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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

MistyWinds said:
It was all quite a lot for Ib to process, but she didn't question it. She should of known after her escapade with those people that the government was involved. "Thank you." She replied to her comment about her being pretty. She didn't feel it, but she appreciated the comment nether the less. She carefully took the fruit, holding it in her hands, but not really wanting to eat it. "So what can you do?" She asked plainly, knowing that everyone here must be of supernatural origin.
"I have telekinesis. What about you?" Jennifer was curious to find out.
Ib nodded in understanding. "Interesting. I can shapeshift into a dragon." She told her lightly, blinking so her eyes became green with reptilian slits. After a moment she blinked them back. "I could show you sometime if you'd like. I'm Ib by the way."
James walked around on all fours for a moment, he was now officially lost. He lowered his head as he let out a sigh and said,"Great, I got left behind." He then sniffed the air for a moment, but couldn't even pick up the slightest scent that he recognized.
MistyWinds said:
Ib nodded in understanding. "Interesting. I can shapeshift into a dragon." She told her lightly, blinking so her eyes became green with reptilian slits. After a moment she blinked them back. "I could show you sometime if you'd like. I'm Ib by the way."
"That's so cool!" Jennifer said. She had never seen a dragon before and would love to know what one looks like. Not trying to be rude she nodded happily.
Kat begins to walk over to the girl and boy talking, hesitates at first, but decides to just go for it.

She is not too much of a talker around strangers, so please don't think she does not like you

...Another memory...

She finally reaches them and says as politely as she could, "Hello...I don't think I have introduced myself to either of you. I am Kat...what are your names?"
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"My name is Éden...it's nice to meet you." She said quietly. "I'm gonna go fetch some sea water real quick and grab the bucket. You can come if you wish." Eden finally got the fire to the correct to the correct temperature and grabbed large metal bucket. She made her way to the beach and began to fill the bucket with sea water.

(Hold on, let me fix my response x))
CelestialBunny said:
"That's so cool!" Jennifer said. She had never seen a dragon before and would love to know what one looks like. Not trying to be rude she nodded happily.
"So.." Ib started, gazing around slightly scared. "What do we do now? This is an island. Where are we supposed to sleep, under a rock?" She asked sarcastically, mostly to herself rather than to Jennifer.
James continued to sniff the air for a moment before he caught a feint scent. He quickly ran towards it and saw that he was back at camp and saw Jack. He walked over to Jack on all fours and said,"Well, what do ya think? Am I a cool beast?"

Zoeya's eyes shot open, she shakes her head a few times. "Ugh....what happened" she mumbled to herself, her meditation must have put her into some trance.... She didn't feel time passing.... Its like...she closed her eyes... And opened them only a second later... And things were all different. " how long was I out " she asked loud enough for most of the people in camp to hear
Otakar woke up not knowing were he was. he looked around and saw something in the distance
Kat smiled and began to walk with her to the beach....but then, she sniffed the air and sensed something was not quite right. "I wish I could, but I must check something.."

Without another word, Kat leaped off into the distance away from the crowd. She smelled something...something she knew all too well...something that made her stomach lurch and twist. Something...horrible.

She kept going as she felt the air zip past her ears and face, her tail whipping past the others. She ran as fast as she could on all fours, her claws growing out as she came closer and closer to the smell.

Mommy! Daddy! No..don't leave!

Don't worry we will take care of you...just stay here and hide...and do not come out!

The memories burned in her skull as she ran towards the horizon, following the scent. She still could not remember too much of her past...she only had shattered pieces of it.

Ignoring her own mind, she finally stopped and started walking on her feet, finally at the location of the scent. She sniffed and walked around, trying to find it.

She could not hear the others...they were too far away...but still, she can feel something was wrong. Very very wrong. The hairs on the back of her neck pricked up, her tail and ears stiff.

Fear was something she learned pretty well...you would see it in horror movies or while you are waiting for your parents to yell at you.

But this fear surpassed all others. It was the kind that made her stand still, grabbing her throat, stomach, and heart. The kind of fear that fills her nose with such an ugly smell, making her want to scream. She wanted to go home...but there was no home for her right now as she searched the tall grass.


She stepped on something. And it did not sound like a twig or a dry autumn leaf that surpassed winter.

Kat looked down, her senses coming to a complete halt as she stared down in two cold, blue, dead eyes. The pupils were cat-like, the cat ears were torn completely off, dryed blood staining the victim's clothes and hair. The victim's mouth is still open, left there from screaming to death. There are rope marks around his neck, bruises covering her entire body. She notices the victim is in fact a boy.

As the stench of flesh fills her nose, Kat holds her breath, tears of fear welling up in her eyes. She notices the injection marks...the burned areas of the skin...the chemical marks...

It was too much. Kat tried so hard not to scream and ran away from the dead body, beginning to cry. She needed to tell the others.
Otakar was looking around then said i will become a coyote and smell if any one was there
Éden filled the bucket and made her way back to her fire. She began to set the sea water to boil and went a bit deeper into the jungle to find more fruit.
Éden slowly closed her eyes, letting the shadows around her for a thin hand to reach up to grab a bit of mangos from the trees. She opened her eyes and looked around, wondering who else was out there.
Éden pricked her ears of footsteps coming towards her. She stopped, her eyes turning a burning red as she kept her sight towards her camp, continuing to walk towards her small camp.
Éden looked up to see someone watching her fire. "...Would you like to sit?" She said, grabbing the metal bucket from the fire, and setting it to the side.
Éden patted the sand next to the fire for him to sit, then picked up the bucket as soon as it cooled down. She began to pour the clean, fresh water into a tightly, hand weaved bucket, leaving the bottom of the bucket caked with salt. Once the water was im the grass bucket, she began to scrape the salt out into another, small, cup like stone she found. "My name is Éden." She said, standing as she brushed her dark hair from her face.
Carl Looked in the distance in thought. he had been watching everything and observing, h was an observant guy of course. he stood up and slowly began to walk away before quickly turning around and saying to Eden "I'm going to hunt now, i don't know what, but we need some meat." Afterthat he zoomed away almost as fast as sound into the forest, dodging trees and branches with finesse. it didn't matter how much noise he made, if Carl spotted something he would send 10 punches into it's face per second, he felt confident.
Éden began to pick more grass and giant leaves. "That was Carl...I'm hoping he'll come back to help me with food, but I think he's about to go grab some meat, so hopefully he'll be back soon enough so we can all prepare it for everyone." She said. "So...what do you do?" She asked as she sat across from him, beginning to rapidly weave a water-tight lid and bucket.
Otakar says " I turn into animals for short periods of time. Thats all i remember "

Otakar "that is see "

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