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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

carl relaxed after hearing her voice and sat down once more, looking a little dazed and facing Kat. "That's fine." Carl said groggily "i was just asleep and you scared me, don't worry about it. I'm Carl by the way." Carl looked at her ears and tail, he found them interesting.
Otakar thought to himself that he need to walk because he was going to play a trick them and fake get hurt on his walk
(Otakar, we are all still at the fire)

Kat crawls over next to Carl and Eden, her eye still twitching from the side effects of the drugs. "I am Kat...I can turn into a big cat or a domesticated cat. I can also look into other cats' minds and communicate with them mentally...what about you? What is your power?"
Saki finally found her way to the clearing and watched everyone before sitting down, looking slightly dazed. She wondered why and saw that her numb leg had a piece of wood sticking out of it, she looked at it for a second before sitting down and silently beginning to cry.
"I'm fairly cleché." Carl said "super speed, call it that, i can run at 300m/s tops. I can also do other things really fast. Being a cat sounds pretty cool, you need to show me. And by the way i caught that boar you see being cooked, if you want some just ask Eden."
"Oh thank you! I will!" Kat replied, smiling just a little. She felt better already. She began to ask Eden, when suddenly, she hears crying in the distance. Her ears perked up, her tail staying still as she sniffed the air. "Listen, I would like to talk to you more, you sound pretty nice and I am sorry for running away so quickly, but I hear someone crying and I think she needs our help...I will be back for the boar though!" Kat says, rushing to get up. She leaps again into the clearing, trying to identify the crying. The others looked confused...maybe she was the only one hearing the crying, due to her increased hearing...

She kept going, but not too long into the run, she found Saki sitting on the ground, a piece of wood sticking out of her leg as blood was still gushing out.

She kneels down and picks up Saki, realizing James wasn't with her.

"It's okay, Saki...I am here. I know how to get back. We will get you better."
Carl shot up and ran at full speed after Kat. Within moments he was in the clearing with Saki and Kat. He looked at her leg, not surprised that she was crying. "I can help....i guess....what can i do?" He asked.
Saki looked up to see the cat girl looming over her. "I-I'm ok." She stuttered, "It doesn't hurt anyway." Saki insisted, through it seemed to be growing more painful as she spoke. Saki looked at her leg and, as she did, started flickering in and out of sight. "Huh?" She mumbled as she disappeared again. "This is kinda weird.."
Carl frowned in thought as saki flickered. 'Her power must be something like invisibility or teleportation' he though to himself. "Did that crate have any medical supplies?" He asked kat " or is there anything i can find to help out, because i can fetch it quickly."
Kat became shocked, scared that somehow she lost Saki. But as she saw that she was flickering in and out of sight, she realized Saki's power: invisibility.

Kat sighed and spoke to her, "The drugs are wearing off...you are going to have side effects. And what do you MEAN it doesn't hurt? You have a wood sticking out of your leg...I..."

then Kat realized that maybe Saki doesn't feel as much pain as a normal human being. She apologized immediately and looked at Carl, realizing that he had followed them.

"I am going to carry her to the camp. We need to use the fresh water pail over there to clean the wound. But we have to get this wood stick out of there first. And then, we need a piece of cloth to cover it up. You can look in the crate for medical supplies...if you see any bandage or rubbing alcohol, we need to use it on her immediately. This girl was badly hurt for a while, and it is going to bad news if this gets infected."

Kat felt tears welling up, wishing she could have done something sooner. But there was no time for that. So she started running back to the camp as she carried Saki.
Carl ran past them to the crate, and searchwd the whole thing in about 3 seconds, but to no avail, only jerky and water. Carl grabbed a bottle of water and a jerky before dropping it by the camp and running into the forest in search of a big leaf for a bandage.
Otakar says "what happened" as he gets up to lookup at the the Kat and Saki.
((Eden built a camp with a boar being cooked there that carl hunted, saki is currently injured and being carried by kat to the camp. Carl is sprinting around the forest looking for a big leaf.))
Saki's flickering slowly stopped as she regained control over her invisibility, but now she couldn't seem to focus on anything; her eyes wadering as she tried to look at something... 'What's happening?' She thought, sounds becoming fuzzy and incoherent. Saki quickly started to panic, wondering if she was dying, through logically she knew she wasn't. She could see people looking at her and started to say: "No, really, I'm fin-" when her eyelids suddenly started to become heavy, closing on their own as she lost conciousness..
Kat began to feel Saki losing conciousness as she was running for camp, as she was becoming heavier. She tried so hard not to cry from all of the stress and told her, "No, you are not fine. Now, we need to get you to the camp...you are going to be okay. I promise."

Was that really a promise she can keep? Kat did not know...but she promised that she would make sure it would happen. She finally got to the camp and layed Saki on the ground, taking the pail of water regardless of whether Eden would be angry or not.

She looked at Saki and told her, "I am going to take this thing out of your leg really quick...this will hurt...?"

Kat realized that Saki was totally unconscious. Kat gritted her teeth, starting to realize the reality of the situation. If she pulls this out, Saki is going to be in huge pain...not to mention this is going to wake her up pretty quick...

She had no choice. She took hold of the wood in her leg and closed her eyes.

1...2...3... Kat counted. At 3, she pulled at the stick. It resisted at first, but with much pulling, Kat got it out, still seeing some tiny pieces of wood in her leg. Blood began to gush out more. Kat held her leg and poured water over it.
Carl dashed into the camp holding a big leaf and saw what was happening. A worried look came across his face. He quickly handed the leaf to Kat and sat down next to her, ready to help.
Saki woke up to the feeling of water rushing over her leg, wondering what was going on before she remembered what had happened and looked at her leg. It took her a second to realise how much blood was flooding out of the wound before looking surprised. "Ow?" She said, still not feeling any pain in her numb leg. Saki smiled at Kat, feeling slightly better now that the stick of wood was out of her leg. She looked over at Carl and saw he had this huge leaf in his hands.
Carl quickly grabbed the water bottle and jerky he had dropped earlier and offered it to saki, lifting her head slightly so that Saki couldn't see her wound. "Chew on this if you want" He said, "and you you need to drink just say."
(I sleep for a night and soooooo much happens..hehe) Zoeya walked towards this camp that was made whilst she was out, she smelled the smell of meat being cooked, she noted the girl with blood gushing out of her leg, Zoeya slightly averted her eyes from the wound itself to the people helping her. "Woah... What happened?" She said with a voice of concern.
Kat looked over at the leaf, and shook her head smiling. "Thank you for your help, Carl but I think we need proper bandage made of cloth at least. But I will use it as padding for the wound...if you don't mind, could you find some more of those leaves? I could pile them on for more protection from other things."

Kat pressed the leaf against Saki's wound to stop the bleeding. She smiled back at Saki. She heard a voice talking in the distance and sees Zoeya.

"Saki got wounded. We are trying to take care of her now...you missed a lot." Kat half smiles at her.
"I'm not sure to be honest, i just saw kat follow some crying sound and we found her." Carl gestured to Saki, not knowing her name, "she had a stick in her leg, don't know how it got there." Carl then turned around and ran into the forest, in search for more leaves.
Niko was in the forest area, running around. She had somehow made a bow and arrows out of the environment and was running around. "I don't know how I did it but I did" she muttered, smiling and entered the camp. She then saw Kat, Carl, and Saki and Zoeya. "What happened?" She asked, concerned

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