly nodded and took a deep breath, looking down at her feet. She looked up again and nodded again, standing straighter and taking on a more collected look. "Okay...I'm willing to help out in anyway I can." She said, still softly, yet more clearly.
"Well for right now..." Said James with a bit of a "hm","I guess just sit back for a moment and try to collect yourself. I'll go and check on the supplies." He then walked over and kicked open the box of supplies and went through it. He then sighed as he said,"Just some dried jerky and some drinks." He then sighed as he closed the box and said,"Well if anyone wants some jerky there's some in the box." He then sat down as he saw that his legs were slowly beginning to change into paws.
Eden approached the box and took a piece of jerky, then tucking it into her pocket. "Hey... are you part wolf?" She asked quietly to James. She knew the moon Calgary by heart and it struck her more then a convenience that he was becoming a beast the same day as a full moon.
James nodded as he said,"Bull, wolf, and a bit of feline." He then smiled as he said,"Not to mention I could probably pick you up with one hand, and I could probably take a gunshot, but let's not test that last one out!"

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